Garth One-Eyed Landstorm

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Post by Moxnix » 9 months ago

Haven't posted decks for a while going to post what I have been playing lately to have a changelog etc will add more in depth descriptions later.


Enchantment (2)

Approximate Total Cost:

Let talk about the Deck for a minute. The power level is not CEDH you will note I don't include cards like Notion Thief for this reason though it would be backbreaking with all the wheels. For a long time I wanted a lands matter Landstrom type Deck I built Aesi extra turns and that was great but I wanted more. This deck combines the ideas from my prosh cradel storm with great auroura and aesi into one deck that gets to play and tutor all the cool lands matter creatures. You get to play 40 lands and Garth helps fill in the gaps wuite well. Its a mostly green deck in disguise and the most common way I kill is Devastation hoof into zombies form field of the dead but mostly it swings. Bitter ordeal also is a hot SB card vs combo players that i could legit probably get to 300 and use as a kill if i added scapeshift tech but I like the look at all my sweet creatures midrange feel to the deck.

Edit 1 Uploaded some images from my only game today just to show how nutty it looks ones the end of t3 then t4 before and after TGA when the gears are moving. Turn 4 I was able to generate insane value swing with gnawbone for over 20 tokens and auora away the board and essentially play another long turn. t5 kill since I use combat step and not a storm card.

Edit 2 Cards on my radar
1 Wasteland > in 1v1 auto include here probably only just good enough in general since if i want to tutor for mass land kill I want strip-mine anyway but i could see going to 41 lands not lower though its lands matter and we want 40+

reanimate > cards go to my yard having a 1 mana way to get them back after pod sacs NO and EE sac wheels etc seems pretty damn good
Force of negation > more free pitch counters garth in the command zone can get things back or draw or kill creatures or enchants he cannot however counter This is playable
Yawgwin > not good enough early seems win more late but its yawgwin and post TGA could be good if not for the fact my previous land drops on turn counted was in the deck before got cut.
Notion thief - This would be broken in this list and make it a tier above where i want it i cant play this if your in full power go ahead auto include cedh style.
Earthcraft- Dont always have a basic land but when you do its like a geas cradle tho with haste I can use my guys sometimes anyway and I don't have lots of basic lands nor do i want ot be fetching them despite the massive green skew in the deck
Endurance- The decks all green This is SB tech vs combo
Bitter ordeal> my gravestorm is actually insane with landrops gnawbone and tithe and dockside tokens etc SB tech vs combo
Slyvan Scrying - Gets good lands maybe even worth cutting a land for!

Weakest cuttable cards > gitrog monster > Courser of kruphix
Both have high synergy and just lower overall quality though loam dredge with gitrog is nice it doesn't happen as much you normally would rather pod into benthic or fea cursed and NO aesi. Coursair has actaully been pretty good it just looks lower power. Next test might be gitrog for Force of negation or reanimate

- Gitrog + reanimte
First game with the card never saw it would have rather had it than trog at any time killed table turn 5 with 32 hasted creatures and 15 lands on board inculding cratle i had to dig halfway through my deck to recut the force of vigor i tutored early to deal with a sol ring > gilded lotus guy.
- Snow-Covered Swamp +slyvan Scrying I don't like going under 40 lands but this replaces one
- Coursair of Kruphix + Ancient copper Dragon wanted another pod 6 drop this is fun and useful since I can get haste and abuse korvold

Epic game ad nuas player fizzle on a final fortune misplaying a turn 2 kill with crypt ring and vault slopping fast main phase vamp for ad nuas main phases for no reason final fortune into messing up oracle combo. Kozliek meanwhile opened crypt dork and my rhystic studt is slow then ugiend away mange to stall him out casting rift 4 times in one game and one ring into crathoof kill like turn 10 in a grind fest from behind. EE into dockside to use korovid and draw 7 while ramping 7 to get back into the game. Again pilot was greedy didnt play his counterpspell commander the turn before i killed him he dropped ulamo and butcher of truth instead into mana rocks

Only new card drawn coper dragon if it connected I had a win it got nuked but it was a god line i had

Dragon has been a house perfect 2nd 6 drop. Deck feeling tight and fun

Changelog 9/4/2023
- Smothering tithe - Slow killable and bad at times and feels too broken with wheel and twister and windfall

+ Nissa, Resurgent Animist great landfall card I had not even seen.

small change
- Elves of deep shadow + elvish mystic.
way more green in this deck than black running both could be fine but the black mana feels like a pinging boreal druid most times. As much as I would love to ad more dorks or lands the list is getting tight and if anything needs more control cards not more mana it makes plenty of mana.

