Ban List Update - Flash Banned

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Post by cryogen » 4 years ago

RedCheese wrote:
4 years ago
cryogen wrote:
4 years ago
RedCheese wrote:
4 years ago
Almost no one that plays EDH cared about Flash anyways.
I'd wager that cEDH players cared about Flash. Trying to marginalize them as "not playing EDH" is why there has been so much animosity over the years.
You are dramatizing this abit too mutch by implying that im seperating both groups. Casual players didn't cared about Flash so thats why the Flash ban is a non issue from a casual player's eyes.

I never cared for Flash but not a fan of this precedent of a very minority having this amount of power to get the card banned. Imagine if Flash was a casual fan favourite and was used in fair ways?

I'm wondering why the cEDH players didn't made a house ban for Flash since they were very passionate about it, so assume players would hold their urge to using Flash and sue something else.
I'm not going to pretend to have numbers that are anything but pulled from my backside on how many casual players cared about banning Flash. Personally, I know a couple who ran Flash, and I myself care about the ban insomuch that banning it runs counter to how the RC up until today has stated that they were managing the ban list, even if the card itself doesn't affect me much.

I don't think I was dramatizing what you said, although that wasn't the intent of your statement I apologize. It is a common mentality, as is apparent with Kelzam's response.

I can also easily imagine if Flash were a casual fan favorite, because we would not even be having this discussion right now and Flash would safely remain unbanned.
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Post by cryogen » 4 years ago

Kelzam wrote:
4 years ago
cryogen wrote:
4 years ago
RedCheese wrote:
4 years ago
Almost no one that plays EDH cared about Flash anyways.
I'd wager that cEDH players cared about Flash. Trying to marginalize them as "not playing EDH" is why there has been so much animosity over the years.
The "animosity" exists because they're the ones asserting themselves into conversations with casual players calling every other preview card "trash" or "uninteresting" because it doesn't fit into their narrow view of what is "good" in a casual format. The "animosity" exists because when trying to explain the concerns and ripples turning Commander competitive causes in the community or having a serious discussion, they post insulting meme images and gifs on Twitter to anyone who disagrees with them and majorly refuse to have a real discussion that doesn't use bad faith arguments or which doesn't come from the mouth of the RC's good weather friends like Jim. The "otherism" exists because they insist that the rules shouldn't apply to them - that we should ban niche cards for them, that they can't use Rule 0 like everyone else, that they should be treated equally as "EDH" players despite insisting on using the deck construction rules of the format and nothing else representative of it's intent, and yet bemoan not being considered EDH players. Don't misrepresent the core issues with the majority of their heard and seen presence that has lead to the so-called "animosity". When people are pushed, they understandably push back.
You say this like the casual community hasn't spent years calling spikes and cEDH players all sorts of horrible things and being just as divisive.
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Post by RedCheese » 4 years ago

Fair enough because i never saw Flash been used other than cEDH in the games i saw and never heard people use in their casual games. so i assumed it wasn't a casual favourite and was only used for cEDH.

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Post by if4ko » 4 years ago

There's one guy who Flash Hulked in an Etali on Turn 2. No real difference between that and skipping your land drop to reanimate an Etali, and there are certainly other applications with Flash, but the card had become synonymous with cEDH.

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Post by CommanderMaster999 » 4 years ago

Casual players were not found of flash it's mostly used by cedh players/decks

And usually a force of will check card when it pops out

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Post by folding_music » 4 years ago

it's a shame Flash had to go. It has a million inefficient cute uses for decks at power levels that are really under-reported and is an effect that's not precisely on any other accessible card. Through the Breach costs five and sort of has a different philosophy anyhow. It's nothing to mutiny over but it does suggest that 10/10 power players have more sway over the format than 1/10 power players!

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Post by pokken » 4 years ago

My main concern here is that this situations like these rarely work out this way :P
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Post by RxPhantom » 4 years ago

pokken wrote:
4 years ago
My main concern here is that this situations like these rarely work out this way :P
"I only want this one thing and then I will never ask for anything else."

"OK, here's this thing. But seriously it's all we can do."

"Right, thanks! Everything is fixed now!"
And they all lived happily ever after.
I completely agree, and it's not as if new cards are going to stop coming out. I'm less concerned about losing Flash than I am for the greater implications for the format's core philosophy.

To be clear, I'm still bummed about losing Flash, though.
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Post by if4ko » 4 years ago

All the talk about the slippery slope is a fair concern. I certainly disagree with it, but I can understand people having concerns with it on a philosophical level. And that's fine.

