Osgir, the Reconstructor of Boros' Hope

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Post by demonicpic » 3 years ago


Thank you for the suggestions! Btw, I really enjoyed your Zacama, Will & Rowan, and Aminatou primers, I think they're going to be the next decks I put together, you did such a nice job putting the primers together.

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Post by darrenhabib » 3 years ago

demonicpic wrote:
3 years ago

Thank you for the suggestions! Btw, I really enjoyed your Zacama, Will & Rowan, and Aminatou primers, I think they're going to be the next decks I put together, you did such a nice job putting the primers together.
Awesome hope you have fun with them :)

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Post by benjameenbear » 3 years ago

I got put together the Sunforger package in the deck and I have to say I'm pretty underwhelmed by it. I think this deck is more of a tap-out style of deck imo, but I only have successfully goldfished one game with Forger and its package. I feel like it simply takes too long to set up, but I could be totally short-changing its power. My brother is coming over this week and I'm hoping to get some actual gameplay with it.

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Post by benjameenbear » 3 years ago

Definitely not. This deck can churn out a ridiculous amount of mana very consistently. Ironically, Osgir takes away from the power of Scrap Mastery because of how frequently he's exiling cards from the 'yard. For myself (unless I'm in the WAY late turns of a game), I generally only have 1-2 Artifacts in my 'yard at any given point.

That said, sac'ing a bunch of mana rocks and Artifacts in response to your Mastery just to get them all back could be a VERY powerful way to suddenly dominate the board... Hmm.

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Post by cheonice » 3 years ago

Ho often did you actually use Osgir? I'm throwing together my own list and this is the point that bugs me: Is reanimating artifacts a thing, you do once in a blue moon? Or 1-2 times a turn? How important is haste, in your opinion?

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Post by benjameenbear » 3 years ago

I use Osgir's ability as frequently as possible, at least once a turn if I'm able. Being able to get copies of his ability via Rings of Brighthearth or Battlemage's Bracers or Anointed Procession makes his ability VERY powerful from a card advantage angle.

I think that haste is fairly important, but I'm often able to keep Osgir on the table a decent amount of time because of the perceived power of him as a card relative to other cards on the table. So having haste hasn't been super crucial since I can cast Osgir pretty fast most of the time (T2 or T3 easily) and have him survive multiple turn cycles.

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Post by Outcryqq » 3 years ago

Path of Ancestry is probably an upgrade over Temple of Triumph: they both ETB tapped, tap for your colors, and give scry. Temple gives only 1 scry; path gives you one each time you cast your commander at least, and your list also has 3 other artificers in your list currently (Audacious Reshapers , Goblin Engineer, and Stoneforge Mystic). Over the course of the game, path should give you multiple scry triggers.

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Post by benjameenbear » 3 years ago

This... is a good point. Easy swap, I think, with no real opportunity cost.

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Post by benjameenbear » 3 years ago

I played a game with Osgir yesterday against my wife's Wolves deck (helmed by Tolsimir, Friend to Wolves) and I drew only ONE draw spell the entire game. One. And it was Thrill of Possibility, so it didn't dig me deep at all. So that was painful.

I started out with 3 lands, Thrill, Welder, Wurmcoil, and Boros Signet. I thought that it was a decent starting hand and that I'd be able to draw into one of my cantripping artifacts because I have a decent density of them in the deck... The MTG gods are cruel. So I ramped out a T3 Osgir and had nothing to do with it. My wife was slowly building out her board by casting some Enchantments and a Kodama's Reach to put her on a T4 Tolsimir. The turns progressed and I just really didn't have anything. I discarded a Precursor Golem to buy myself some time while I assembled the Welder + Wurmcoil engine (what an excellent pun!) and I drew lands for 4 turns in a row. I had a Pull from Eternity that I drew into with nothing of relevance in my exile zone. Eventually my wife overran me with her Wolf horde after I created an awesome loop of Wurmcoil tokens.

However, I realized that the power of Goblin Welder + Wurmcoil Engine is no joke. It took my wife 4 turns to break through my wall of deathtouch tokens, but she finally did after casting a huge Wolfbriar Elemental with an active Tolsimir + Collective Blessing + Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite. I couldn't draw into anything relevant nearly all game but I was able to hang on simply because of the resilience of Wurmcoil + Welder (which she eventually killed). I chalk that game up to terrible, terrible luck as I've goldfished better games than that. NOT drawing into ANY other draw spells over 10+ turns was an anomaly I can't really explain.

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Post by tstorm823 » 3 years ago

benjameenbear wrote:
3 years ago
NOT drawing into ANY other draw spells over 10+ turns was an anomaly I can't really explain.
I can explain it. It's bad luck!
Zedruu: "This deck is not only able to go crazy - it also needs to do so."

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Post by benjameenbear » 2 years ago

I sadly play EDH infrequently at best right now, but I was able to squeeze in a game with Osgir recently. I was playing against my wife's Kaalia deck and my brother's Golos Dinos deck, and quite simply I was outplayed pretty frequently or outvalued. I either need to add some harder Stax pieces to equalize the disparity between this list and other decks. The card quality for Osgir isn't as high as other decks, so I'm considering looking into Rule of Law effects, more fast mana, or a combination of both.

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Post by yeti1069 » 2 years ago

I've been working on an Osgir list myself, with less focus on combo, and more on value and some big bodies, but wanted to know about a few of your choices.
  • What's the point of the Precursor Golem? Are you making copies of it?
  • How have you felt about Scrap Trawler? I've had mixed feelings on it, where it often just isn't returning anything of value, and I feel like I'd prefer a Myr Retriever in its place.
  • Do you feel like you're running enough spells to warrant Sunforger? I love the card, but don't feel like I have enough in my list to justify it here, and don't especially want to run more
  • Do you find you activate Scarecrone often? I had been running Feldon for a similar effect, but this guy being an artifact has some added utility in the deck, and some more resilience.
  • How has Transmogrifying Wand been working out for you?

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Post by benjameenbear » 2 years ago

Hi @yeti1069! I'll answer your questions in turn:
  • Yup, Precursor Golem is one of the cheapest mana value bodies that produces the highest number of bodies. Clogging up the battlefield with tokens is a great defensive strategy and it can easily pivot into an offensive one too.
  • Scrap Trawler has been merely decent, which may not be good enough. Myr Retriever is probably better in the list.
  • I actually took out Sunforger from my own list. It was cool to have, but it wasn't high impact enough and I usually wanted to spend my mana on other things, mostly Osgir's ability. I'll probably be updating my own list.
  • Scarecrone has actually been VERY excellent. With Osgir's ability to sac artifacts at will, Scarecrone has been very effective at spamming tokens, spamming ETB effects, and acting as a powerful recursion engine by itself. I like that Scarecrone is an artifact so that I can make copies of it via Osgir should it die, so I found the swap for Feldon pretty easy.
  • Transmogrifying Wand has also been VERY excellent. I like using it to remove problem Commanders and then, once it's out of counters, sac-ing it to Osgir and creating 2 copies of it. It's a very subtly powerful board control piece and the Ox don't matter in the slightest.

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