Tymna & Sidar Kondo (Abzan Hatebears & RazaHulk)

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Post by tarotplz » 4 years ago

This is a deck optimized for a pretty high powerlevel casual edh meta, that tries to combat fast combo using hatebears and has the ability to finish the game via Protean Hulk or Razaketh, the Foulblooded. Elesh Norn, Grad Cenobite beatdown serves as a plan C.

I hope to add a lot more things to this thread, but for now I would just like to discuss the deck and hear your suggestions as to how to improve it :grin: .

Here's the list sorted by function:
Approximate Total Cost:

If you prefer your decklists sorted by type, here's the link to the tappedout page with exactly that:
https://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/tymna-s ... -razakats/

Overall the deck has a rather low curve at 2,45 average cmc.


Since it's mostly a creature deck, this should help with drawing tons of cards with Tymna the Weaver who I really consider to be the main commander of the deck.


If you want to go a little bit more in depth, here's a short explanation of why I included all of the nonland cards:
Tymna the Weaver:

Tymna is the card advantage engine of the deck. The fact that she resides in the Command Zone allows us to really take advantage of our creatures and draw a couple of extra cards every turn. It's like having a Phyrexian Arena in the command zone, except it has lifelink and is really 2-3 Phyrexian Arenas.

Sidar Kondo of Jamuraa:

Sidar Kondo is mostly here to add green tot he deck. He really doesn't do much alone. I guess our hatebears get slightly more difficult to block, but that's not gonna win a game. However, one big advantage he provides is that he makes Tymna even better. Sometimes on a table with lots of creatures Tymna might struggle to draw us enough cards, because we can't attack without being blocked. Sidar Kondo lets our dorks and hatebears strike even those players who think themselves safe.
Hatebears & Stax
Phyrexian Revoker:

A way to fight against activated abilities. This is most useful vs Commanders that provide an infinite mana outlet in the command zone, like Thrasios, Tasigur or Oona.

Thalia, Guardian of Thraben:

A great way to fight vs control decks and spellslinger strategies. Her tax effect is not nearly as damaging to us, as this deck is mostly creature based.

Containment Priest: (not currently maindeck)

Many people like to cheat big creatures into play in EDH. This card deals with these things effortlessly.

Ethersworn Canonist

Rule of Law effects were better in my meta than expected, so I brought this one in aswell.

Collector Ouphe:

A Null Rod on a stick. Perfect for artifact infested metas. Puts a full stop to Dramatic Scepeter shenanigans.

Scavenging Ooze:

An easy way to deal with graveyard decks. Every meta has some. The nice thing aboout Ooze is that it can come down early and use up extra mana to grow while hating on a very common strategy.

Gaddock Teeg:

One oft he games most infamous hatebears. He works wonders vs deckst that play too many high cmc spells. Mostly he's here to protect the board from being cleared while there are tons of valuable dorks and hatebears on it.

Grand Abolisher:

It's one oft he best was we available in Abzan to protect the combo this deck is trying to go for. It stops counterspells and will in general prove to be a big annoyance to deckst hat like to play at instant speed.

Aven Mindcensor:

One of EDH's best hatebears. He can be flashed in as a response to a tutor and hose it, which kinda makes this card similar to a counterspell. Overall it stops a lot of problematic cards and hoses multicolor strategies that rely heavily on fetching.

Eidolon of Rhetoric:

One ft he best hatebears to combat storm-like decks and spellslinger strategies in general. The body itself is also a pretty decent blocker. It stops things like Bolas's Citadel aswell, which is nice.

Hushwing Gryff: (not currently maindeck)

A very powerful Hatebear in certain scenarios. The deck does not play that many etb effects itself, so it's easy to break parity on this one.

Manglehorn: (not currently maindeck)

Another way to hate on artifacts. The fact that this comes with an added removal for artifacts is gravy on top. This card helps tremendously with slowing down fast artifact based combo decks.

