Gisela, Blade of Goldnight

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Post by pokken » 3 years ago

I have had this deck in mind brewing for a long time now of playing all the dudes that resemble Prophetic Flamespeaker plus equipment, and my experience with Golos was *very* promising for Flamespeaker. There always seems to be someone who'd rather take 2 than chump block early game, and when you pump it it gets really unattractive to block. So glad to hear it worked out decent for you.

I kept a few 3-land + flamespeaker hands with Golos and it would always jam me to my land drops at minimum. Then there was the time I slapped a Sword of Feast and Famine on it and activated Golos twice during my combat step, lol.

Definitely gonna be following this :)

I don't mean to always be shilling for Winds of Abandon like I'm a sign twirler, but...yeah. It's great for this deck.


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Post by WizardMN » 3 years ago

Winds is a reasonable option. I might just go with that. And I like Flamespeaker so far. I can't wait to get an equipmewnt on it to see what it does :)

I had another game where I just barely lost and it came down to a pretty significant misplay. I was playing against Tatyova, Benthic Druid, Oloro, Ageless Ascetic, and Breya, Etherium Shaper.

The game was sort of weird as it was mainly two 1v1 games: me against Tatyova and Breya against Oloro.

I had kind of an awkward start in that I had Recruiter of the Guard and Sol Ring but because both lands I had entered tapped, I couldn't cast Recruiter until turn 3 anyway. I got Knight of the White Orchid with it but didn't have the third white to cast it right away. Which worked out since no one had more lands than me because I had to sequence things oddly.

But, Tatyova got more lands so Knight got me another land. I also drew a land so I was up to 7 mana at the start of turn 5. I held off because Oloro had Utter End on top (shown by Future Sight) and I didn't want to just lose Gisela. I have a feeling I should have been more aggressive there though. Since I did leave up mana, I just cast Orim's Thunder on Tatyova's Retreat to Coralhelm and killed Tatyova with it.

Next turn though, I just slammed Gisela since I didn't know what else I wanted to do. I had Godo, Bandit Warlord in hand but I didn't draw my 8th mana. If I had, I would have cast him to get Sword of the Animist to ramp even more. And I had Aurelia, the Warleader but Breya could have easily killed her.

Tatyova tried to wipe the board with Nevinyrral's Disk but Boros Charm saved my board.

I did end up making Tatyova mad though :) Not exactly unexpected of course so they really went after me. They took out my Sol Ring with Acidic Slime and then Strip Mined me twice with Azusa, Lost but Seeking and Ramunap Excavator. This was my main misplay as I should have Pathed Azusa after the first Strip Mine but I wasn't thinking so they got another one off. This put me at 4 mana when I should have still been at 5.

Other players were "better" targets for those things but, well, they weren't going after Tatyova :P

One interesting play was Oloro casting Ob Nixilis Reignited and drawing instead of blowing up Gisela. I killed Ob the next turn while swinging my other two creatures at Tatyova.
As a side note, concessions (or something) really mess with the replay feature on MODO. It showed Ob still being in the game when he shouldn't have been.

Oh well. Once it was down to Breya and myself, I just couldn't keep up. I only had 4 lands and they cast Cyclonic Rift. It did let me recast Knight of the White Orchid to get a land but I was way too far behind at this point. If I hadn't let that other land get destroyed, I would have still had 5 lands for Urabrask the Hidden and Stonehewer Giant. I did draw a 5th land in there, but it just wasn't good enough as I need to do more when they were defenseless.

It was still a good game. Recruiting Knight of the White Orchid has been a stellar play and I really like doing that early. Getting Kiki is better but more mana intensive. I still really would have liked a wrath in there but I think I would have liked one that blew up artifacts because of Breya. I am almost thinking of adding Winds as suggested and adding Austere Command. The modes allows for a lot of flexibility so I can minimize the damage to my board in certain cases.

I know I am going to cut a Mountain but I need to find another cut for the other wrath. 35 lands seems really low for this deck and I am concerned about missing land drops by going down to 36 as it is.

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Post by RowanKeltizar » 3 years ago

Austere Command is fantastic. It is certainly in my top 5 removal spells. I even shelled out for an invocation version. It's a lot of mana but the flexibility and the ability to selectively hit threats while minimizing the damage done to your own board state is really the ideal.
WRBKaalia, Zenith Seeker - Certified Air Raid Material
WBElenda, the Dusk Rose - Drain and Gain
WRAurelia, the Warleader - Tokens/Equipment
URNiv-Mizzet, Parun - Controlled Burn primer
BRGHenzie, "Toolbox" Torre - Creature Feature
BRGSoul of Windgrace - Lands Matter
RGWGishath, Sun's Avatar - I'M YOUR DADDY
GWUBAtraxa, Praetors' Voice - Artifact Stax Beatdown
Budget Starter Decks
UBSygg, River Cutthroat
WU Shorikai, Genesis Engine

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Post by WizardMN » 3 years ago

I got another game in today and a few new cards showed up to show their value. I played two games. One we got comboed out on turn 4 against a Jhoira of the Ghitu Cheerios deck. Not fun and not worth writing about.

The second game I played against Anafenza, the Foremost, Tayam, Luminous Enigma, and Mangara, the Diplomat. I started the game by mulling to 6 and keeping a 2 land hand; both Plains. I had Wall of Omens that I hoped would draw me out of trouble.

Turn 2 I cast Serra Ascendant and got in 3 or 4 swings with it before Anafena finally got rid of it. Anafenza dropped a turn 1 Burgeoning and put a land into play for two of the other players so they had 3 lands to start their second turn....and every turn after that too. It was pretty rough for them.

I just sort of sat back a little. I did miss a land drop but got one on turn 4 along with Chromatic Lantern and turn 5 I dropped in Mangara, the Diplomat. He drew me 5 or 6 cards over the course of the game. People weren't too concerned to play around mine of the Mangara player's.

Land Tax and Prophetic Flamespeaker were next so I got a land drop every turn after that. Which was super helpful as I really wanted to get Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite on the field.

Anafenza was keeping Tayam in line a little but since no one wanted to get rid of Anafenza, they ended up just having to mill to try for noncreatures. And they got a few.

