January MCC Round 2 - Divine discovery

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Post by bravelion83 » 4 years ago

(This month's banner is my own elaboration on the cycle of basic lands by Sam Burley.)

January MCC Round 2

Divine discovery

The story continues.
Okite reached the river. It looked like any other one, only covered in and surrounded by mist. He felt like he was exactly where he needed to be. The drive that was pushing him to walk there was no longer there.
"Yes, but what am I supposed to do now?"
That was his first thought. The second one was:
"Maybe I'm supposed to drink the water of the river for some reason? Well, I'm not understanding a single thing that's happening to me, I might as well try that."
He knelt down and took some water into his united palms. As he was about to drink from his hands, he heard a noise from his left, where the river made a turn. At the same time curious and scared by that noise, he separated his hands as a reflex and the water he thought he was supposed to drink fell back into the river.
"Not a big problem. I'm not thirsty now anyway."
Then, a few seconds later, he heard another noise. And then another. Then one more. Now he recognized them:
"These are steps. Somebody's big is walking around here... or something big? Maybe a beast. Maybe I'm in danger!"
Anxiety was quickly mounting in Okite, almost reaching panic levels. He couldn't stay still, he kept walking in circles and looking with his head first on one side, then on the other. He didn't want to be surprised by the attack of a huge beast. If it wasn't that, he didn't know what these step noises, that kept coming, keeping their rhythm like a funeral march, were.
With his head turning everywhere, he happened to look upwards to the sky a few times. There was something strange in the sky. The mist that surrounded him on all sides didn't cover it. He could see a clear starry sky, with neither that mist or a single cloud covering the view. But then Okite thought to himself:
"Okite, why are you looking at the sky. There is nothing there! What is there is a huge beast coming! Don't let it surprise you!"
The steps came closer and closer, until a huge living being apparently made of the same substance of the starry sky appeared in Okite's field of view.
"What's that?", he thought.
One thing was for sure: whatever that was, it was the source of the step-like noises.
"This thing walks!"
And it walked until it was right in front of Okite. It was clear by then that it wasn't a "thing", but it was neither a "person". A person, regardless of their race, gender, whatever, isn't made of stars. And anyway, if it was a person, it was a very strange one, and not just because of that. Its skin was pale, like if it had been more dead than alive. Its arms, if they were arms, were twisted in an almost unnatural way. It was walking in the water of the river, and it arrived at its knee. Its size was impressive. It was huge. Okite estimated that this... whatever it was, had to be tall at the very least ten times as himself. It apparently had a face, but it couldn't be seen, because a long veil covered it completely, coming down on his chest, fully covering the central part of it as well. It also had an enormous wooden staff in its left... arm? Hand? Whatever it was. Once before him, the entity spoke. Okite could hear the voice, but couldn't see the mouth moving, as it was covered by the veil.
"Are you Okite, from Oreskos?"
"You're dead."
"Apparently... is this the Underworld?"
"Not yet. But you'll get there very soon."
"And who are you? I've never seen someone like you."
"Not surprising. My name is Athreos."
"Why is it not surprising?"
"Okite, you're a leonin."
"Leonin have never believed in our existence since the fall of Agnomakhos."
"'Our existence'? Really, who are you to say that?"
"I am a god."
"Yes. People call me the God of Passage, because it's my job to take people who just died, like you, and bring them to the actual Underworld."
"Wait, wait, wait! No, really, this poses several questions."
"We have some time for those if you want, but then we will have to go."
"Gods are real?!?"
"And you are one?"
"And you've come to take me specifically?"
"Yes. These quesions are easy."
"Maybe to you, but not to one that has been born and raised with the notion that there is no god."
"In fact your name even means 'no god'."
"But it's a lie. As you see now, there are gods. You can recognize us and our creatures from the starry sky of which we are made."
"Sure... And what about this place, this water? Where am I? Have I had been fed lies for all my life?"
"Probably, as all leonin that get here. Anyway, this isn't ordinary water. This is one of the Rivers the Ring the World, the boundary that separates the Underworld from the rest of Theros."
"And is this the Underworld?"
"No. It's on the other side of the river, and it's there that I have to take you."
"And what about the drive that brought me here?"
"That was my call. Everybody who dies on Theros comes to me, and I take them from the other side. Anyway, the time for questions is over, Okite."
Athreos put his staff deep into the water and it turned into a boat.
"Jump in, Okite."
At the command, the drive was back, and now it forced him to enter the boat even if he hadn't wanted. Athreos crossed the river bringing Okite on the other bank.
"Jump out, now."
Again, that same drive made him board off the boat.
"Now you're in the Underworld. Follow your drive now, Okite. In theory, we shouldn't meet again, so... goodbye."
He went away, again with steps as heavy as an earthquake shaking the ground. His drive took him well within the lands of the Underworld, right in the domain of another god. In fact, he had reached another being made of the by-then-familiar starry sky that Athreos, the God of Passage was made of. It was absolutely clear to Okite by now that this was another god. He had a huge whip in his right hand. He spoke:
"Ah, look! Another soul stolen to Heliod! Now, this is good!"
"Who are you?"
"How come you don't know me?"
He whipped Okite on the back despite being in front of him.
"Ouch! Wait! How is that possible?"
Erebos sighed.
"Do I really have to explain you everything? Will I ever get a leonin who knows how things really are?"
"I don't think so given that we've thought that you gods do not even exist since our childhood!"
Another whip.
"Ouch! And what's this for?"
"Don't dare contradicting me! Ever! This is my domain, and I do as I wish here. If I want to whip you, I do. If I want to insult Heliod, I do. If I want to create monsters to keep you here, I do. There is nothing, nothing! That a god can't do..."
"I don't want to contradict you and get another whip, but you still haven't told me your name..."
"I'll whip you as I want! No, that's wrong, I'll do as you deserve. And you do deserve it again!"
"Ouch! What's your name?"
Erebos sighed again.
"I am Erebos, God of the Dead. And you are dead, so you're under my domain, and you'll stay here for all eternity!"
"What's up with Heliod?"
"Don't mention his name!"
"Ouch! Could you stop please?"
"It will be one more every time you ask me to stop or try to leave. Anyway, Heliod, or as I like to call him 'the nameless one' or with other nicknames that I will spare you now, is simply my greatest foe! Don't you hate your foes?"
"Of course I do... Ouch! What's this for?"
"Don't answer my rhethorical questions! It's his fault if I'm relegated here. I could have the entire world for myself, everything he has for me, but no, I have to stay down here to prevent ants from escaping!"
"First, I'm not an ant!"
"You are to me!"
"Ouch! And second, is there a way to escape from here?"
"No, there is not. And if anybody ever tells you that, don't listen. They're lying! They're decepting you!"
"Or maybe you are... Ouch! I can't say I didn't expect it this time."
"I'm not the liar! Don't accuse me to be one!"
"Then who could ever propose me a way to escape if there are none?"
"That's the deception! Don't fall into the trap, Okite. Also because if you try that, I'll take you back with Mastix!"
"With what?"
"My whip. That's its name."
"Ok, sure... Ouch!"
"Don't be ironic or sarcastic with me!"
"I wasn't."
"Yes, you were. And you were disrespecting me and my weapon."
"Yes, you absolutely were. But don't worry, I know how to use it with people who don't get where their right place is."
"So there actually is a way to escape?"
"I've told you already: no! You'll stay here for all eternity! Do you want another whip?"