Vivien, Champion of the Wilds: (not currently maindeck)

Not actually a hatebear, I know, I know. I put her in this category, because she makes the decks hatebears better. Playing at instant speed is pretty good, especially when what you're plying is answers. Ask any control player. Jokes aside, I'm not sure how well she will work out in the end, but I do like the idea and I want to try it.

Aura of Silence:

A very powerful stax piece, that wil shut down artifact strorm strategies and slow down most fast combo decks quite a bit.

Anafenza, the Foremost:

A second option to combat graveyard centric decks. If you're in a massively Protean Hulk infected meta, she would also make a solid commander for this kind of deck.

Linvala, Keeper of Silence:

One of the best hatebears ever imo. It shuts down many degenerate combos and synergies while providing a sizable body in the air. Like Phyrexian Revoker, stopping outlet commanders is a big part oft he reason why she's so good.

Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite:

Elesh Norn is one of those cards that can swing a game out of nowhere. She severely debuffs our opponents creatures and will shut down certain strategies completely. At the same time the smallish creatures that are in this deck are buffed to a size where closing out a game with only creature beats changes from unlikely to pretty easily doable.
Swords to Plowshares:

Probably the single most efficient creature removal spell ever printed. A great include to protect what the deck is trying to do.

Abrupt Decay:

While it only hits certain cmcs, the low cost and the added uncounterability make it an invalueable tool in dealing with some oft he formats more powerful win conditions.

Assassin's Trophy:

This is likely the best rate we'll see in a good while for a removal spell this flexible. It can basically destroy anything problematic and is easy to keep open due to ist low cmc.

Anguished Unmaking:

Another very flexible answer. A higher cmc, but a lower downside than Assassin's Trophy.

Beast Within:

Another very flexible answer. It can hit lands just like Assassin's Trophy. Giving an opponent a 3/3 is a significant downside in a deck that wants to consistenly deal combat damage to as many opponents as possible, but with Sidar Kondo we can somewhat circumvent this.

Utter End: (not currently maindeck)

Another all-purpose removal spell. It exiles which is nice. I chose to run this over Generous Gift, because I genuinely think the 3/3 will cause problems from time to time. If I'm proven wrong in this by use of Beast Within over time, I might change those two up.

Toxic Deluge:

A mass removal spell, that can be used to prevent losses vs wide boardstates. The card is so good, that running it even in a creature deck like this seems correct to me.
Sol Ring:

The more affordable of the two big fast mana rocks. An obvious autoinclude.

Elvish Mystic, Llanowar Elves & Fyndhorn Elves:

Great classic mana dorks. They help to establish a board quickly and once they're no longer needed for ramping can draw cards with Tymnas effect.

Avacyn's Pilgrim:

Another mana dork, this one also helps with color fixing, which makes it a tiny bit better than the green ones. Later in the game it will also help to draw with Tymna.

Elves of Deep Shadow:

Another mana dork, this one also helps with color fixing, which makes it a tiny bit better than the green ones. Later in the game it will also help to draw with Tymna.

Birds of Paradise:

Arguably the best mana dork, as it taps for any color we need. It can also block a flying threat, which is always a nice bonus. Since it has no power it unfortunately loses a bit of synergy with Tymna.

Arbor Elf:

Getting a Forest into play shouldn't really be difficult for this deck. At taht point this dork can not only ramp but also fix, which makes it very desirable.

Deathrite Shaman:

This dork definitly has the most utility stapeled to it. It can simply do a ton of nice stuff. However it's mana dork ability is not exactly the most reliable, as it requires lands in the grave of a player.

Wild Growth:

Essentially another mana dork that's not weak to removal. It has it's downsides, but overall allows for swifter ramping.


An attempt to privide a little bit of extra ramp with great color fixing. I wanted to avoid 3 and 4 mana ramp, as those turns will likely be used to cast the commanders (definity Tymna at least, as she ist he decks engine).

Nature's Lore:

Much like Farseek another 2cmc ramp spell. It doesnt fix quite as well, but it can make the land enter untapped, which is a big upside.