I trust the RC to handle these cases and use their discretion accordingly (I'd be personally opposed to most bans - even Consult Oracle is a 3-mana sorcery speed combo with strict color requirements).

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Post by HoffOccultist » 4 years ago

RxPhantom wrote:
4 years ago
pokken wrote:
4 years ago
My main concern here is that this situations like these rarely work out this way :P
"I only want this one thing and then I will never ask for anything else."

"OK, here's this thing. But seriously it's all we can do."

"Right, thanks! Everything is fixed now!"
And they all lived happily ever after.
I completely agree, and it's not as if new cards are going to stop coming out. I'm less concerned about losing Flash than I am for the greater implications for the format's core philosophy.

To be clear, I'm still bummed about losing Flash, though.
I totally understand the potential problems of the implications, which is why I'm glad the announcement included the line about this not being the norm--and why I'm seriously annoyed at the other cEDH players complaining about tone without realizing that this olive branch to those of us who enjoy playing EDH that way is a step outside the box for the RC (as was the day-0 ban of Lutri).

I won't lie, I do greatly appreciate Flash getting banned, but I do also feel a little bad for people who were using it casually, and I will be trying to do my small part to get on the other cEDH players who don't understand that this 1) should probably be a one-time thing, and 2) the philosophy for EDH is what allows it to flourish as a format no matter how people choose to play it.
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Post by MrMystery314 » 4 years ago

