Tiana, the Aura Angel

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Post by Tevesh » 5 years ago

I wanted another Casual deck to play against newer players or those with weaker collections. My buddies and I were discussing that Boros Commanders need innate card advantage for them to be viable, considering how terrible the colours are at the marathon that is EDH. Someone mentioned Tiana after we were browsing EDHRec and a meme got stuck in my head. After a few days I just couldn't shake it, so I decided to build a Tiana deck.

Also, I've been wanting to make a deck that uses Sunforger since forever and there's no better excuse than a Boros Commander. Unfortunately, if you're going with another theme than Instants Sunforger is actually a bad choice for a variety of reasons. I decided to double down on the Enchantress theme.
Tiana the Aura Angel

Commander - 1

Planeswalkers - 1

Approximate Total Cost:

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Post by Tevesh » 5 years ago

From Sally's demise to now:
I wanted a better wincon than Approach; Vicious Shadows tends to kill a lot of people.

Danitha wasn't cutting it as this Utility piece and so I've put in Throes of Chaos. My deck is a control deck but it is very proactive, Throes would be a way to keep cheating out various Control pieces. I've been in too many games where I had too many Lands in Hand so this will definitely help. It also synergizes with Drownyard Temple.

Gift wasn't doing the best job and I needed more draw; that's sort of the theme of this update. Heartwarming Redemption comes in, the Instant Speed is nice as well as being able to cheat it out with a Sunforger.

Curse of Exhausation made someone mad at me; so mad that they would attack Tiana on sight in other games. I need to cool that behaviour and I found Curse didn't do that much versus some decks. Mind's Eye will hopefully help me draw all of the cards that I'll need.

Generous Gift is strictly superior to Oblation; especially since my Commander can block 3/3s all day. Same with Talisman of Conviction in comparison to Boros Signet.

Hall of Heliod's Generosity will surely be absurd, so it axes a Plains. I want more card draw options and since I have a Sun Titan there's a possibility of cheating this back into play.
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Post by Tevesh » 4 years ago

Unfortunately, a disappointment:
Changes 08/10/19
Approximate Total Cost:

Throes, in theory, gives me lots of options. In reality, it seemed messy and I didn't have lands to pitch to fuel it. Chandra is actually much more solid draw.
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Post by Tevesh » 4 years ago

Yesterday, I had a game where I was in a pretty defensive position where one player kept attacking me over and over again. He had presumed that I had Play of the Game and/or Hour of Revelation in my deck. He did so based on the fact that if I would resolve either of those, I would win the game. Well, time to oblige him:
Changes 08/27/19
Approximate Total Cost:

I didn't want to play such destructive Wraths because it would hurt my board, but the thing is, I'm playing Control: I don't commit as much to the board as someone else. These would hurt them far more than me. Sure, having my Enchantments getting Exiled would suck, but I would only use Play where it would hurt my opponent more than me. Hour of Revelation might not even be too bad if I had any Totem Armor on Tiana.

The other bit was trying to find something to cut. Yesterday, while I was being chipped away, I realized that the Deflecting Palm in my hand wasn't effective. I guess the huge Voltrons have rotated out of the Meta, so there's no point in slapping someone someone with a mid slap. Whatever Deflecting Palm could deal with, those Wraths can do so proactively which is also part of the appeal of Tiana: proactive Control.

Captured was cute when the deck had more vulnerable parts; it doesn't anymore, so it was actually fairly ineffective last night as well. With that game, I knew I could axe it as well for a Wrath.
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Post by Tevesh » 4 years ago

With Treasure Map's price finally cratering, I can put this in my Boros deck. While both Ramp and Draw, I decided to classify this as Draw and remove the clunkiest draw piece around:
Changes 09/12/19
Approximate Total Cost:

Sunbird's is absurd, but that's only if you're casting a Spell that is 5+ CMC. A lot of the deck doesn't go that high. Which means the deck doesn't dig as deep as others, meaning it is less likely to hit a suitable card. Treasure Map helps the deck smooth over draws and when it flips, it provides mana to rush Tiana out or keep drawing. With Smothering Tithe in the deck, it's possible to turn those Treasures into draw. It's just a shame Curse of Opulence creates Gold.
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Post by Tevesh » 4 years ago

I never wanted to Sac for Monarch:
Changes 10/29/19
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I'm sure there will be a better target to Copy a Land than pay a lot to draw a card maybe once.
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Post by Tevesh » 4 years ago

Lacklustre for something I've found to be good:
Changes 11/08/19
Approximate Total Cost:

I never wanted to use a Sunforger Unequip for Heartwarming and I didn't really want to use it when I had it in hand. I've seen the White Cavalier do some work, so I'm trying him out. Blowing up troublesome Permanents is going to be very helpful; my Commander can profitably block the Golem with her First Strike; his bulky Vigilant body means he'll be good on Offence and Defence when I Enchantment him; and his Death trigger will help me retrieve my previously dealt with Artifacts or Enchantments. This is the draw-for-draw substitution I am attempting to justify to myself.
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Post by Tevesh » 4 years ago

Let's add something backbreaking:
Changes 11/15/19
Approximate Total Cost:

Emergence Zone will let me EOT Play of the Game or something else that's equivalently egregious. Playing things when they shouldn't be is what made Josh Lee Kwai's career with his continual praise of his many copies of Vedalken Orrery. Emergence Zone lets me do the same but with far less of an opportunity cost. This deck also runs Sun Titan, so there's a possibility of getting the Zone back. Sunhome, in comparison, is less exciting and backbreaking. This deck doesn't win by turning sideways, though it may appear that way, it wins by locking down the board.
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Post by Tevesh » 4 years ago

Adding jujitsu:
Changes 12/05/19
Approximate Total Cost:

This deck has a reputation of pissing people off. It's OK to Wrath somebody but you're Satan incarnate if you slap down a measly Hobble. So I've decided to add three cards that are going to put the Fears into my opponents if they want to attack me.

Mandate of Peace's baseline is a Fog. Cutting into a Combat Tricks is a bonus and so is shutting down my opponents from casting more spells. Aura of Silence is just a pint point removal spell that pisses people off from the tax. It's fantastic and that's why I'm removing it.

Settle the Wreckage is to eat someone's entire board, especially since the players in the meta either have a lot of Ramp so they wouldn't be able to pay off a big Settle or on the other end, they've got greedy mana bases that won't be able to fully capitalize due to too many nonbasics. So, for the most part, I am fine Exiling their board for probably minimal lands. Settle and Mandate both can be called up with Sunforger. Chandra was just the worst card draw and that's why she gets the axe.

Angel of the Dire Hour can eat an army and then retaliate with an evasive, large body. She also can be recalled to my hand through Emeria Shepherd to make players hesitate on turning sideways from me. The deck suffers more from Draw than Ramp, as I can usually build out a big mana base between all of the Ramp effects so I felt that cutting the costly Gilded Lotus would be the least painful.

Let's find out if this switch up will put the Fears into my opponents.

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Post by Tevesh » 4 years ago

Adding Sheets package:
Changes 12/07/19
Approximate Total Cost:

Tiana sees a lot of cards but still needs help drawing, so I've added in the low opportunity cost of Scrying Sheets. Unfortunately, this means a bunch of my cute tricksy lands needed to go bye-bye because I need to increase my Snow count to ensure the Sheets' efficacy. I increased my Plains count for Emeria, the Sky Ruin and Emeria Shepherd.

When going through my paper copy, I realized I previously cut Evolving Wilds but I don't know for what. My guess is Hall of Heliod's Generosity.

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Post by Tevesh » 4 years ago

I feel like a stupid dumb-dumb:
Changes 12/10/19
Approximate Total Cost:

With Vaevictis Asmadi, the Dire's dissolution, my Scroll Rack got freed up. What's a more classic combo than Scroll Rack and Land Tax? Especially in Boros who really needs all the card draw help. I cut Talisman even if it is a Ramp piece because I need more draw in my life than Ramp.

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Post by Tevesh » 4 years ago

Mana shaving:
Changes 12/14/19


Approximate Total Cost:

Fury Storm is a house, especially since Tiana usually takes a dive or two during the course of a game; however, I can't guarantee having four mana open so Reverberate goes in. I chose to cut Fury Storm over Wild Ricochet because Ricochet has a chance to protect Tiana.

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Post by Tevesh » 4 years ago

Re-learning lessons:
Changes 01/04/20
Approximate Total Cost:

I figured that my deck had enough consistent land hits but I didn't put two and two together again until a few days ago. The reason why Control works is that they have enough mana to play offence and defence. I didn't have that extra mana, so I made Tiana more resilient but I still couldn't consistently play her and protect her. This meant that I was missing out on having enough ramp even though I felt like the deck had enough. I've also had a draw issue, to which my friend asked if I had the flexible suite of Ramp or Draw that is Commander's Sphere, Hedron Archive, Mind Stone or Dreamstone Hedron. No, no I didn't. This meant I couldn't Ramp ahead to defend myself if needed and if I didn't need the Ramp, I could toss them away to draw cards. With the lesson re-learned, I made a lot of changes to Tiana. I was feeling frustrated that the deck wasn't working and I couldn't figure out why. After playing one game, it feels a lot better.