Mirari's Wake: (not currently maindeck)

Not something to enable early game plays, but if I draw a ton of cards off of Tymna, a big mana boost in the lategame should help me make proper use of all those cards. I also like that it's the one mana doubler that actually does something the turn it comes down. +1/+1 might not be a huge deal, but this is a creature deck, beating face is at least our plan C.
Tutors & Card Selection
Vampiric Tutor:

Auto-include tutor in black. It gets us whatever we need at any given point in the game.


The best way to get Razaketh/Protean Hulk into the graveyard. It could also be used to complete any oft he loops with a reanimation spell ready.

Demonic Tutor:

Auto-include tutor in black. It gets us whatever we need at any given point in the game. Tutoring to hand makes this superior to Vampirirc Tutor.

Diabolic Intent:

The deck plays enough creatures to justify running this card as another tutor.

Fauna Shaman:

A creature tutor on a creature. Exactly what this deck wants. Not only can this draw us cards with Tymna, but also convert hatebears that are not needed in any given matchup into those that are important.

Eladamri's Call:

Another tutor effect for creatures. Instant speed and tutoring to hand make this spell very good for a deck like this, where acess to s specific creature might mean the difference between winning and losing.

Finale of Devastation:

A way to put any creature we need onto the battlefield from the deck. In a pinch this can also serve as a „reanimation" spell, since it can get creatures from graveyards aswell. At X = 10 this can serve as another wincon, but that's not exactly a likely one.

Buried Alive:

A bigger, but more risky (grave-hate and higher cmc) version of Entomb.A solid way to assemble a loop.

Eldritch Evolution:

A way to transform any of our hatebears into a bigger one that might fit the given situation better. It's also a way to get out some of the decks bigger creatures quickly.

Birthing Pod:

It's a way to repeatedly change one hatebear to another. That's pretty useful, considering that you won't always draw the exact ones you need. It's also nice that it can turn Sidar Kondo into a part oft he Reveillark/Karmic Guide loop.

Final Parting:

A very interesting tutor for a Razakats deck. For just 5 mana you can dump Razaketh into the yard and tutor up a reanimation spell, Solid inclusion imo. Can also work with Elesh Norn, if a token deck is about to go out of control.
Combos & Wincons

Hulk Piles:

Viscera Seer:

Primarily serves as a sac outlet for the decks loops. However it can also help the deck scry a bunch, wich can be helpful at times. It's the 2nd thing to get with Hulk after Karmic Guide for the standard pile.

Saffi Eriksdotter:

Saffi is nice to have in order to keep the important hatebears alive. However, she also enables another infinite loop with Karmic Guide. She's also part of the primary hulk pile for this deck.

Renegade Rallier:

Basically Karmic Guide 2.0. It's a bit more conditional, but the cheaper cmc makes up for that.

Academy Rector:

Enables some additional Hulk lines and fetches Pattern of Rebirth for suprise wins.

Pattern of Rebirth:

Can get us our big wincon creatures from the deck. It also enables swift transitions from Hulk lines to Raza lines if that's necesary.

Karmic Guide:

At it's worst, Kramic Guide is an okayish piece of ranimation, but in conjunction with Reveillark it allows the deck to assembe another infinite etb/death loop. It's also the first step to our Hulk pile together with a 1 mana sac outlet.

Protean Hulk:

Not much of a Hulk deck without the main attraction itself. This wins the game with its death trigger.


Razaketh, the Foulblooded:

One oft he most powerful reanimation targets in the entire game. Razaketh is one of the namesake parts of the Razakats combo, which is partially named after him. He enables powerful tutor chains, that can win the game very very easily.

Leonin Relic-Warder:

The other namesake part of the Razakats combo. Ultimately this doens't combo with Razaketh directly, but rather with Animate Dead and it's clones. This is an easy way to enable both an infinite etb/death loop and a way to tutor things up with Razaketh until you run out of life.

Animate Dead:

A classic reanimation spell. It's great to bring back big threats like Razaketh or Elesh Norn. The debuff in power rarely matters. In combination with Leonin Relic-Warden this can form an infinite etb/death loop.