"Do I have a choice?"
"For once, you're right!"
"Ouch! But then why do you keep talking about escaping?"
"Because there are... let's say some colleagues who tell people so, but they're lying!"
"If they're lying, and escaping from here is impossible, then why do you use your whip to take back the fugitives? If this realm can't be escaped, there would be no fugitives... Ouch!"
"You're already starting to talk like Phenax! Shut up! Escaping is impossible!"
"Like who?"
"Oh, a name must have escaped me... A pun too, but don't you care about those, or dare laugh at them!"
"I see this talk is leading us nowhere. May I go now?"
"Sure, but don't forget anything that I've just told you! Don't trust liars! Escaping is impossible!"
Okite walked away from Erebos and continued his exploration of the place, eventually finding another one to those starry-sky entities. He bent down and whispered to him:
"Okite! Okite, come here. I have a deal to propose you."
Okite didn't know whether he wanted to stay there and fight this other monster, or run away as fast as he could. Caught in between those two instincts, the end result is that he stayed still, and listened. Between fight and flight, freeze prevailed.
"Who are you?"
"I'm a cheater. A liar. A gambler. A traitor. A trader in secrets. I am all this and more."
"What's your name, I meant. And why should I listen to one that admits himself to be a liar?"
"My name is Phenax. And you should listen to me because I've done what that... Uhm, what Erebos told you is impossible!"
"You've escaped?!?"
"Then why are you here?"
"Because I am helping other people escape now!"
"But Erebos said there is no way out."
"Instead there is one... oh, if there is! And I happen to know it! Don't listen to him. He's a liar too."
"How can two contrary statements be both truth of both lies?"
"Because I'm not lying. He is."
"And he says you lie. You've said it yourself, you've introduced yourself as a liar."
"It depends on the subject... Sometimes I lie, but not all the time. Now, for example, I'm not lying. There is a way out! Do you want to take it?"
"I sense there must be a trap here..."
"No, no traps whatsoever. Only freedom!"
"I have to go back to my comrades. I have to go tell you of your existence! That the gods are real!"
"Yeah, so that they want to kill you again for blasphemy like they do now for that other leonin that was with you as you died. Actually, the one who dealt you the fatal blow."
"Jeff? Where is him? Is he here?"
"No, Okite. He's not here. He has... taken his own path. But... listen to me."
Okite thought:
"Apparently this entity... this god, knows things. How could he know about Jeff then? And he was right."
Then he told Phenax:
"I think I can trust you more than Erebos."
"Yes, you definitely can! You should!"
"How does one escape from here?"
"You can't escape as you are now, if you want to go back to your leonin clan, or whatever it's called... They'd recognize you! Again, they'd kill you and you'll be back here again. What you need is a way to go back there without being recognized. Am I right?"
"I'm following your reasoning."
"And it happens that I have masks. Isn't that what you need? A mask! They won't recognize you!"
"I think you're right."
"Of course I'm right! There is just a little price to pay..."
"Oh, I was waiting for that part... What is it?"
"Your identity."
"My what?"
"Yes, you'll return to the mortal world, irrecognizable. You won't even be able to recognize yourself. But it's the only way to get the mask!"
"I'm not sure I want to do that..."
"You're going to lose your identity anyway by staying here. It's just a slower process than what I'm proposing you, sure, but if you stay here long enough, you'll lose your identity too."
"Are you lying now?"
"Yes or no?"
"If you listen to Erebos, yes. If you listen to me, no. Who do you want to listen?"
"I'm not sure..."
"Oh, you can still spend some time here later, reflect about my offer, pondering it, and then come back to me later."
"Yes, I agree. I think I'll do just that."
"Feel free to go then, Okite. If you decide to come back to me, you'll just find me here."
Okite walked away from Phenax. As he walked away, he thought:
"Who's the liar? Should I try to escape from here? In the end, I might even just decide to stay here. Maybe it's not so bad once you're used to it. And maybe I could be able to find another way to tell my fellow leonin about the actual existence of the gods that doesn't involve moving away from here. When you move away from a place you've been, even for just a few days, you leave a little piece of yourself and your identity there. Well, sometimes not even that little, and let alone what can happen if you've spent years, not days, in that place. Twelve hours of twelve years? It's the same if you've grown attached to that thing. But life, or death in my case, needs to move on anyway, regardless of your affective attachments. Maybe I could get attached to staying here and warn the others in some other way, but how? Ouch! What's this, Erebos again?"
No. It was somebody else. Okite turned towards them. He saw a dark figure whose appearance was in-between a leonin and a zombie, maybe actually more zombie than leonin by then.
"Is this what you turn into when you lose your identity if you stay here? This is horrible."
"Finally you're here, boss."
"Boss? Look, I don't even know you, how can I be your boss?"
"You are Okite."
"Then you are our boss. We are your fallen soldiers."
"Yes, it's us."
"What did they do to you?"
"Nothing. We've just stayed here."
Okite had like a flash-forward moment. That could have been him in some years.
"Anyway, now I'm no longer your boss."
"You could be. We're ready to put ourselves at your service here and now. We've decided this years ago, when we first got here, and now you're finally here."
"But I don't even recognize you, how could I ever command you even if I wanted? Who are you? I've had many fallen soldiers under me throughout my years of service. Tell me your names."
"You! What's your name?"
"I'm trying to remember, boss, but I can't."
"And you?"
"You, who first talked to me?"
"No idea."
"And I guess you too don't remember... you that touched me before."
"No, I don't remember either. But we were all your soldiers."
"What use are soldiers who have lost their identity to me?"
In that moment, he had an idea.
"Wait! Maybe you could still be useful to me in a way."
"We'd love that, boss."
"I do have a problem, maybe you could help me solve it?"
"What's that?"
"You must have seen it for yourselves: everything we're teached is wrong!"
"What do you mean?"
"The gods exist! Haven't you seen? I've met some personally here: Athreos, Erebos, Phenax..."
"No, there is no god!"
"What's that then?"
Okite indicated Erebos far on the horizon.
"A thing that pulls us back from time to time."
"That's the whip. What about him? What about the wielder of it?"
"That's the thing."
"No, that's a god!"
"This is blashpemy, boss!"
"No, us leonin not believing in them is the real blasphemy!"
"We've heard enough! If you've started believing in the gods, you're not our boss..."
"Oh, finally you've got it!"
"...you're our enemy!"
And those four leonin attacked Okite. He had no problem dogding their attacks with his still superior strength. A chant acted like a musical background to the battle: "No gods... no gods... no gods..." Okite immediately understood it was a mocking pun, remembering again that his own proper name means exactly "no gods" in the Theran Leonin language. That only enraged him even more, and gave him the motivation to keep dodging their attacks. He couldn't do anything else without his weapons. In the end, they got tired and retired.
Okite was alone again, and his still-working-well-enough mind kept working:
"So that is what a leonin turns on here? No way! I won't suffer that fate. Avoiding that fate, and go to warn my living comrades myself. Two birds with one stone. And I just have to escape. And I know who can make me escape... then later I will find a way to get back my identity."
Okite turned around and retraces his steps to Phenax.
"Oh, so you're already back. Have you already decided?"
"Yes, o great Phenax, I've taken my decision. And yes, I will accept your offer. I want to escape."
"What a wonderful news! I'll start preparing your escape attempt. Meanwhile, just look at the sky and wait for my signal. As soon as you see it, come to me. It means your escape is ready to be attempted."
"What will be your signal? What should I look for in the sky?"
"A falling star."

