Ghired, Conclave Exile - Triple Dipping Naya Lards

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Post by Naota481 » 2 years ago

Saw the naya confluence just now and had to jump back here to see your spicy take haha, who knew ghired would get to EAT this set


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Post by Naota481 » 2 years ago

Is Audacious Swap too cute? Cashing in those temporary tokens from phalanx/delina like effects for real gas/ramp, and in a pinch hitting a problematic permanent?

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Post by Elincia » 2 years ago

You'd need to sacrifice a creature and then target two permanents that you don't want anymore in exchange for maybe two lands, maybe two random ramp spells, occasionaly a beatstick, sometimes a boardwipe that you don't want to cast... For 4 mana, that's a lot of uncertainty, and it does absolutely nothing after a boardwipe. I think it's not that good unless you are in a token deck where tokens are cheap and unimportant, or if you have some kind of topdeck manipulation trick.

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Post by yeti1069 » 2 years ago

Here's the current list after some updates. Missing one card that got lost in the transcription. Will have to see what got left out later.

Trying Combat Celebrant in place of Aurelia. Probably a mistake, but wanted to lower the curve a bit. Took out Elesh Norn for the moment, but may bring it back in if I don't slot it into Sefris. Was considering slotting in the white Primordial, but couldn't find my copy when I was making edits.

Played two games with the updated deck last night. In the first, no one was playing well, such as one guy with a Scavenging Ooze not exiling recursion cards from the Vadrik graveyard, and the angel tribal deck based around the new angel mana dork not really having much of anything to do. Ooze player swung at me with some big guys, feeling I was the threat, which I was if we ignored the fact that Vadrik had a big power-pumping spell he'd used and recurred, which spells trouble, so I had to crack back to take him out since he was approaching lethal for me on the board, whereas Vadrik was an unknown. Angels made the same calculation, deeming me the threat, and slowed me down a little,. Vadrik cast a Crackle With Power for 20 damage at me (at 27), Angels (25), and 2 of my guys. I responded by tapping everyone to cast a Chord of Calling for X=3, and got a Selfless Spirit who I sacrificed to save my guys for a crackback, ignoring the fact that Vadrik had two creatures on the board, and I had just tapped down all my blockers. If I'd done X=2 (read: thought about what to fetch beforehand) pretty sure I survive to kill everyone on my turn.

Second game, one guy brought Kemba Kha and had a fast start with Stoneforge Mystic, Kaldra Compleat, and Hammer of Nazahn. He initially targeted another player, but when I blew up his Hammer, he came swinging for me, and I had no answers for 12 and then 14 commander damage over two turns, so I died turn 4.
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Post by Rumpy5897 » 2 years ago

Thanks for tossing a list up, it seems that we're converging on a similar direction. I read the whole thing and there were very few cards that seemed like strange includes, the most notable being Delina, Wild Mage. But you know she's a bit of a quirky choice already. Now streamline your ramp ;)

You just reminded me Sundering Growth exists, and I'm now very tempted to replace Hull Breach with it. The populate doesn't play amazingly well with most copiers in terms of sticking an extra swinger out there out of nowhere, as they need the magical "except it has haste" wording rather than "gains haste", but still a free populate is nothing to scoff at. And the instant speed is technically nice too.

How has Terror of the Peaks been for you? It's a card I've been pondering for quite a while now, but haven't gotten around to trying out.

I acknowledge this does not really fit with our current slimming vision, but I'd consider Avenger of Zendikar if I were you. You mentioned once that you were quite happy to nab someone else's copy, and it would kind of help with the whole crackback situation. I ran it and at one point it was an all-star in the deck, but then got streamlined out due to being too slow. But it sounds like it could be useful in your case. You could also benefit from Saryth, the Viper's Fang due to her hexproof shield for your copy attempts, and she comes with an evasive ability stapled on to not be dead otherwise.

