Greven, Predator Captain - No Pain No Gain

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Post by Magiqmaster » 4 years ago

Hi again!

The game last night was a complete blast, it went much better than I expected! It had such high (and low) moments... The latest deck updates worked like a charm by lowering the mana curve tremendously and thus making the deck tick like a well oiled machine. A few mistakes were made (one that ended up costing me the game), but it was a great learning experience no matter what.

In summary, I had to lay low for a while in the early game, patiently building up my board. My opponents, in the beginning, didn't really care about me too much, seeing that I kept dipping in my life total. But after a short while, I managed to get an engine going and I then started to plan my move. I decided to go 1st for the opponent with The Ur-Dragon), afraid that his Dragons would soon fly over me and eliminate me. I was able to attack him unimpeded, with a one shot kill for 21 cmdr damage... So far, so good!

After that, I thought I had my last ennemy (Prime Speaker Zegana) within a few more turns, based on my board and his more or less developed position at this point of the game. But he turned out to be much thougher than anticipated, by managing to unsummon Greven a few times, at critical moments where I would have been able to go for lethal again. He seemed to get the key cards at the right time, so this made all the difference as you can imagine (well, combined with my mistakes, but eh...).

I have to say, I almost died at least 3 times, but I still managed to get up again and again to keep the pressure going. I truly enjoyed doing this but after a good tussle with him, in the end I got down to 1 life for 2-3 turns in a row and I just couldn't find another key piece to gain more life and to get back (once more) in action to finally nail the coffin shut...

It was a really nice overall experience. Thanks in large part to you, with your amazing support throughout this deckbuilding exchange. I have a great feeling about the deck now, by finally having a version that will hold its own. As Greven gets more mileage under the belt, I am quite sure he will truly become feared by my group! I just hope I don't eventualy become archenemy upon revealing him.... :dizzy:

So that's it, talk to you again one of these days...!


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Post by 3drinks » 4 years ago


[MCD] Soulgorger Orgg
Okk (super cheap draw)

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Post by darrenhabib » 4 years ago

3drinks wrote:
4 years ago

[MCD] Soulgorger Orgg
Okk (super cheap draw)
Unfortunately you wouldn't be able to sacrifice Soulgorger Orgg to Greven, so seems like you need another sacrifice outlet to make it viable. Going to down to 1 life and hoping to survive turns probably not best plan :P
Best case scenario is that Greven already has lifelink, so you can use it for a lethal attack and gain the life back. The downside is that you wouldn't get an opportunity to draw cards off Greven for that turn. But then on the next turn you'd have a 6/6 creature to sacrifice.
Combos nice with Disciple of Bolas as well.

I could see playing Okk over say Arc Runner and being pretty happy with that.

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Post by 3drinks » 4 years ago

Yeah, you don't sac the Orgg right away. You play it like a pseudo hatred and knock someone out. Works well with, say, a high market or phy tower to be able to get that life back when it matters. So between that. The actual hatred, and tainted strike, that's three OHKOs.

I'm trying to find more creatures like Okk. Veteran Brawlers & Wanted Scoundrels are another similar one. I keep coming back to Hidden Horror but that ain't it. I'd like to find something like a Wayward Swordtooth but not in G.

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Post by darrenhabib » 4 years ago

3drinks wrote:
4 years ago
Yeah, you don't sac the Orgg right away. You play it like a pseudo hatred and knock someone out. Works well with, say, a high market or phy tower to be able to get that life back when it matters. So between that. The actual hatred, and tainted strike, that's three OHKOs.

I'm trying to find more creatures like Okk. Veteran Brawlers & Wanted Scoundrels are another similar one. I keep coming back to Hidden Horror but that ain't it. I'd like to find something like a Wayward Swordtooth but not in G.
When doing the research for the creatures in the deck initially, I basically was just going off trying to find high power stats for mana cost. But what I decided to do today was go through all the Rakdos creatures with converted mana cost 3 or less to see if there was anything that would fit. I mean literally all 2148 of them. The reason for 3cmc and less and not more is...well time, but mainly because I already have lots of 4 cmc creatures and over and wanted to see if I could get better results from less costing creatures.

It was definitely worth it and I feel like I've come away with some more ideas and some changes that could make the deck stronger.
The list of cards is pretty long, so I've broken it down into a few different ideas/themes.