This let me get Elesh Norn on the field on turn 7. So, on curve even after missing an early land drop. It got blown up pretty quickly though so she didn't do a whole lot. During that turn, I attacked with Prophetic Flamespeaker and lost Lightning Greaves and Neheb, Dreadhorde Champion since I didn't have the mana to cast them (I cast Elesh Norn to try to increase damage). It didn't end up mattering but they would have been good cards to have.

A couple turns later I got Stonehewer Giant which got me Sword of Feast and Famine. Tayam tried to destroy it with Aura of Silence so I cast Boros Charm. They responded by milling and getting the Aura back to blow it up anyway. I am not sure it was worth it for me to try to save the Sword but I could have won the next turn if it survived so I figured it was good. I just didn't pay enough attention to Tayam. I had removal for him if I needed it and I could have at least saved the Charm if they didn't get the Aura back.

Oh well, The Sword was gone but I still had a lot of removal in hand that I was sort of slow rolling. So, I wasn't going quite as aggressive as I could have but I think I like it playing a little slower when I can. I committed to the board each turn to put pressure on people but with Anafenza and Tayam doing very little, I felt it best to not overextend.

My hand remained full for most of the game though. Mostly from Mangara. For his first showing, he did alright. And he did seem to stop Anafenza from attacking me with more than one creature. Not sure on that one.

The Mangara player ended up dying mostly to Anafenza's Kambal, Consul of Allocation. I was able to finish them off when they were at 4 life but I only attacked with Ascendant at them once so it was mostly Kambal.

Once they were gone, I got another turn and ended up casting Gisela, Blade of Goldnight and Heartless Hidetsugu in the same turn. Since I had Urabrask the Hidden I got to activate Hidetsugu and then swung into Anafenza while they were at 1 (down from 81) to kill them. Tayam died to Hidetsugu.

I liked how this game played out but with Anafenza being out of the game most of the game, it doesn't show a lot. But Flamespeaker and Mangara had decent showings and Grand Abolisher stopped a few responses my opponents might have had.

Overall, the deck seemed to perform very well. I don't think I got below 4 cards in hand too often so Mangara was a help there. Not sure if Heartless was absolutely necessary there but it obviously sped up the end of the game. I had two unused Swords in hand so I could have gone with one of those and tried to end the game with just big beats.

Land Tax was good too. It does sort of lead me to believing my cut of Tectonic Reformation was justified though. I don't think I ever really had a time when I was upset that I had lands but it really was the opposite of the last game where I didn't draw any lands beyond the ones Land Tax gave me so it, again, isn't enough to say one way or the other.

I also made the following change for this game (though I never saw the card):


Approximate Total Cost:

I know it is probably more coincidence than anything, but I had to mulligan two nonland hands to get a hand with 2 lands in it. Just felt bad after cutting a land. I don't expect it to be a pattern though.

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Post by RowanKeltizar » 3 years ago

I recently picked up Mangara as well from a friend. A foil extended art one too! My experience is that he largely gets ignored. Typically, being in white, there will usually be another player drawing more cards than we are. Usually what happens is that he gets taken out incidentally by a board wipe. At the very least though he should replace himself with one or two draws before getting killed.

Tectonic Reformation - I keep it in because even without Land Tax in play, there are times when I get flooded by lands and just keep topdecking them. Lategame, you will have enough mana to cycle those lands with Tectonic Reformation. It gives me that little bit of lategame gas in a deck that can easily stall out after being hit with a bunch of board wipes, counterspells, and targeted removal. It doesn't pose that much of a threat on its own, so you are likely to keep it on the battlefield. I don't know, I think for just 1R it's a good effect.

I had a really stellar game last week with my Boros deck. I've been on a losing streak with it, but this game really helped restore my faith in my build.

I was playing against Korvald, Niv-Mizzet Parun (ironically), Krenko, Mob Boss, and Gyrus, Waker of Corpses. These are all pretty well tuned decks that I regularly play against. Long story short, my board kept getting wiped, countered, and generally hated out but each time I was able to recover and get another card advantage engine into play. I also drew into all of my best removal.

A defining moment was when I cast Austere Command hitting all artifacts and enchantments which blew up about 8 cards total, many of which were Niv's mana rocks and a bunch of nasty enchantments on Korvald's side.

Sevinne's Reclamation was very key here as well, as I was able to get multiple triggers of some ETB creatures including Stoneforge Mystic. I ended up closing out the game with Smothering Tithe (which ended up giving me about 10 mana from Niv's draw spells), casting Aurelia and smacking the remaining two players with lethal damage from Hero of Bladehold and Sword of Feast and Famine equipped on Aurelia. I also had reanimated Grand Abolisher with Sevinne's Reclamation so that Niv couldn't counter anything.

That game felt really good since not only was I able to recover from several board wipes, but managed to neuter and swing in for lethal on a well tuned blue deck, Niv-Mizzet no less!
WRBKaalia, Zenith Seeker - Certified Air Raid Material
WBElenda, the Dusk Rose - Drain and Gain
WRAurelia, the Warleader - Tokens/Equipment
URNiv-Mizzet, Parun - Controlled Burn primer
BRGHenzie, "Toolbox" Torre - Creature Feature
BRGSoul of Windgrace - Lands Matter
RGWGishath, Sun's Avatar - I'M YOUR DADDY
GWUBAtraxa, Praetors' Voice - Artifact Stax Beatdown
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UBSygg, River Cutthroat
WU Shorikai, Genesis Engine

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Post by WizardMN » 3 years ago

I might have to look a bit closer at Sevinne's Reclamation. In the last game I played, I realized that I have no real way of getting back Swords that get blown up and this seems like a really good way to do that. It can also ramp if I have been pitching lands for any reason.

If I find any of my recent additions aren't working out, I might look at Reformation again but for now I just don't have the room as I am trying out other options.

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Post by WizardMN » 3 years ago

I played 2 games with this deck last night. The first we ended up just losing on turn 6 (after I missed a land drop with three 6-Drops in hand) to Ruric Thar, the Unbowed and Tooth and Nail. On turn 5 they had cast Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger so we were in a pretty bad state already and there isn't anything really worthwhile to talk about in this game. The main issue was that they got a Growing Rites of Itlimoc // Itlimoc, Cradle of the Sun to transform and none of us could stop it and their token producers (mostly Tilonalli's Summoner) gave them enough mana to do what they did.