- Watery Grave
+ oboro - Still a blue source with engine upside don't really need shocks in my splash colors that are not green sources.

- Overgrown tomb I know another land but all the cards are so good and the shock damage is not great when I fetch as often as I do
+ orcish Bowmasters this cards been insane everywhere I have it and here with the wheels its great and I needed more 2 drops anyway and I'm glad to be back at 25 creatures.

-Force of will - Cant or dont want to pitch this card enough but on the upside I free a slot
+ lightning Greaves - More cmc 2 filling out the curbe there a bit. More haste to enable garth Lines and faster dragon hits and mana dork haste in combo lines etc.

Card Discussion
Fetchlands > dual lands > few basics
The fetch lands are some of the best cards in the deck as its landfall theme White red and black are a splash here and even blue is not super heavy this is a green deck in disguise but despite that we want all colors online for garth. Also we need the mountain in play for anger generally I want to be able to tap for all colors and lots of green. I play and tutor legends into play making otowara insane here as well as boseju also recurrable with loam. Field of the dead is a main win condition in this deck and why we have snow covered forest and forest. Also this gives 3 targets for prismatic vista which is low given crucible etc but the downside of hard drawing plain mountain swamp outweighed trying to make vista always work when 9/10 times its not an issue at all. Wasteland is missing but should be in the deck most likely. minamo untaps garth and ring the rainbow lands are self explanatory. Urborg and yavimaya making fetchlands tap is huge for many phases of the game. Last but certainly not least cradle is the best land in the deck making insane amounts of mana.

Mana dorks > This deck plays very few 2 drops and wants to mull for a turn 1 mana accelration to quickly land cards like oracle of muldaya to start our landfall snowball. We often want to EE or NO them away into AESI or azusa type cards quickly ... more to come
No deathrite shaman? - I dont want to exile my lands in this deck and others dont always have or play them t1 my dork must make mana t2.
I liked the idea of elves of deep shadow since garth but since im using duals that was a stupid logic and the green mana is just better so we run all the ones that can make green+ t2.
at 2 CMC we have lotus cobra the land drop king of 2 drops dockside which is not only broken but one of our token gens to really get extra value off Korvold its also ETB so great for pod and saccing. Bloom Tender out 2 drop dork taps for 5 with garth and we do have a haste outlet. Eeven sans garth it taps for 2+ most the time past turn 3.

Nissa, Resurgent Animist - Lotus cobra that gets us an creature card the second activation quite awesome I have elves and elementals in the deck
Azusa, Lost but Seeking - Land drop queen makes the turns super silly
Eternal Witness - ETB pod regrowth amazing here
Dryad of the Ilysian Grove - Half azusa half lantern we continue to play extra lands and fixed out colors as well as getting anger out mountain.

Oracle of mul daya- Posterchild for the deck extra lands drops and card advantage off the top snowballs with other extra land drop cards hard exactly what we want in play turn 2-3
Omnath, Locus of Creation- Land drop tech free mana like a lotus cobra and extra life to fight all the fetch damage as well as a nice ping that occasionaly cleans up PW's for us and the damage is relevant as I do swing to win here.
Anger- Haste outlet great to sac off TGA doesn't nuke GYs best mas haste outlet for the deck i tested fervor and others this is much smoother.