Main Challenge - Design an uncommon card that has exactly one of the four named mechanics from THB (Constellation, devotion, escape, Sagas).

Subchallenge 1 - Your card contains the word "Underworld" in its flavor text.

Subchallenge 2 - Your card has exactly two card types.
Main Challenge

• Your card has to belong at the required rarity. You can't just take Heliod, God of the Sun, put in an uncommon rarity instead of mythic and submit it as is. Or better, you technically can, but expect huge deductions in several areas of the rubric if you do. Trust me, it's not a good idea.

• Your card must have exactly one or the four mechanics from THB: it has to have one (no cards without any of the four mechanics), and it can't have more than one (no mix-and-match cards).

• Your choices will NOT be tracked this month, so don't worry about them influencing future rounds. They won't. You will be able to make all four rounds with the same mechanic if you want.

• For Sagas, having the Saga mechanic means that your card is a Saga. It can't simply reference Sagas, it has to be a Saga itself.

Subchallenge 1

• This subchallenge only looks at flavor text, NOT at the card name and NOT at the rules text.

Subchallenge 2

• Only card types on the type line count. Ones mentioned in the rules text do NOT count.

• The card types are artifact, creature, enchantment, instant, land, planeswalker, sorcery, and tribal. Exactly two of these must be on the type line.

• Tribal technically counts, but remember that it's no longer supported as a card type. Mind your Viability score!

• Supertypes, like "Legendary", don't matter for this subchallenge. Only card types are counted, not supertypes or subtypes.

• Not all combinations of any two card types make sense. Apply common sense. Enchantment Creatures are plentiful on Theros, and they count. I wouldn't even know what a Land Planeswalker would do. And no, this is not a challenge to try it. Please don't. Or at least, if you absolutely want to try now that I've mentioned it, please don't do it in your submission. Post your attempts in the discussion thread or elsewhere in custom cards.

• Despite Maro's wishes, an Instant Creature has no sense in the rules. It's NOT the same as a creature with flash. Again, if you want to try, please do it elsewhere and not in your submission.

• Your Viability score (and maybe other areas too) will suffer if you do anything unprintable according to today's standards. Remember that. If you're thinking about doing an Enchantment Land, think very well about it. Yes, Uniqueness is high, but is it really worth it? Your choice. I know what mine would be.

• The number of card types must be exactly two, no less and no more. A "Creature" does NOT count. An "Artifact Creature" DOES count. An "Enchantment Artifact Creature" does NOT count.

If you have any other questions that are not covered here, feel free to ask in the discussion thread.


Design deadline: Thursday, January 16th 2020, 23:59 EST

Judging deadline: Sunday, January 19th 2020, 23:59 EST

MCC Rubric
(X/3) Appeal - Do the different player psychographics (Timmy/Johhny/Spike) have a use for the card?
(X/3) Elegance - Is the card easily understandable at a glance? Do all the flavor and mechanics combined as a whole make sense?

X/3) Viability - How well does the card fit into the color wheel? Does it break or bend the rules of the game? Is it the appropriate rarity?
(X/3) Balance - Does the card have a power level appropriate for contemporary constructed/limited environments without breaking them? Does it play well in casual and multiplayer formats? Does it create or fit into a deck/archetype? Does it create an oppressive environment?