We definitely had our chances so there is only so much we could do there. They just got a really good hand.

The second game went a little better. As usual, the Ruric Thar player, after ending the game so quickly, bowed out for the next game. In their place was a Reaper King deck. There was also a Ghave, Guru of Spores and Sydri, Galvanic Genius deck.

This time things worked out much better. I cast Knight of the White Orchid on turn 3 to ramp and cast Enlightened Tutor to get to Sword of the Animist for next turn. I cast it and equipped it and started ramping with it.

Ghave was really getting out of control quickly though. They cast Champion of Lambholt into Corpsejack Menace into Ghave, Guru of Spores so I ended up firing off an early Blasphemous Act to keep them in check. They reanimated the Menace later, but it did slow them down enough to not just get blown out.

The turn after I cast Mangara, the Diplomat. Over the course of the rest of the game, he only drew me 2 cards. So, not really that great but it was still two cards more that I would have drawn.

The turn after that I had 7 mana but decided to hold off on Gisela and did something else first. I had Slayers' Stronghold so I wanted to activate it the turn Gisela entered. Which I did next turn and hit Ghave for 14 total.

Reaper King had gotten their general on board and cast a Scarecrow and blew up Gisela. But, I had ramped so much with Sword that I was able to just cast her again and give her haste again. I did this on the same turn I cast Aurelia, the Warleader and Serra Ascendant and I swung into Reaper King and Ghave. Sydri ended up bouncing Gisela to save them (which was probably the right call).

But, it still wasn't enough. I was able to swing with the Ascendant and Gisela again next turn, after Aurelia was destroyed, and killed Ghave with Commander damage and just straight up killed Reaper King. The turn after, I finished off Sydri.

Mangara wasn't as good as I would have liked him to be but drawing a couple cards still isn't bad. In this game, his Lifelink actually ended up being the most relevant so I could remain at 30+ life for the later Serra Ascendant.

Blasphemous Act early on was really good and casting it for 3 mana allowed me to cast Imperial Recruiter the same turn which got me to Mangara. So the sequencing wasn't too bad for those. I never did have a massive board state and I never got any Sword beyond the Animist. Which shows that the deck can perform reasonably well without them which is very nice.

It is almost enough for me to rethink the idea of the Equipment package. Not enough to actually change it but it is an interesting thought to move away from "support" cards such as the Swords and move more into more creatures to try to be more aggressive rather than trying to go tall as it were. With some of @RowanKeltizar's musings above, the thought had crossed my mind before but I felt that took away a lot of the identity of the deck.

The main thing is that I would likely still want the Equipment tutors to find Sword of the Animist, Greaves, Shadowspear, Embercleave, and Sunforger even if I did get rid of the 5 Swords. I might be tempted to cut down on Godo in that case though since he is 6 mana. It is an interesting thought but I am not sure what cutting 5-6 cards would do to the deck. I am not too sure about pursuing it but it is a thought based on this game.

One last thought: I did have Prophetic Flamespeaker in hand most of the game as well but never found the right time to cast it. I was able to do so much more without it, but I didn't feel that it was a waste to have in hand. If anything, I kept looking at it as a fall back plan if my board ever got wiped.

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Post by RowanKeltizar » 3 years ago

I mean, you chose not to slot in some of the better equipment support cards like Puresteel Paladin, Steelshaper's Gift, Sigarda's Aid, so I don't see it as being a dedicated strategy. It just depends on what you want to do with the deck. I think you could certainly lean more heavily into the equipment subtheme if you wanted to. However, the best equipment are fine without support, they just need a high creature density which you've got.

I personally really enjoy leaning heavy into equipment for Aurelia because she is naturally such a strong equipment bearer. This is also something pretty unique to the Boros color combination and you don't see it in too many other decks. I like building unique decks.

Stonehewer Giant and Godo, Bandit Warlord are both higher on your curve. I would actually recommend swapping out one of these for Steelshaper's Gift if possible. Relic Seeker and Open the Armory are also lower on curve. I like being able to cast things earlier. This means you have a higher likelihood of tutoring for Sword of the Animist earlier in the game.

I think most of the swords are fine to run. They are certainly better in Aurelia or in a deck that is built around doublestrike and multiple attack phases. Here's my rough analysis:

Sword of Feast and Famine - keep it. This sword is arguably the best one, especially for a color combo that can get mana constricted. essentially taking an extra turn in your second main phase is hard to beat, especially if you have a mana sink or a full hand.

Sword of Fire and Ice - keep it. One of your few card draw engines. I intend to get one from Double Masters. Also getting to ping utility creatures is pretty fantastic.

Sword of Light and Shadow - this one is debatable but I think its a pretty good fit since you don't have that much recursion otherwise, but I could see it being a dead card in some instances though.

Sword of Sinew and Steel I'd say keep it. A potential 2 for 1 on every attack is really nice. However you could also be happy with an instant and sorcery based removal spell. Maybe another board wipe. However, Pro-black is pretty good since so many removal spells are black.

Sword of War and Peace cut it. I just don't think it does enough. arguably the weakest sword. I think if your goal is to get damage though there are better ways to do it.
WRBKaalia, Zenith Seeker - Certified Air Raid Material
WBElenda, the Dusk Rose - Drain and Gain
WRAurelia, the Warleader - Tokens/Equipment
URNiv-Mizzet, Parun - Controlled Burn primer
BRGHenzie, "Toolbox" Torre - Creature Feature
BRGSoul of Windgrace - Lands Matter
RGWGishath, Sun's Avatar - I'M YOUR DADDY
GWUBAtraxa, Praetors' Voice - Artifact Stax Beatdown
Budget Starter Decks
UBSygg, River Cutthroat
WU Shorikai, Genesis Engine

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Post by WizardMN » 3 years ago

I played a game with this deck against God-Eternal Bontu and Vaevictis Asmadi, the Dire last night.

I kept a hand of only Plains and Ancient Tomb for my lands, but wth a couple equipment in hand. I ended up casting Sword of Sinew and Steel on turn 2 followed by Serra Ascendant on turn 3 and equipping him. Vaevictus destroyed the Sword.