One of the other things is that Control has to appear nonthreatening so the other players fight each other. By constantly slapping Auras on people, I built a dangerous looking board and a lot of these Auras piss people off. I decided to cut Auras that didn't do as much as I wanted.

Soul Tithe doesn't quite do what I want. It is funny, making people pay for things or not, but I leave the decision in their court instead of mine which means sometimes Soul Tithe is unreliable. I cut it in favour of Burnished Hart who is absolutely absurd with Emeria Shepherd at recurring itself to Ramp harder, plus it is the magic 3 CMC for Sun Titan.

Hobble is just a Cantrip that maybe handles a problem. I put in Commander's Sphere for the increased mana and draw potential off of the Sphere. The Sphere is also the magic 3 CMC.

Unquestioned Authority let me get in or defend well; I rather have cards that might do that whether it be Swords to Plowshares or Settle the Wreckage. It got axed and got replaced by Mine Stone which is another Cantrip possibility that Sun Titan can reanimate.

Choking Restraints pissed people off, especially since I could slowly Exile their Creature and I rather have them fight each other. Perhaps I might replace something for the better version of this in Theros 2 but it got the axe in favour of Hedron Archive. Unfortunately, only Emeria Shepherd can resurrect this but I think the two point mana jump is worth it.

Mammoth Umbra was supposed to give me a clock on Tiana. Well, it's not a good clock even if it is does protect her and my face. I put Blackblade in its place to get results regarding a clock.
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Post by Tevesh » 4 years ago

Changes 01/10/20
Approximate Total Cost:

I wanted to add Heliod's Pilgrim but I didn't know what to cut. I found that the Capashen Standard was a very clunky and not worthwhile draw engine. The Pilgrim gets me whatever Aura I need, whether that is offence, defence or Ramp in the form of Curse of Opulence. He comes down early which should deter some chip damage and his 3 CMC means he's available for Sun Titan abuse.

I have been noticing that Crush Contraband really wanted to hit one thing and then I'd search for another card to nail. Instead of trying to find busywork with my removal, I'll make it a Cantrip so that I'm pushing my deck's tempo ahead.

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Post by Tevesh » 4 years ago

I did want Idyllic Tutor but I wasn't going to pay that price, Theros fixed that:
Changes 01/24/20
Approximate Total Cost:

Most of the time, Darksteel Mutation is great because it permanently deals with a problem. You want this, especially for troublesome Commanders. Tiana is different; I don't mind if my Enchantment dies. I'll just Cast it again and if that means you can cast your Commander again, that's swell too. Pay that extra Commander Tax while I'll just cast Reprobation for two. I win in this exchange. While I'll miss being able to use the Mutation and make it a Pariah; I've lost games from being this greedy and stupid with all of my eggs in one basket.

Open the Armory is great and it will probably make its way back into this deck. I just need to find an underperforming card and give that the axe. Idyllic Tutor will be great for finding my real powerhouses: Land Tax, Smothering Tithe, Starfield of Nyx and Vicious Shadows.

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Post by Tevesh » 4 years ago

Cutting out a vestigial card:
Changes 01/31/20
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Faith Healer used to do work when the deck was more oriented towards dicking around with annoying Auras instead of being a patient Control deck. Now, as much as I'd like to slot Open the Armory back into the deck, I can't cut one of my life gain cards for that. Blind Obedience was the card I concluded to use. The ETBT on Creatures and Artifacts slows my opponents down just enough that I can breathe. The Extort trigger means I'll gain life, probably more off of the multiple spells I cast per turn than I ever did off of Faith Healer. The slow drain also gives me reach when I'm trying to kill an opponent but don't want to commit to using resources. Right now the deck feels weak on a draw engine but unfortunately I haven't found myself a card I'd want to cut.

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Post by Tevesh » 4 years ago

Been lacking in draw:
Changes 02/03/20
Approximate Total Cost:

I asked a friend to take a look over the deck and he recommended cutting the most expensive things to be replaced with draw. One of his suggestions was 'Why run two Lifelink Auras when you can run one and the other can be a tutor?' With that in mind, Open the Armory returns and On Serra's Wings exists based on it being more expensive than Felidar Umbra.

Another card that made me slap my forehead was when he suggested Sevinne's Reclamation. A lot of cards hit my bin, especially since a lot of the time players try to interfere when I attempt to Enchant something. Sevinne's Reclamation cast or Flashbacked can hit a lot of juicy targets. Cavalier of Dawn does something similar, so he gets axed for the cheaper alternative.

