Avacyn, Casual Angel Tribal

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Post by Atraxian » 4 years ago

I make no secret that angels are my favourite creature type and after much thought, I decided to make some commander decks out of my collection, hoping that after the lockdown I'll be able to play with them at a gaming store that I found near my towm (roughly 30km).
This is what came out.
Avacyn, Casual Angels


Approximate Total Cost:

The basic idea behind the deck is to ramp into the mid-to-high costed angels and Avacyn herself as soon as possible, then (hopefully) win through air superiority and repeated board wipes.

Synergies with Avacyn
- Nevinyrral's Disk and Magus of the Disk become a repeatable board wipe once Avacyn hits the field. I was surprised to notice that their ability does not require you to sacrifice them, making them a boardwipe engine.
- Worldslayer high cost, slow and paints a target on your head as soon as it hits the board, but hit an opponent with it and it is game over... For your opponents.
- Platinum Angel an indestructible "you can't lose, your opponents can't win" on the board is always nice.
- Pariah's Shield equipped on any creature to dodge commander damage loss or damage in general.

Synergies in the Deck
- Sword of the Animist + Admonition Angel, Emeria Shepherd, Emeria Angel best case scenario, it is repeatable ramp with exile or reanimation each attack, worst case scenario is ramp and a flying blocker
- Angel of Condemnation + Wall of Omens, Sunblast Angel, Angel of Serenity, Angel of Sanctions, Linvala, the Preserver always handy, wether it is to draw cards, stabilize your life total/board presence, wipe the board after an opponent attacks or change the exiled cards in a pinch (or you want to repeatedly exile your opponent's commanders to ramp up that commander tax)

Tutors? But you don't like them!
True, I don't like tutors in commander. That's why I'm limiting myself to two of them: Enlightened Tutor and steelshaper's Gift and their targets are generally early game ramp like Sol Ring or Sword of the Animist. Occasionally they can tutor for the board-wipe lock with Nevinyrral's Disk or Worldslayer.
I wouldn't mind replacing them with Weathered Wayfarer and Journeyer's Kite if that becomes an issue.
Tamiyo's Journal is so slow as a tutor that if I survive long enough to sacrifice the three tokens I deserve to tutor a card.

Mana Ramp Choices
With a mono-white deck the choices for mana-ramp aren't very wide, especially at 2-mana.
Of course with the new Commander 2020 decks there are a few new additions, but I personally prefer actual ramp to Plains-fetch. This is why I opted for artifact ramp.
Moreover, some of the artifacts will double as card-draw when sacrificed (Commander's Sphere, Hedron Archive and Dreamstone Hedron) which can be returned to the battlefield with Emeria Shepherd when needed.
The deck also has a few 2-cost mana dorks that double down as good early users of Sword of the Animist.
Gauntlet of Power potentially doubling my mana + an anthem effect? Yes, please.

Other Card Draw Choices
Arch of Orazca and Bonders' Enclave seem decent choices overall. Lategame might not be too difficult to get the city's blessing and the power 3 requirement for the enclave is always fulfilled when any angel is on the battlefield.
Endless Atlas is easy to use with that many basic plains.
Tamiyo's Journal offers some extra card-draw if I have the mana to invest in it and a generic tutor in some rare cases.
Farsight Mask to get some extra fuel if I get attacked.
Icon of Ancestry filtering for an angel + anthem effect? Yes, please.

Notable Creatures
Admonition Angel, Angel of Serenity, Angel of Sanctions and Sunblast Angel double as some control cards.
Reya Dawnbringer, Karmic Guide, Emeria Shepherd and Bruna, the Fading Light to get something back from the graveyard.
Herald of War as cost reducer and long term beater.
Lyra Dawnbringer and Baneslayer Angel are pretty good beaters.
Angelic Arbiter, Angel of Condemnation and Angel of Jubilation because sometimes I like to be an asshole.

Last Notes
The card list is missing staples like Arcane Signet, Smothering Tithe and many other notable cards. The truth is that I made the deck with what I had available or could buy on a very low budget: I don't have that much of a disposable income and keeping up with my angels collection is already quite expensive (even more so now that there will be extended-art and showcase versions).
The deck is not meant to be competitive.

So... This is my attempt at an Avacyn deck.
Any suggestion or feedback is greatly appreciated.

EDIT History:
- added Vesuva and Thespian's Stage (removed 2 plains)
- added Subjugator Angel, Swiftfoot Boots, Lightning Greaves and Whispersilk Cloak (removed Angel of Vitality, Resolute Archangel, Emancipation Angel and Angel of Invention)
Angels Enthusiast
Avacyn, Casual Angel Tribal


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