(X/3) Uniqueness - Has a card like this ever been printed before? Does it use new mechanics, ideas, or design space? Does it combine old ideas in a new way? Overall, does it feel "fresh"?
(X/3) Flavor - Does the name seem realistic for a card? Does the flavor text sound professional? Do all the flavor elements synch together to please Vorthos players?

(X/3) Quality - Points deducted for incorrect spelling, grammar, and templating.
(X/2) Main Challenge (*) - Was the main challenge satisfied? Was it approached in a unique or interesting way? Does the card fit the intent of the challenge?
(X/2) Subchallenges - One point awarded per satisfied subchallenge condition.

Total: X/25
*An entry with 0 points here is subject to disqualification.


Sojourner Dusk


[mention]Jimmy Groove[/mention]

A reminder to everyone:
In the MCC, putting rarity on cards is mandatory! If you don't put a rarity on your card, expect huge deductions in both Viability AND Quality.
Please check out the MCC Guidelines and FAQ if you have the will and time. Link here and in my signature. Among the many things you can find there are a detailed explanation of the rubric (section 6.2) and the recommended card formatting (section 4) that you should use to format your text cards. Expect deductions in Quality otherwise.


Top 2 from each bracket advance to Round 3.

Judge: Ryder

Jimmy Groove

Judge: bravelion83


Judge: Sojourner Dusk

Last edited by bravelion83 4 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
Author of the MCC Guidelines and FAQ. | The June MCC is ongoing. Theme is OTJ. Most recent thread: Round 1. Judging deadline on the 11th.

For my projects (Jeff Lionheart, "One pierced heart, two mindful horns", republished articles from my series "The Lion's Lair", and custom sets), see Leo's content index (Last updated on April 25th 2024 - Added TLL #5).
After I'm done republishing my articles I want to reprise the series focusing it more on editing, wording, and templating. Suggest potential future article topics here.
My CCCG Resume (Updated on June 4th 2024)
Blue = MTGSalvation Green = MTGNexus
MCC - Winner (9): Oct 2014, Apr Nov 2017, Jan 2018, Apr Jun 2019, Jan Mar 2022, Apr 2023 || Host (31): Dec 2014, Apr Jul Aug Dec 2015, Mar Jul Aug Oct 2016, Feb Jul 2017, Jun Nov 2018, Feb Jul 2019 (last on MTGS), Aug 2019 (first on MTGN) Oct 2019, Jan Jun 2020 Apr Oct 2021, Feb May Sep Dec 2022, Mar Jun Sep Dec 2023, Mar Jun 2024 || Judge (59): every month from Nov 2014 to Nov 2016 except Oct 2015, every month from Feb to Jul 2017 except Apr 2017, then Oct 2017, May Jun Nov 2018, Feb Jul 2019 (last on MTGS), every month from Aug 2019 (first on MTGN) to Feb 2020, May Jun 2020, Mar Apr Sep Oct 2021, Feb May Sep Dec 2022, Mar May Jun Sep Dec 2023, Jan Mar Jun 2024
CCL - Winner (4): Jul 2016 (tied with Flatline), May 2017, Jul 2019 (last on MTGS), Jun 2021 (tied with slimytrout) || Host (5): Feb 2015, Mar Apr May Jun 2016
DCC - Winner (4): Mar 2015 (tied with Piar), Feb Apr 2022, Apr 2024 || Host (16): May Oct 2015, Jan 2016, Jun Sep Dec 2021, Mar Jun Sep Dec 2022, Mar Jun Sep Dec 2023, Mar Jun 2024

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Post by Subject16 » 4 years ago

Nyxborn Psychopomp 2WW
Enchantment Creature — Human Cleric (Uncommon)
When Nyxborn Psychopomp enters the battlefield, return target creature card with converted mana cost X or less from your graveyard to the battlefield, where X is your devotion to white.
There are many ways into the underworld, but few ways out.
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Post by Gateways7 » 4 years ago

Meletis Sentinels 4
Artifact Creature - Golem (uncommon)
When Meletis Sentinels enters the battlefield, if your devotion to white and blue is 5 or greater, create a 2/3 colorless Golem artifact creature token with vigilance.
With Meletis in ruin and beasts from the Underworld emerging, Ephara gave the guardians the power to do what they did best—protect.

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Post by slimytrout » 4 years ago

River of Death
Enchantment Land (U)
River of Death enters the battlefield tapped unless your devotion to black is five or greater.
Creature cards can't leave graveyards.
T: Add B.
"She sailed across wine-dark waters
strewn with stars, until her bow scraped
the rocky shore of the Underworld."

–The Callapheia
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Post by netn10 » 4 years ago

Eternal Celebrator 2RG
Enchantment Creature — Satyr (Uncommon)
Creatures you control escape with additional two +1/+1 counters on them.
Escape — 4RG, Exile five other cards from your graveyard.
"Trust me brothers, you won't want this party to stop - I've been in the Underworld, and Erabos found all of us guilty."
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Post by Legend » 4 years ago

Stargazer of Nyx 1UU
Enchantment Creature - Human Wizard (U)
When Stargazer of Nyx enters the battlefield, draw X cards, then discard X cards, where X is your devotion to blue.
As the stars tell the fate of the world, so the darkness between them tells that of the Underworld.
Last edited by Legend 4 years ago, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by Jimmy Groove » 4 years ago

The Elder Passages
Artifact Land (U)
T: Add 1 to your mana pool.
T: Add one mana of any color to your mana pool. Spend this mana only to activate escape abilities or to cast spells in your graveyard.
"Maybe the titans didn't surrender. Maybe, in the dark of the Underworld, they prepare."
- Ravings of a lone madman

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Post by void_nothing » 4 years ago

Klothys's Trader 3R
Enchantment Creature - Human Wizard (U)
Constellation - Whenever Klothys's Trader or another enchantment enters the battlefield under your control, create a Gold token. (It's an artifact with "Sacrifice this artifact: Add one mana of any color.")
The mistress of fate sometimes requires a living mortal to get a windfall of the Underworld's most abundant commodity.
Psst, check the second page of Custom Card Contests & Games! Because of the daily contests, a lot of games fall down to there.

