Theros Beyond Death: What do you desire?

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Post by Morganelefay » 4 years ago

It's time again to look at our decks, then look at the new set and see...what is it we desire? What's our wishlist for the newest set?

Starting with mine:

Selvala, Explorer Returned:

Heliod's Intervention - There's a lot of artifacts and enchantments running about in my meta, having a onesided sweeper won't hurt.
Destiny Spinner - Will go nicely alongside Grand Abolisher to force my fatties through.
Dryad of the Ilysian Grove - Having a tendency to draw many cards, being able to just play the extra lands won't hurt.

Prime Speaker Zegana:

Thassa, Deep-Dwelling - A better Conjurer's Closet that can become an indestructible beat stick mid-game? Yes please and thank you.
Thassa's Oracle - The sea god has been kind to Zegana in providing a third alt-wincon, this is going to break some stuff.
Thryx, the Sudden Storm - Not as good as og Teferi, the uncounterability is a pretty big deal.
Destiny Spinner - Ensures I can do what I want without interruption. Neat.
Dryad of the Ilysian Grove - Having a tendency to draw many cards, being able to just play the extra lands won't hurt.
Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath - Even "mulldriftering" it isn't terrible, being able to turn it into a massive threat later on, it's going to hurt and provide oodles of value.

Ayara, First of Locthwain:

Erebos, Bleak-Hearted - Creatures constantly die here, nobody would mind me double dipping, right?
Nightmare Shepherd - The deck is very low on reanimation, so might as well just get extra enter the battlefield effects.
Woe Strider - A worse Viscera Seer that brings its own sacrifice fodder is still a good card.
Nyx Lotus - Easy to get a lot of mana out of this in Ayara, which is already high on devotion.

Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis:

Gravebreaker Lamia - Beyond the Entombing effect, it gives me a discount on Hogaak whenever it dies, which is neat.
Destiny Spinner - Can turn my lands into Convoke fodder while also rendering Hogaak uncounterable. I'll take it.
Acolyte of Affliction - Self mill and recursion in one neat package, always useful.

Grumgully, the Generous:

Anax, Hardened in the Forge - More tokens with extra power. Sure, why not.
Arasta of the Endless Web - A second Dragonlair Spider. I'll take it.
Renata, Called to the Hunt - Now I have two Grumgullys, ohohohoho.
Gallia of the Endless Dance - Yes the discard is random but come on, that art just goes so well with Grumgully's goofy flavor and it's not a bad card.

Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh:

Ox of Agonas - A hand refresher that can come back in a deck that does next to nothing with its own grave? Yes please and thank you.
Underworld Breach - Then again, about that non-grave use bit...
Nyx Lotus - Chandra does appreciate large bursts of mana.

Selvala, Heart of the Wilds:

Destiny Spinner - Yea I need a lot of these but there's not much more fun than making big Eldrazi titans uncounterable.
Nessian Boar - A great way to kickstart Selvala's mana production, and sometimes it'll kill people by smashing into a mass of tokens.

Pir, Imaginative Rascal & Toothy, Imaginary Friend:


Golos, Tireless Pilgrim:


Generic pickups (Don't have a deck for them yet, or may just test them out):

Kiora Bests the Sea God - This card just feels mean, maybe Zegana might enjoy it...
Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hunger - I am considering a deck around this bad boy. I also know it'll get hated off the table extremely fast.
EDH Decks:

Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis - Arise, Lord Hogaak.
Grumgully, the Generous - The wonderful world of Ferngully.
Prime Speaker Zegana - Draw Cards Tribal.
Pir, Imaginative Rascal & Toothy, Imaginary Friend - Imaginary Superfriends.
Selvala, Explorer Returned - Taxes, Denial and Fatties.
Selvala, Heart of the Wilds - Dinos and Eldrazis, oh my.
Ayara, First of Locthwain - March of the Black Queen.
Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh - Chandra Tribal.
Golos, Tireless Pilgrim - Curious Contraptions

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Post by Mookie » 4 years ago

Going over my various decks, here are the things that interest me. Not going to actually get all of them, since I already have a huge backlog of cards to test, but they're in consideration.

Brago: Teysa: Animar: Tasigur: Samut: Thada:
Thryx, the Sudden Storm - evasion, interaction, mana, and counterspell protection. Does a lot of things the deck is interested in.

Underworld Breach - Past in Flames #2?

