Thalisse, Spewing Spirits

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Post by Tevesh » 2 years ago

Well, Tevesh is a pretty big deal to me which you may have figured out. The biggest problem I had brewing him was not being a complete pubstomp son of a %$#%. I think I've found a solid middle ground with this.

I've realized that I don't enjoy having the same archetype in my decks. Whenever I made an Aggro deck, it would need to measure up to Marchesa and would be found wanting. Other decks were dropped because their concepts were just 'X but inferior'. I realized I didn't have an Aristocats deck, even if Marchesa does share a lot of the parts with that. That's the angle I'm going with with this deck.

Also, I've been trying to make a Twilight Drover deck since I first laid eyes on it way back in Ravnica. And Krav and Regna since Battlebond.

Unfortunately, the deck doesn't quite do what I want it to do but I still liked the skeleton, so I've decided to kick out the two Commanders and replace them with Thalisse.
Something, something House Elves

Commander - 1

Basic Lands - 18

Approximate Total Cost:

Changes 01/27/22
Changes 01/27/22
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Changes 01/05/22
Changes 01/05/22
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Changes 12/25/21
Changes 12/25/21
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Changes 12/16/21
Changes 12/16/21
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Changes 08/11/21
Last edited by Tevesh 2 years ago, edited 20 times in total.

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Post by Tevesh » 2 years ago

First revision;
I rather get off the ground running, so Loyal Warhound will let me fetch Lands. Warhound's mana value is also important for Lurrus of the Dream-Den and Sun Titan. Furthermore, as a 3/1 he's perfect for Skullclamp.

Putrid Goblin goes infinite with Luminous Broodmoth and that's the sort of thing that would close out the game. Also, under 2 and 3 for Lurrus and Sunny T, plus can come back as a 1/1 for Skullclamp. Bloodsoaked can't compete with that.

I don't have that many ways to abuse the Ophiomancer, it's just a solid card, but this deck is looking to do a very specific thing: kill its own guys to kill the table. Nadier's Nightblade easily answers the call.

Whisper lets me do some abusive, recursive Graveyard loops, whether that's with Gray Merchant of Asphodel or utility. Futhermore, he's operates at Instant Speed and is a Creature to trigger Blood Artist and co. if someone Wraths. I don't really intend on attacking, so Whip's Lifelink isn't the best, it's Sorcery Speed and it Exiles the Creature forever. That doesn't sound abusive and so it goes to greener pastures.

Grave Titan is too expensive for what it does and it does too little for this deck for that amount. Thalisse will help the deck spew tokens far more effectively, functioning as if she were an Anointed Procession.

Commander's Insignia is fun because I have two Commanders but turning sideways isn't what the deck is looking to do. Martyr's Cause protects Tevesh, it's a Sac outlet and it's recurrable with Sun Tintin. It's a truly abusive card, there's a reason why Wizards tries to steer far away from pure Damage Prevention mechanics nowadays.

Lastly, Copter is a solid draw engine but the deck is asking for more. It doesn't help that Tevesh's Thrulls can't even get inside the Copter. Anointed Procession is here to make silly things even sillier.

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Post by Tevesh » 2 years ago

I didn't want to make a Combo deck, I wanted to make an Aristocrats deck and my guys in the seats weren't doing that. They get the boot so I can:
I've cut the combos for more of the Aristocrat nonsense.

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Post by Tevesh » 2 years ago

First update with her:
If I'm going to go with a combo-esque finish with Aristocrats, then I need particular cards which means I need tutors. I've also brought in some spot removal, defense and reanimation; Necropotence counts as a tutor, in a way. The cards that were cut were the most expensive within their category, except Requiem Angel - it just sucked with Thalisse pooping out Spirits which meant it did nothing.

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Post by Tevesh » 2 years ago

Trimming lacklustre Legends:
Changes 12/16/21
Approximate Total Cost:

Trimming the mana value is merely a nice bonus. Teysa could come back once I have a better skeleton but right now, I need more ways to poop out bodies than pay that off. Ophiomancer comes in to help with that. She could get quite filthy if I have a Sac Outlet that lets me pay off a Snake coming in each turn with Thalisse pooping out more Spirits.

Whisper fiddles with the Graveyard but his cost is too damned high: 4 CMC Non-Haste Body. The Creature Sacrifiice is negligible, the issue is his lack of immediate impact. Dance of the Dead comes in. I don't care that the critter will be ETB as a lot of my Creatures pay off existing, not untapping. Nadier's Nightblade being the marque card I want back on board ASAP every time she gets answered.

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Post by Tevesh » 2 years ago

Merry Christmas, you filthy animals:
Changes 12/25/21
Approximate Total Cost:

Speaking of Christmas, Generous Gift costs less and can hit troublesome lands while giving away an Elephant! Much more desirable than Utter End.

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Post by Tevesh » 2 years ago

More token spew:
Changes 01/05/22
Approximate Total Cost:

With how insane Smothering Tithe is in this deck, I looked to find more ways to just spew tokens of any types. Ruthless Knave I'm trying out, Ophiomancer may make one token per cycle but the Knave can poop out two Treasure which then make two Creatures. This goes positive with Thalisse pooping out Spirits, especially if I have Anointed Procession. Plus he's a draw engine in a pinch!

Kalitas makes a Zombie for Nontokens, Kamber makes Blood tokens with any enemy death. This goes right into the spew strategy of making any type of token, plus I'll enjoy the little pings of life to pad my total. And who knows, the Blood tokens might be useful for me to dig to find what I want with their Rummaging.

Chittering Witch is a strictly superior Autocrat - she's got removal on her, her tokens have a power over Serfs and the Rats don't go away if she dies.

I really dislike Bonds' two mana Activated ability, even if its triggered ability is better than Etchings' static. Protecting Thalisse is important, I'd rather have the lowest amount possible and it'll be nice to turn those Spirits into 2/2s to close out games, even if it makes Skullclamp slightly weaker.

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Post by Tevesh » 2 years ago

Mana shaving for superior:
Changes 01/27/22
Approximate Total Cost:

Adeline is going to make 2-3 tokens on average, she also gets quite swole with her Power tied to my bodies which makes me a wincon. She also costs the magical 3 mana for Sun Titan. Emeria Angel's tokens are superior but I'm looking for quantity over quality here, as Thalisse doubles my output with Fliers anyway. Emeria is going to make two or three tokens at most if I jump through a %$#% of hoops, Adeline does that base line. I've also always found her quite awkward with all my attempts at Go Wide in White. I think Adeline is quite promising.

Sejiri Shelter to give me more protection for my Commander and at the low opportunity cost of a Basic Plains due to this being a Spell Land.

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