Thinking a new "Flash" won't pop up is foolhardy. By nature, being competitive and going out of one's way to play the best possible decks, lines of play and cards results in there always being decks that overshadow the rest.
Not always, although this could end up being true in cEDH's case. Many competitive formats exist in states of equilibrium until new cards are printed or old cards are banned, where certainly you end up with a notable "Tier 1" and "Tier 2," but no boogeyman that overpowers diversity.
Demonic Consultation and Thassa's Oracle will soon become the new dead horse to beat.
This could certainly happen. Then again, with decks like my personal favorite (Blood Pod) free to play slower, more interactive games, and other decks not worried about the omnipresent instant-speed win, they are freed up to check Consultation decks, and likewise, people switch to decks that have strong stax matchups in the hopes of taking advantage of slower games.
People want to say "Oh thank goodness now we don't have to keep hearing about Flash!" but it's never going to end.
I do hope the "please ensure a good metagame" arguments don't disappear forever. I am sorry that the existence of people using different arguments on the Internet is so harmful to your health. This isn't some endless chorus of psychological torments, I do hope. That would be dreadful.
As long as cEDH remains the antithesis of Commander
How exactly is this the case, besides the fact that they're having fun in a way you personally find unpleasant and somehow rude?
is obstinate in it's disuse of Rule 0
If this were any other competitive format, I don't think you would argue for the players to regulate themselves until the ruling body got along to addressing their grievances. Besides, isn't one of the rules of EDH to have fun? And if this fun involves not using rule 0, is it suddenly not fun? Or are cEDH players somehow misguided children that have spent years upon years sticking their heads in the sand and screaming loudly so as to ignore how they've been breaking the rules the entire time? I wonder if there would be some way to make a rule that prohibits cEDH play. Maybe that would force them to go off into their corner and stop having fun in a way where vapors of their existence do not disturb you.
they - collectively - will be a problem for the greater community.
Players trying to have fun is a great problem. Aside from the few people who play Flash in their casual decks, some to prove a point that it's a fair card that isn't ban-worthy, or any "competitive-only" card in general, I doubt the majority of their players feel infringed upon by a ban of a card they probably weren't relying upon. Imagine if EDH were originally created as a format by competitive players to have a dynamic multiplayer format, and eventually adopted widespread appeal both casually and competitively. If the new theoretical RC were unwilling to ban casual boogeymen because they weren't a problem elsewhere, would people feel disrespected?
The "animosity" exists because they're the ones asserting themselves into conversations with casual players calling every other preview card "trash" or "uninteresting"
Where are you getting this? Reddit? I agree this negativity is a problem, but I attribute it more to general Reddit toxicity and rudeness rather than some failure of the competitive mindset. This happens with every spoiler regardless if EDH is the topic of discussion, especially off the main MTG subreddit. If you don't like that, go somewhere else; players being pessimistic about every new spoiler are often wrong with their assessments anyway, and isn't something that cEDH should be blamed for unless you want to make your fight against competitive Magic as a whole.
because it doesn't fit into their narrow view of what is "good" in a casual format.
I don't think it's a niche view to want to avoid playing cards that are obviously outclassed by other cards, even if some take pride in purposely optimizing pet cards. And once again, does u/leethaxorz420 or whoever really hurt you and other players so much if he says that a card costs too much mana to be playable?
The "animosity" exists because when trying to explain the concerns and ripples turning Commander competitive causes in the community or having a serious discussion,
As I stated in another thread at some point, if you're trying to make the same argument for months or years with no effect, perhaps you are wrong, not your opponents. I also am quite curious what you think is a "serious" discussion. Presumably this is any discussion that ends with your opponents conceding their points and agreeing that you were right all along, because we've tried the other approach and it clearly hasn't worked.
they post insulting meme images and gifs on Twitter to anyone who disagrees with them
This is a widespread Internet phenomenon, and one that isn't specifically targeted at you and your views.
that doesn't use bad faith arguments
This is a very useful catch-all term to describe "arguments I disagree with". Surely not all the pro-cEDH arguments raised throughout all these threads are bad faith arguments, and if you think they all are, perhaps your pre-existing biases are preventing you from listening to opponents correctly. And this does apply to players arguing the opposite too, don't worry.
RC's good weather friends like Jim
Ah yes, I see. He isn't willing to unfailingly fall in line with the RC's philosophy, so somehow he is a secret agent intent on destroying all fun. Implicitly or explicitly attempting to purge contrary voices to create an echo chamber, and then complaining that those who disagree have ulterior motives, is not conducive to the "serious" discussion you seem to want.
because they insist that the rules shouldn't apply to them
Yes, they're insisting to be able to have fun in their own way, that rule 0, ostensibly one intended to encourage playgroup discretion, in fact mandates groups self-police instead of hoping that the regulatory body of their format could provide some guidance. The only solution to this would be to somehow create a rule forcing groups to use rule 0, that they can't choose not to self-police. Good luck with that.
that we should ban niche cards for them
Perhaps Flash is a niche card as a whole, but within that fairly vocal niche, it certainly isn't. Just because you don't see a card being used in your playgroup doesn't mean it isn't elsewhere. Anecdotal evidence does not trump all. If I were to argue that something like Braids should be unbanned because it's fairly niche (naturally no player of good moral constitution would play something that dares to prevent another player from telling their story through their deck), that wouldn't be a great argument.
that they can't use Rule 0 like everyone else
I'm curious how well you think competitive tournaments of any format would run if everyone playing were playing under their own house rules previously. I personally think the result is that those players would be heavily disadvantaged, as many are going to say they want to play in a competitive environment that does not indulge the right to sweep problems under the rug. Could one use of Rule 0 be its consensual disappearance?
that they should be treated equally as "EDH" players despite insisting on using the deck construction rules of the format and nothing else representative of it's intent
Is intent a rule? Is it listed as a rule that people should play "casually"? You're minimizing the fact that the only difference is power level and perhaps mindset, neither of which are officially mandated. cEDH is EDH, at least until a rule is made that bans it. Go ahead. Good luck with getting that to happen.
and yet bemoan not being considered EDH players.
Once again, until there is an official rule that makes this distinction official besides "playgroups may have fun in their own way" (which I may add does not have the parenthetical text "unless it isn't what we consider fun"), this is not the case.
Don't misrepresent the core issues with the majority of their heard and seen presence that has lead to the so-called "animosity".
Is the majority of the format personally offended by a ban which doesn't affect them?
And as usual, y'all cherry pick to the extreme and latch onto the one single thing you can
For one, don't assume that just because someone disagreed with your comparison to Nazis that they're automatically a cEDH player. And secondly, if you're trying to create a persona of good judgment, neither that remark nor trying to sweep any mentions of it under the rug will help you. If I murdered someone, but otherwise lived a normal life, I think it would be fair for that to color people's perception of me.
and regurgitate it ad nauseam when possible
I feel like I only see that comment brought up whenever you say things that could be perceived as uncivil or toxic. Those terms are not equal to "things I disagree with".
capability or desire to actually discuss outside of stamping your feet when you don't get your way.
The ample pages of discussion on these forums seem to indicate otherwise, and if you don't believe that's actual discussion, what is? At this point I'd assume it's any discussion that ends with cEDH players admitting they're wrong.
Thanks for proving my point, as you love to do so well.
Thanks for proving their point that you seem awfully insular in your arguments.

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Post by Maluko » 4 years ago

I agree with the previous posters' concerns. The loss of Flash will have very little impact on casual players. But I'm worried about the precedent this will bring to the format. Maybe everything will turn out okay and the cEDH players will be pleased with this shift in the metagame. But what if a new, dominant strategy emerges? What will the RC do then? The precedent is set. Will they unban Flash, claiming it was a mistake, or will we enter a new era of cascading bans until cEDH players are finally satisfied? I know the RC is conscious about this happening, but are they prepared to deal with it when (not if) that time comes?