1 converted mana cost 2 converted mana cost 3 converted mana cost Recursion Post combat/in play for longer Artifacts
As I was going through the creatures I did notice a number of power bonuses to creature via artifacts. You could make a build that is centered around more artifacts and then leverage off these creatures instead for your big card draw. The advatanges of this is that you can potentially get much higher payoffs for cost/draw. With equipment also being a factor of potential Greven decks, this can help with the artifact theme. Discard Eldrazi
I did notice a few fairly good Eldrazi creatures that could be used. But it's not so much on their own that they would be powerful, but actually if you can combine them with the lands Eldrazi Temple and Eye of Ugin.

I've highlighted cards that got me particularly interested.

Chandra's Spitfire
In a multiplayer game, you get the +3/+0 bonus for each opponent who is dealt damage. So if you have cards that can deal damage to each player/opponent then you'll get for example +9/+0 in a 4 player game. Do it twice and that is +18/+0.

You of course need enablers, so I found suitable cards that can also be used as sacrifice outlets for Greven. Blood Hound
I think has a lot of potential. Now life loss does not result in triggering damage. And actually if you count the ways the deck deals you specifically damage yourself it's not that many; Ancient Tomb, City of Brass, Sulfurous Springs, Mana Crypt, Mana Vault, Tailsman of Indulgence, Volcano Hellion.
However it can act as a very defensive card as well, as the counters don't get removed until the end of your turn. Which means if opponents attack you, you'll get the counters and can use it to sacrifice to Greven when your turn comes around.
Of course you can adjust the deck to potentially have more cards that actually deal you damage to make the card better.
I've normally kept away from too much incidental damage that doesn't provide card advantages, but with Blood Hound there is more incentive.
Lands that provide damage seem like the first port of call; Barbarian Ring, Cabal Pit, Tarnished Citadel, Tomb of Urami.
There are going to be a lot of cards that could slot into the deck that deal additional damage, but I'm going to need to research for that another day.

Lightning Serpent
When you compare Lightning Serpent to some of the other mana to power efficient creatures it's isn't quite as good for cost for the same amount of mana spent, however the advantage is that it does scale. You could just cast it for one mana, or for all the mana you have if you really wanted to draw more cards.
Given this, I think it might be better than the rigid casting cost of some of the other creatures.

Rage Nimbus
Has crossed my path before, but I don't think that I fully embraced that it is perfectly inline with card draw for mana AND it has a relevant ability. Being able to make an opponents creature attack can be the difference between them not being able to block Greven with his menace.

Slumbering Dragon
This is both cost effective and provide a defensive role in that it's dangerous for your opponents to attack you. The perfect Ancestral Recall in the deck.

Garza's Assassin
I think you should prioritize this creature over other removal if you are specifically having one-for-one removal. For example I would play this over Go for the Throat, even though it doesn't hit black creatures, it provides at least small card draw AND recursion AND removal.

Olivia, Mobilized for War
Although it power is not the same heavy hitter has other creatures on offer, the haste element is enticing. Being able to cast it before Greven, allows you to not only give Greven haste, but also a creature to sacrifice to draw 3 cards.

Countryside Crusher
With the right supporting shell the ceiling on the potential power you can get out of this creature is very high.

Given all this I am going to make some changes at least to test. Pretty much I'm lowering the curve of some of the creatures and hopefully not even losing out on higher card draw, in fact I might even gain in some games.
The land changes are specifically to make Blood Hound more effective.
What I like about these changes is that Slumbering Dragon and Blood Hound can provide life buffers for you (not to get attacked) which is an important element of playing Greven as you can get to dangerously low life in instances of not gaining lifelink, etc.
But then they also provide potentially higher upside of draw as well.

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Post by 3drinks » 4 years ago

What about one drops with three power to make an ancestral recall? I'm thinking cinder wall or spark elemental. These are a net +2 CA after all.

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Post by darrenhabib » 4 years ago

3drinks wrote:
4 years ago
What about one drops with three power to make an ancestral recall? I'm thinking cinder wall or spark elemental. These are a net +2 CA after all.
I'm trying the Lightning Serpent as one of the cheaper creatures. I don't want too many cheap creatures, as I've got most of the sequences sorted as far as costs and how much to cast pre-combat/combat/post-combat.