I cast Sunforger the next turn which again got destroyed, but Ascendant was beating down either way. I did get Sword of the Animist on the field and attached to a creature so I could get my Mountains. Gisela came down around turn 7 and I was able to give her haste. Vaevictus had just cast Archfiend of Despair so I swung into Bontu for 16 damage with Gisela and then they lost to the Archfiend trigger.

A turn or two later I was able to just swing into Vaevictus and close out the game. They unfortunately were not able to remove Gisela so she just walked all over them.

Nothing bad happened here and I didn't come across any cards I didn't like seeing. Though, Sword of Sinew and Steel had 0 targets on board for quite a while, even if it did survive. Perhaps my group isn't into Artifacts and Planeswalkers as much as others, but this seems like the weakest Sword in terms of its trigger. The Protection is really nice though.

Otherwise I am still debating some of the points made above. I am never not happy to see Sword of War and Peace for example though I agree Sword of Light and Shadow isn't often all that great.

Godo being turned into Steelshaper's Gift might be right. Stonehewer Giant is just too good overall that as long as I have Sword of Feast and Famine, I would want to keep him.

I am still tweaking but I am liking a lot of the more recent changes made so far. Debating the Swords is more academic at this point as I have no real plans to swap them with anything specific. But this was yet another game where I didn't need swords at all. Just another data point for now.

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Post by WizardMN » 3 years ago

Here are my overdue card summaries/evaluations for Zendikar Rising and Commander Legends. I just bunched them all together and tried to limit the scope of what cards are being discussed. There might be something I missed of course, but hopefully I got the main ones.

White Cards

Angel of Destiny - This is an interesting card for the deck as it gives the deck the ability to win with an alt-wincon which could be important in some cases. With the equipment the deck has and the speed it is trying to move at, it could offer a pretty quick kill of someone. The main issue of course is that we really don't want our opponents gaining life and we still have a lot of hoops to get through to to 55 life to ensure we can actually kill that person.

I think this is a reasonable flier, and does offer life gain for us, so I don't want to just ignore it. But I think the symmetry of it ultimately ends up potentially hurting us in the long run.

Farsight Adept - This color combination typically struggles with card draw so anything that can help is worth considering. However, a symmetrical effect is not what we want so while we are moving in the right direction in terms of white getting card draw, this isn't what we want.

Ardenn, Intrepid Archaeologist & Armored Skyhunter - I don't have a lot of equipment here, though I do have some. I don't think that number is quite high enough to include either of these cards that might be whiffs more often than not.

Keeper of the Accord - The token production in this deck probably ends up being fairly useless, though the creature count is low enough that it can probably trigger enough to get *some* use out of it. The main effect is the ramp and while it can't get Mountains, it can help get Gisela out a little quicker. I think it is worth a try just to see how much it really speeds up the deck or, at the very least, allows it to simply keep up.

Red Cards

Hellkite Charger - This offers an interesting sequencing where Courser can come down turn 6 to get Gisela onto the field and attacking. Then, turn 7 Gisela can be cast to double up the damage Courser can do as well. I think the larger benefit though is beyond this type of sequencing and instead helps when Gisela has already been cast a couple times and is just expensive to cast. It is permanent but getting her out for free for a turn while I, hopefully, have a board presence, means it can really help with getting some much needed damage in.

Jeska's Will - The important thing here is that this is probably going to be one or the other. Gisela is expensive enough that I might end up using this to either cheat her out faster if possible or just get some more cards when she isn't around. I wouldn't expect both modes to be chosen too often. Even without that though, I think there is merit to the card and probably competes with Valakut Exploration (detailed below). I am not sure if I want both or which is better than the other but I think it is this card if I absolutely had to choose.

Kediss, Emberclaw Familiar - I want to include this in the discussion even though I don't think I end up wanting to play it. Gisela hitting someone for 10 means this triggers and hits everyone else for 20. That is a massive amount of damage but is exceptionally narrow in its application. Having a card that is basically dead without Gisela on the board is a concern. The ceiling is obviously quite high though. The main consideration for this would be potentially swapping it for Hidetsugu and that is more because it tries to do the same thing, it costs less, and it isn't as much of an instant win "combo". Practically, the difference is minimal of course, though this can come down after Gisela instead of before to get people.

I might think more on that specific swap but I am not entirely sure that is what I want to do. And if I decide against it, I likely won't find a place for the card in the deck.

Leyline Tyrant - Sort of in the vein of Smothering Tithe, this can help us build up mana across turns. However, unlike Tithe, we likely can't expand on the mana we have while also still committing to the board. It creates situations where we need to do nothing in order to get a more explosive turn later and doing nothing is not what this deck wants. I can see this card being good at certain points, but probably only once (maybe twice) a game where we can actually afford to store enough mana to make much of a difference.

Moraug, Fury of Akoum - Extra combats are really good for this deck. It only takes our normal land drop each turn to really start benefitting from this card. We won't be able to get more than that 1 very often since we have no real ramp, but even that could be enough to really get some damage in on our opponents. I think this is worth trying out. This doesn't strike me as the best deck for this card, but I think it is decent and can be better than some others so I am willing to slot it in to see what it does.

Relic Robber - Hmm, at first glance this seems decent for some repeatable, incremental damage. Since the tokens can't block, and they have no power, it seems possible that a player can accumulate a number of these that continuously deal damage to them. Like Chandra, Awakened Inferno's Emblem but 3 times the damage (counting combat damage) at one half the cost. Granted, it doesn't affect everyone at the same time, but it could be decent.

The main consideration is whether this effect really plays into the list as it is now. Sure, it wants to be aggressive but a number of changes have been made sacrificing some aggression for consistency. Basically, would this Goblin do enough or is the damage not substantial enough to really add much to the damage the larger creatures are already doing? I am leaning toward the latter I think.

Roiling Vortex - If your meta has a bunch of things like Jhoira or Narset, this could be a decent addition. But the other abilities just aren't good enough when we have things like Sulfuric Vortex.

Valakut Exploration - I think I might actually like this better than Prophetic Flamespeaker. It exiles 1 fewer cards but doesn't rely on combat damage to exile it. And, if I can't cast/play the card for some reason, it just goes to my graveyard (and deals damage) allowing me to potentially use it later. I think this is an easy swap for now as the Flamespeaker is here more for his "draw" than his Trample/Haste.