That being said, I'm all up for increasing restrictions on the format, so let these bans continue :grin:

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Post by if4ko » 4 years ago

MrMystery314 wrote:
4 years ago
And as usual, y'all cherry pick to the extreme and latch onto the one single thing you can
For one, don't assume that just because someone disagreed with your comparison to Nazis that they're automatically a cEDH player. And secondly, if you're trying to create a persona of good judgment, neither that remark nor trying to sweep any mentions of it under the rug will help you. If I murdered someone, but otherwise lived a normal life, I think it would be fair for that to color people's perception of me.
To be fair to Kelzam, I am a cEDH player. However, I also play a lot of casual EDH. I have two decks for 75%, a competitive deck, a cheap casual deck, and am working on a jank Kraum/Tymna suspend tribal build. I originally was vehemently against the Paradox Engine ban until I realized that it wasn't fun for the average player to watch someone play solitaire for 5 minutes. It hurts to lose a card you like, but a little bit of empathy helped me come to a place of acceptance.

Actually, part of the reason why I came here is to escape the Reddit mentality. Generally, I find it distateful to tell someone how to have fun or shut others out for disagreeing with your idea of fun.

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Post by onering » 4 years ago

Still wish Hulk got banned instead. I occasionally see it show up and grab value, and when I use it that's how I use it, but too often it's just 7 Mana gg, even in casual games. Flash Hulk turn 2 is just the most egregious application, but turn 5 Hulk sac off of ramp isn't good either. I'd rather see flash rector into Omniscience. Hell, even many fair uses of Hulk devolve into slow play ugliness as people try to get a recursion engine going that is fair (non infinite combo) and it takes forever durdling with eternal witness loops. I don't think either Flash or Hulk are bannable without the other in the format, so Hulk is never getting banned now, and it's a shame because Hulk causes more problems on its own than Flash does.

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Post by Rumpy5897 » 4 years ago

Most cards can be used to do fun things. Panoptic Mirror could hold an Unexpected Results on it, but for some reason that wasn't the main use case. Flash was the less played card of the pair in casual, so it took the hit. I feel sorry for the folks who used it jankily in casual decks. It doesn't seem to be a decision made lightly, and hopefully shouldn't result in a slippery slope situation. There was an interview with Jim published on the site, and he went into a historical breakdown of the rise of Flash Hulk's dominance, along with commentary on Consultation in a hypothetical post-Flash world.

The announcement is quite complete, and it's a pity that there are people nitpicking at the tone. That said, conditioned antipathy is a hard thing to shake, and we're all predisposed to it. You get bad apples everywhere, and in the age of the internet it's easy for them to get on a soapbox and start an echo chamber. It's important to be mindful of that, and not judge the whole bushel by them. Feminism is not misandry. cEDH is not just toxic reddit trolls. Casuals are not just calvinball'y theme deck slingers, predatory Cockatrice monsters or newbies with precons.

Now if you'd excuse me, I'll find some flowers and beads before I do some chanting, I guess :P
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Post by toctheyounger » 4 years ago

Without taking a side in this (and really, there are no sides guys, we all just want to have fun in our own way), I'm glad they made the leap and made it happen.

That being said I'm more glad that they took the time to make sure it would achieve what they wanted it to, which was to encourage a more healthy spread of builds in cEDH while minimising the impact on the more casual side of the spectrum. There were always going to be complaints for and against, but hey, heavy lies the head that wears the crown. The RC/CAG are well aware of this, so I'm sure they were aware they were never going to please everyone.

I think we can also say that Sheldon et al have heard the warnings of a slippery slope scenario, and are prepared to do everything they can to minimise the risk of this happening. This is clearly not a throw away ban, they've clearly been looking at it for a little while, and they've considered it carefully and decided it was the best thing for the format as a whole.

I just want to reiterate what Rumpy has said above, too - there are unhealthy views on both sides of the casual/cedh philosophical schism. Don't let that colour how you view the communities as a whole, whether they be on reddit, nexus, or any other social platform. There's good folk all over the place and we're all just here to play our game and have fun.
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Post by BeneTleilax » 4 years ago

Maluko wrote:
4 years ago
The precedent is set. Will they unban Flash, claiming it was a mistake, or will we enter a new era of cascading bans until cEDH players are finally satisfied?
That's not how precedent works. There are options other than "reverting everything", and "hurtling blindly along your projection". I think it is wholly possible that Flash stays banned, but otherwise business as usual continues.

