[Deck] Zombie Loam

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Post by maniospas » 5 years ago


Zombie Loam

Zombie Loam, also known as Squeeflagrate, is a midrange archetype whose core strategy is to rely on graveyard-based card advantage engines to control the board and hand while presenting free pressure that is difficult to permanently remove.

Although similar to traditional Dredge in that it wants to fuel the graveyard, Zombie Loam plays very differently in that it generally trades off explosiveness for being much more difficult to hate and having greater staying power. The strategy is also different from Assault Loam in that it plays to the board (thus being able to grind better in exchange for less removal) and that it relies on multiple card advantage engines.


Under construction.

The Core

The archetype's main strategy is centered around five key pieces, presented in their order of importance:
4x Zombie Infestation
The primary engine of the deck that converts card advantage to board presence. Repeatably creating pressure without additional mana investment is pretty powerful.
4x Life from the Loam
Creates card advantage while fueling the graveyard and reusing utility lands.
3x Conflagrate
Converts card advantage to removal and direct damage. A fourth copy induces great stress on the card (there is only so much card advantage we can get) but improves consistency for longer games.
3-4x Squee, Goblin Nabob
Creates card advantage for free and has a hidden "chump block forever" mode. Originally, lists were playing a full playset, but it's often better to run additional dredge effects instead of the fourth copy.
4x Bloodghast
Creates free pressure from the graveyard in addition to whatever is going on. Being free creates a positive tempo and the haste clause is often relevant after a large Conflagrate to the face.

To bring consistency to the graveyard-based aspect of this strategy, the following choices are almost always chosen to supplement the archetype's core:
4x Faithless Looting
Searches for useful pieces and is a discard outlet for dredgers.
2-3x Stinkweed Imp
Fuels the graveyard in search of more useful spells and card advantage engines. A third copy can replace the fourth Squee while granting higher consistency to the deck.
3x Lingering Souls
Increases the quality of dredges. Useful both as clock on stalemates and for stalling. It's essentially a token maker that can be dredged for if Zombie Infestation was not found on time.

In total, the above core represents the minimum number of copies of each card needed to be played. One can tune the deck to their preference by adding more of them, but cutting copies is not suggested without a very good reason.


There are many ways to customize Zombie Loam so that it can adapt to local metagames and/or individual playstyles. Here, I organize several packages players are known to enjoy running, alongside the number of slots they are expected to occupy:
Despair package (4 spell slots)
2-3x Driven // Despair
The Despair half is usually the mode we need; one or two of these can often lock strategies outside the game. It's also great for ignoring blockers. I recommend three copies for consistency reasons, because often getting the effect a second time is what makes decks that are good at rebuilding kneel.
1x Dryad Arbor
Essentially the 3.5th Lingering Soul token. Getting it turn 3 with a fetchland often provides a critical mass for Despair to win the game. (Note: Always count this as a spell when doing manabase math.)
Crime package (2 spell slots)
Saves slots in comparison to the Despair package. On the other hand, it's very slow vs modern's degeneracy so it should be preferred in more grindy metas.

1x Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth
Color fixing for casting Crime.
2x Raven's Crime
Mass discard spell. Take care to meet mana requirements from the manabase.
Pharaoh package (4-5 spell slots)
2x Vengeful Pharaoh
Free kill spell. There's a great trick where you can block but kill large creatures if you let small ones go through. Gets reused with dredge for free. Often, Pharaoh+chumpblocker will single-handedly stall every aggression. Then, Conflagrating / Despairing the stalled board will often win the game.
1-2x Golgari Brownscale
Repeatable lifegain. Keep in mind that a lot of times lifegain is needed only in very long games, where even one copy of Golgari Brownscale has a very high probability to appear.
0-1x Dryad Arbor
Can replace the second Golgari Brownscale to save slots by overlapping this with the Despair package.
Amalgam package (3-7 spell slots, 5 suggested)
This package hasn't been tested a lot by the community. If you see Jeff Hoogland's videos, you can see that Amalgams usually end up being win-more, but they are powerful enough to warrant a serious consideration. When building with Amalgams, it's very important to build the deck so that it doesn't loses its raw power level for synergies, because then it become "bad dredge".