I played the deck a bit recently against a friend's revamped lists, and there was a particularly disastrous draw where nothing came together. This led me to spend a couple hours goldfishing the deck, and I never saw anything anywhere near that level of failure, so all's probably well. Some thoughts from the draws:
  • The list feels less clunky on the whole than I remember it being. It's still sometimes annoying to try to figure out support piece sequencing when stuck in Rhino mode, but things are getting better.
  • The shift of copiers to attack trigger friendly options has been working out quite well on the whole, and one draw I swung in with seven copies of Angel of Destiny without even budging Ghired from the command zone. Angel has become the premier beatstick of the current build.
  • My keenness on Angel and copying has made me respect GSZ less than I should. The card still gets a great piece of beef and a fantastic source of draw, and I can't forget that.
  • There are still occasional sequencing hiccups. Costing six can sometimes be a bit awkward. It's particularly important to pay attention to likely curve-out mana when looking at a Jaxis in hand, as it's tempting to deploy her on 4 if there's nothing else to do. But if you then stall out on mana and can't immediately copy the beef you deploy, you ruin the surprise and probably get super focused. In that case it's better to sandbag her and do the 1RR blitz mode.
Oh, and Audacious Swap wise, it's an okay fixed twin Chaos Warp when used offensively. Can absorb a Rhino or some doomed token, like already noted. But I'd not get too cute and point it ad my own stuff, yeah.
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Post by yeti1069 » 2 years ago

Terror has been...a terror! It provides reach, removal, and a decent body for swinging, and is pretty strong in multiples. It's good to have a significant threat that doesn't require attacking, and that capitalizes on any form of token production.

My thinking with Delina (and haven't seen it in action on my side of the table yet) is that we're set up to take some advantage of token generation with the doublers, and it occasionally gets crazy with multiple high rolls of the dice. She can also copy legendaries, which can occasionally be decent as well. Certainly there have been times on a gummed up board that the best strategy has been to spend a turn setting up for a big swing, so swinging with Delina and copying Ghired one or more times to just produce rhinos that stick around can be useful. Will try her out and see.

Avenger I've looked at. My hesitation has been that by the time I can cast it, I typically don't have land in hand, and don't want to be spending mana on more ramp. I think I'd be more interested if I had bigger land ramp spells (drop multiple lands in at a time), and more mass haste. Worth considering in any case.

Saryth looks interesting. I like the combo of deathtouch and trample.

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Post by yeti1069 » 2 years ago

On the ramp front, moving to creatures looks fragile, and the forest-specific pieces look problematic, as I do often find I have non-typed lands in play. Ditching Kodama's Reach and Cultivate are possibilities to have some better early plays, though I do like fixing 2 lands at a time for my spells that require and , not to mention requiring 2 Mountains and 2 Plains for the Duergar.

I'll have to look at the land enchants. I recalled the discussion on them a while back and paused on them when making the most recent round of changes, but decided to pass on the fiddling there for the moment.

Mana Crypt was in the list for a bit, and was fantastic! But I needed it for another list, and found that it drew some bad feelings here where the deck is aimed at the higher end of mid-power, but Crypt is decidedly high-power to most tables. Turn 3 Ghired is definitely an important benchmark, and a lot of what I have here doesn't achieve that, so there could be further changes in the near future.

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Post by yeti1069 » 2 years ago

Knight of Autumn is one of the recent additions I have high hopes for. It doesn't hit two targets like Duergar does, but when destroying a permanent isn't of value, it can be a 4/3, or gain me 4 life, and means copying it can be very versatile.

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Post by Rumpy5897 » 2 years ago

I guess I'll try Terror out some time soon and see how he does. I brushed off Audacious Reshapers in another deck when that got printed, and tested it lately and immediately put it in.

Avenger gumming with a wall of 0/1s at first should stem the bleeding a bit. You can then copy him, play some lands, and start taking over the game. Slow as all hell but worth considering given crackback issues.

I'd slot in Joraga Treespeaker, as that thing powers out a turn three Ghired by itself. I'd also add Three Visits - you've got a lot of typed lands, and the printing of the triome is a huge deal for fixing. Personally I really like the one-drop land auras as they're ridiculously efficient at what they do. You could also consider snowing up the place and running Into the North, but that takes some amount of fiddling to pull off.

Yeah, Knight of Autumn is Reclamation Sage with upside, but it's the latter that's an EDH staple so I name-dropped that one in the post :P
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Post by Naota481 » 2 years ago

into the north + Alpine Meadow and snow basics for hedge mage?