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Post by Legend » 4 years ago

Flash is a card that casual players won't miss because they don't play it anyways and competitive players won't miss because they do play with it. Only pubstompers will miss it. Banning it seems like a no-brainer.
if4ko wrote:
4 years ago
Rule 0-ing in a Flash ban Wishes would mean that you wouldn't be playing EDH anymore.
Just agreeing in my own way.
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Post by MeowZeDung » 4 years ago

Flash ban won't affect me personally one bit. I do think it's unfortunate for the folks out there who ran it to do some cute but not hulk power level nonsense. Ultimately, I think this will satisfy more players in the cEDH camp than it will upset in the non-competitive camp, but no matter what the RC does they're going to upset someone with every decision to either ban a contentious card or leave it unbanned. I suppose the precedent is the only thing that's even close to upsetting about it for me, but as long as the bans stop here I think this is fine. I'm curious if more people would have been ok with it if hulk had been banned rather than flash.

Re: the poor treatment of cEDH players by a percentage (hopefully a minority) of the community at large - I think it's ridiculous that anyone show outright animus toward another individual over a game. I mean, really. It's a game. We've all sunk a lot of time and money and labors of love into our decks and collections, granted, but it is still just a game and doesn't merit treating another human being like crap. Being shielded by the anonymity of a screen and a username/avatar doesn't change that.

That said, cEDH players: for crying out loud, please do NOT go around spiking random pods running non-competitive lists. Having had this happen to me several times, I can say from personal experience that it feels bad to choose to sit down at a table for EDH (as opposed to a draft firing or whatever), pull out a deck, shuffle up, keep 7, then lose on turn 2-4 because someone decided to goldfish their competitive deck against 3 strangers. cEDH is fine, within the confines of cEDH. Please respect others time and fun and protect your own reputations by not glorying in pub stomps.
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Post by Hermes_ » 4 years ago

I'm going to C&P this from reddit as it pertains to the announcement and the "us vs them" mentality

An Open Letter to Toby Elliott and the Rules Committee.
Toby Elliott,

I think you should be more careful with how you discuss the Commander format and characterize the player base. Your "April 2020 Rules Update" perfectly sums up the "US vs THEM" narrative that I believe you, and the RC perpetuates.

When discussing the Lutri ban, you said:

"Knowing that it would certainly be banned, we were uncomfortable setting up those folks, who are in many ways our primary audience, for far greater disappointment."

Proactively acting on a problem card for the health of the format is absolutely what I like to see from my RC. You reference your "Primary Audience" here, which I can only infer is the Commander Player base as a whole.

You later claim

"This is where we say that it was a one-time thing and we don't expect it to happen again, but that might not be entirely accurate…If another card comes along that also does something novel that is incompatible with the format, we'll ban it immediately."

Again, you are taking a proactive stance and claiming that you will act again as needed to protect the health of the format by eliminating things that are incompatible. This is a healthy attitude and exactly what we need. These things inspire confidence that the RC intends to maintain the trust and confidence between itself and the playerbase.

This illusion is shattered when you discuss Flash.

After announcing that the ban would take place, you lead with:

"Though they represent a small fraction of the Commander playerbase, we are willing to make this effort for them."

The entirety of your article thus far has discussed health, balance, and well-being of the format as a whole. And now your first paragraph discussing Flash serves to establish that you have separated cEDH and EDH playerbases for the Commander format. This is a distinct transition from inclusive words like "We" and "Our" that you use to discuss your intentions for Companion and Lutri. Its a complete divergence from the "We want to make sure the format is ok" narrative to "they want this so I guess we'll do it this time"

You Pigeon-hole the "Flash should be banned" narrative to one that is exclusively asked for by "cEDH Players" when you say

"Though they represent a small fraction of the Commander playerbase, we are willing to make this effort for them…. this is an extraordinary step, and one we are unlikely to repeat."

In other words, "There are not enough people that we consider to be in the cEDH community to seriously consider the things they suggest for the health of the Commander format. We'll do it this time, and that's cool for them, but its unlikely to happen again"

To this I have two points.

First, go to r/EDH and view the overwhelmingly positive and support for the banning of Flash. It would appear that Flash was not just a problem exclusive to pods which you would ascribe the title of cEDH. This is the crux of my frustration. The distinction between "cEDH players and EDH players" is less rigid than you think. You can be both. Just because you own Consultation Breya doesn't mean that you can't own Edgar Markov Vampire tribal. As such, the opinion of the aforementioned player shouldn't get ignored because they sometimes play a powerful deck.