Dance of the Dead:

A clone of Animate Dead with a few small differences. The creature returns with +1/+1 instead of -1/+0, enterst he battlefield tapped and doesn't untap unless we pay some mana. Since most of our reanimation targets have powerful effects and their big stats are mostly secondary, this downside doesn't come up much. Just like Animate Dead this enables an infinite loop with Leonin Relic-Warder.


It reanimates things just like the previous two. However this time we don't have to deal with any debuffs. There's even an additional upside in that Necromancy can be cast like an instant. In that case the creature will only stick around for one turn, but sometimes that's good enough. Like the other two, it also goes infinite with Leonin Relic-Warder.

Life // Death:

Not only another way to reanimate our big reanimation targets (Death), but also a great option to reduce the body count needed to go off with Razaketh drastically (Life). If the first Razaketh tutor gets this card, you can from then on sacrifice the lands that were made 1/1s and can in theory go off with only one other creature in play.

Loop "Outlets":

Blood Artist :

Wins the game off of any infinite death loop.

Zulaport Cutthroat:

Wins the game off of infinite death loops on your side of the board.

Altar of Dementia:

Serves as a sac outlet. It also allows you to mill out the opponenets if you have a loop assembled.

Eternal Witness:

A great recursion effect fort hings that aren't necesarily creatures. The fact that it's on a creature does not only help out Tymna, but also enable ist reanimation, which can help diversify what the reanimation suite can do.


A great reanimation spell, that allows the deck to recur it's big creatures for a small cmc.

Carrion Feeder:

Primarily serves as another sac outlet. It growing is nice, but not often utilized.
Cartel Aristocrat:

It's just another sac outlet on a creature. Easily tutorable and able to protect itself.

Alright, with all that covered, I'd love to hear what you think about the deck!

Are there any ways you would change it? Anything I might have missed? Sweet interactions that I should include?

Thanks in advance for your answers, I look forward to reading all of them! :grin:
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Post by tarotplz » 4 years ago

Last edited by tarotplz 4 years ago, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by benjameenbear » 4 years ago

I think you could actually trim some lands from your list and perhaps a slightly bigger Reanimator package. Survival of the Fittest is the last tutor effect you're missing from the list (which is due to budget constraints I assume). You're already running the best Abzan fatties, but I'd STRONGLY suggest the new Vilis, Broker of Blood. Hot damn does this Demon pull overtime on the card draw. You could honestly run 33-34 lands and probably not miss a beat, so I think you easily have 2 slots to play with there.

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Post by tarotplz » 4 years ago

benjameenbear wrote:
4 years ago
I think you could actually trim some lands from your list and perhaps a slightly bigger Reanimator package. Survival of the Fittest is the last tutor effect you're missing from the list (which is due to budget constraints I assume). You're already running the best Abzan fatties, but I'd STRONGLY suggest the new Vilis, Broker of Blood. Hot damn does this Demon pull overtime on the card draw. You could honestly run 33-34 lands and probably not miss a beat, so I think you easily have 2 slots to play with there.
Thanks for the reply!

Yes, if I ever get my hand on a Survival of the Fittest, I'll definitly try it in this deck.

I actually just got a Vilis, Broker of Blood for my Chainer, Dementia Master deck. He's really sweet. I'm not sure if this deck has enough life loss to make him worthwile tho. Maybe it does, Tymna loses me life afterall, However Tymna also draws a lot of cards, so maybe Vilis's effect is not as needed?
I guess I'll just try it and see how it plays out.

I agree that I could probably cut a land or two from this list, I'll likely end up doing that. but since the list is so new and essentially untested aside from goldfishing, I tried to err on the side of too many lands rather than too few.

Should probably also include a couple of the possible rainbow lands.

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Post by Kemev » 4 years ago

I really like this list.

I've been kicking around a similar idea... I'd been thinking Anafenza, the Foremost for commander, with a hate-ier build with Stony Silence and Null Rod alongside Collector Ouphe.