Wheel of Misfortune - With the different cards above being discussed in the vein of card draw/advantage, I think this card needs to be included in the conversation. It is not always going to be a symmetrical draw, but the question is whether or not that is good. In a general sense, 3 out of 4 people are going to draw cards (probably). If anyone chooses 0 they probably just don't want to draw which means forcing them to draw would be better.

And then for the people that want to draw, they don't even need the highest number. They just need to not be the lowest. And with Gisela on the board, players are incentivized to choose lower numbers as it is so the amount of damage actually dealt, even with Gisela, is minimal. I think if this sort of effect is wanted, Wheel of Fortune is probably just the best as that at least forces people to draw that don't want to even if it doesn't deal any damage.

Multicolor Cards

Akiri, Fearless Voyager - This deck is not going too high on the equipment count. I currently count 10 equipment and even with the tutors, I am not sure this is enough to trigger Akiri. I think there needs to be at least twice that many for her to be included so I think she is easy to pass over for now.

Wyleth, Soul of Steel - I don't think my equipment count is quite high enough for Wyleth in this deck, but I want to call it out because there is a chance I explore the equipment subtheme a little more with a new deck with Wyleth at the helm. Previous comments in this thread have kept me open to the idea of reducing the equipment count here and with a general that it makes more sense with, I might do it. This deck may suffer (it might not) with the removal of those cards and the identity of a Wyleth deck seems pretty bland and unoriginal, so I am not sure where I want to go. But the mere existence of this card might lead me to cutting the Swords here and just leaving it open to trying them out elsewhere.

Colorless and Land Cards

Commander's Plate - Even with the possibility of reducing the equipment package, this might be worth slotting in. It gives Gisela Pro Blue, Black, and Green and means she is hitting for 16 which makes her a 2 turn clock instead of the 3 she is now.

Jeweled Lotus - I am still not sold on this card. There seems to be quite a few people that think it is absolutely broken while others don't feel it is quite good enough. I think I am in the latter camp. Yes, it gets Gisela down quicker but then what? I spent a card to accelerate out Gisela and if she is removed, I am probably even further behind since I focused more on just getting her out. I might end up waiting for other's experiences with the card but it is far too narrow for my tastes.

Valakut Awakening // Valakut Stoneforge - This might be a better card than Thrill of Possibility. It does cost one more but also scales a bit better. If I just want to "discard" a card, I still get 2 cards so I am at parity at that point with Thrill (though, for one more mana). But, if I want to ship 2 cards, I can. Or 3 or more. Or, worst case, I just use it as a cantrip to replace itself. And, in a pinch, I get to play it as a land. I think swapping these two cards is the right call.

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Post by WizardMN » 3 years ago

With the cards from Zendikar and Commander Legends, here are the changes I am going to make for now:

Well, there are some probably questionable decisions here but this is what I ended up with. Starting off, I added in some fetches now that I have more than the one on color fetch. Winding Canyons got the axe since I don't have a very high creature count anymore and I just made room for the others with cutting 1 each of a plains and mountain.

Jeska's Will, Valakut Exploration, and Valakut Awakening are just different card "draw" effects that I think ultimately work out better than Thrill of Possibility and Prophetic Flamespeaker.

Elesh Norn, Fault Line, Hidetsugu, and Ferocidon are being cut mainly due to the preference on making the deck a little faster. I think I can cut a wrath effect and lean on Rolling Earthquake and Comet Storm as my mass damage spells if I need them. Ferocidon wasn't doing a lot of damage and while the life gain prevention is good, the rest of the card isn't as card as I wanted. Elesh Norn is just expensive and tended to not be needed.

Hidetsu is probably the most questionable as it just ends games. But, it only does so with Gisela on the board and really only does so with Haste. It also isn't the most fun way to end a game. I haven't often activated him to end games anyway so I doubt he will really be missed.

And, finally, Relic Seeker. I have still been thinking about the abundance of equipment in this deck and how much I want to continue down that path. Those cards seem like a theme that isn't quite fleshed out because it takes too much away from Gisela and just dealing damage. While they are still good, and I think I would always have some, I am starting to think more about trying to do something different with the deck that might lead to 9 other cards being cut. For now, I am going to start small and get rid of what I feel is the worst of the tutors.

Hellkite Courser is being added because I like the sequencing I mentioned in my previous post as well as offering a reasonable way to get Gisela out for cheap later in the game, even if it is only for one turn.

Keeper of the Accord is here mainly for ramp though the tokens can be useful as well. Depending on how well it works, it might lead me to cut Solemn eventually.

Moraug is just insane with even one land drop per turn (which is probably all I will get) so as long as I hit my land drops, I can get multiple combat phases.

And finally, even with the potential decrease of equipment, I do want to try out Commander's Plate. It gives Gisela Pro Blue, Black, and Green and allows her to really get in some good amount of damage. The equip cost isn't too high and the mana cost is just right as well. Not sure if the Protection is good enough, but I am willing to try it out.
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Post by WizardMN » 3 years ago

Note that I have not made some of the changes above yet as Commander Legends is not available online. So, some cards are still in the deck for this game

I got in a game against Stonebrow, Krosan Hero, Obosh, the Preypiercer, and Meren of Clan Nel Toth.

Meren ended up leaving dying fairly early so they weren't much of a factor (other than diverting damage away from the rest of us).

I kept a hand with 2 lands and a Signet and after I clicked on keep I realized the hand was pretty bad and I should have thrown it away. I did get some lands drawn and was able to cast Urabrask the Hidden but Obosh killed it pretty quickly.

I then cast Stonehewer Giant but that died too. Which I was fine with as I sort of expected it. But it died via a wrath which was even better.

Stonebrow was able to rebuild reasonably well and Winds of Abandon came in clutch to get rid of their board just after they attacked (and killed) Meren with 25 damage.

Obosh was able to do a few things too though everyone was pretty low on cards. They had an Anvil of Bogardan that was working well with their Bloodchief Ascension so our life totals were slowly dwindling.