When it doubt when it comes to cuts, pick the most expensive thing that doesn't win you the game. Sage advice. So, with some regret I cut Angel of the Dire Hour. In goes my sole copy of Wheel of Fortune which is probably the best draw in Boros. The Wheel also makes Sevinne's Reclamation stronger with all of what I could be pitching.

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Post by Tevesh » 4 years ago

Pumping draw up more:
Changes 02/05/20
Approximate Total Cost:

Gamble was on sale so I snapped up a lot of copies. Humble Defector can be quite the draw engine, especially if I decide to get into a two-horse race. Or it can be given to someone who I want to take heat or swapped around the table to keep everyone balanced. As for the cuts, the suggestion has been 'cut the most expensive thing that doesn't make you win'. That's True Love's Kiss and Winds of Rath; they might help me not lose but that isn't winning. Hopefully between Gamble and the Defector, I can than dig into my bigger, better and badder answers or threats with more regularity.

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Post by Tevesh » 4 years ago

Landbase upgrade:
Changes 02/13/20
Approximate Total Cost:

Sunbaked Canyon is a source of draw which if you've noticed, is what I'm most concerned about with my latest updates. It's something I can get back with a Sun Titan. I decided to axe a Mountain over a Plains because it just adds to my White mana count while keeping a Mountain. Also, Emeria, the Sky Ruin, Kor Cartographer, Tithe, Emeria Shepherd and Knight of the White Orchard care about Plains and no cards care about Mountains. Most of the time they're caring that those Plains are Mistveil Plains or a Sacred Foundry but there have been times I've been surprised with wanting just a Basic Plains.

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Post by Tevesh » 4 years ago

Thinking about it, the Wayfarer is more useful:
Changes 02/14/20
Approximate Total Cost:

The Wayfarer can block incoming lethal, he's another Creature that I can keep looping with Emeria, the Sky Ruin and he can actually Fetch it. In fact, he can Fetch whatever I need and that's why I'm going with him. I think a dedicated Tutor is more powerful than a fresh seven that also fuels my opponents' hands.

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Post by weltkrieg » 4 years ago

I don't particularly disagree with that choice. Any thought given to magus of the wheel? It also loops with emeria and can be back breaking if you have smothering tithe active.

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Post by Tevesh » 4 years ago

weltkrieg wrote:
4 years ago
I don't particularly disagree with that choice. Any thought given to magus of the wheel? It also loops with emeria and can be back breaking if you have smothering tithe active.
I much prefer Humble Defector because I can get into a two horse race with someone who I think I can beat or I can even switch who I get the Defector to keep myself drawing cards but the winning candidates should be weakened. The Defector comes down earlier and can draw me cards without a bigger mana investment. The Magus of the Wheel on the other hand, needs mana, looks far more threatening so it may tip the scales over into somebody Wrathing and the distribution of cards is equal for everyone. The aim of a Control deck is to end up against a beaten down opponent with maximum resources, so I also do not want to appear that scary so I end up in head's up.

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Post by Tevesh » 4 years ago

I've been trying to make Tiana work but I've been dissatisfied with her, I only recently realized that I constantly would pick her near the end of the night when I had played almost everything else. This wasn't a 'saving the best for last' but more I was excited to play other decks.

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Post by Tevesh » 4 years ago

She's back, back again, bring a friend:
I got talking with a friend and it made me realize two flaws with Tiana. Tiana was at war with being a Sunforger deck and a Tiana deck. Sunforger can be any RW combination, Tiana can only be Tiana. He also said I didn't have enough low-to-the-ground recursion that would let me put shields up. I had too many Auras and too few bodies.

I realized that his usual suggestion of draw engines involves life gain and I remember being sad when I cut Faith Healer. I've brought her back with some more synergistic pieces.

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Post by Tevesh » 4 years ago

Opting for consistency over explosiveness:
Changes 06/02/20
Approximate Total Cost:

The deck doesn't really need to Ramp hard and quick; instead, I prefer having consistent draw and so the Verge Rangers come in, giving Knight the boot. Unfortunately, Verge Ranger's increased Power means they won't be triggering Mentor of the Meek; however, I think I'll manage with higher power to First Strike opposing enemies. Verge Rangers synergizes with Sensei's Divining Top for optimal draw shenanigans. They're also under 3 CMC which makes them targets for Sun Titan and Teshar, Ancestor's Apostle. I also like the 2W cost for WW; there has been a surprising amount of trouble in the early game ensure I can keep particular White sources open while casting my double White Spells.

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