Tyma, Sidar, and Birthing Pod look real good though.

I think [mention]benjameenbear[/mention] is right that you could trim a land or 2. I'd want to fit in Chord of Calling. I think Veil of Summer is going to be a sleeper hit too.

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Post by tarotplz » 4 years ago

Kemev wrote:
4 years ago
I really like this list.

I've been kicking around a similar idea... I'd been thinking Anafenza, the Foremost for commander, with a hate-ier build with Stony Silence and Null Rod alongside Collector Ouphe.

Tyma, Sidar, and Birthing Pod look real good though.

I think @benjameenbear is right that you could trim a land or 2. I'd want to fit in Chord of Calling. I think Veil of Summer is going to be a sleeper hit too.
Thank you for your reply!

Believe it or not, this list was originally meant to be aKarador, Ghost Chieftain deck, I quickly realized however, that it was very difficult to actually cast the guy. I guess the deck just doesn't have enough grave synergies for that. I then pivoted to Anafenza, the Foremost. I really liked the idea of having a hatebear at the helm of my deck.
What happened was that I found myself not having enough card advanage and would run out of things to do relatively soon with that. In addition while Anafenza is a pretty solid hatebear, graveyard ecks are not exactly the number 1 thing I wanted to hate on, so having her in the command zone wouldn't actually have acomplished all that much in my meta.

It was at that point that I realized that i had completely forgotten about the partners and Tymna the Weaver was the solution to all my problems. She draws me the extra cards I need to keep going and makes my hatebears quite a bit better by making them draw cards while attacking for damage.
Sidar Kondo of Jamuraa is something I added mostly for the green, which I wnated for the creature synergies and proper dork support for Tymna. He does synergize pretty neatly with the strategy tho, as most of the hatebears are power 2.

Null Rod and Stony Silence could definitly be in here. Tbh they probably should. I didn't include them since this is actually the frist "stax" deck that'll be brought to the table in my playgroup, so I wanted to ease them into it by not going overboard. Maybe they'll be added at a later time ;)

I agree with the land cutting thing. I'll rework the manabase bit by bit, slowly making it better. Next things to go in are probably Mana Confluence and City of Brass. I'll try making the cut when I do that.

Chord of Calling could be in here for sure. Personally I think that Finale of Devastation is probably better, as it can also get a hatebear back from the graveyard, don't go super wide and usually want to attack due to Tymna, but nothing says that I can't run both. Once I free up a slot from the lands, that'll definitly be a consideration.

Veil of Summer could work. Not sure if it's actually necesary tough. one of the reasons I'm building this deck is that removal and counterspells a a bit scarce in my meta and I'm sick of not being able to properly interact with everyones combos :sweat:
The uncounterable part would be more relevant than the protection part. Maybe it's still worth a try.

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Post by tarotplz » 4 years ago

I took the advice regarding the land count and reduced them down to 35 for now (I might go even lower, but I want to test what works in slow intervals). It was clear to me that a tapped land had to be the one to cut.

Bojuka Bog is of course a casual favorite, but it does enter tapped and only adds my least important color in black. In addition I feel like since I'm not exactly in a graveyard meta and have other options for grave-hate still in the deck (Anafenza, the Foremost and Scavenging Ooze) this is the correct cut. Let me know what you think!

In its place I added Nature's Claim. It's just a clean and cheap piece of interaction that should be a nice meta fit for me. Definitly could see the slot used for something else as time goes on and the list changes though.

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Post by benjameenbear » 4 years ago

I can confidently assure you that cutting Bojuka Bog without a Crop Rotation or heavy graveyard meta is a decent call. Not the best, because 'yard hate is always important, but decent.

Nature's Claim is an excellent substitution. I approve. Don't forget about the newly printed Generous Gift if you want additional all-purpose removal that has instant speed benefits. Besides, who doesn't want a White Elephant on the table?