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Post by Rumpy5897 » 2 years ago

For me? No. For others (pretty much those without fetches)? I literally just recommended this as a potential direction for yeti a while back, yeah :P
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Post by Rumpy5897 » 2 years ago

I've been getting more games in, likely as a result of resolving a lot of tension and increasing the smoothness of operation. There hasn't been a notable uptick in how quickly the deck ends the game, but it just feels a lot less clunky in sequencing and is more fun to play as a result. Some of the benefits being reaped are the result of earlier changes, I'm still noticing the impact of the ramp slimming and the introduction of Harmonic Prodigy. While re-reading the thread, I spotted a post where I was unhappy about the deck being above 3.5 average MV. Now I'm down to 3.09.

  • Rhinos are important. The deck "failing" and falling back on them has been a recurring source of unhappiness in the discussion, but even when things work out the Rhinos help carry the game plan. The only truly independent beatstick is Kalonian Hydra, every other piece of beef in the list depends on them in some capacity or another.
  • An extremely important thing Rhinos do is draw cards. A lot of the available draw is tied to creatures in one way or another, and Ghired getting the Rhinos on is a reliable mid-game way to dig. And dig is very relevant here, as it helps find missing pieces for the beef copying, it keeps you topped up with options to rebuild from. This is a known weakness of green in general, and the fact that we need to get our 5-drop commander out to start doing this reliably goes a long way toward explaining the occasional super-flub at the start. As clumsy as Cultivate is in the grand scheme of things, it does single-handedly resolve this bottleneck.
  • I'm considering adding some more draw. Hunter's Insight is still leading the way. It would be nice to have something not conditional on the Rhinos, but there aren't a lot of options to choose from (solidifying Harmonize's survival in the list, and Sylvan Library's status as crazy good). Wheel of Fortune got cut as it's pretty much only useful if very depleted. Jeska's Will is technically an option I should playtest as a new piece of red goodstuff that took Game Knights by storm, but that's also commander dependent to get value out of.
  • If I were to add more ramp, I'd probably go for Arcane Signet. The Triome made me realise just how nice it is to have all colours of mana on tap, and this is Nature's Lore tier efficiency. However, there's an argument to be made for snowing up the place and going for Into the North, both because lands are good and for Rionya count. I'm not expecting them to print ramp to compete with these options any time soon.
  • The fact it's nice to keep Rhinos growing while trying to connect the dots on the beef copy plan does invalidate some of my cheaper protection pieces shenanigans. Dolmen Gate is fantastic because it's cheap and it grants survival to everything; Nahiri's Machinations only keeps Ghired around and if the Rhino has nowhere safe to go then what was even the point of the swing? Okay, fine, the Rhino may have contributed to society via Elemental Bond or Greater Good or something, but it would be preferable to not have to consider this. I was even musing on slotting in Mother of Runes as a possible ultra-cheap protection piece, but that fails on similar grounds.
  • Determined Iteration has been feeling kind of funky, but ends up doing things. Even outside amplifying copied beef, that's an extra Rhino to do whatever Rhino things. And once I get the stars to align and amplify a beef copy, the only conditions for it to turn out winmore are if the source of the beef is a known multi-copier like Cabaretti Confluence or Rionya. But even then that's just two mana squandered. Honestly preferable to the sequencing unpleasantry of Doubling Season. It makes sense that a two mana card wouldn't be as potent as a five mana one, but I think I'm starting to appreciate it.
  • The targeting protection stuff has assimilated fine. Someone tried to interrupt a beef copy and got offered a Celestial Force instead thanks to Tibalt's Trickery. Once a particularly feisty Supplant Form screwed up my game plan, I caught myself wishing I had Deflecting Swat, which is a good sign. As I did not have it, or anything else, I died to a copy of my own Boomgoat (there was a Terastodon to serve as a crazy power dispenser). That was a pretty interesting game state actually, as the Supplanter happened to have a Swarm Intelligence. Should he have played around me having a redirection spell and aimed both copies at the beefslab? Decisions!
  • Flameshadow Conjuring has found itself in a bit of a funny spot. The time-honoured line of copying Ghired and then populating the resulting copy for two extra Rhinos is no longer as viable as it once was due to the free spells caring about you controlling your commander. Though this does open up an interesting mind-game dimension where you consciously keep the original Ghired when you don't have the free protection spell on hand...
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Post by yeti1069 » 2 years ago

So I had done interesting games with the deck tonight. The middle game was the noteworthy one.