Korvold, Fae-Cursed King - Value engine with fetch lands like our other guys somtimes have to sac a land or something to cast but the fetchland value is insane and his interaction with treasure tokens makes his upide value game ending powerful and they him being giant flyer is just a bonus.
Tatyova, Benthic Druid- Lil aesi with life gain which we desperately need amazing 5 drop the draw on landrop are the most broken triggers for this deck
Titania, Protector of Argoth - Great for pod makes tokens for cradle and they are pig adn kill PW's pressure players etc great card
Garth One-Eye - God is this card fun from geyser when your out of gas to controlling creatures or artifacts and enchants or regrowing a good card he's always got powerful and relevant plays a great backup for a gassed hand and with haste can be legit scary. Super fun to have control cards in my command zone with a build playing mostly mana and less control
Aesi, Tyrant of Gyre Strait- The real commander of the deck draws for cards and exploration effect sign me up. A perfect hand in this deck would got turn 1 dork turn 2 sol ring natrual order dork into aesi play a fetchland. That sets up a t3 that could run away with a game. Even if you ate swords here you already replaced the 2 cards instantly and the land in play is safer than your elf was and you ate a removal card.
Ancient Copper Dragon - super fun card makes insane tokens having haste in the deck makes him better if I'm not killing when he swings the extra tokens are normally enough to end a game and I'm not above a post combat TGA to "control" a board or keep trying to grind value. TGA loves treasure tokens and zombies plant tokens etc

7cc -
Avenger of Zendikar - Cradle enabler Tga enabler Hoof kill enabler I have tons of lands 14 by turn 5 is not uncommon.
Old Gnawbone - Like brass dragon the tokens give enough value to seal a game off a single swing. Also even with no haste he triggers off my other creatures.

Craterhoof > one of 2 main kills along with final devastation often combed together if I don't have mass tokens.

All the creatures fit the build and have massive synergy making paying them together loads of fun next sections to come later.

Brainstorm - I already don't run enough blue pitch for my FOW so despite the high land count I've even considered ponder but this with all the fetch lands and instant speed is too good not to run
Cyclonic Rift- Catch all answer we make big mana to overload it quick garth can regrow it when were playing form behind a bomb here I don't like most wraths as I'm a dork creature engine deck the one sided nature and dealing with everything its the best wipe we can run
Enlightend tutor- One of the only white splashes for more early rings and crypts as well as crucoble / exploration when they are better. Also one ring is a card thats just always OP here it cant untap as many times as dedicated ring but the protection from all can be a time walk in this meta with a you never gas again cherry on top
Fierce gaurdianship- Free counter we do play garth
Force of vigor- Best pitch card in the deck early crypt ring is an issue artifacts can be an issue you can always pitch green value town with early wheels making them more one sided best disenchant in the deck best pitch card too
Force of will- almost want a few more filter blue cards just to pitch it more tho i can hard cast it here later we make so much mana.
Mana Drain- UU is actually not always a given but this cards tempo is so strong even with less colorless to feed its still a bomb and ill use it early for just a little mana to drop my landtech engines quickly.

Mystical tutor - Grabs anything relevant or black tutor for anything 1 cc tutor wheels free counters free disenchats rift
Nature's Claim- One of the best disenchants ever in our main color
Path to exile- When you are in white so you play swords and path
Swords to plowshares- Yep my white splash just kill things and tutors sol ring
VAmpric tutor- My black splash is not much different go get any card 1 mana.

Demonic tutor- Staple tutor all i sue black for here is consistency
Eldritch evoltuion > baby natrual order turns my small landfall and dorks into bigger badder versions up my curve.
Green Sun's Zenith- Tutors mana dorks or mid tier oracle azusa type cards early Aesi type cards midgame and hoof to end game always good
Imperial Seal- see vamp and demonic
Life from the Loam- Land recursion and gy fill for land recursion second cricble effect maybe even ebtter in this build than crucible gets back strip mine fetchlands my cycle ability lands
Natural Order- Used to grab aesi asap and start the landfall engine most games later its hoof or avenger or whatever you need to end a game korvold if you just played a dockside for 12 whatever
Reanimate- TGA leave gy alone i wheel i sac dudes its also usable on other players for one mana having a tutorable reanimte for 1 is really nice lose your aesi right away ? bring him back for one like nothing happend
Sylvan Scrying- Green land demonic tutor cradle most times sometimes a fetch or the color you need etc always been a good draw lots of utlity lands too
Windfall- With i drop all my lands comes I refill my hands wheels and exploration been a thing I've loved forever
Wheel of fortune- More wheels
Time twister- Keep wheeling
Time spiral - Big wheel now but win this deck normally cheaper or ramps mana via cradle
The great aurora- The card that makes the deck so cool a green world purge that time spirals Mutiple times usebale as a board wipe with your back agisnt the wall instantly wins off most casts and when ti doesn its like you get a brand new super turn after gimping all oppoents the whole deck is built to resolve this card as a game ending effect