Normal mid-game sequencing.
  1. Pre-combat play out mana efficient creature to sacrifice to Greven. 2-4 mana.
  2. During combat hopefully draw into life-gain instant spell to cast. 1-2 mana.
  3. Post-combat play artifact mana and leave enough mana to cast Bolt Bend, Kaya's Ghostform, Undying Evil, Imp's Mischief, Rush of Vitality, Not of This World.
Sure spending only 1 mana pre-combat can have some benefits to committing more to the board post-combat. But at the same time, you are drawing less cards, so your options are more limited in what you can select to cast.
Too be honest it's more about having "that very first creature" to sacrifice more than anything to do with cost. Once you get an attack then normally you have a few to choose from for the next attack.
My creature count is 25, which is on the cusp of most games having drawn one for Greven first attack. Using the odds calculator it's about a 86% chance to draw one in your natural draws by Turn 5.
I'm mentioning this sort of thing because there is an argument to increasing the count, and it might be that the cheaper creatures are the better choice, once it get's to having numerous selections. If you've already drawn 6 cards off your first attack, then there isn't such a need for your second attack to be so big. If you get to play out more artifact mana then this will benefit subsequent turns.
I just wouldn't know what to cut at this stage however. Every card is an all-star at this point.
I've been very good at making sure I don't cut lands for spells, as sure once you get a big draw you will be flooded, but it's that important mulligan and early game that want's the land drops each turn, and your mulls need to be mindful of having some mana acceleration. The deck doesn't do all that well at mulligan a lot, unless you have the nuts.

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Post by ForteV » 4 years ago

I've been testing a variation on your build and have liked it quite a bit, though I've struggled a bit with recasting Greven when he's repeatedly removed or sent back to the command zone (although my threat assessment and politics are things I'm well aware I can improve on).

I was wondering what everyone's thoughts are on (Command Beacon) as a way to recast him once he's become unwieldy, (Sanctum of Eternity) for a way to "protect" him if you haven't drawn into one of the protections spells (though I realize the mana pacing of this deck might make it impossible to both cast protection and use sanctum as a back up).

Additionally, I've found haste to be an incredibly important for Voltron in general, and have been eyeing both (Bloodsworn Stewart) and (Ogre Batledriver) as haste enablers, that are at least for the turn Greven comes down, some extra punch.

I've found some success as well with (Chainer, Nightmare Adept) as he's both a way to cast Greven for his original cost when tax is high if you're willing to let him go to the graveyard (only do this if Chainer or a reanimation spell is around) as well as to grant Greven haste yet again. However, it might be prudent to throw in a few pieces of graveyard hate that can target Greven if we need him in again once Chainer's gone.

Finally, I've tinkered with the idea of including:
(Key to the City) as a source of unblockable, a way to discard Filth and Anger, and potentially a reason to include (Thought Vessel) as one of my rocks to increase my chances of holding onto the enormous amount of cards Greven can draw you.
(Wall of Razors) as a way to potentially stem earlier aggression as players tend to go after decks they've been able to hit a little as well as provide a somewhat efficient creature for Greven that's cheap to cast.

That said, I wanted to also drop by and thank you for the well-written primer as it's convinced me to play what has become one my favorite Voltron commanders due to his sheer power and the card draw he provides.

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Post by darrenhabib » 4 years ago

ForteV wrote:
4 years ago
I've been testing a variation on your build and have liked it quite a bit, though I've struggled a bit with recasting Greven when he's repeatedly removed or sent back to the command zone (although my threat assessment and politics are things I'm well aware I can improve on).

I was wondering what everyone's thoughts are on Command Beacon as a way to recast him once he's become unwieldy, Sanctum of Eternity for a way to "protect" him if you haven't drawn into one of the protections spells (though I realize the mana pacing of this deck might make it impossible to both cast protection and use sanctum as a back up).

Additionally, I've found haste to be an incredibly important for Voltron in general, and have been eyeing both Bloodsworn Steward and Ogre Battledriver as haste enablers, that are at least for the turn Greven comes down, some extra punch.