Soul-Guide Lantern - Nihil Spellbomb #2

Overall, I don't think there any cards for my decks that provide fundamentally new abilities like Paradox Engine or Smothering Tithe, but there are a lot of interesting replacements and redundancies for existing effects. I'm predicting the Heliod's Intervention will see a lot of play. Thassa's Oracle is probably the most powerful card in the set, but I don't really have a deck I would want to play it in (although it is in consideration for Brago).

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Post by RedCheese » 4 years ago

Shadowspear : Cool equipment, no idea where it will go tough.
Nyx Lotus : Probably going in my mono black Ayara deck or even my upcoming Heliod deck.
Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath : Really cool card that fits in my Yarock deck.
Polukranos, Unchained : Big boy to be sacrificed in my Jarad deck.
Dream Trawler : Really cool Sphynx. No Home yet tough
Calix, Destiny's Hand : Have a Tuvasa Enchantress deck so might find a room there.
Wolfwillow Haven : Aura deck that ramps. Might find a space in Tuvasa
Setessan Champion : Enchantress, get in Tuvasa easilly.
Nyxbloom Ancient : zzzzzzzzz
Nylea's Intervention : Getting any land is sick for Windgrace deck
Nessian Wanderer : Tuvasa again
Nessian Boar : chep big boy for mah girl Selvala
Dryad of the Ilysian Grove : jesus this is gross. Going in so many of my decks.
Destiny Spinner : Interesting enough but don't know if i can find space for her. Maybe against counter heavy deck if there are any.
Underworld Breach : This card has crazy potential and going to test in my Wheels Bolas deck.
Tectonic Giant : Give it a spin in some decks like Torbran
Nightmare Shepherd : Sutch an interesting card that i don't know. Maybe in AAyar deck?
Gravebreaker Lamia : Maybe Jarad deck
Wavebreak Hippocamp : ahh dunno, its interesting atleast?
Thryx, the Sudden Storm : Want to try him out in my Maelstrom Wanderer deck. Making my big bombs cheaper and uncontarabnle is quite pleasing
Thirst for Meaning : draws alot, considering in Tuvasa but that deck is loaded with drawing effects.
Thassa's Oracle : Stupid broken card. Another win con my Bolas deck.
Kiora Bests the Sea God : ANother cool card that can't find a room for tough.
Heliod's Intervention : Great card, goes in almost every white deck.
Idyllic Tutor : Tutor for Tuvasa.
The 6 Gods : Always have space for them.

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Post by lyonhaert » 4 years ago

Mostly stuff I'd like to test.

Chainer, Dementia Master
I'd like to test Nightmare Shepherd, Gravebreaker Lamia, and Woe Strider. Soul-Guide Lantern is also of interest, and so is Shadowspear considering the targeted removal. Mire Triton is slightly interesting.

Marchesa, the Black Rose
Some of the above for Chainer are of interest. Careless Celebrant is okay.

Erebos, God of the Dead
Solid options or alternates: Agonizing Remorse, Drag to the Underworld, Pharika's Libation, and Soul-Guide Lantern are all of interest.

Zada, Hedron Grinder
Curious about Anax, Hardened in the Forge. Not sure how useful it will be, but it's a bit different. Some other recent sets had much more interesting additions I still need to rebuild to include. As pump spells go, Infuriate is pretty decent. Purphoros, Bronze-Blooded for haste enabling + Sneak Attack could see some use. Underworld Breach, though, could be really useful

Spiders (Sidisi, Brood Tyrant)
Arasta of the Endless Web it's a spider that makes spiders! However, only triggering on opponent instants and sorceries might make it not quite good enough to find a spot but I'll want to test it anyway. Mystic Repeal seems nice. As mill cards go Relentless Pursuit is decent.

Kalemne, Disciple of Iroas (equipment voltron)
Soul-Guide Lantern is useful in general just to mitigate opponent strategies. Shadowspear's lifelink and trample very nicely complement Kalemne's double strike and vigilance -- easy replacement for Loxodon Warhammer maybe.
Chainer bbb
(rebuild after Geth)
r Lathliss
bw Breena
To-Build Pool
rb Obosh Burn
gw Dromoka

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Post by Dunharrow » 4 years ago

Heliod's Intervention is definitely a new white staple.
kiora bests the sea god could be good in Maelstrom Wanderer. Probably too slow though. Yeah, definitely seems too slow for 7 mana.

I have a blue deck and a black deck and a Gr devotion deck that could use Nyx Lotus.