Had Harmonic Prodigy and Delina in play (a Shaman!). Dropped Terror of the Peaks, then swung with Delina. Had one trigger target Terror and the other target a Wood Elves to get some ramp to set up the following turn. Didn't realize the Atla player had a land that could buff their egg (I shot Atla with the bigger Terror trigger) and Delina got blocked and died. Next turn played Ogre Battle driver then Ghired. With Terror and Harmonic, that allowed me to deal 6+6+4 damage, wiping out the threats on the table and putting some damage to faces. I then swung with Ghired and the hasty rhinos to throw around another 12. On the following turn, I cast Chord for 5 to find Rionya. Went to combat and got 2 triggers for 2 copies, making 4 Terrors that all came in with +2/0 and haste. First two see each other to send 7x2 damage, next two see each other for the same. The original sees all 4 for 7x4, and the first two copies see each of the 2nd set for another 4x7. That's 84 damage to spread around in increments of 7, more than enough to finish off the table before going to combat.

In the first game, I had a decent start vs another Atla and Ramos (and 4th player stuck in 2 land). Ramos kept blowing up my stuff, and I kept telling him that if he removed Atla instead I would swing at Atla, but he kept spending removal on everything I had while Atla kept making more eggs. Ramos finally casts a board wipe, which gives Atla 4 creatures. Among them were two damage doublers and an enormous body. He went after Ramos and swung out to kill the table.

Third game, guy basically oubstomped us with a druid tribal deck that took a 20 min turn and basically stormed off, slowly, eventually casting a Genesis Wave for 30, turning up a Craterhoof and some infinite untapper/mana pieces. He said he wasn't going infinite and instead was going to play some value piece and pass turn. I said that was kind of obnoxious since he had the win, and we had just had to sit through his dumb turn and we all just scooped.

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Post by Rumpy5897 » 2 years ago

Thanks for posting that gameplay bit. It has solidified me in my choice to not run Terror of the Peaks - any piece of beef currently in my list would have mopped up the table even harder with the copying prowess you had available there :P Terror looks like a mid-game piece of utility, best used to control the board like in your post, with its beatstick use being more of an emergency or weird anti-fog toolboxing than anything. You like that sort of stuff (Ogre Battledriver says hi), I am less partial to it.

That poor threat assessment game sounds very painful, and would likely lead me to get quite salty. Hopefully the Ramos player realised the error of his ways after the fact.

Further list musings continue - what if I cheese the system and take out a Forest for Boseiju? I'm less basic-desperate than I used to be as the Cultivates are gone, and all fetches have gotten a prime new target in the Triome. I could then devote the opened up removal slot for more draw. This actually sounds kind of tempting.
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Post by yeti1069 » 2 years ago

He seemed somewhat chagrined, but I was pretty salty, and pointed out that on EVERY TURN, I had told him that if he removed Atla, I'd swing at the Atla player, and instead he spent every piece of removal he had on my stuff, including blowing up rhino tokens.

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Post by yeti1069 » 2 years ago

I don't know about that assessment...I had 84 damage I spread around before combat. In combat, I would have had 2 more Terrors from Ghired trigger, for another 84 direct damage, plus 35 damage swinging in the air. A few of the beef piece would deal more damage overall, but not all of them, and none of them can also do so through fogs, Ghostly Prison, etc, while also having the ability to remove problematic creatures/planeswalkers. I like Quartzwood, but 7 copies with +2/+0 (assuming same exact board state, which I know isn't representative of your list) is 56 damage, and some big tokens after combat, but that doesn't necessarily close out the game on the spot. Thunderfoots would have come in at about the same damage with a few other creatures swinging. Aurelia doesn't do anything noteworthy in this situation.