I've found some success as well with Chainer, Nightmare Adept as he's both a way to cast Greven for his original cost when tax is high if you're willing to let him go to the graveyard (only do this if Chainer or a reanimation spell is around) as well as to grant Greven haste yet again. However, it might be prudent to throw in a few pieces of graveyard hate that can target Greven if we need him in again once Chainer's gone.

Finally, I've tinkered with the idea of including:
Key to the City as a source of unblockable, a way to discard Filth and Anger, and potentially a reason to include Thought Vessel as one of my rocks to increase my chances of holding onto the enormous amount of cards Greven can draw you.
Wall of Razors as a way to potentially stem earlier aggression as players tend to go after decks they've been able to hit a little as well as provide a somewhat efficient creature for Greven that's cheap to cast.

That said, I wanted to also drop by and thank you for the well-written primer as it's convinced me to play what has become one my favorite Voltron commanders due to his sheer power and the card draw he provides.

Unfortunately Sanctum of Eternity only works in your own turn, so it's not really the sort of protect that you want.

I think Command Beacon is a fine insurance card for those games that he might have been dealt with say a couple of time, but being a land down doesn't help you particularly with say the first time he is removed, as I'd just prefer to wait for the additional mana for the commander tax.
Memorial to Folly and Witch's Cottage are very similar.

I do think that the best way to go is additional reanimation cards for ways to get Greven back after removal. It doesn't help against exile effects, but the effects can be used on other creatures for value during a game.
Exhume, Victimize, Body Snatcher, Bond of Revival, Chainer, Dementia Master, Chainer, Nightmare Adept, Command the Dreadhorde, Dread Return, Entreat the Dead, Fated Return, Isareth the Awakener, Liliana, Death's Majesty, Necromantic Selection, Phyrexian Delver, Profane Command, Soul Exchange, Stitch Together, Torrent of Souls, Twilight's Call, Yawgmoth's Vile Offering, Zombify.

There are also some recursive cards that allow you to put creatures back into hand or top of library.
Mortuary, Oath of Ghouls, Phyrexian Reclamation, Sword of Light and Shadow, Tortured Existence, Underworld Cerberus, Xiahou Dun, the One-Eyed, Haunted Crossroads.

There are a lot of great options in this list. Whenever making a card choice for Greven, it's always important to look at the creature options as they can serve a duel purpose as both sacrifice fodder and whatever their other abilities are.

So therefore as you've mentioned Chainer, Nightmare Adept is a great option. As is Phyrexian Delver and Chainer, Dementia Master. I even think Isareth the Awakener is good as it's a 3 mana 3/3, which can be used at other times in the game sacrifice fodder.

Xiahou Dun, the One-Eyed is also a multi-purpose card and only really it's $$ cost is a factor that would prohibit inclusion, as it can be sacrifice fodder for Greven, or used to get him back (to hand) after removal or used on other key black cards that might have gone to graveyard.

Command the Dreadhorde stands out to me as the highest up side of the reanimation effects.

The most mana efficient cards however are Exhume and Victimize.

I think your inclusions of Key to the City, Thought Vessel, Wall of Razors, Bloodsworn Steward and Ogre Battledriver are all valid.

Going back to what I was saying about creatures being the first port of call when trying to make sure you have a threshold, Bloodsworn Steward and Ogre Battledriver are fine creatures and you could easily prioritize them over other creature inclusions.

Any additional mana is welcome and if you are not so invested in graveyard recursions plans then Thought Vessel can help with retaining your hand.

Admittedly I wouldn't ever think about paying the 2 to draw from the Key to the City, but unblockable is a major boon for the deck at times.

Let me know how these cards perform :)

I've decided to do a bit of a change around to give myself more reanimation effects to give myself better long game ability to get Greven back into play.
It makes sense to replace Undying Evil as this can only save from going to graveyard effects anyway. Sure it's mana efficient, but better to have effects that can help at any stage of the game.

I've also found Not of This World to be a bit hit or miss, with needing to actually lose the additional 2 life during opponents turns to turn the card on.

Phyrexian Reclamation is super versatile when it comes to recurring any creatures, and so I should really give it a try.

Blood Hound ended up being a little hit and miss as well. Harder than I was expecting to get value out of unfortunately.

The changes make the deck a little slower as far as "at-the-time" protection, but more versatile and better for longer games.

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Post by 3drinks » 4 years ago

I think if one is considering command beacon (which I'm not sold on at all), one first must consider volrath's stronghold.