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Post by tarotplz » 4 years ago

benjameenbear wrote:
4 years ago
I can confidently assure you that cutting Bojuka Bog without a Crop Rotation or heavy graveyard meta is a decent call. Not the best, because 'yard hate is always important, but decent.

Nature's Claim is an excellent substitution. I approve. Don't forget about the newly printed Generous Gift if you want additional all-purpose removal that has instant speed benefits. Besides, who doesn't want a White Elephant on the table?
Yeah, Generous Gift does look nice. I keep considering it for the Utter End slot. Originally I decided against it, because it does levae a 3/3 behind and that could be a potential problem as it blocks Tymna the Weaver and her squad of goons. Maybe that's the wrong call in a deck that can make said goons nigh unblockable with Sidar Kondo of Jamuraa though.

Also it's not like Utter End has no upside either. Exile is always relevant.

I originally decided to run only Beast Within, as that one is a bit easier to cast for the deck and I wanted at least one of the two for versitility reasons.

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Post by Vertierer » 4 years ago

Most of the cards I would have recommended already have been mentioned, but some cards to consider are:
Root Maze
Academy Rector
Recruiter of the Guard
Thalia, Heretic Cathar
Dark Confidant
Kataki, War's Wage

All in all just more pieces of hate and card draw or tutoring.
Mirari's Wake is kinda counterproductive with the unblockability-clause of Sidaar.
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Post by tarotplz » 4 years ago

Vertierer wrote:
4 years ago
Most of the cards I would have recommended already have been mentioned, but some cards to consider are:
Root Maze
Academy Rector
Recruiter of the Guard
Thalia, Heretic Cathar
Dark Confidant
Kataki, War's Wage
All of these could be in there I suppose. I'm not including Root Maze, becuase I don't want this deck to end up too staxy. Academy Rector would need some more enchantment payofs to really be worth it I think. Maybe in a build with Pattern of Rebirth. Recruiter of the Guard could be a solid tutor. Defninitly something to consider if I end up wanting even more of them. Dark Confidant would be great I think, but he's really expensive and I don't have one, so I can't put that in for now.

Thalia, Heretic Cathar and Kataki, War's Wage are both hatebears I considered. I ultimately decided against them, as Collector Ouphe seem to be just better than Kataki and Thalia didn't really do enough aside from slowing things down a little imo. She didn't really shut any meta-specific strategies down, so I didn't include her.
Vertierer wrote:
4 years ago
Mirari's Wake is kinda counterproductive with the unblockability-clause of Sidaar.
I don't think this is a big deal. Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite does the same. Tymna the Weaver alone should be enough to carry the deck. Sidar Kondo of Jamuraa is really just a little bit of an optional bonus. He's nice to have when he works out, but he's not required for the deck to work.

I think restricing myself significantly in what cards I play just because of him would weaken the deck quite a bit.

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Post by Kemev » 4 years ago

benjameenbear wrote:
4 years ago
I can confidently assure you that cutting Bojuka Bog without a Crop Rotation or heavy graveyard meta is a decent call. Not the best, because 'yard hate is always important, but decent.
Yeah, agreed. It'd be different if you had a Gaea's Cradle... then it'd make sense to run Crop Rotation, and then since you had Crop Rotation, it'd be more reasonable to keep Bojuka Bog. (This is the biggest reason I haven't built a similar deck... I want to play Life // Death with Cradle, but I don't want to spend the money on it.)

I also agree with Kataki and some of the other hate bears not being the right fit. I feel like Kataki's outdated at this point; again, I'd rather have Stony Silence or Null Rod. Recruiter of the Guard might be ok, but since this list is in green and most of its hate bears are green, usually Green Sun's Zenith or Chord of Calling will fetch a similar card more efficiently.

Have you thought about Necropotence?