The greatest (fake) pro wrestling on the internet - Collaborative Create-A-Booster - My random creations (updated regularly)

Important Facts: Colorless is not a color, Wastes is not a land type, Changeling is not a creature type

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Post by Icarii » 4 years ago

Kromeades, Forsaken Child 4RR
Legendary Enchantment Creature - Giant (U)
At the beginning of your end step, each player discards a card. Then each player who discarded a card this way draws a card.
Escape — RRR, exile three other cards from your graveyard.
The underworld hid the single attempt at unity between Gods and Titans.
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Post by Ink-Treader » 4 years ago

Moldering Warden 4
Artifact Creature - Construct (U)
Moldering Warden enters the battlefield with a +1/+1 counter for each player that had a card leave their graveyard this turn.
Escape—6, Exile four other cards from your graveyard. (You may cast this card from your graveyard for its escape cost.)
Originally designed to keep the dead in the Underworld, Klothys repurposed them to drag fugitives back in.
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Post by Freyleyes » 4 years ago

Living Statue
Artifact Creature - Construct {C}
When Living Statue enters the battlefield, discard a card, then draw a card.
Escape — 1, Exile three other cards from your graveyard. (You may cast this card from your graveyard for its escape cost.)
The underworld holds no place for those who holds no soul.

*This card has no manacost

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Post by Raptorchan » 4 years ago

Immortal Aoidos 2r
Enchantment Creature - Human (U)
When Immortal Aoidos enters the battlefield, you may put a lore counter on target permanent you control.
Escape — 4r, Exile three other cards from your graveyard. (You may cast this card from your graveyard for its escape cost.)
"There are too many stories untold to stay in the Underworld for long."

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Post by Henlock » 4 years ago

Flock of Heliod 1ww
Enchantment Creature - Bird (u)
When Flock of Heliod attacks, defending player chooses a color. Create a 1/1 white Bird creature token with flying if your devotion to white is greater than defending player's devotion to the chosen color.
The first sigh out of the Underworld will always be the sky.

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Post by bravelion83 » 4 years ago

The round is closed.


Top 2 from each bracket advance to Round 3.

Judge: Ryder

Jimmy Groove

Judge: bravelion83


Judge: Sojourner Dusk


Judgments complete, including Freyleyes's card.
Gateways7 wrote:
4 years ago
Meletis Sentinels 4
Artifact Creature - Golem (uncommon)
When Meletis Sentinels enters the battlefield, if your devotion to white and blue is 5 or greater, create a 2/3 colorless Golem artifact creature token with vigilance.
With Meletis in ruin and beasts from the Underworld emerging, Ephara gave the guardians the power to do what they did best—protect.
Appeal 2.5/3 - Timmy likes this as a creature that males up for being slightly underwhelming at face value with bringing a friend with it. Johnny has a lot of ways to achieve the devotion threshold. Spike sees this as a four-mana 2/3 that sometimes doubles. Key word: "sometimes". Good when it comes with the token, but underwhelming when it does not. Overall, not reliable enough for her.
Elegance 3/3 - Not the simplest text, but still not too hard to understand to require a deduction here. The symmetry between the creature and the token it creates helps a lot.
Viability 2.5/3 - Vigilance has no problem being on a colorless artifact creature, and the rest of the card requires devotion to white to give you tokens with vigilance. Mechanically, it should be devotion to white and green though, as those are the colors that have vigilance. Outside of Planar Chaos, which is a horrible precedent, vigilance isn't blue. I understand that flavorfully Meletis is associated to white and blue though. I can see this at uncommon.
Balance 2.5/3 - Playable in limited. In constructed, I can't see any deck but WU ones playing this, and usually WU is about control. It might be interested in this to hold the ground, but I think there are things it's much more interested in (removal, counterspells, card draw, etc...). No problems in casual or multiplayer.
Uniqueness 2/3 - Having an ability trigger only if your devotion is high enough is new space, but still rather similar to how the Theros gods work., both in original Theros block and in THB.
Flavor 3/3 - Yes, perfect. Sentinels with vigilance, animating statues, checking devotion to white and blue and cite the WU Theros god in the flavor text... Everything works perfectly. The name is good, and the flavor text printable right away. Wonderful job!
Quality 3/3 - All good.
Main Challenge 2/2 - Good.
Subchallenges 2/2 - Both met.
TOTAL 22.5/25
slimytrout wrote:
4 years ago
River of Death
Enchantment Land (U)
River of Death enters the battlefield tapped unless your devotion to black is five or greater.
Creature cards can't leave graveyards.
T: Add B.
"She sailed across wine-dark waters
strewn with stars, until her bow scraped
the rocky shore of the Underworld."