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Post by darrenhabib » 4 years ago

I've never been a fan of Loxodon Warhammer period. Even in a Greven deck which looks to benefit the most is too costly to cast and equip.
However we have been gifted Shadowspear which comes at a cost reduction. Sure you don't get the +3/+0, but Greven has never needed power boost other than his own abilities.
I'm happy to replace Whispersilk Cloak with it.

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Post by Haman » 4 years ago

Have a budget version , and played some games yesterday. Was mana screwed, and played a bloodthirsty blade ... my goaded opponents were easy pickup.. when i finally cast greven. So do you have a $100 budget version of your deck?

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Post by darrenhabib » 4 years ago

Haman wrote:
4 years ago
Have a budget version , and played some games yesterday. Was mana screwed, and played a bloodthirsty blade ... my goaded opponents were easy pickup.. when i finally cast greven. So do you have a $100 budget version of your deck?
I made some budget suggestions in a previous post =>

If you have some cards you don't want to purchase list them and I can help you. In fact feel free to post your entire list and I can see what we can do on a budget.

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Post by Magiqmaster » 4 years ago

Hi Darren, just a quick mention about my deck since my last message. So far it has won most of the games I played! It took me some getting used to in the beginning (mostly about the initial hand and mulliganing, then setting everything up for Greven's Grand Entrace), but since then, I noticed that the deck usually doesn't take much prodding to kick into action. Last week, I even managed to win without ever playing Greven, which felt kinda nice... :cool:

The great thing about it is that no matter who I play against, the deck always seems to eventually get to a point where a window opens up, where I can alpha strike an opponent out of nowhere. Some of the opponent's reactions where like: "hey wait, what happened, I was at 60 life, how can I be dead" ... lol.

So thanks again for everything, the deck is a huge blast to play!

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Post by Magiqmaster » 4 years ago

Hey Darren, hope everything's good!

Just curious, have you thought about using Daring Fiendbonder in the deck? Seems like a good candidate... I also wonder about adding Obosh, the Preypiercer in the 99...

Did you see other cards from Ikoria that could make the cut?


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Post by darrenhabib » 4 years ago

Magiqmaster wrote:
4 years ago
Hey Darren, hope everything's good!

Just curious, have you thought about using Daring Fiendbonder in the deck? Seems like a good candidate... I also wonder about adding Obosh, the Preypiercer in the 99...

Did you see other cards from Ikoria that could make the cut?

Hey, everything is good, thought I had COVID-19, so went for a test but results came back negative, so happy about that.

Ooooh that Daring Fiendbonder looks good. Sacrifice fodder then Indestructible for Greven! Sign me up.

Yes, Deflecting Swat is an auto-include. Protection against targeted removal at no cost is perfect for this deck.

I also like Netherborn Altar. Its just a way that you can never be commander taxed out, and you can even use it to lose life. My belief is that you can use the ability even if Greven isn't in the commander zone as you pay a cost and then it follows with an effect, so doesn't matter.

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Post by Artemis132 » 4 years ago

Another good card is Footfall Crater. 1 Mana for a repeatable haste and trample enabler. If we don't need it it can even be cycled for 1.

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Post by darrenhabib » 4 years ago

Artemis132 wrote:
4 years ago
Another good card is Footfall Crater. 1 Mana for a repeatable haste and trample enabler. If we don't need it it can even be cycled for 1.
Although its cheap to cast, the fact that you have to tap a land, means that you are potentially a turn behind where you actually might want to cast Greven and get haste. But the cycling is nice, means you can ignore it at times you don't need it.

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Post by Artemis132 » 4 years ago

darrenhabib wrote:
4 years ago
Although its cheap to cast, the fact that you have to tap a land, means that you are potentially a turn behind where you actually might want to cast Greven and get haste. But the cycling is nice, means you can ignore it at times you don't need it.
That's true! Then how impactful has trample (from Shadowspear) been during your testings? Isn't it worth to replace even a more efficient haste enabler manawise like Anger for the bonus of getting (pseudo-) evasion in addition to haste?

And has Phyrexian Reclamation worked out for you since you included it? Obviously you preferred it over Phyrexian Delver as a slower but reusable recursion card.