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Post by Vertierer » 4 years ago

Rector can fetch you hate (Eidolon or Stony Silence if you want to include that), Survival (that one should go in, if you can get your hands on it), Wake or combo pieces whilst being a creature and therefore easily tutored up in green. Maybe I'm to biased because of my love for that card, but you can playtest it :)
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Post by tarotplz » 4 years ago

Kemev wrote:
4 years ago
Yeah, agreed. It'd be different if you had a Gaea's Cradle... then it'd make sense to run Crop Rotation, and then since you had Crop Rotation, it'd be more reasonable to keep Bojuka Bog. (This is the biggest reason I haven't built a similar deck... I want to play Life // Death with Cradle, but I don't want to spend the money on it.)
Yeah, Gaea's Cradle would be sweet. If I had one I would run it :laugh:
Kemev wrote:
4 years ago
I also agree with Kataki and some of the other hate bears not being the right fit. I feel like Kataki's outdated at this point; again, I'd rather have Stony Silence or Null Rod. Recruiter of the Guard might be ok, but since this list is in green and most of its hate bears are green, usually Green Sun's Zenith or Chord of Calling will fetch a similar card more efficiently.
There are more white hatebears in the list actually. I think that some of the white heatbears are the more important for my meta aswell. Especially Linvala, Keeper of Silence.
Kemev wrote:
4 years ago
Have you thought about Necropotence?
No, actually I have not. I love the card, but I don't think that a deck like this can reliablly produce the triple black needed to actually cast it until late in the game.

Maybe it's still worth it though.
Vertierer wrote:
4 years ago
Rector can fetch you hate (Eidolon or Stony Silence if you want to include that), Survival (that one should go in, if you can get your hands on it), Wake or combo pieces whilst being a creature and therefore easily tutored up in green. Maybe I'm to biased because of my love for that card, but you can playtest it
Academy Rector is definitly a great card. Nobody's denying that. If it was cheaper, I'd probably just get one and try it, but as it stands, I'll probably have to proxy it at some point and see if can convince me.

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Post by Vertierer » 4 years ago

Another card you could try out is Bloom Tender. Furthermore you could put more elves on your shelves and run Priest of Titania with more landhate :)
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Post by tarotplz » 4 years ago

Vertierer wrote:
4 years ago
Another card you could try out is Bloom Tender. Furthermore you could put more elves on your shelves and run Priest of Titania with more landhate :)
Bloom Tender is on my list. I definitly want to add that one. Probably in the Farseek slot.

I don't think I want to add more Elves jsut for the sake of having more Elves. I probably don't need the extra ramp with my low curve.

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Post by benjameenbear » 4 years ago

I've always wondered in Beastmaster Ascension is worth a deckslot in a strategy such as this. Normally, your Hate-Bears get outclassed by others as the game progresses but the Ascension should work to reward you for turning them sideways. I do realize there is anti-synergy with Sidar Knod and the Ascension, but the overall effect of pumping your Hate-Bears into 7/7's seems too good to pass up and makes future Hate-Bears not as lackluster.

And you can still cut down a land and add in another mana dork if you're feeling brave. Your curve supports it.

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Post by tarotplz » 4 years ago

benjameenbear wrote:
4 years ago
I've always wondered in Beastmaster Ascension is worth a deckslot in a strategy such as this. Normally, your Hate-Bears get outclassed by others as the game progresses but the Ascension should work to reward you for turning them sideways. I do realize there is anti-synergy with Sidar Knod and the Ascension, but the overall effect of pumping your Hate-Bears into 7/7's seems too good to pass up and makes future Hate-Bears not as lackluster.

And you can still cut down a land and add in another mana dork if you're feeling brave. Your curve supports it.
Beastmaster Ascension is an interesting consideration for a list like this. It should be good. At the very least I dfon't think that the anti-synergy wiht Sidar Kondo is actually something that I'd worry about.

But then again, I'm not sure if I actually need a card like that. Beatdown is prety much the plan C of the deck. Razakats just wins games way easier. So do Karmic Guide and Reveillark .

I think that it might be a pretty good inclusions for lists like this without combo finishes, but with them I'd say that it's probably redundant.

Not sure if there are actually any decent dorks left I'd want to run tbh. Sure, there's Green Sun's Zenith and Dryad Arbor, but i don't love those. There's also Boreal Druid, but that one seems kinda bad.