–The Callapheia
Appeal 3/3 - An enchantment land finally being printed excites everyone. Timmy because it's like a child getting as a gift the toy that for years they've been told they couldn't have. Johnny because it's like an explorer that has just been given a new map, one of a zone they didn't even know existed. Spike because it's like a hungry person that has asked for food for a long time finally getting the food they craved. Everybody's happy.
Elegance 3/3 - No problems here.
Viability 2/3 - Let me start by saying that there are no problems with the color pie, and that I would actually see this much batter at rare, because we are about to open a can of worms: the viability of enchantment lands. Wizards thinks it shouldn't be done. I think it could be done. If it were for me, at least one enchantment land would have been in THB, one giving C probably, and the whole colored cycle probably in a supplemental product... Well, if I'm honest with myself, I'm in the camp that yes, they could be in a Standard legal sets. Actually, THB was the perfect place to have them. A single colorless-mana-producing Enchantment Land could have been a good compromise probably. But artifact lands burned them so much that now they don't even have the courage to try again with modern design technology, and that's a mistake in my opinion. You just have to be mindful of what else is in the set. It can be done, and I mean the whole cycle. At least, this is my opinion. I know that's the opposite of Wizards on this particular point and that there might be people who'd start telling me "but Leo, this interaction, then this other one, etc..." Anyway, I am in favor of Enchantment Lands, but I know it's a hot topic. You have even the perfect drawback: devotion is perfect in that role. The "enchantment" effect is overall minor and narrow enough, I don't think it would cause any problems. Actually, it looks quite interesting in a set with escape. And in fact...
Balance 2.5/3 - ...escape decks would certainly play this as protection from graveyard hate. The things that have to escape must stay dead! They can't be exiled, returned to hand, or whatever! No! They have to stay in the graveyard! This could be a nice safety valve to include in a set with escape, even if, in my opinion, escape is so overcosted that it doesn't even need that. And it's not like I haven't played it, I and my friend have played with printed proxies to try it out, we did that with all the mechanics in THB because he didn't play yet in original Theros, and was only playing casually in Dominaria. Ok, let's talk playability. As said, if I'm playing THB limited and somehow (rarely, but it might happen) I am in escape, I'd certainly play this even if I'm not in black, exactly because it protects my escapers. If an escape deck ever exists in constructed (I heavily doubt that), this will get played there. It's easier for constellation decks to play this because they care about it being an enchantment then escape decks existing at all in my opinion. And an enchantment land might also have huge implications in Modern and older formats, always in my opinion. Question: is requiring five devotion to black to enter untapped enough of a drawback? Who knows? This is one of those questions that only playtest can solve. It might be. If it works for the monocolored gods, it could work here, but again, playtest is really needed to answer that. I see no problems in casual or multiplayer.
Uniqueness 3/3 - No enchantment lands are currently existing.
Flavor 3/3 - No problems here. Name, flavor text, and card concept are all good. This is probably one of the Rivers that Ring the World, and it fits that concept perfectly. Full points here are in order.
Quality 3/3 - All good.
Main Challenge 2/2 - Good.
Subchallenges 2/2 - Both met.
TOTAL 23.5/25
void_nothing wrote:
4 years ago
Klothys's Trader 3R
Enchantment Creature - Human Wizard (U)
Constellation - Whenever Klothys's Trader or another enchantment enters the battlefield under your control, create a Gold token. (It's an artifact with "Sacrifice this artifact: Add one mana of any color.")
The mistress of fate sometimes requires a living mortal to get a windfall of the Underworld's most abundant commodity.
Appeal 2/3 - Timmy likes mana acceleration but there is nothing really splashy here. Constellation is definitely open-ended enough for Johnny, and he can also find his own ways to play with the tokens. To Spike this is underwhelming at four-mana. She would almost certainly want this for one mana less.
Elegance 3/3 - No problems here.
Viability 3/3 - One-shot mana production is red. I can see this at uncommon.
Balance 2.5/3 - Certainly playable in limited, especially if you have a lot of enchantment creatures. Not sure about constructed. Four-mana 2/4s usually don't see a lot of constructed play, if any, and I don't know if the benefit of the Gold tokens is enough. Probably not. No problems in casual and multiplayer.
Uniqueness 1/3 - We've seen Gold tokens multiple times by now, they don't feel new anymore.
Flavor 2.5/3 - The mention of Klothys in the name is what holds it all together. Otherwise the flavor text wouldn't be as clear as it is. It also uses a language that feels a little too convoluted, especially to non-native English speakers. I know English very well, and I have a certification of the maximum level, but it still doesn't feel natural to me. Knowing that the "mistress of fate" is Klothys helps a lot to understand the rest, as does one knowing about how abundant Gold is in the Underworld. But not every player is a Vorthos. Here the mechanics are what helps even those that don't know it to get that "the most abundant commodity in the Underworld" is gold. I'm glad to see that you took active steps to make the comprehension of the flavor text easier.
Quality 3/3 - All good.
Main Challenge 2/2 - Good.
Subchallenges 2/2 - Both met.
TOTAL 21/25
Freyleyes (DQ)
Freyleyes wrote:
4 years ago
Living Statue
Artifact Creature - Construct {C}
When Living Statue enters the battlefield, discard a card, then draw a card.
Escape — 1, Exile three other cards from your graveyard. (You may cast this card from your graveyard for its escape cost.)
The underworld holds no place for those who holds no soul.

*This card has no manacost
Unfortunately, Freyleyes's card is DQ'ed because the Main Challenge asked for an uncommon and you marked your card as a common, thus failing the Main Challenge. There is also extra content in the submission post, and technically that's also cause of DQ by itself, but that's not the real problem though. That's the rarity. I will still judge your card out of competition after I'm done with my official bracket.

EDIT: Here it is.

Appeal 2.5/3 - I don't think Timmy is interested, he likes the 3/3 but having to play tricks with escape to cast this isn't really for him. Johnny and Spike are both interested: Johnny can do so many tricks with this, and Spike sees a recurrent threat for a cost that should be very easy to pay if you've built your deck properly (more on this is Balance).
Elegance 2.5/3 - Mostly no problems here, the only one being potentially some new or less experienced player going "but this doesn't even have a mana cost! How do I cast this?" Once they've been explained, there is no problem anymore.
Viability 1.5/3 - There are already several colorless artifacts that loot, even if looting is blue and rummaging red, so no problem there. The problem is that there is no realistic way I can see this at common. There are nine black-bordered cards (Ancestral Vision, Crashing Footfalls, Evermind, Hypergenesis, Living End, Lotus Bloom, Mox Tantalite, Restore Balance, Wheel of Fate) and one silver-bordered (Entirely Normal Armchair) printed with no mana cost in the history of the game. These are all rares except a single one in black border (Evermind) that's uncommon. The Armchair is also uncommon, but not black-bordered. Having no mana cost pushes you way up in rarity. I just can't see a common entering this group of cards. This has to be at the very least an uncommon, if not possibly a rare. I'm convinced you meant this to be uncommon and just typed the wrong rarity. But unfortunately I have to judge what I see, I can't judge intentions.
Balance 2/3 - This is like a one mana 3/3 that you have to delve three cards to cast, and we've seen how strong delve can be. In a dedicated self-mill deck, a single spell could be enough to have three cards in your graveyard. And let's not even talk about the fetchlands in Modern. For those decks it's very easy paying the escape cost reliably and quickly. Another thing this reminds me of is Hollow One. I'm a bit scared by this. In limited, it would play as intended, but in constructed I really don't think so. Considering casual and multiplayer doesn't really change anything about that.
Uniqueness 2.5/3 - An escape card that you can only cast via escape is new. Too bad all the rest is things we often see.
Flavor 2/3 - The name is a bit too generic for my taste. It could be on any artifact creature. What makes this particular living statue different? Except for the capitalization error (see Quality), the flavor text is good.
Quality 1.5/3 - Escape has no spaces before and after the dash (example: Elspeth, Sun's Nemesis, -0.5). The world "underworld" should be capitalized in the flavor text, it's the proper name of the place (-0.5). A grammar mistake: "those" is plural, "holds" is singular. It should have been "those who hold no soul." The meaning of the sentence isn't changed, so a single -0.5 is enough here.
Main Challenge 0/2 - This is a common, the Main Challenge asked for an uncommon.
Subchallenges 2/2 - Both met.
TOTAL 16.5/25
But wait, there's more! There is another DQ this round, but it's not in my bracket, so I'll leave it to the involved judge to issue it.
Results (bold advance)
slimytrout: 23.5
Gateways7: 22.5