Those are the ones that immediately stand out. There are some others I will think about. Nyxbloom Ancient probably goes into Maelstrom Wanderer.

I am also excited for the basic lands. My RB Mogis deck would be thematic.
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Post by Sinis » 4 years ago

Rather than post what I'm getting for particular decks, I'll just list the cards I plan on playing somewhere. The cards in this set are pretty generically good, though, not as crazy as Eldraine.

Heliod's Intervention
Thassa's Intervention
Erebos's Intervention
Nyxbloom Ancient
Tectonic Giant
Underworld Breach

I may want to make decks out of Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hunger and Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath.

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Post by TheGildedGoose » 4 years ago

Since I really only play Erebos anymore...

Erebos's Intervention - very versatile, replaces Suffer the Past as graveyard hate that can kill critters in a pinch
Drag to the Underworld - often a two mana Murder in my list due to the heavy devotion and will replace Malicious Affliction
Agonizing Remorse - again, versatile makes it a possible inclusion though I don't know what it will replace
Underworld Dreams - the new art gives me an excuse to put it back in the list

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Post by SocorroTortoise » 4 years ago

For Jaya: For Estrid, too many things. It's nice that the return to enchantment world provided more goodies for more traditional enchantress builds than the first visit had. In rough order of how interested I am:
  • Setessan Champion - Another enchantress is always welcome. This is one of the sure thing includes.
  • Wolfwillow Haven - The other sure thing. Estrid is always looking for more reasonably costed aura ramp and this one is a fine one. Everything after this one is a strong possibility but less of a sure thing.
  • Omen of the Hunt - Enchantment based ramp turned lightweight card selection. Estrid is better with auras but this is still not bad.
  • Omen of the Sea - I'm not currently running the blue cantrip suite to keep enchantment density high. This takes some of the pressure off of enchantress effects.
  • Archon of Sun's Grace - For the times when Castle Ardenvale token generation gets to be too tedious for the table.
  • Nessian Wanderer - It's kind of an enchantress effect that can't chain enchantments together. Card advantage is still card advantage.
  • Dryad of the Ilysian Grove - Doubling up on Exploration is nice. Color fixing is less important and it's more fragile.
  • Ashiok's Erasure - Enchantment based counterspells are rare. I don't think the deck plays enough at instant speed for this to not be super telegraphed.
  • Calix, Destiny's Hand - Definitely enchantment themed, not an enchantment. The appeal here is the repeatable pseudo-Oblivion Rings and I'm not sure I'm that interested.
  • Alseid of Life's Bounty - If there weren't 9 other cards I was already looking at, this would be a lot more interesting.
Great set for Estrid for some reason. I can't imagine why.

Outside of my more permanent lists, I'm sure I'll find homes for Heliod, Sun-Crowned, Heliod's Intervention, Nadir Kraken, Thassa, Deep-Dwelling, Drag to the Underworld, Erebos's Intervention, Gravebreaker Lamia, Nightmare Shepherd, Woe Strider, Anax, Hardened in the Forge, Escape Velocity, Purphoros, Bronze-Blooded, Tectonic Giant, Arasta of the Endless Web, Nylea, Keen-Eyed, Klothys, God of Destiny, Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hunger, Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath, and Shadowspear. Bolded are the ones I'm most interested in.
Last edited by SocorroTortoise 4 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by MeowZeDung » 4 years ago

Idyllic Tutor and Underworld Breach are going straight into Kykar, Wind's Fury. Fantastic value on their own, but I will be including them as part of a package with Burning Inquiry, Tome Scour, and Sevinne's Reclamation that I think will do some work.

Stern Dismissal - Not incredibly exciting, but I'm going to get a couple copies beyond the first copy for my pauper cube. 1 mana instants that do something relevant, even if only temporarily, are at a premium, and this is a strict upgrade over Unsummon.

Dalakos, Crafter of Wonders - He's just a conditional Worn Powerstone if not in a dedicated equipment deck, so I'm not sure where he fits in the 99 of my current lists. In Saheeli, the Gifted artifacts maybe? He will be fun to build a deck around as the general though! All equipment gain "equipped creature has flying and haste" seems strong. . . whenever I get around to building it.

Daxos, Blessed by the Sun - I think I'll build a silly casual soul sister lifegain theme deck around this fella. Mostly to see what absurd things I can get away with abusing jank like Evra, Halcyon Witness and Phyrexian Processor.