But my Mind's Eye kept my hand pretty full and I was able to get down a hasty Inferno Titan thanks to Slayers' Stronghold. This killed Obosh's Chandra and dealt 6 damage to them.

The next turn they cast Stranglehold which shut off 3 of the 6 cards in my hand. So, I was working out my sequencing to figure out what I wanted to do when Obosh suddenly conceded. We were not sure why.

On my turn, I drew Mangara, the Diplomat. I cast him and equipped him with the Sword of Feast and Famine I had cast earlier. I gave him haste and Vigilance and +2/+0 with the Stronghold and swung into Stonebrow to gain some much needed life. The Vigilance was important as well so I would have a blocker left.

I untapped from the Sword's trigger and cast Sunforger and equipped Mangara. I passed the turn and they attacked me but I blocked to stay alive and gain some life.

My next turn, I cast Godo, Bandit Warlord to get Embercleave and since they attacked me, and I had Iroas, God of Victory on board, I was able to swing in with both (after giving Godo Haste) and they couldn't block either one. Godo was dealing 5 damage and Mangara was dealing 9 (18 with Double Strike). With the extra attack from Godo, I could do another 5 with Godo if I had needed it (Mangara was tapped and wouldn't untap) but it wasn't enough since they were at 18. Had I done my math right, I would have just given Mangara haste and vigilance just in case they could answer him with a Fog or something as it would have left me with him as a blocker since he wouldn't have been tapped.

I did see Valakut Awakening // Valakut Stoneforge but it was at the end so I never cast it. I did find myself wishing their was a Bane of Progress in White because there were a lot of artifacts and enchantments in this game. Sunforger could get me to Return to Dust but even that would have only put a small dent in the number of them on the board.

In any case, I think Obosh had us sort of on the ropes. Especially since they just dropped Citadel of Pain on the field but scooped before it triggered for either of us. I was sort of curious how to get around that and Stranglehold and was kind of disappointed to not be able to try.

I only got down two equipment this game, with one being a Sword and the other being Embercleave. Embercleave is definitely a great card in this deck, and Sword of Feast and Famine was good too. I only comment on the lack of Swords in general because I want to remind myself that this game didn't really require them, though they were good. In any case, Sword of Light and Shadow, Fire and Ice, and War and Peace might be worth cutting eventually. If I decide to go down on the equipment package and try to beef up the creature count a little.

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Post by WizardMN » 3 years ago

I decided to play a little online and neither game went spectacularly well. The first was Nekusar, the Mindrazer and Maralen of the Mornsong and something else that didn't matter.

Maralen came down on turn 2 thanks to a Mox Diamond and Nekusar, for some reason, cast Timetwister so we didn't have any cards in hand. I don't know if it was on purpose or if it was accidental, but it allowed them to win with their Bloodchief Ascension and Mindcrank. Since they had both on the field, I am going to say it was probably on purpose which was a damn good play. Maralen of course scooped.

The next game was super weird. The room did say casual so I sort of get the first player scooping to my Serra Ascendant. They were playing Slivers but it did seem to be a budget version.

The other opponents were Oloro, Ageless Ascetic and Seizan, Perverter of Truth. I really wanted to see what Seizan would do since I had never seen the deck before. But I never got that far. After Slivers scooped, I just cast Urabrask the Hidden and attacked Seizan. I waited a turn before casting Gisela since I had Teferi's Protection in hand so I just went after Oloro and paid for their Ghostly Prison. They had cast Exquisite Blood to help them gain life.

Next turn I cast Gisela and had 4 mana up. I sort of saw an out here. I went after Seizan putting them to 25 and putting Oloro to 56. This is important because they had an Aetherflux Reservoir. Seizan took exception to this and called me, and I quote, "%$#% stupid" and conceded. Oloro obviously targeted me putting themselves down to 6 to do it. Not only did I have Gisela on the field meaning I would only take 25 damage (I was at 36 life), I also had the Protection in hand to save me. And Oloro taking 50 "damage" *because* I attacked Seizan seemed like an exceptional play on my part.

I did cast Protection because I still didn't want to go down to 11 and then when it came to my turn they just scooped since they had nothing on board and didn't draw anything.

It was strange that people won't just play things out. I mean, even if I did die and made a mistake, I would think they would have been fine trying to pick off Oloro at 6 life. I was more frustrated that I didn't get to really complete the game.

One final thing about that sequence though: there appears to be a bug with Gisela online that I have never noticed. At least, it came up in this case. Her "double damage" ability didn't work and I am not entirely sure why. Seizan should have taken 20 and they only took 10 (from Gisela and Urabrask attacking them; Urabrask had a Sword of the Animist). Which also meant that Oloro only gained 10. They should have been at 16 after activating their Aetherflux Reservoir. This also potentially means her "damage halving" ability wouldn't have worked either (though it worked for Ancient Tomb so I don't know). In either case, it is definitely good I wasn't relying on that.

In any case, it is worth noting that I kept a 1 land hand with Land Tax in hand. This allowed me to make every land drop I needed to even after I started ramping with Sword of the Animist. It also gave me a few extra cards in hand for Seizan's Oppression. Land Tax really stood out this game.

Otherwise, not much to say. I got Valakut Exploration but didn't cast it because it would have meant I couldn't cast Teferi's Protection but that would have been a nice card to get at the time as I was down to 2 cards in hand at the time.

I am going to keep trying to get some games in and see if I can see any more of the new additions but, for the most part, I am still liking the deck but in the back of my mind I still ponder the equipment package and whether I want to trim that. Hopefully I can decide one way or the other eventually.

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Post by WizardMN » 3 years ago

After thinking more on the new Pathway lands as well as thinking about the Battlebond lands, I decided to try them out in some of my decks. I like them for being untapped most of the time and if the Battlebond land enters tapped, I shouldn't be in a position where it would matter. Here is what I am going with:
Approximate Total Cost:

I don't want to go too low on Plains for Emeria here, so I am just going to cut 2 Mountains. Both of the added cards (can) produce red so I don't think this will really hinder my red production in any meaningful way. I might try to expand on the duals later but this should be enough for now.

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Post by WizardMN » 3 years ago

I played a game online against Kathril, Aspect Warper, Liliana, Heretical Healer // Liliana, Defiant Necromancer, and Marath, Will of the Wild.