I'm not saying I rate the dragon more highly than these guys, but in this situation, it put out more total damage, and did so before even getting to combat damage, which can be relevant. It also removed some important pieces over a couple of turns. I get the impression you're often the scariest deck at the table, so interaction hasn't been that important, but that hasn't been my experience much of the time, and depending on where I'm playing, I've run into TONS of interaction. The dragon looks better on an empty board than many of the other beatsticks, and meshes directly with the rhino plan as well.

That's my assessment, anyway.

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Post by Rumpy5897 » 2 years ago

Kalonian Hydra would have done 896 damage. Angel of Destiny would have killed the table. Two prime beatsticks in my list, a further illustration of my aforementioned point of you preferring cards that are more reliable/toolboxy and me preferring cards that go boom :P Also, Aurelia flat-out wins the game with Rionya if swings can continue happening.

I'm acknowledging interaction happening by experimenting with different tools in the protection suite. I honestly expect you to really like Saryth when you do try her out. My interaction density is not quite the same wheelhouse of what you have to put up with, but maybe some of the tools can be shared.
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Post by yeti1069 » 2 years ago

Rumpy5897 wrote:
2 years ago
Kalonian Hydra would have done 896 damage. Angel of Destiny would have killed the table. Two prime beatsticks in my list, a further illustration of my aforementioned point of you preferring cards that are more reliable/toolboxy and me preferring cards that go boom :P Also, Aurelia flat-out wins the game with Rionya if swings can continue happening.

I'm acknowledging interaction happening by experimenting with different tools in the protection suite. I honestly expect you to really like Saryth when you do try her out. My interaction density is not quite the same wheelhouse of what you have to put up with, but maybe some of the tools can be shared.
Oh yeah, I forgot that Rionya goes infinite with Aurelia...

As for Kalonian and Angel, yeah. I had intended to slot Kalonian back in, but couldn't find it. Unearthed it last night, so I'll have to free up a slot, and I'll have to see if I have the Angel in my collection, but my case wasn't for the dragon beating them out, but beating out some of the other beatsticks that are good, but not necessarily as explosive with copying/non-copying rhino plan stuff. I also feel like I see plenty of removal to disrupt my gameplan. In the game with the poor threat assessment I think I had 6 or 7 pieces removed, including Ghired 3 times.

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Post by Rumpy5897 » 2 years ago

Yeah, in that case Angel is probably not for you as it does pretty much nothing if not copied. Hydra is still kind of okay on its own, slowly snowballs up, especially if you get an Aurelia out to help it out.

I still haven't talked myself out of the Boseiju idea. It looks crazy on paper but I might end up doing it.
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Post by yeti1069 » 2 years ago

Just played AGAINST a Ghired deck that had a HUGE game-winning turn. Parallel Lives, Ghired, and Quartz in play. Played Dockside Extortionist to make something like 26 treasure, then dropped Terror of the Peaks. Cast Naya Charm to tap down the most dangerous player and swung. Made 8 damage from ETB triggers, then made two 22/22s from Quartz, which aimed a lot of damage at faces, followed by Second Harvest to make four 22/22s and eight 4/4s, which obliterated the table.

Thinking Dockside should probably be in here. It's decent early, and the deck can make use of it if it's still alive later with some after-the-fact token makers.

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Post by Rumpy5897 » 2 years ago

20.05.2022 Changes

Pulling the trigger on the debated swaps.

20.05.2022 Changes
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The need for basics has gone down quite a bit over the past few updates. There are no more Cultivates, the Farhaven Elf went away, and now the Triome got itself printed and gave all fetches a prime target. Boseiju allows me to cheese the system a bit and slot some removal onto a land. The "spell" is pretty decent, the land comes in untapped, it's about as good as those modal lands circa turn of 2021/2022 have gotten. This allows me to ditch Hull Breach, a card I was not fully on board with, for a little more draw. Hunter's Insight takes me to 10 pieces total. One could argue that if I really need to hit artifacts/enchantments, I have tutor access to Duergar Hedge-Mage.

I've caught myself leaning into the new outlook on the deck, and enjoying it. I've actually tutored Garruk's Uprising a few times, and found myself liking the gameplay that emerged. Card draw is good, but actively pursuing it rather than merely treating it as a dig source in the event of an incomplete setup leads to more flexibility, being more forgiving to the necessary modularity. In one of those games I slammed Saryth down pretty quickly, and nobody wanted anything to do with deathtouchy tramply stuff. As such, I drew in peace, and found some more reactive spells en route to Rionya + Aurelia. Deflecting Swat et al. turned out unnecessary, but were there were someone to try anything funny.

