*New* MTG Pack Simulator

Posts: 1
Joined: 5 months ago
Pronoun: he / him

Post by leettoothpaste » 5 months ago

Hello MTG Community,

I've been working on something that I think could be a game-changer for many of you: a MTG Pack Simulator. You can find it over at www.mtg-packs.com This isn't just another project; it's a tool for anyone who loves the suspense and surprise of opening new MTG packs.

Here's what it's all about:
  • Simulate the Latest Sets: Before you decide to buy, get a virtual sneak peek into what you might find in the packs of the latest sets.
  • No Risk, Just Fun: Enjoy the thrill of cracking open packs without spending a dime. Perfect for those 'what if' moments.
  • Make Informed Decisions: Planning to expand your collection? Use the simulator to gauge which sets might be worth your investment.
The idea here is simple. We all love that feeling of opening a new pack, and this simulator brings a slice of that excitement, minus the cost.

If you find the tool useful or enjoyable, and you're planning on picking up some MTG products, consider using the TCG affiliate link. It's an easy way to support what I'm doing without any extra cost to you.

Thanks for giving it a look, and I hope it adds a little extra enjoyment to your MTG experience. Let me know what you think, and feel free to share any feedback!

Untap, Upkeep, Draw


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