void_nothing: 21
Last edited by bravelion83 4 years ago, edited 5 times in total.
Author of the MCC Guidelines and FAQ. | The June MCC is ongoing. Theme is OTJ. Most recent thread: Round 1. Judging deadline on the 11th.

For my projects (Jeff Lionheart, "One pierced heart, two mindful horns", republished articles from my series "The Lion's Lair", and custom sets), see Leo's content index (Last updated on April 25th 2024 - Added TLL #5).
After I'm done republishing my articles I want to reprise the series focusing it more on editing, wording, and templating. Suggest potential future article topics here.
My CCCG Resume (Updated on June 4th 2024)
Blue = MTGSalvation Green = MTGNexus
MCC - Winner (9): Oct 2014, Apr Nov 2017, Jan 2018, Apr Jun 2019, Jan Mar 2022, Apr 2023 || Host (31): Dec 2014, Apr Jul Aug Dec 2015, Mar Jul Aug Oct 2016, Feb Jul 2017, Jun Nov 2018, Feb Jul 2019 (last on MTGS), Aug 2019 (first on MTGN) Oct 2019, Jan Jun 2020 Apr Oct 2021, Feb May Sep Dec 2022, Mar Jun Sep Dec 2023, Mar Jun 2024 || Judge (59): every month from Nov 2014 to Nov 2016 except Oct 2015, every month from Feb to Jul 2017 except Apr 2017, then Oct 2017, May Jun Nov 2018, Feb Jul 2019 (last on MTGS), every month from Aug 2019 (first on MTGN) to Feb 2020, May Jun 2020, Mar Apr Sep Oct 2021, Feb May Sep Dec 2022, Mar May Jun Sep Dec 2023, Jan Mar Jun 2024
CCL - Winner (4): Jul 2016 (tied with Flatline), May 2017, Jul 2019 (last on MTGS), Jun 2021 (tied with slimytrout) || Host (5): Feb 2015, Mar Apr May Jun 2016
DCC - Winner (4): Mar 2015 (tied with Piar), Feb Apr 2022, Apr 2024 || Host (16): May Oct 2015, Jan 2016, Jun Sep Dec 2021, Mar Jun Sep Dec 2022, Mar Jun Sep Dec 2023, Mar Jun 2024

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Post by Sojourner Dusk » 4 years ago

Judgments complete.
(2.5/3) Appeal: J and S like the potential here, but T can't be lured away from Big Green to Lackluster White.
(3/3) Elegance: The ability sentence runs on a bit for my taste (as occurs quite often in MtG), but there's no misunderstanding what the card does.

(3/3) Viability: Reanimating in White? Check. On its surface, the scalable Resurrection is appropriate at Uncommon, especially since the Alpha original was recently downgraded to Common in UMA.
(3/3) Balance: In multiples, this can be very useful, especially with the ability to chain carsd out of your graveyard. In Limited environments, it's a solid inclusion if you're playing White, as the creature card you bring back does not have to also be White. It can be a build-around with Reanimator strategies without being too abusable (until you add blink effects).

(1.5/3) Uniqueness: This card is comprised of several familiar elements, with a variant in utilizing devotion over fixed CMC figures that are more prevalent.
(1/3) Flavor: I had to look up "psychopomp," and, unfortunately, it doesn't fit the card. The Greek origin is a nice touch, but psychopomnps guided recently dead souls TO the Underworld, not from it. Using that name would better fit a creature that killed.

(3/3) Quality: No issues found.
(2/2) *Main Challenge: Uncommon with devotion.
(2/2) Subchallenges: Underworld in flavor; two card types.

Total: 21/25
*An entry with 0 points here is subject to disqualification.
(2.5/3) Appeal: J and S see abusability. T doesn't like to discard.
(3/3) Elegance: No issues understanding how the card works.

(1.5/3) Viability: Looting in Blue is classic. With mass draw or looting, though, the effect is usually at Rare.
(1/3) Balance: The card is undercosted by a country mile. The P/T is far too good for a Blue creature at that CMC (only two printed, and both had drawbacks). The effect to get a creature and - at a minimum - a Careful Study should cost 3UU at Uncommon.

(2.5/3) Uniqueness: The phrases "draw X" and "discard X" have never appeared on a card together, with the closest parallel being Read the Runes. Most mass looting effects work with set values, or start with the discard instead of the draw.
(1/3) Flavor: For a "stargazer" on Theros, a card that had a Constellation trigger would make much more sense for flavor.

(3/3) Quality: No issues found.
(2/2) *Main Challenge: Uncommon (questionably) with devotion.
(2/2) Subchallenges: Underworld in flavor; two card types.

Total: 18.5/25
*An entry with 0 points here is subject to disqualification.
(1/3) Appeal: I don't see anyone looking to brew with this.
(2/3) Elegance: The ETB trigger is a little clunky, but I understand the concept.