Haktos the Unscarred - Now also on my list of "I'll build it whenever I get to it" silly stuff.

Hero of the Nyxborn and Phalanx Tactics - These are sleepers for some Zada, Hedron Grinder possibilities I'm considering as a hidden commander in an alternate Kykar list, and in General Tazri. In Tazri lists I've been looking at, Sigil Blessing is strong, and tactics is similar. Hero is two bodies on one card, which is good for a Zada list, and even though flicker effects targeting Zada would get rid of the token, it would come back courtesy of Hero's etb. The "heroic" effect is pretty mild, but it's at least something in a board state missing Zada.

Mischievous Chimera - Might find a home in my Keranos, God of Storms pingers deck since it hits each opponent, and will definitely go in a Jori En, Ruin Diver build I've been planning.

Wavebreak Hippocamp - Also going in Jori En.

Protean Thaumaturge - Any enchantment heavy list with blue in it will probably get this included. Definitely my daughter's Alela, Artful Provocateur enchantress deck.

Relentless Pursuit, Skola Grovedancer, Funeral Rites, and Venomous Hierophant - I'll throw these in my casual Sidisi, Brood Tyrant deck that is one of only two decks I play when I'm not in the mood for Jeskai colors these days.

Renata, Called to the Hunt and Hydra's Growth - Rishkar, Peema Renegade is the other non-Jeskai color deck I play from time to time, and he might enjoy these.

Thryx, the Sudden Storm, Tectonic Giant, and Grasping Giant - I've wanted to do Giant tribal for some time, and these three plus the giants from Eldraine have me considering a Ruhan of the Fomori build. Unfortunately Grasping Giant shot up in price because it's good (imagine that), so I'll be waiting for reprints or price drops on it. Tectonic Giant will go in Keranos pingers, and probably some mono red lists like Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh.

Erebos's Intervention and Pharika's Libation - Intervention is great for my wife's Drana, Liberator of Malakir deck. Libation is iffy to me, but mono black is so hard up for enchantment removal that we'll probably try it out.

Soul-Guide Lantern - Yup.
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Post by Serenade » 4 years ago

Is that alternate art Arasta a foil?
Mirri, Cat Warrior counts as a Cat Warrior.

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Post by Myllior » 4 years ago

Shadowspear is a clear upgrade over Loxodon Warhammer for Kefnet. It may only put Kefnet's power to 6, but this is the magic number for a 2 turn clock when Fireshrieker|MRD or Inquisitor's Flail are in play, so the power loss is more than mitigated by this and halving the combined cast and equip cost.
Wavebreak Hippocamp is also worth trialling in Kefnet, since the deck has a decent number of instants, but without the ability to reuse the same spell on multiple opponents' turns (like Whitemane Lion or similar do in Ephara) I'll need to pay close attention to it and reassess it after testing.
Soul-Guide Lantern seems a decent card, but I'm unsure if it's needed. Regardless, I'll pick up a copy as there's only so much grave hate available in mono blue and the asymmetry of this card is nice.

Thassa, Deep-Dwelling will find a home in Roon as a cheaper, indestructible and more easily tutorable Conjurer's Closet; I'll likely run both rather than replace one with the other.

Nyxbloom Ancient is just bonkers, so Kamahl will be finding room for that.

Derevi isn't really big on anything this set (Eidolon of Obstruction is a woefully bad card), although the X-for-1 power of Heliod's Intervention may win it a spot.

As far as new commanders go, Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hunger is by far the most interesting card from the set for me. Whether it'll be enough to pull me from my Bant leanings remains to be seen, but I'll be happy if I open one at the prerelease.

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Post by Hawk » 4 years ago

TL;DR - my acquire list is short in this set:
Glimpse of Freedom for Sevinne
Arasta of the Endless Web and Nessian Boar for Gahiji
Dryad of the Ilysian Grove and Skola Grovedancer for Gitrog
Drag to the Underworld and Whirlwind Denial because they are strong staples to test
As many copies of Shadowspear as I can get, more for my wife's many Voltron-y decks than my own.