Mox diamond - Free mana and i have lots of lands
Mana crypt - Broken mana free
Sol ring - broken mana at 1
Crucible of worlds- Combos with all my landrop tech value engine
Birthing Pod- The deck has amazing targets at every single cmc and this cards a house here often tutored for its so good
The one ring- This is in every commander deck I own now its that good Then time walk has one me alot of games and dropping it early is enough CA to have any deck win. As much a staple as crypt and ring IMO

Exploration- The og extra land drop I will often tutor this t1 over crypt or ring in land heavy hands with potential to combo or refill. amazing here.
Mystic remora - Card advantage engine staple
Rhystic Study - Card advantage staple easy turn 2 cruve out in mana dork deck.

What I want to test tonight cut the dragons and greaves
+ wasteland
+rejuvinating springs
+ elves of deep shadow

Back to 25 creatures and 40 lands

- Hallowed fountain - Just added a blue green soruce and trying to get some of these shocklands on splash colors out they hurt to much
+ ragavan nimble pilferer.
39 lands
26 creatures now

- elves of deep shadow + trade routes down to 25 creatures

Cards I'm looking at right now Reclamation Sage - due to having pod and creature sac things I've wanted this a few times.

- Korovold
+ corsair of kruphix This card was never bad when i had it and often my life total scares me and I love the top of deck effect. Korovold had some amazing upside when i could make treasures but as i cut lots of cards that did that he felt less powerful I considered Rec sage for bod and deserted temple to untap cradle but settled on this as I think its more focused on the area I'm weak which is before my land engines start flowing.
Last edited by Moxnix 8 months ago, edited 6 times in total.

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Post by benjameenbear » 9 months ago

Interesting that Korvold is turning out to be redundant. With all the fetches and treasures, it looks like a solid 1-card engine that, even if you're discarding during the Storm turn, provides late-game value and insurance. And, the art is pretty cool too.

What's the rulings on Garth's ability? If you recast it, do you get new instances of each spell that he can cast? Or no? I can't remember. The reason I ask is because you're super light on removal and interaction otherwise. Granted, that's not the point of this deck (since it's a Storm deck), but it seems like 1-2 more pieces could be valuable.

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Post by Moxnix » 9 months ago

No you copy the spell no cards go to the yard. More removal might be ok but Korvold randomly was game winning but more often just a pitch card for my green force. Thats ok I made his own deck where I jammed like 4 haste things so those damn dragons work lol. Thats the funny thing about great aurora though its a wheel that world purges so it can deal with hate cards I've cast it for game winning value as early as turn 4 so far. Think of this kind of like an aesi deck but instead of casting him for 6 out the command zone i want to NO him out asap. The decks simple to play but still fun. Mull to turn 1 acceleration > play NO/ee/ azusa /oracle/ whatever mid range land tech dude >wheel/ landstrom into value turn 4-5. hoof/tga/devastation turn 5/6. But I want the deck to be more of an 8 not a 10 so no notion thief and I want it to be so that people can use wrath of god or Counter spell whatever and legitimately slow the deck down. The deck needs to be in that tier as it could not compete in the CEDH tier and its got too many good cards and fast starts for the turn 7-8 decks. Garth has been pretty good hes more of the plan B but he gets me to the promised land as plan B quite often. One of his abilities is always relevant and just having the Mindspring out the command zone is nice and if you do hit double dork on the play just slamming him t3 doesn't feel bad at all. Could maybe run a few more I know when I played aesi as a commander for whatever reason I saw so much dranith magistrate I was playing so much removal lol. There is not enough blue to play force and since garth can kill creatures and disenchant I could see tossing in a few more counters but the deck just loves tapping out for value. I know when i did aesi i just spammed time warps and I'm sure those would be good here too but again I think then maybe I have to go play vs the lions eye diamond decks and I don't think I matchup there so well. I mostly just want like 12-14 lands in play turn 5 then go cradle avenger TGA > hoof kill is that so much to ask XD.