(2/3) Viability: For complexity, this works at Uncommon. For power, this is almost on par with Common draft fodder.
(2/3) Balance: This has little to no hope of seeing Constructed use. In Limited it's a very low pick due to the hoops needed to jump through to come in with two counters.

(2/3) Uniqueness: There have been other creatures that get a bonus if you or your opponents perform certain actions. This isn't anything particularly flashy of that ilk.
(1/3) Flavor: Something "moldering" is decaying, which this is not. There's no concept of vanishing or withering in the card, so the name doesn't fit well.

(2.5/3) Quality: "...that had one or more cards leave..." Clarifies that it only triggers once per player.
(2/2) *Main Challenge: Uncommon with Escape.
(2/2) Subchallenges: Underworld in flavor; two card types.

Total: 16.5/25
*An entry with 0 points here is subject to disqualification.
(2/3) Appeal: This is mostly for J. Not enough oomph for T; not enough grokability for S.
(2/3) Elegance: The specificity of lore counters gives one a moment of pause, as their use isn't always immediately understood (akin to flood counters).

(2/3) Viability: It fits as a Red Uncommon. Even with complexity, it might work as a Red Common due to power.
(2/3) Balance: Limited will find use for this, provided your pool happens to include a choice Saga or three. Constructed decks are more likely to go with some form of proliferation due to the greater versatility.

(1.5/3) Uniqueness: Plenty of examples of Red 3/2s for three CMC. Unlike Keldon Warcaller, the lore counter only triggers once for the same object. Unlike the Warcaller, this can put lore counters on Mind Unbound, Myth Realized, and Scroll of the Masters. Or any other permanent you so desire.
(2.5/3) Flavor: Not quite sure dying and coming back would qualify as immortality, but a Homeric epic poet that can advance Sagas? Brilliant.

(3/3) Quality: No issues found.
(2/2) *Main Challenge: Uncommon with Escape.
(2/2) Subchallenges: Underworld in flavor; two card types.

Total: 19/25
*An entry with 0 points here is subject to disqualification.
Scores (italicized advance)
Subject16: 21
Legend: 18.5
Ink-Treader: 16.5
Raptorchan: 19
Last edited by Sojourner Dusk 4 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Ryder » 4 years ago

(1.5/3) Appeal: Not that thrilling for Timmy, Johnny likes a potential token generator, Spike sees it as somewhat unreliable.
(1.5/3) Elegance: It is definitely hard to grasp at the first read. It definitely could have been worded more clear. For example: "If your devotion to white is greater than defending player's highest single color devotion, [effect]."

(2/3) Viability: Both the token creation effect and the devotion comparison are perfectly fine in White. Repetitive token creation is Rare material, however.
(1.5/3) Balance: Flock of Heliod punishes multicolor and devotion-light decks too much. Also too strong for limited, given how easy on mana commons tend to be. This would either explode right from turn 4 or just be a 2/2 flyer for 3, which alone is good.

(2/3) Uniqueness: I've seen only one custom card comparing devotion values. Other things are standard.
(2.5/3) Flavor: Kind-of works in that life is Heliod's domain and you could assume white mana is abundant in normal world.

(2/3) Quality: The first sight (-1)
(2/2) *Main Challenge: Met.
(2/2) Subchallenges: Both met.

Total: 17/25
(3/3) Appeal: Tammy loves a big beater, Jenny can't wait to cheat Kromeades in and Spike enjoys it fueling itself back into play,
(3/3) Elegance: All clear.

(1.5/3) Viability: Forced rummaing is very much in Red's domain. Unfortunately, the overall effect feels like a Rare forced down to Uncommon just for the challenge. See Uniqueness.
(2.5/3) Balance:
Three cards is cheap for the escape, but the high casting cost makes up for it. Legendary keeps it fair... Still, seems easy to get it rolling without ever casting it. Not that it's a bad thing.

(1/3) Uniqueness: Self-fueling its escape was already done with Ox of Agonas - a Mythic.
(2/3) Flavor: It does feel great indeed, the giant who refuses to stay hidden and emerges again and again. I'm somewhat missing conditional indestructibility though, for the God part.

(2.5/3) Quality: Underworld is written with a capital letter.
(2/2) *Main Challenge: Met.
(2/2) Subchallenges: Both met.

Total: 19.5/25
Jimmy Groove (DQ)
(2/3) Appeal: Timmy is not interested, Johnny and Spike like cards that make their stuff more consistent.
(2/3) Elegance: Artifact type is very much tacked-on just for the challenge.

(3/3) Viability: All good.
(3/3) Balance: Perfectly fine.

(2/3) Uniqueness: Quite similar to Altar of the Lost, but it's a land with a broader application, cool.
(2/3) Flavor: Does not strike as awesome, but makes sense.

(1.5/3) Quality: Since escape ability is an alternate way of casting the card, the last part should just be "Spend this mana only to cast spells from your graveyard." (-1 for redundant wording, -0.5 for using in instead of from)
(0/2) *Main Challenge: The Elder Passages does not have escape. It has an ability that supports it.
(2/2) Subchallenges: Both met

Total: 17.5/25 (DQ)
(2/3) Appeal: Johnny likes a solid synergy, Timmy enjoys his creatures getting bigger, Spike isn't that excited.
(3/3) Elegance: Everything is clear and understandable.

(3/3) Viability: RG is perfect for the effect.
(2.5/3) Balance: Seems balanced. Stats are spot-on, the ability is strong, but its own escape is very expensive.

(2/3) Uniqueness: An escape lord is surely nice!
(3/3) Flavor: Definitely oozes flavor, I love it.

(0.5/3) Quality: Creatures you control have already escaped as they enter with the counters on them already, so technically your wording doesn't work. It's a serious flaw (-2). Another is "escapes with an additional two counters". (-0.5) It should be: "Creatures you own escape with an additional two counters on them" or "If a creature would enter the battlefield under your control, if it escaped, it escapes with an additional two counters on it".
(2/2) *Main Challenge: Met.
(2/2) Subchallenges: Both met.

Total: 20/25
netn10: 20
Icarii: 19.5

Henlock: 17
Jimmy Groove: 17.5 (DQ)

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