In alphabetical order:

Daretti, Scrap Savant: Nothing stands out. I am sure there are builds of Daretti where Underworld Breach is gas, but it feels a bit too dicey for my build. I'd have to test it and I suspect it's bad and also that it's going to cost enough $$$ that I'm unlikely to find one to toss in on a whim to prove that it is a bad fit. Ditto Purphoros, Bronze-Blooded; I don't run Blightsteel or Eldrazi and so slamming Battlesphers and Wurmcoil Engines feels a whole lot less spicy. I'd be into Nyx Lotus if it didn't ETB tapped - as it stands, I don't know that I get my devotion high enough for this to be a reliable improvement to ol' reliables like Thran Dynamo and Gilded Lotus.

Darigaaz, the Igniter: As part of his restriction, all old cards, no upgrades for him today.

Doran, the Siege Tower
: Shadowspear is a clear upgrade to Behemoth Sledge, losing +1/+1 in exchange for half cost, an easier casting cost, and the extremely relevant Bonds of Mortality trinket text. Doran is sort of bottom of the heap in competing for this mighty gift but would love it if I can get enough. As a Treefolk/Shaman tribal deck, nothing else stands out.

Gahiji, Honored One
: This deck is silly and it is exactly the kind of deck Nessian Boar could shine in - a massive beefy attacker that likes getting power boosts and trample, gives opponents fuel, and paves the way for the token army to rock folks. More competitively, Arasta of the Endless Web is a more better Dragonlair Spider and I'd be thrilled to run it.

The Gitrog Monster
: Dryad of the Ilysian Grove is a windmill slam if I can get my hands on one - more explore effects, on creatures, is what it's all about. I'm also very interested in Skola Grovedancer. Polukranos, Unchained is hard to judge if it is good or not but I'd not complain about the chance to test it either.

Sevinne, the Chronoclasm: Despite Escape being a major mechanic, not a ton gets on my radar here. Sevinne only triggers off instants and sorceries, and most permanents with Escape don't seem very exciting even with extra cards or damage thanks to Secrets of the Dead and Burning Vengeance - Elspeth, Sun's Nemesis is closest but I'm pretty ambivalent about her. Glimpse of Freedom is probably better than Think Twice but worse than Radical Idea and I don't remember if I'm running Think Twice now. Mischievous Chimera and all of the "cast an instant" cards are intriguing but most seem just worse than the "cast an instant or sorcery" cards I already have in my deck. I was so pumped when we saw Escape, so I'm a bit disappointed to not get anything too spicy.

Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow: I may try out Whirlwind Denial, but probably not - it's really hard to hold up that much mana for a counterspell in this deck even though this is a great counterspell. I'd also ponder Drag to the Underworld but I fear I'm unlikely to reliably have two devotion on board. As is typical and expected, very little to help Yuriko this time around.

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Post by UnfulfilledDesires » 4 years ago

Tymaret, Chosen from Death: At least two of my decks want this new Tymaret. Saskia appreciates grave hate on a low-cost legendary creature. The Tymna & Kydele enchantress/mill list I'm working on values that Tymaret's both an enchantment & a cheap body than draw cards with Tymna.

Shadowspear: My Saskia legendary-matters deck linked to above needs this.

The Binding of the Titans: I'm going to try this out in my borderline-cEDH Estrid list as it provides a way to exile cards from yards on an enchantment in Bant colors as well as eventually replacing itself with a creature or land. The mill synergizes with Replenish & Starfield of Nyx & serves as a wincon with Starfield plus Parallax Wave. On the other hand, Binding is very slow & may not end up being worth it. I may put in Tymna & Kydele too, which is much more casual.

Arasta of the Endless Web: I'm going to see how this works out in that same Estrid deck as well as possibly in Tymna & Kydele list.

Atris, Oracle of Half-Truths: This goes in Dakkon as legendary creature (for Blackblade Reforged) with a nice enters-the-battlefield trigger.

Destiny Spinner: This is another cheap enchantment creature for Tymna & Kydele. Both the protection from counters & the activated ability could be useful, especially with Enchanted Evening out.

Aphemia, the Cacophony: Here we have yet another, this time with evasion & the ability to produce more bodies.

Dryad of the Ilysian Grove: I hope the price drops on this one, as I desire a few copies. Tymna & Kydele gets this for sure, as does my Kynaios and Tiro of Meletis deck (to enable Valakut). I plan to try Dryad out in Estrid.

Mindwrack Harpy: Four is a lot for this creature, but it's perfect for Tymna & Kydele.

Heliod, Sun-Crowned: I want this for my fringe-cEDH Lin Sivvi deck, to combo with Walking Ballista as you'd expect. It also goes in the Reyhan & Ravos counters-matter list I'm assembling.