Comparative underperformers:
  • Now that Dolmen Gate shows what you can get for two mana and Saryth shows what you can get for four, Iroas is feeling weirdly lacklustre. Beastmaster Ascension taking a while to rev up is also not the best. However, there are no viable alternatives at this time - Stalwart Pathlighter is the closest, but the shield does not envelop any populated tokens.
  • On similar grounds, a few copiers are less good than others, but can't be easily replaced at this time. Mirage Phalanx interacts poorly with Aurelia and Angel of Destiny, and will almost certainly go first. Still feels better than Kindred Charge though. Blade of Selves interacts poorly with the three pieces of attack trigger beef, but sublimely well with everything else, making it tricky to evaluate. Flameshadow Conjuring is also a bit tricky to get right, as attack trigger beef likes to slam in en masse.
  • Vigor is a strange card, a six mana piece of utility that has a nice synergy with Blasphemous Act. But it's more in line with Terror of the Peaks in that it's a weird helper piece costed like a beatstick. I do like it, and it was also involved in that outlined game from earlier, but maybe something better will come along at some point.
Dockside Extortionist is an interesting one. Getting the deck to 10-12 mana could lead to the possibility of a super explosive turn where a beatstick and copier come together out of nowhere, but this could also come with its own problems akin to Flameshadow Conjuring where you want to send everything in combat but can't. This means you probably want to branch deeper into haste, and bam, there's extra modularity again. The more sliding components you want to try to connect to do the thing, the higher the chances of awkward flub draws. Which we've both experienced over the years and would like to minimise.
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Post by Naota481 » 2 years ago

speaking of card draw, i dont see toski in your list?

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Post by Rumpy5897 » 2 years ago

There's a difference between effects that happen on attack and effects that happen on damage. In my experience, if something happened at the time of attack, then the foes don't really care as much. Meanwhile if they have the power to prevent the on-damage effect without too much trouble, they will do so. Ghired already struggles with early combat within the confines of my group, as evidenced by the various protection pieces. Now add a clause that I get to draw if Rhinos connect and Rhinos shall not connect if people can help it. This in turn will just make me bully the person most behind, leading to an even more unfun game for them. Also, Toski is a clumsy mess of a card with various nonsensical clauses. Ohran Frostfang is way different as there's deathtouch on the swingers. Suddenly nobody really wants to block if they can help it, especially if trample is involved. I should probably give Toski a spin some time, see how he does. But I don't have particularly high hopes due to the aforementioned reasons.

CLB has a number of cool cards, though nothing makes its way into the build at this time. A lot of options for a more one-dimensional Ghired, one sticking closer to the Rhino plan.
  • The set has a lot of myriad in RW. Thing is, myriad doesn't play great with attack triggers. Nevertheless, options!
  • Far Traveler is a decent option for the Rhino plan.
  • Githzerai Monk obsoletes Subjugator Angel, and is a very interesting option due to the flash. Finally, some game against the crackback! On the off chance anyone reading is actually running Subjugator, this seems like a pretty easy upgrade for the most part.
  • Karlach, Fury of Avernus is a powerful source of repeated extra combats, like a junior Aurelia without the combo potential. The two stack, by the way - just avoid attacking with Aurelia in the first combat of the turn and you're good to go. Solid piece of aggro value.
  • Wild Magic Surge is a strong interaction spell. As with most of these red polymorph removal spells, aim it smartly and you should probably be fine as the average card type representative will hopefully offer less imminent value. Two mana too, good stuff. Had I not just gotten rid of my Beast Withins, I'd probably give this thing a spin.
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Post by yeti1069 » 2 years ago

What attack triggers are you feeling don't work well with myriad?

I run Toski, and I've been happy to have it almost every time it's come up--the exceptions being when I'm already drawing a lot of cards otherwise. It's nice that it sticks around through most board wipes, and makes a decent blocker the first turn it comes out.

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