I started off sort of alright. My hand was good, but I had Hall of the Bandit Lord in hand. I chose to keep it and get Mangara, the Diplomat down on turn three thanks to a Talisman of Conviction. I had a Sword of Fire and Ice that I wanted to get down the turn after to make up the amount of life I had lost by that point. I also cast a Mana Crypt as it saved me from having to pay the 2 life for Sacred Foundry that turn and I would at least get a chance to avoid the damage for a turn (which I didn't; I lost 3 flips in a row).

Liliana ended up exiling Mangara anyway so that took a lot of my plan away.

Next turn, since I had the Crypt and drew a land, I just cast Gisela and went after Marath. Kathril ended up becoming the Monarch the next turn but I never had a good chance to attack them since they had a blocker and Gisela doesn't like wasting 10+ damage. So I still just swung at Marath next turn to kill them, this time equipped with the Sword. I used the trigger to kill a Forlorn Pseudamma that Liliana had.

Next turn I went after Liliana with Gisela and cast a Solemn Simulacrum to rebuild from a land being blown up as well as missing a land drop in there. Liliana tried to cast Feed the Swarm on Gisela so I just cast Boros Charm to give her indestructible. They then scooped before my turn started so I got to just attack Kathril.

They dropped in Akroma, Angel of Wrath on their turn to gain 3 life. And give them a blocker. However, I cast Sword of War and Peace to make it so they couldn't use her to block and I just won there.

I did have Embercleave in hand which shows some of the things that can conflict as I couldn't put it onto Gisela thanks to the Sword of Fire and Ice (and the Sword of War and Peace after I attached it to her). Not that it mattered a lot but it is something worth noting.

Otherwise, I think Mangara drew me one card before he was removed and I did draw Pyrohemia which wasn't very good due to the lack of red mana. I ended the game with 8 cards in hand so I kept up that way and nothing else stood out as being really bad or something I didn't want to see. I did have Smothering Tithe in hand which wouldn't have been bad if I wasn't already winning :)

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Post by WizardMN » 3 years ago

Now that we have the entire set spoiled, as well as the Commander Decks, here are some of the cards that stand out to me for this deck:

White Cards

Cosmic Intervention - I don't know if this card is right for this deck but it does allow for some wrath protection (or just general spot removal if necessary) along with the added bonus of potentially allowing for an added bit of ramp can make this pretty substantial in any deck with enough fetches. I only have 3 in this deck but I am still willing to try it out as a mini-Teferi's Protection of sorts.

Glorious Protector - This is basically the same idea as Intervention with a slightly different execution. Importantly, it doesn't save Gisela (or any other Angels) but I still think it is a relevant card in the deck. While the deck wants Gisela on the field, it isn't completely dependent on her so saving other things on the board can still be important.

Red Cards

Quakebringer - This seems like a card Gisela would want as it is incremental damage without needing to do a while lot. But it is slow since it is 5 mana (or 6 across two turns) and it is easily destroyed. And since I have no other Giant's the graveyard ability does nothing. I think I would rather play Sulfuric Vortex over this and I am already not playing that.

Multicolor Cards

Forging the Tyrite Sword - This is a form of Ramp and an equipment tutor. I think it might be on the slow side, but Getting this down turn 3 or 4 allows for a turn 5 Gisela (maybe turn 4 with the right lands/rocks) which isn't too bad. And then the turn after I can tutor an equipment to attach to her.

Showdown of the Skalds - At this point, I am just trying to find the right number if "exile; play until end of turn" effects as forms of card draw for the deck. I think I am getting too far into the weeds with some of them since I see ones that look good but then never play them. I don't think this is necessarily the best, but it can be alright as a turn 5 play to ensure a land drop (maybe) for that turn and the following turn. But I think some of the others I have are just better suited for now. I will keep this in the back of my mind but I need to start playing the deck with the other additions first so I can see if this effect is even doing much,

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Post by WizardMN » 3 years ago

So, with the new cards I mentioned above, I am potentially looking at the following changes:
Approximate Total Cost:

I never really got to use Commander's Plate, but I want to try out some new cards and I wasn't sure on the plate to begin with so I am going to cut it for now. I might add it later,

Lantern is just a straight swap for Signet. It comes down quicker which I think is a fair trade-off for not letting my Mountains tap for White since it isn't often relevant.

Solemn is just to make room and I have cut it from everywhere else so I might as well cut it here. Forging the Tyrite Sword provides some ramp as it is so that might be enough of a replacement.

Inferno Titan is just to lower the curve further and I couldn't come up with anything else I wanted to cut.

Intervention and Protector are just being tested to see what they can do. As mentioned above, Protector doesn't actually save Gisela so that might be a big enough restriction to say it isn't worth it. But I am willing to test both to see what they can do for longevity.

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Post by WizardMN » 3 years ago

I played this deck again the other day. This game was against Marath, Will of the Wild, Ranar the Ever-Watchful, and Etali, Primal Storm.

I kept a 2 land hand but the idea was to use Enlightened Tutor to get to Mana Crypt and cast a turn 2 Solemn Simulacrum. Which is exactly what I did. The next turn I did not draw into a land so I had a decision to make. I could cast Jeska's Will for mana and cast Gisela or I could play it a little safer and use it to make my land drop. Since I was already at 5 mana, and casting Gisela would mean I open myself to getting blown out if she was removed, I played it safer.

I hit my land drop and passed. Marath dropped in a Collector Ouphe which slowed me down and I did not get another land. So, I just shuffled away my Solemn with Oblation to try to get lands which didn't work either. I did hit a land next turn though which led to me just casting Blasphemous Act. It was risky due to letting Etali finally do more since their artifacts were locked down too, but I felt it was worth the risk as Marath had a "combo" (not infinite) on the field anyway. It was with Marath and Conclave Mentor.

And of course MODO's replay bugged so I can't summarize everything but I do know Etali ended up stealing my Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker and then had something they were able to go "infinite" with. I let them make a couple tokens in case Ranar could deal with it and when I realized they couldn't I scooped it up. Which got rid of the combo which led to to Etali scooping. Marath had already scooped so this ended the game.