Setessan Champion: Each of my four enchantress decks needs a copy of this fantastic card.

The First Iroan Games: The aforementioned Reyhan & Ravos deck gets this.

The Birth of Meletis, Elspeth's Nightmare, & Elspeth Conquer's Death: These go in my Selenia deck for synergy with Hex Parasite & flavor.

Wavebreak Hippocamp, Naiad of Hidden Coves, & Thassa, Deep-Dwelling: Ephara needs these three, for obvious reasons.

Whirlwind Denial: This replaces Summary Dismissal in Ephara.

Soul-Guide Lantern: I need a number of these for various decks.

Underworld Breach: I plan to play this in a number of my more cEDH-style decks. I'm ditching Rest in Peace in Elsha in flavor of Breach.

Nyxbloom Ancient: If I can acquire one, this goes in my Verdeloth enchantress deck for sure, & possibly other places.

Thassa's Oracle: I'll be running this in Yidris & Tasigur at least.

Nylea's Intervention: A new toy for Rosheen.

There are additional cards I'm interested in but uncertain about. On the whole I'm thrilled by this set & can't way to start playing this new cards.

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Post by Airi » 4 years ago

The biggest adds for me are Thassa, Deep-Dwelling, Athreos, Shroud-Veiled, and Dryad of the Ilysian Grove. A lot of the stuff in this set seems to want pretty specific builds, so I'm not entirely sure how much overall I can make use of, but bare minimum I got some fun potential cards for my legendary tribal list. ^.^

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Post by MeowZeDung » 4 years ago

UnfulfilledDesires wrote:
4 years ago
On the whole I'm thrilled by this set & can't way to start playing this new cards.
I just wanted to take a second and point out the thread title, your username, and this statement. I chuckled!
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Post by Hawk » 4 years ago

For fun, my wife's many decks as well get a look. Again in alphabetical order:

Alela, Artful Provocateur: As a faerie tribal deck, nothing stands out. Whirlwind Denial is very powerful, but she doesn't run a ton of counterspells now and I'd imagine this doesn't beat out her current crop of cards that are lower CMC (Negate, Counterspell), tribally relevant (Glen Elendra Archmage, Faerie Trickery), or both (Spellstutter Sprite).

Grusilda, Monster Masher:
We should probably just dismantle it as no one wants to play against it - but, it must be said that Funeral Rites and Gravebreaker Lamia are EXACTLY the kind of cards this deck likes. Purphoros, Bronze-blooded is also very interesting, although that's a lot of money to spend on a gag deck.

Jenara, Asura of War
: As her only non-tribal deck, you'd think there'd be some spicy additions but not really. Nothing here excites me - the planeswalkers and Heliod are interesting, but in my estimation just worse than most stuff she's running now.

Mirri the Cursed: Drag to the Underworld should finally replace Devour in Shadow as the deck's unconditional "2 CMC" removal spell of choice; having devotion 2 should happen in the deck's sleep. I don't remember if she's still running Warhammer but either way Shadowspear is also very attractive especially since it's trinket text allows this deck to defeat enemies protected by boots and plates - something a monoblack deck otherwise struggles to do.

Mirri, Weatherlight Duelist: Shadowspear is not STRICTLY better than Behemoth Sledge...but it is basically better and an easy sub. Bronzehide Lion may also have a place, although it isn't a card I'm going to actively seek out.

Nath of the Gilt Leaf: No elves make this deck get no upgrades. There's also no new, powerful discard synergy so just a pass all around. Not even Nylea's Intervention gets a nod - if it hit players and could function as a fireball, maybe.

Sygg, River Guide: There are merfolk in the set - but none that are particularly exciting. Thassa's Oracle is a fine addition, but like the Lion for Cats not a card that we'll actively seek out. This deck probably will find room for Whirlwind Denial though and I could see the flexibility of Thassa's Intervention being worthwhile as well.

Varina, Lich Queen: Her build really likes stuff that can attack with impunity so Mire Triton probably makes the cut. Nothing else is of interest - the deck isn't running Festering Mummy so Grim Physician gets a pass. Tymaret Calls the Dead might have worked in an older, more enchantress-themed zombie build we had but the new version doesn't need or want it. Drag to the Underworld is good, but this deck gets to run Swords, Path, and then other black staples so probably a no there too. At least the new art for Gary is strictly better?