Second, Why does your narrative towards problem cards change from

"If another card comes along that also does something novel that is incompatible with the format, we'll ban it immediately" to "this is an extraordinary step we are unlikely to repeat"?

This might as well read "If we see a new card that is causing problems for the format we're going to take an aggressive stance on maintaining format integrity, just as long as we don't perceive the suggestion to stem from the cEDH player base."

I can't think of another scenario in which its socially acceptable to say "the considerations and preferences of the minority will not be taken into consideration because they are not indicative of the perceived preferences of the majority.

Once again, reference the r/EDH "Flash Ban" mega-thread and then attempt to reconcile that you yourself claimed you would not take actions based on the minority player base. Are all of those commenters the minority you claimed you probably wouldn't take action for in the future?

I don't understand where the blatant resentment comes from. It seems like you are actively trying to ostracize players from your "social focused format" because they play powerful cards. The rhetoric that social-focused play cannot include powerful cards and decks is insincere.

Stop hiding behind "Rule 0" to justify inaction or indecisiveness for problem scenarios. I would argue that showing up to an LGS ready to play only to find out that you don't have a legal deck because Void Winnower is banned because someone there has a personal vendetta against it feels way worse than not being able to play with it in the first place.

Alternatively, if by

"Organizers who want to move towards more untrusted games should consider adding additional rules or guidance to create the Commander experience they want to offer."

You're suggesting that if the cEDH player base wants to have a more active role in what happens in the Commander format that they just make their own, you should have the courage to say that, and stop dancing round uncertain terms.
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Post by folding_music » 4 years ago

^If you write officiously enough you can make it seem like you aren't just playing ignorant to assert control, lol

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Post by Drusus » 4 years ago

I think the cEDH community should be taken with more seriousness and respect.

You want data and knowledge on what new cards could be potentially hazardous to the format's health? Of what cards should be ignored or put on a watch list? Then working with them, instead of against them, can help make EDH more casual in the long run. As all wo play multiplayer EDH, whether casually or competitively, are part of the format. All play with the same banlist unless modified by house rules.

CEDH players are like the canary in the coal mine. They are the warning of dangers yet to come.

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Post by BeneTleilax » 4 years ago

Hermes_ wrote:
4 years ago
I'm going to C&P this from reddit as it pertains to the announcement and the "us vs them" mentality

An Open Letter to Toby Elliott and the Rules Committee.
[wall of pretentious hostility]
Ah, karmafarmers. Never change.

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Post by MrMystery314 » 4 years ago