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Post by darrenhabib » 4 years ago

Artemis132 wrote:
4 years ago
darrenhabib wrote:
4 years ago
Although its cheap to cast, the fact that you have to tap a land, means that you are potentially a turn behind where you actually might want to cast Greven and get haste. But the cycling is nice, means you can ignore it at times you don't need it.
That's true! Then how impactful has trample (from Shadowspear) been during your testings? Isn't it worth to replace even a more efficient haste enabler manawise like Anger for the bonus of getting (pseudo-) evasion in addition to haste?

And has Phyrexian Reclamation worked out for you since you included it? Obviously you preferred it over Phyrexian Delver as a slower but reusable recursion card.
I guess the other thing is that haste isn't the most important element of the deck. The thing is that most of the time you really want to cast a creature pre-combat to get the draw.
So if you look at the haste enablers; Anger, Lightning Greaves, Swiftfoot Boots, Hall of the Bandit Lord, the equipment are used more for the protection they provide, and then the other two are a low cost to include in the deck.
So I don't have too much of a focus on the haste element. But it is nice if you can achieve it at times.

Shadowspear has been good for sure. You can plan your turns so much better when you know you can connect lethal damage AND get the life back. It just allows you to go hog-wild with damage cards.
I've never used the removing hexproof/indestructible portion yet, as trample just allows you to ignore their creatures anyway.

Phyrexian Reclamation has been a card that can sit around "doing nothing", but that normally means that you are in the drivers seat.
A really under valued element of particular cards is how they effect the decisions making of removal cards. If you have a Phyrexian Reclamation in play, then often the person who has removal (and lets say not being attacked) will not cast it on Greven as you can simply get him back from the graveyard. Its a dynamic which you don't necessarily know that's happening in a game, but is providing you a lot of advantages.
I'm guessing Netherborn Altar is going to do the same thing. Literally it only becomes good when your opponents are actually able to interact with you. In this manner I don't mind. The games you lose are the ones where Greven can be dealt with. If you're succeeding and drawing a massive amount of cards, then discarding a Phyrexian Reclamation/Netherborn Altar due to hand size just means that you are destroying your opponents.
But they are cards that make your "bad games" much more feasible to get back into and they do provide an unseen protection that might be happening with opponents holding removal in hands. So they have a un-quantifiable impact during games, that you might not be aware of, unless players tell you after the game has finished.

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Post by Artemis132 » 4 years ago

darrenhabib wrote:
4 years ago
I guess the other thing is that haste isn't the most important element of the deck. The thing is that most of the time you really want to cast a creature pre-combat to get the draw.
So if you look at the haste enablers; Anger, Lightning Greaves, Swiftfoot Boots, Hall of the Bandit Lord, the equipment are used more for the protection they provide, and then the other two are a low cost to include in the deck.
So I don't have too much of a focus on the haste element. But it is nice if you can achieve it at times.
I get your point. Compared to protection, lifelink and evasion, haste is the least important thing Greven needs. Tapping an additional land for haste seems inefficient. And I would never suggest to replace Boots or Greaves with Footfall Crater. But I still wonder if it isn't superior to Anger, who gives just haste and no additional effect. If you happen to already have one of the other haste-enablers, Anger is just a dead card, while Crater can still be used for trample. And even if you already have spear equipped you can just cycle it. At first I wasn't sure about Crater myself because of the annoying experience with Flamekin Village. But tapping one additional land for haste plus evasion seems much better than tapping two additional lands for just haste and I will at least test Crater.

darrenhabib wrote:
4 years ago
Phyrexian Reclamation has been a card that can sit around "doing nothing", but that normally means that you are in the drivers seat.
A really under valued element of particular cards is how they effect the decisions making of removal cards. If you have a Phyrexian Reclamation in play, then often the person who has removal (and lets say not being attacked) will not cast it on Greven as you can simply get him back from the graveyard. Its a dynamic which you don't necessarily know that's happening in a game, but is providing you a lot of advantages.
I'm guessing Netherborn Altar is going to do the same thing. Literally it only becomes good when your opponents are actually able to interact with you. In this manner I don't mind. The games you lose are the ones where Greven can be dealt with. If you're succeeding and drawing a massive amount of cards, then discarding a Phyrexian Reclamation/Netherborn Altar due to hand size just means that you are destroying your opponents.
But they are cards that make your "bad games" much more feasible to get back into and they do provide an unseen protection that might be happening with opponents holding removal in hands. So they have a un-quantifiable impact during games, that you might not be aware of, unless players tell you after the game has finished.
Thats an effect I never considered when looking at Phyrexian Reclamation. Maybe this is comporable to Mother of Runes, though probably not as good. Guess I will keep Reclamation and cut Phyrexian Delver then.