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Post by toctheyounger » 4 years ago

At first glance, I wasn't that impressed. There's still a few bits and pieces though;

Bruna, the Fading Light:

Soul-Guide Lantern - About the most flexible grave hate we've ever had printed. You could probably take it as read that any multiple copis of this will probably see a lot of my decks.
Heliod's Intervention - I won't actively seek this out but if I end up with a copy I'll probably give it a go. I can't see it being strictly better than Return to Dust et al, but it's worth a try, purely for the sake of not having to spend the mana during my turn to maximize impact.

Nissa, Vastwood Seer:
Arasta of the Endless Web: Again, won't actively seek it out but may well give it a go if I come across it as it seems good value.
Dryad of the Ilysian Grove - doesn't really need an explanation, it's a strong card.
Nyxbloom Ancient - See above.

Varina, Lich Queen:
Maaaaaybe a copy of Enlightened Tutor. Otherwise, super slim pickings here. I'm not even sure personally if the new printing of Gary is visually more attractive to me. I kind of like the original, it's almost sort of Studio Ghibli anime-ish which is sort of cool.

Yawgmoth. Thran Physician:
Erebos, Bleak-Hearted: Obvious inclusion is pretty obvious.
Woe Strider: Not entirely sure it's better than Viscera Seer, but it's worth a crack.
Erebos's Intervention: Instant speed destroy and life gain is nice for a deck that's pretty life-hungry.

Vial Smasher the Fierce and Kraum, Ludevic's Opus:
Thrax, the Sudden Storm: Just does a lot that the deck wants.
Allure of the Unkown: Won't seek it out, will try it out if I grab it.
Ashiok, Nightmare Muse: There's a lot of value on this. Most of what it does the deck could use.

Dralnu, Lich Lord:
Wavebreak Hippocamp: This deck runs a fair whack of control, so this could be advantageous.
Whirlwind Denial: I'm usually the one casting a lot of spells, but this is a pretty great nope.
Devourer of Memory: This deck sheds a ton of cards, so this could actually make a really cheap beater. It's a definite maybe.

Glissa, the Traitor (not published):
Shadowspear - Super cheap value. I don't have a lot of voltron gear in the build, but this would be worth adding for both the keyword element and Arcane Lighthouse imitation.
Soul-Guide Lantern - It's a pretty great egg, Salvaging Station will love it.

Yidris, Maelstrom Wielder (not published):
It's a vorthos enchantment build. I'm not entirely sure what makes the cut here, but there's quite a few options for portraying certain characters, so there's at least a few potential adds. Currently the one I know will make an entrance is Eutropia the Twice-Favored, probably Destiny Spinner too.

I'm also weirdly intrigued by the titans. I know escape isn't particularly conducive to efficacy in our format, but I feel like if I get either of them there's bound to be ways to make them work....somehow. At the least, Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath has cards that don't mind being exiled, and there's Torpor Orb too.
Malazan Decks of the Fallen
| Shadowthrone/Lazav | Raest/Yidris | T'iam / The Ur-Dragon |

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Post by Jace » 4 years ago

My favorite set in the game, so naturally I acquired many cards for my decks.

Thrasios Sea Monster Deck
Thassa, Deep-Dwelling
Thassa's Intervention
Thassa's Oracle
Kiora Bests the Sea God
Nadir Kraken
Stinging Lionfish
Omen of the Sea
Callaphe, Beloved of the Sea
Shoal Kraken
Nyx Lotus
Altar of the Pantheon
Serpent of Yawning Depths - I still need to acquire this next week when it is released.

In order to accommodate Calix, I moved Ephara to the 99 and made my Ephara EDH into Kestia, the Cultivator, adding these:
Calix, Destiny's Hand
Heliod, Sun-Crowned
Idyllic Tutor
The Birth of Meletis
Dawn Evangel
Daxos, Blessed by the Sun - One of my favorite cards from THB. I just love the art and return of Daxos
Heliod's Intervention
Reverent Hoplite
Thassa, Deep-Dwelling
Alirios, Enraptured
Chain to Memory
Stern Dismissal
Medomai's Prophecy
Callaphe, Beloved of the Sea
Nyx Lotus
Altar of the Pantheon

As you can see, Theros was very kind to my Commander decks. Making room for so many new cards was an anguishing experience though, and Kestia will need to sit at home for more brewing before I can get it down to 100 cards again. Thrasios is currently at 101, and I may just cut Dark Depths since it's not mana, although it does feel like a part of the theme.

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