3-4x Prized Amalgam
A value card that needs building around to be good.
0-3x Unearth Creatures
I personally suggest either 1-2x Sedraxis Specter or 2x Rotting Rats with 3x Prized Amalgam for high consistency. The addition of all these graveyard threats allows for cutting the third copy of Lingering Souls.
Removal package (suggested 2-3 spell slots)
0-1x Conflagrate
The fourth copy can help improve blind consistency.
0-1x Flame Jab
A grind engine. Can replace the third or fourth copy of Conflagrate as a better answer against decks with a lot of small creatures that are deployed across multiple turns.
0-3x Lightning Axe
Interaction on instant speed is good vs. combo and at one mana it can be played on turn 3 alongside loam. If you know you'll encounter creature decks, it's often better than the above slot, since it works as a discard outlet. However, not guaranteeing its ability to discard in a vacuum is a serious consideration towards its maindeckability.
0-1x Start // Finish
Dredgeable removal. It might be too cute for the mana and sacrifice cost.
0-3x Darkblast
A metagame-dependent card. Running two blindly often doesn't hurt, since it does a lot of work against almost every creature deck in some manner. You can even put one in place of the third Stinkweed Imp/fourth Squee, Goblin Nabob but if you do take care not to sideboard that particular copy out, since it's needed for consistency. It's one of the few cards that running it as one-of is also reasonable as it answers control threats, such as Vendilion Clique and Snapcaster Mage as well as the random Master of Waves out of merfolk. Also, do take note of dredge tricks that rely on casting it or upkeep or cycling into it for a second use in a turn.
Utility lands (suggested 0-3 spell slots + 1-4 land slots)
Typically, 4-7 slots are dedicated to this package. Keep in mind that the manabase needs at least 20 untapped sources and the correct colors untapped on time. (Ghost Quarter slightly improves consistency towards the number of colors by targeting our own lands, but it shouldn't be counted when constructing the manabase because it usually delays the gameplan by a turn.) If more utility lands are run, the value of Life from the Loam increases alongside the ability to more easily cast spells in the early game.

0-2x Blast Zone
Great for answering problematic permanents, but we don't have enough open mana in the early game to rely on this card a lot.
0 or 2-3x Bojuka Bog
Graveyards are becoming even more prevalent in modern. However it's not yet proven that it successfully helps fight them.
2-3x Ghost Quarter
At least three land destruction spells are often needed to have fighting chances vs. Tron, but you need to be on the play with pressure for them to become effective enough in the matchup. For slower matchups, color-locking opponents out of the game happens a lot and is a fine source of pressure they need answer in addition to what's going on.
0-1x Tectonic Edge
Great hozer against control manabases and Titanshift. Can be too slow vs. Tron.
0 or 3-5x one-color cycling lands
Great for explosiveness and recursion of effects like Golgari Brownscale (which I suggest 2-of when running three cycling lands for massive lifegain in the mid-game). They allow a Darkblast to replace the fourth Conflagrate against strategies as insurance against strategies heavy on small creatures.
Brew Cards
There are certain cards that have not established themselves in the archetype due to limited or no testing. Feel free to suggest any new ones to add here, alongside with what you think they or existing ones improve and any possible flaws that need testing to assess or that you have tested.

0-2x Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis
A fast clock from the graveyard. We usually don't have that many cards we're comfortable loosing, but this needs further testing.
0-2x Hall of Heliod's Generosity
A way to recur infestation from the graveyard. It may be too slow to matter and we don't even know how many copies we need to run to achieve consistency.
0 or 3-4x Serum Powder
A way to improve consistency for finding Zombie Infestation (the best card in the deck). We're very hard pressed for slots and we don't want to mulligan to 4 that aggressively though.
0-1x Nether Spirit
Bloodhast#5 (include at most one). Cannot get it back in the endgame and it's not certain we need a fifth copy of the effect for the early game, as Zombie Infestation also counts as copies of 2-power creatures.
0-2x Deadly Allure
Equally cute to Finish, but it can do a lot of work alongside Despair, thus having a very high ceiling. Also works around hexproof. However, it's very soft against instant speed removal.
0 or 3-4x Elvish Reclaimer
A 3/4 body that can get utility lands is very appealing. Can replace second copies of non-cycling utility lands with minimal impact.


Under construction. For the time being, remember to run at least 4-5 anti-hate pieces in the 75.


Q: Why does the core not include Smallpox?
A: Smallpox is no longer as powerful as it once was. It's fine to experiment with it, but it's no longer a driving force from a power level perspective. Take note that, if you do want to go that route, the Crime package is probably the way to go for discard, since Smallpox slows down the Despair package but has been confirmed in the past to work well together with Raven's Crime.

Q: Why not run [insert enchantment that creates creatures] as more copies of Zombie Infestation?
A: There are three checkpoints such an enchantment need pass (that Infestation satisfies);
  • Does it enable dredging on turn 3? (i.e. should be able to discard dredgers)
  • Can it win the game fast enough if left unchecked? (i.e. it should produce at least 3 power a turn on average in tandem with any value engine)
  • Does it put more bodies on the board at speed equal to or greater than Lingering Souls?
As of writing this, the only other enchantment coming close to fulfilling these requirements is Call the Bloodline, which is viable only in more grindy metas.

Q: Should I maindeck a singleton Bojuka Bog?
A: It depends on why you do it. If you want to use it as greveyard hate vs. dredge/phoenix/living end, then one copy cannot be found often enough and at least a second copy is needed to get some semblance of consistency. It's good against control to reduce the value of lategame snapcasters though.