When we're already talking about cards that are mostly good when Plan A doesn't work: how often do you use Disciple of Bolas and how pleased have you been with this card recently? Its expensive at 4 mana and its another card that only helps when Greven gets removed (or we don't have Lifegain available and something went horribly wrong so that we are in dire need of life), but In contrast to Reclamation it doesn't give me any unseen benefit and mostly just rots in my hand.

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Post by darrenhabib » 4 years ago

Artemis132 wrote:
4 years ago
I get your point. Compared to protection, lifelink and evasion, haste is the least important thing Greven needs. Tapping an additional land for haste seems inefficient. And I would never suggest to replace Boots or Greaves with Footfall Crater. But I still wonder if it isn't superior to Anger, who gives just haste and no additional effect. If you happen to already have one of the other haste-enablers, Anger is just a dead card, while Crater can still be used for trample. And even if you already have spear equipped you can just cycle it. At first I wasn't sure about Crater myself because of the annoying experience with Flamekin Village. But tapping one additional land for haste plus evasion seems much better than tapping two additional lands for just haste and I will at least test Crater.
That;s fair. The intention with Anger is that I thought at least its a creature that I could cast and sacrifice in a pinch, but I've literally never had to do that. Anger is nice in the fact that you can just discard it, and then its a hard card to interact with when it sits in the graveyard.
It might be that I just cut Anger all together?
Actually Generator Servant is a card that I think would be superior to both of these now that I think about it.
Thats an effect I never considered when looking at Phyrexian Reclamation. Maybe this is comporable to Mother of Runes, though probably not as good. Guess I will keep Reclamation and cut Phyrexian Delver then.

When we're already talking about cards that are mostly good when Plan A doesn't work: how often do you use Disciple of Bolas and how pleased have you been with this card recently? Its expensive at 4 mana and its another card that only helps when Greven gets removed (or we don't have Lifegain available and something went horribly wrong so that we are in dire need of life), but In contrast to Reclamation it doesn't give me any unseen benefit and mostly just rots in my hand.
The Mother of Runes comparison is very much similar. It just does tons of work through the game, but you'll never know how much.

You know the only time I've used Disciple of Bolas is when I have Sneak Attack down. So I'll do something like sneak in Ball Lightning and then respond by sneaking in the Disciple of Bolas. I have fond memories of doing to this with Malignus, drawing 20 cards.
So I definitely have that bias of remembering the "good times". But the reality is that I'm not really using Disciple of Bolas without the Sneak Attack, so that is not such a good thing.

I've decided to add a little bit more interaction with Abrade, my friends recommendation.

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Post by Magiqmaster » 4 years ago

Glad to see my comment has revived this thread! :cool:

If I can offer my 2 cents on Disciple of Bolas, it once helped me get out of a bad situation by sacrificing a Doom Whisperer which could not help me draw a badly needed Rush of Vitality equivalent to gain life. I then drew among the 6 cards a Vampiric Tutor, thus allowing me to gain back control of that game. So, despite being in agreement that the Disciple is not always needed, I don't think I am willing to cut it yet from my build.

As for adding Netherborn Altar, I had not thought about that one, but it obviously has a lot of synergy with Greven. You can even use it in the early game, without any effective commander tax, to benefit from the 3 life payment... Otherwise, it should really help repeatedly push Greven in opponent's face despite removal being used on him. Can't wait to see it in action!

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Post by darrenhabib » 4 years ago

Alchemist's Gift is a nice pickup for the deck. Being able to commit to a heavy life loss attack is exactly what you want to do.

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Post by Discombobulated » 3 years ago

Hi darrenhabib,

Great little primer you have here. I have been using it as a reference for a battlecruiser Greven deck that I have put together for my meta. What do you think of the new 2021 Unleash Fury as an Instant add. Can be used to pump Greven or pump a sac creature for more card draw with only 2 mana.



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