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Post by benjameenbear » 4 years ago

I think Beatdown is an overlooked strategy in a High-Power/cEDH meta. Everyone usually ignores each other's creatures until they can't and Beastmaster Ascension seems like a great way to take advantage of your Hate-Bear suite. The wonderful thing about Stax pieces and Hate-Bears is that they buy you time, and lots of it. This kind of time window could allow you opportunities to get the Ascension active and threaten your opponents from a totally different angle, taking the pressure off of your primary win package.

I'm not sure how prevalent Islands are in your playgroup, but Carpet of Flowers is an all-star card for Ramping purposes in a High-Power/cEDH playgroup.

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Post by RxPhantom » 4 years ago

Just a pedantic FYI here for your thread title: 'Sidar' is a title, not a name, i.e. Sidar Jabari. So maybe it should be called Tymna and Kondo? Again, super pedantic of me, but it's the kind of pointless detail I'd want pointed out to me. I'll go now.
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Post by tarotplz » 4 years ago

RxPhantom wrote:
4 years ago
Just a pedantic FYI here for your thread title: 'Sidar' is a title, not a name, i.e. Sidar Jabari. So maybe it should be called Tymna and Kondo? Again, super pedantic of me, but it's the kind of pointless detail I'd want pointed out to me. I'll go now.
Thanks for pointing it out, I'll see if I can change it!
benjameenbear wrote:
4 years ago
think Beatdown is an overlooked strategy in a High-Power/cEDH meta. Everyone usually ignores each other's creatures until they can't and Beastmaster Ascension seems like a great way to take advantage of your Hate-Bear suite. The wonderful thing about Stax pieces and Hate-Bears is that they buy you time, and lots of it. This kind of time window could allow you opportunities to get the Ascension active and threaten your opponents from a totally different angle, taking the pressure off of your primary win package.
You're right, I agree that it's an underestimated strategy. However my meta is getting REALLY fast, so I don't know how well it will compete. There are also not that many people with interaction, it often happens that I'm the only one playing significant interaction, so I can't actually but that much extra time.

Tonights games kinda showed me, that my nerfed Razakats version might even be too slow/inconsistent. I'll probably try to make something work with Protean Hulk to speed up my own gameplan.
benjameenbear wrote:
4 years ago
I'm not sure how prevalent Islands are in your playgroup, but Carpet of Flowers is an all-star card for Ramping purposes in a High-Power/cEDH playgroup.
There is some blue, but there are also enough decks without it to where I'm not sure I'd be 100% comfortable playing it. I guess the average pod has one blue deck on average probably.

Also, good news everyone, I got my hand on an Arid Mesa and a Bloodstained Mire. What do you think should get the boot to fit them in?

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Post by tarotplz » 4 years ago

I made significant changes to the deck in order to incorporate the Protean Hulk lines I was talking about. Check out the original post and the changelog to see all of them!

Here are the main hulk piles of the deck:

Hulk Trigger → Karmic Guide & Viscera Seer, revive Hulk, sac it again → Saffi Eriksdotter & Blood Artist +2 cmc. This goes infinite with a Saffi and Karmic Guide loop, while Blood Artist drains out the table.

If I already have a Blood Artist effect out, I can do this in a single pile:

Hulk Trigger → Saffi Eriksdotter & Renegade Rallier + 1 cmc. This goes infinite with a Saffi and Rallier loop, while Blood Artist drains out the table.

If I already have a sac outlet, I can do this safer pile with Grand Abolisher protection:

Hulk Trigger → Academy Rector & Grand Abolisher → Sac the Rector to get any form of Animate Dead, then get back and sac the Hulk again. From there on proceed with the first pile to win.

There also is a pile that pivots over to Razaketh lines:

Hulk Trigger → get Viscera Seer & Academy Rector & a dork. → Sac the Rector to get out Pattern of Rebirth and attach it to the dork. → Sac the dork to get Razaketh, the Foulbloded.

Let me know what you think about the changes!

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