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Post by Moxnix » 8 months ago

Change log
- strip mine
- Wasteland
- Coursair of kruphix
- Anger
- enlightend tutor
- ragavan
- mystic remora
- rhystic study
- Crucible of worlds
- Path to exile
- Natures claim
- Swords to plowshares

+ Bane of Progress
+ lightning Greaves
+ Faeburrow
+ coaltion Relic
+ Mystic Sanctuary
+ slyvan Caryatid
+ elves of deep Shadow
+ recurring insight
+ Capture of Jinhzhou
+ fierce guardianship
+ temporal manipulation
+ force of will
+ arcane denial

strip mine/ wasteland - This is not a control deck its a combo deck the colorless mana was bad. - Mystic confluence and slyvan carytid both make colored mana sanc comes in with capture as a way to finish carytids any mana is great and another ramp slot
Anger > lightning greaves This is a better garth card and better in general and I move toward more colored ramp I hope to see him more often. The anger was better when I ran some other guys I have since cut
Coursair > Faeburrow another bloom tender but it adds white symbols already trying to cast garth this has just been way better then maybe can tripping more mana sources
enlightend tutor > Capture of jingzhou I have enough ramp and colorless doesn't get garth so grabbing crypt felt meh one ring is fine here but this was meh and I need a time warp slot
Ragavan > eleves deep shadow makes black sacs to NO doesnt get blocked better in practice
Mystic Remora > Recurring insight I dont play enough control to camp remora with only mana drain as my counter and I tap out and dont want to pay for it but I can legit cast insight turn 2-3 and its game winning CA
Nature's Claim > bane of progress - Been looking for a 6 drop green creature to play with aesi I like this better than claim as its a blowout
Crucible of worlds > Coaltion Relic This card was surprisingly not what we wanted we want to cast timetwister not crucible after dumping the hand or in this case jump ramp into garth. This again is a change to make the deck faster and more able to utilize garth by trying to get him down on t3
- path to exile + fierce guardianship - Path is a really good removal but im not really trying to slow people down as much as combo off with hopefully more garth this could stop a board wipe for free
- Rhystic Study + temporal manipulation - another time warp to help finish and draw on our own terms instead

- Swords to plowshares
- Reanimate

+ Force of will
+ Arcane denial

More changes to support use of garth I had issues pitching FoW in the past but I've added a bit of blue so maybe its playable now the counters are to protect my board state from wraths as opposed to reanimating after. Losing the narrow tutor targets for things that fit how I'm playing better seems right. Can use gath to disenchat and doomblade but not protect our board from counters Fow should be good for large garth tap outs and denial just seems good here.

The combine changes make the deck go off a bit faster and make much better use of garth. The deck doesn't have many ways to come back but I feel going more all in for some speed and a time warp to speed it up in back its playing much better.

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Post by Moxnix » 8 months ago

Semi retiring this until I completly rebuild it. It felt too much like my aesi and kong list which was by design except it was just worse than them and felt bad. It either goes way faster and blows everyone out of the water or falls behind cant make control plays to come back and loses. trying to make a non haste 5 color tap guy work is not so easy. Not sure how I want to rebuild this guy yet but I have enough green decks that win this way and it just felt like faster worse aesi. The cards that made garth feel good were Graeves and bloom tender effects. Maybe its better to run a few of his best cards and just pick a different strategy for him to support or be a plan b. TLDR playing such a low control card count felt terrible and this decks just a water down version of others I already have.

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Post by benjameenbear » 8 months ago

Seems like a good reason to retire it. I notice that I also like to have decks with distinct playstyles and card interactions. I have a cEDH Kaalia Stax + Fat list, a Kalamax draw-go Control/Combo list, a lower-tier Atraxa goodstuff/ETB list, and a Tevesh/Thrasios cEDH midrange deck. They each play very differently which brings me a lot of satisfaction.

I always loved the MTG book about Garth One-Eye though, so I'd probably enjoy building him simply for the nostalgia aspect lol.

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Post by Moxnix » 8 months ago

Yea I really want to make him work his flavor text is sweet too. I don't give up easy but this just doesn't work the way I want it too. His abilities are not really great at instant speed so I don't know that trying to force seedborn muse really works. The fact that you have to spend time getting the 1 of every color mana to cast him is a chore in itself. This builds retired for now but ill see what I can do. Would like the deck to feel unique and good and right now it feels neither and I tried ALOT of card combinations. If you have a slick idea though I'm all ears.

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