Q: Why does the core not include Commune with the Gods or Mausoleum Secrets?
A: Consider such cards as copies of Zombie Infestation that need a turn to come into play and then evaluate them using the criteria of the previous question: Commune with the Gods fails statistically (i.e. it has a low chance of finding Infestation, which makes it frequently not pass points 2 and 3) whereas Mausoleum Secrets fails both statistically (not enough creatures in the graveyard usually) and on point 1.

Q: How can I run white sources maindeck? (e.g. to hardcast Lingering Souls)
A: Include a singleton Murmuring Bosk. This archetype usually cannot afford to miss one of its main colors (red, green, black) with the first fetch, while almost every play pattern that requires a white source (e.g. hardcasting Lingering Souls with no previous discard outlet, needing to use Hall of Heliod's Generosity) does not need an untapped white fetch before the 5th land drop (it can be done in previous turns), where it's usually already determined whether the game is won or lost.

Example Decklists

Under construction.


Under construction.
My modern deckbuilding philosophy
Be consistent with important effects (e.g. if your cards do nothing without an effect, there had better be at least 8 copies of it + ways to dig).
One-ofs are allowed only if tutorable or useful in matchups that go long.
Lower the curve as much as possible.
All cards should promote the primary gameplan.
Synergistic cards should be individually powerful (at worst by synergizing powerfully with a good portion of the deck).

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Post by unicornturtle2000 » 4 years ago

RIP Faithless Looting Banned

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Post by morimacil » 4 years ago

So post faithless looting ban, the red isnt as good as it used to be.
But the 1 mana cycling lands are amazing with life from the loam, that part is a huge upgrade.
Approximate Total Cost:

Unearth is also quite a nice pickup, as it combines incredibly well with fulminator mage in a land denial strategy for some some brutal openings like smallpox discarding a fulminator mage into unearthing it the following turn.

Instead of going for a raven's crime approach which leaves us vulnerable to whatever the opponent is topdecking, going for their mana means that you dont need to empty their hands, and unearth/fulminator mage are still valuable in the lategame, cycling or providing a little pressure if locking out lands is no longer an option.

I chose to not go with zombie infestation or ayulas's influence, or raven's crime, or any other such cards that are pretty mediocre without a loam running. With the new cycle lands, we can get tons of value from loaming, so we need to make sure the deck still functions when we are not loaming. Thankfully, the cycling lands also work great with smallpox, letting you have a much higher than average density of lands in your deck if you need to rebuild.

As with a lot of decks like this, actually closing out the game before your opponent topdecks out of it can be a challenge. I've been looking at multiple finishers here to try and close things out once we have an advantage.
Things like lingering souls, bloodghast, epochrasite, bitterblossom, garruck relentless, and so on are nice, resilient and hard to interact with, but also take an eternity and a half to actually kill someone, when your clock is 2 power. If the opponent has a small creature, suddenly your offense easily finds itself at a grind.

Questing Beast is a finisher that actually seemed to work very well in the deck, it can close out games in a hurry, it doesnt get chump blocked, it blocks, it can pressure PW and opponents at the same time, it kind of does it all. Very good against combo decks to close out games, or against decks with small creatures. Not so much against decks with interaction though.

Currently, I am testing 4x Demigod of revenge in that finisher slot.
As a hasty threat with evasion, it both helps deal with planeswalkers that can otherwise be an issue, and helps end the game in short order.
Since it is a demigod of revenge, it can end the game in REALLY short order, sometimes you can cast one and bring 2 back and kill immediately if the game is going a little long, in the midgame casting one, bringing one back, and putting the opponent on the spot to topdeck right now or be dead next turn is really good. Being able to discard it early and get some value later is cool, and the card is still decent on its own if your opponent is overloading on rest in peace or leyline of the void or whatever. It fights well through counters or kill spells too.
However, well it is a 5 mana card, making it quite clunky. We already have a lot of cycling lands and the loams that dont really impact the board early on, against very low to the ground decks like burn, fulminator mages and unearths can also sometimes be a little clunky and awkward, and so while this deck definitely gets to 5 mana, having 2 demigods in hand early on can be really bad.
So for now I am still testing it, it has been incredible when cast, but there has been a couple of occasions it couldnt be cast. Maybe 3 is better as doubles early on are definitely awkward.

The need to turn the corner, and kill people is also why I went with a relatively simple manabase, avoiding hissing quagmires, tec edges, ghost quarters, fields of ruin, blast zone etc, and went with 3 mutavault, 3 urborg to just end the game asap instead of durdling around.

The format has slowed down, the banning of faithless lootings means there are fewer decks running around with graveyard engines that are happy discarding cards to your smallpoxes, and less graveyard hate too, which is quite good for the deck overall.

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Post by stubb » 4 years ago

I played this deck back right after Raph Levy debuted it up until the printing of Prized Amalgam, and then briefly on mtgo around last Christmas. I was curious what would happen after cycle lands and especially the Looting ban, since it was the best card in the deck. My inclination was to go straight BG, and it looks like you're onto the same thing. I'm not in love with your build, but I like parts of it, especially Smallpox.

Keep us posted.

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