Maybe I should have mulliganed more aggressively. I think it still worked out where I only missed one land drop but that did still hurt. I think the game also would have gone much different if I had just cast Gisela when I could. There didn't seem to be a lot of removal considering people let Etali survive. There also might have been an argument for leaving Marath alone to "combo" and wait on Blasphemous Act. That I think was risky but Marath hadn't gone after anyone yet so I could have seen if they would go after someone else.

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Post by WizardMN » 3 years ago

Now with Strixhaven and Commander 21 being fully revealed, here are the cards I want to talk about for this deck. As I have been doing lately, this includes both sets together:

White Cards

Archaeomancer's Map - This is a white Burgeoning that also provides use to ramp. At least, able to ramp to keep up. And once we get ahead in lands it isn't as much of an issue that we don't get to use the last ability. Importantly, even in the later game this can offer an easy way to get lands in hand just to make land drops. I think this should find a way into the deck somewhere.

Devastating Mastery - So, the way I look at this card is that it is sort of a cross between Hour of Revalation and Cyclonic Rift. This is because the regular mana cost is doable, but really isn't why it would be here (Hour is far better). So, the evaluation is based on the 4 mana and bouncing two things and even with that I think this is a good card. One opponent getting back two things really isn't that big a deal since a) Rift would do the same (at different timing of course) and b) the player with the worst board is who gets stuff back. Which also means the player currently in last isn't totally screwed over.

With that being said, this deck doesn't even run Hour (maybe it should?) so I don't think I go with this over Hour. There might be a future where this deck is tweaked to run both this and Hour as just board resets but the deck really doesn't like wraths in general as it is now so it doesn't seem like something that will make it in anytime soon.

Scholarship Sponsor - Because this deck can often really get screwed by falling too far behind, this card can be instrumental in mounting a comeback. In general, we don't care too much about others getting back into the game, if they are behind too, as we are still trying to go pretty aggressive on everything, so I think there is a good reason for this card to make it into the deck.

Red Cards

Laelia, the Blade Reforged - I think I like this card over something like Valakut Exploration. It is a creature that grows bigger on its own which is the main difference. I won't often get more than one land drop so Exploration is only dealing 1 damage at best which still giving me the same number of cards to play. I think that is a pretty safe swap.

Thrilling Discovery - I only wanted to add this here as a note about being better than Cathartic Reunion. I don't currently run that card and I have, for the most part, decided not to go too heavily on those types of cards. But if I decide to try more of those, this might make it into the list.

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Post by WizardMN » 3 years ago

With the recent review, I have decided on trying the following changes:
Approximate Total Cost:

The additions were mentioned above so there isn't much need to re-hash those reasons. As for the Cuts:

Knight is pretty much a straight swap for Map. Both are generally cast on turn 3 anyway and Map can offer more utility. Also, adding Sponsor covers some of this anyway so there isn't as much need for Knight anymore.

After the first game or two after adding Moraug, I started getting down on him in this deck. It isn't often where that effect really matters in this deck and I already have Godo (sort of) and Aurelia for the same effect. I am just going to go back without Moraug for now.

And, as mentioned, Laelia and Exploration are just straight swaps.

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Post by pokken » 3 years ago

I really like Scholarship Sponsor in this deck. You really don't care all that much what other people are doing and you are super happy to be able to get back into a game if you miss a land drop even if it puts other people back in, since you can go way over the top of them damage-wise.

If it's not good here it's probably not good, but I think you will be really pleased with it. You can do a whole lot more with the mana than most lands decks who spend so many cards ramping that their threat density is low.

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Post by WizardMN » 3 years ago

That is definitely my hope with it. My real concern is finding the right time to cast it. Throwing it onto the field to get 1 land feels bad only because I know it could be more :)

But yeah, this should be nearly the perfect deck for it. Or, something along these lines. Coming back into the game hard with that card and then just slamming the board the next turn seems like it could really turn games around. I do agree that if it ends up not being good here, it might not be good in most decks.

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Post by pokken » 3 years ago

WizardMN wrote:
3 years ago
That is definitely my hope with it. My real concern is finding the right time to cast it. Throwing it onto the field to get 1 land feels bad only because I know it could be more :)

But yeah, this should be nearly the perfect deck for it. Or, something along these lines. Coming back into the game hard with that card and then just slamming the board the next turn seems like it could really turn games around. I do agree that if it ends up not being good here, it might not be good in most decks.
Well, on turn 4 or 5 if someone plays skyshroud claim ahead if you seems like the most realistic scenario. You can go up 3 lands if say, someone ahead of you has 6 lands on turn 4 and you have 3 + a mana rock

Late game if you miss your turn 6 or 7 land drop feels also likely to be super good.

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Post by WizardMN » 3 years ago

Those are my hopes. Not every table has a ramp player but.....well, every table has a ramp player :P

The best case scenario in terms of sequencing is probably around turns 5, 6, or 7. At least, it seems like it could be. Hopefully I have kept up with rocks but those can help really push me ahead. Any earlier and it is less likely to do much, and any later and the ramp player could already have a significant board state that catching up at that time might be too late. So, I think you are basically right on the money with around turn 5 likely being the sweet spot.

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Post by WizardMN » 3 years ago

I played this deck last night for the first time in person in months. I played against Tishana, Voice of Thunder, Nahiri, the Lithomancer, and something else.

I started off with a turn 2 Serra Ascendant (my white lands entered tapped), followed by a turn 3 Lightning Greaves. So, while powerful, it really couldn't stand up to Tishana's ramp into Consecrated Sphinx followed by Tishana herself. And no one could get to their removal so next turn I cast Recruiter of the Guard to get to Stoneforge Mystic which I wanted to use to get to Sunforger but that line took far too long and Tishana had 20 cards in hand at that point anyway.

And, of course, they had Rogue's Passage so they made her unblockable and went after me. And then cast Pull from Tomorrow to get above 21 cards in hand to just one shot me. I think it was turn 5 or 6 :(

I can't really fault them as I was going after them quite a bit with Ascendant and it just sucked that we couldn't seem to get any removal for the Sphinx. And, after a turn cycle, it started to not matter anyway. They filled their hand with cards and countermagic that I doubt much would have resolved anyway. Not having an answer to Sphinx really sealed the game for the rest of us.

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