I don't think it's an unnatural or illogical response to react to a ban that while certainly appreciated, runs at odds with prior messaging that seems quite hostile, with a closer read than "OK, well it seems like our problem was solved!". I don't necessarily want to comb through the section about Flash and point out the phrasing that could be seen as somewhat duplicitous. It's like the Trojan horse: when a group which has vocally acted against your interests for a while comes with an olive branch, you look for some hidden meaning, even if only to predict what will happen in the future.
From the rules update:
Enough cEDH players who we trust have convinced us
I'd be quite curious to know why this took so long, who's doing the convincing, and what new arguments were made that haven't been repeated on Reddit, on this forum, or elsewhere.
Though they represent a small fraction of the Commander playerbase, we are willing to make this effort for them. It should not be taken as a signal that we are considering any kind of change in how we intend to manage the format; this is an extraordinary step, and one we are unlikely to repeat.
Fair. I don't oppose this sentiment, although I'd hope that cards that warp the metagame at any power level (whether something like Flash or something like Paradox Engine that everyone likes playing to the expense of everyone else, and that also doesn't do something automatically broken that can be used as a safe excuse) are treated with some skepticism. I'd love to see an environment cultivated where all sorts of players feel that regardless of where and how they play EDH they don't need to worry about boogeymen that can't be dealt with simply.
We use the banlist to guide players in how to approach the format and hope Flash's role on the list will be to signal "cheating things into play quickly in non-interactive ways isn't interesting, don't do that."
That statement indicates far greater faith in humanity, and EDH players specifically, than I have. For one, this signalling is ambiguous: is Show and Tell pushing it? Is Animate Dead too much? What sort of interaction should we be expected to run, Doom Blade or Force of Negation? Who is inspired by the banlist to not play similar cards that would play those similar cards if not for the banlist; for example, who would not play Jokulhaups not because they personally find it unfun, but because Worldfire is banned? Maybe I'm too cynical, but I don't trust players to take signals reliably.
We believe Commander is still best as a social-focused format and will not be making any changes to accommodate tournament play.
Taking responsibility for your and your opponents' fun, including setting expectations with your group, is a fundamental part of the Commander philosophy.
This is better known as being a good sport, and really should be applying to every game of Magic if there isn't some extenuating circumstance like it being a tournament round.
Organizers who want to move towards more untrusted games should consider adding additional rules or guidance to create the Commander experience they want to offer.
I'm not quite sure what is meant by "untrusted" games. Are these games with strangers? Or is this for a tournament setting? This seems to be a restatement of rule 0 to some degree, but with the added layer for more potential disagreements, especially when playing pickup games. This may be a phenomenon somewhat localized to Untap, which admittedly does not always attract the most civil players, but maybe just shy of 50% of the "casual EDH" games I play have some sort of power level debate during the game, whether it's someone playing a ludicrously underpowered deck and quitting when their first spell gets countered; someone playing an irrelevant Ensnaring Bridge so they don't get stomped by the other players with bigger boards, leading to them ragequitting and nobody leaving satisfied; or someone playing a gimmick deck like Demonlord Belzenlok and winning because nobody runs interaction, and then them being forced to explain how it's not a competitive deck and everyone else is just playing worse decks. If those experiences have taught me anything, it's to trust no game that isn't meticulously labeled beforehand, yet unsurprisingly, few people want to join those. There are always unwritten rules, like if Sen Triplets is your commander you'll become the archenemy regardless of what else you're doing (and of course this is your fault for playing an unpopular commander, yet if you try to defend yourself from this onslaught you're stalling by not having the dignity to get out of the way), and I've found the least ambiguity in games labeled as cEDH. Online, at least, nobody particularly cares for long dialogues beforehand with strangers who hold different views. If I come in thinking my deck's competitive or casual and people disagree, I'm going to be annoyed regardless if I'm right or wrong. I'd really love something like "Be nice" to be an official rule, but of course that can't happen. Power level discussions are quite hard to get consistently right with strangers.

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Post by onering » 4 years ago

Hermes_ wrote:
4 years ago
I'm going to C&P this from reddit as it pertains to the announcement and the "us vs them" mentality

An Open Letter to Toby Elliott and the Rules Committee.
Toby Elliott,

I think you should be more careful with how you discuss the Commander format and characterize the player base. Your "April 2020 Rules Update" perfectly sums up the "US vs THEM" narrative that I believe you, and the RC perpetuates.

When discussing the Lutri ban, you said:

"Knowing that it would certainly be banned, we were uncomfortable setting up those folks, who are in many ways our primary audience, for far greater disappointment."

Proactively acting on a problem card for the health of the format is absolutely what I like to see from my RC. You reference your "Primary Audience" here, which I can only infer is the Commander Player base as a whole.

You later claim

"This is where we say that it was a one-time thing and we don't expect it to happen again, but that might not be entirely accurate…If another card comes along that also does something novel that is incompatible with the format, we'll ban it immediately."

Again, you are taking a proactive stance and claiming that you will act again as needed to protect the health of the format by eliminating things that are incompatible. This is a healthy attitude and exactly what we need. These things inspire confidence that the RC intends to maintain the trust and confidence between itself and the playerbase.

This illusion is shattered when you discuss Flash.

After announcing that the ban would take place, you lead with:

"Though they represent a small fraction of the Commander playerbase, we are willing to make this effort for them."

The entirety of your article thus far has discussed health, balance, and well-being of the format as a whole. And now your first paragraph discussing Flash serves to establish that you have separated cEDH and EDH playerbases for the Commander format. This is a distinct transition from inclusive words like "We" and "Our" that you use to discuss your intentions for Companion and Lutri. Its a complete divergence from the "We want to make sure the format is ok" narrative to "they want this so I guess we'll do it this time"

You Pigeon-hole the "Flash should be banned" narrative to one that is exclusively asked for by "cEDH Players" when you say

"Though they represent a small fraction of the Commander playerbase, we are willing to make this effort for them…. this is an extraordinary step, and one we are unlikely to repeat."

In other words, "There are not enough people that we consider to be in the cEDH community to seriously consider the things they suggest for the health of the Commander format. We'll do it this time, and that's cool for them, but its unlikely to happen again"

To this I have two points.

First, go to r/EDH and view the overwhelmingly positive and support for the banning of Flash. It would appear that Flash was not just a problem exclusive to pods which you would ascribe the title of cEDH. This is the crux of my frustration. The distinction between "cEDH players and EDH players" is less rigid than you think. You can be both. Just because you own Consultation Breya doesn't mean that you can't own Edgar Markov Vampire tribal. As such, the opinion of the aforementioned player shouldn't get ignored because they sometimes play a powerful deck.

