[Deck] RG HollowVine

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Post by Depian » 4 years ago

You miss Faithless Looting? You don't know what to do with those Vengevine you played in Hogaak? Or maybe you were casting many Hollow One the same turn off Burning Inquiry?
Worry not, I present you HollowVine, a deck able to put a lot of early pressure while still being able to have a decent long game and not dead to graveyard hate.

The idea is simple, it's an aggro deck based on discard interactions that allow us to return Vengevines, Phoenixes or simply get value off Squee and we have quite a few discard outlets to work with.

-Flameblade Adept: Usually the best T1 play, it will pack a punch thanks to all our discard options and Menace makes it really difficult to block most of the time
-Bomat Courier: Another good T1 play that can help replenishing our hand, can be a discard outlet and is not a terrible top deck since we can usually cash it for 1 card
-Grim Lavamancer: A decent repetable source of damage, it's bad in multiples and most of the cards we put in our graveyard come back so there is no incentive to play more than 1
-Noose Constrictor: The MVP of the deck, it enables some of the most powerful plays, has a lot of synergy with everything we want to discard, also with Hollow One and with Flameblade Adept, it even blocks flyers if needed
-Seasoned Pyromancer: This card is perfect for the deck, if we discard fodder, we draw and get tokens, gives CA when we are hellbent and even has an ability to make use of when dead
-Squee, Goblin Nabob: The least aggro card of the deck for sure but it makes Noose and Pyromancer much better and consistent, it's also pretty good vs grindy decks like Jund since it can be a recurring blocker, a card to discard to Liliana, sac fodder for her -2
Flamewake Phoenix: We have a lot of ways to have at least 1 creature with 4 power before attacking and we can curve it if we were unable to discard it somehow
Vengevine: Our best payoff and we can easily cast it if we reach 4 mana since we actually play green so is not dead vs graveyard hate
Hollow One: We know what it does but now we can cast it off Noose Constrictor or Seasoned Pyromancer with more ease, you won't have to see how they hit the bin off Burning Inquiry anymore
Street Wraith: Pretty much needed for Hollow One and Flameblade Adept, unfortunately we can't cast it and the life loss can be a problem vs Burn but without it, the deck is less consistent
Bloodbraid Elf: Maybe it's too cute but a hasty creature that will 100% trigger Vengevines seems pretty good, with 19 lands I don't feel like playing more than 2

The sideboard is a draft, not sure about Revoker, I thought I would be interested in having a way to deal with obnoxious Planeswalkers but I am still not 100% convinced about it

Some cool interactions:
-Play Noose Constrictor, discard 3 cards (likely a mix that includes Vengevine and Phoenix or Squee), cast Hollow One and trigger any Vengevines you have discarded, If you lead with Adept, it's a 4/2 so you are likely hitting for 8+ damage
-Play Seasoned Pyromancer, discard 2 cards, cycle Wraith and cast Hollow One to trigger Vengevines
-Flameblade Adept and Noose Constrictor together is a huge threat that some opponent don't see coming, with 5 cards in hand, you can hit for 13 damage, sometimes an opponent won't block without realising they needed to block in order to stay alive


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Post by pizzap » 4 years ago

Yeah, I do miss Looting a lot. There is nothing that draws two and discards two for R or even a looting spell that you want to have in the graveyard (flashback). My current brews have been way less consistent and a lot slower than with Looting. Instead of having a positive win rate in the MTGO Leagues, I struggle now to even get a positive win rate in the freaking tournament practise. I like to play Vengevine and there have been viable Vengevine lists, but I like Hollow One and I like to play red. Unfortunately, I haven't seen any Hollow One tournament finishes since the Faithless Looting ban.
So, how has this list been working for you thus far? I like the Constrictor / Hollow One interaction which allows t2 Vengevine.

EDIT: I don't own Seasoned Pyros yet, so I tried this for now based on your list. I found it surprisingly fast thus far.

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