Bolas Reanimator

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Post by SocorroTortoise » 4 years ago

I comment enough on other UBx threads, particularly the reanimation focused ones, that I figure I should have one of my lists playing in that space on this site.



Mass Removal

Approximate Total Cost:

There are a few obvious omissions here: tutors (including Entomb and Buried Alive), Sol Ring, Cyclonic Rift, and probably another couple format staple cards I'm forgetting. Those are intentional, both because I'm not interested in playing them and because my group isn't interested in playing against them. You're more than welcome to mention them as long as you understand this deck isn't purely an optimization problem using all available legal cards.

That said, I do still want it to play well. The goal is pretty typical for a reanimator list - get a fatty in the yard and then cheat it into play. I tried to keep everything other than the reanimation targets very low on the curve and the fat starts at 7 CMC. There are quite a few cheaper cards that would also be good fits, like Grave Titan or Massacre Wurm. I'm trying to stick with high CMC stuff because those are the cards I otherwise wouldn't play very often, so now's the time. I'm heavy on cheap draw and filtering to try and keep them from cluttering up my hand, which is always a danger with a curve like this.

Bolas is my current general but is not really essential to the deck's gameplan. He's mostly functioning as light disruption and a removal target. If someone burns a Swords to Plowshares to keep him from flipping to the walker side, that's a spell not being aimed at one of my reanimation targets. He's also cheap enough to replay a few times over the course of the game.
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