Second, Why does your narrative towards problem cards change from

"If another card comes along that also does something novel that is incompatible with the format, we'll ban it immediately" to "this is an extraordinary step we are unlikely to repeat"?

This might as well read "If we see a new card that is causing problems for the format we're going to take an aggressive stance on maintaining format integrity, just as long as we don't perceive the suggestion to stem from the cEDH player base."

I can't think of another scenario in which its socially acceptable to say "the considerations and preferences of the minority will not be taken into consideration because they are not indicative of the perceived preferences of the majority.

Once again, reference the r/EDH "Flash Ban" mega-thread and then attempt to reconcile that you yourself claimed you would not take actions based on the minority player base. Are all of those commenters the minority you claimed you probably wouldn't take action for in the future?

I don't understand where the blatant resentment comes from. It seems like you are actively trying to ostracize players from your "social focused format" because they play powerful cards. The rhetoric that social-focused play cannot include powerful cards and decks is insincere.

Stop hiding behind "Rule 0" to justify inaction or indecisiveness for problem scenarios. I would argue that showing up to an LGS ready to play only to find out that you don't have a legal deck because Void Winnower is banned because someone there has a personal vendetta against it feels way worse than not being able to play with it in the first place.

Alternatively, if by

"Organizers who want to move towards more untrusted games should consider adding additional rules or guidance to create the Commander experience they want to offer."

You're suggesting that if the cEDH player base wants to have a more active role in what happens in the Commander format that they just make their own, you should have the courage to say that, and stop dancing round uncertain terms.

What a near sighted pile of trash that post is. They've become convinced that they're echo chamber is more representative than it is.

It shouldn't be an us vs them mentality, but neither should the tail wag the rest of the dog. cEDH players are part of the larger edh community. That means they are every bit as much real edh players as a dude with a precon or a lady with a painstakingly crafted theme deck or someone running 75 percent. It also means they are only part of the community, not the entire thing. Being part of something means that you don't always get your way, moreso if you are in the minority, and even moreso if that minority is relatively small (though not negligible). It means that, as the minority, you will not be catered to over the needs of the group as a whole. You are still part of the group, so your needs factor into the needs of the group as a whole, but they are not the predominant factor.

Judging by the announcement, while the RC maintains that they haven't set a precedent, it seems like they actually have. The precedent that I think has been set is that they have moved from feeling unable to address cEDH to addressing cEDH holistically as a facet of the greater format. That means that balance will still not be the goal, but that cEDH can be approached the same way as casual is when considering bans. From what I've seen in other threads, flash was being described as having the kinds of negative impacts on cEDH that lead to cards getting banned when they have those impacts in casual. It's not just that it created an unbalanced format, but that it did so in a way that mimicked how cards like Prophet impacted edh more broadly. The process the RC describes taking in respect to Flash was extremely deliberative, and if I read it correctly (and correct me if I'm wrong) it seems to have been focused on figuring out if banning Flash would be successful in resolving cEDH's problems while not having a significant negative impact on the format more broadly (if you consider a card being banned as intrinsically negative), and thus whether banning Flash improves the format as a whole. It looks like they determined that Flash/Hulks impact on cEDH was so severe based on their own ban criteria that it was a special case that merited action despite only impacting a small segment of the format, and flash was chosen over hulk because they saw Hulk as less problematic or easier to use fairly. In short, they bought the argument floated by the cEDH segment of the community that flash hulk was unprecedented and uniquely toxic, and was destroying fun at the highest levels of play. It follows, then, that cEDH players should not expect this to happen again, if only because they should not expect anything to be as problematic as flash hulk. That's not saying that it's impossible, but if we take the cEDH segment of the community at their word then it should be exceedingly unlikely. cEDH had existed for years without things getting as bad as flash hulk, so if it never gets that bad again there simply won't be a need to ban for cEDH. However, by setting the precedent, willfully or not, I would expect that in a similar scenario where a combo is as bad for cedh as flash hulk and it can be banned with the same impact on the format as a whole as the flash ban, they would act. Their statement indicates that they will not cater to cEDH's every preference, or that it will be a predominant or even major factor in their decisions, but they have set the precedent that it does factor in to their decisions to some degree and that they do monitor cEDH. Hopefully they are striking the right balance long term. As bad as it would be to let the tail wag the dog, ignoring the tail entirely wouldnt be good either

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