No Longer Allowed to Have an Opinion?

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Post by Card Slinger J » 3 years ago

Just seems like no matter what message board forum I post on nowadays I'm not welcome anywhere anymore. I can't even have a conversation online without someone getting triggered by something I said that easily offends them because they're too thin skinned. We've become so sensitive about the kinds of things people say on the Internet nowadays that Mods go after users for things they normally wouldn't have gotten in trouble for in the past. Is this really what our society has been reduced to? It's not even about politics or religion anymore when it's about right to free speech.

Say something you're worried about affecting other people and they'll call you out on it. Think differently than someone else even though it wasn't meant to hurt anyone then you're going to get called out on that too. Be careful what you say to others or you'll get hit with a warning or a ban. Most of the time it's fearmongering which I have a terrible habit of that I'm trying to break. Even If you're being logical or use rationale for what you're saying users will still get angry over it. It really feels like the Salem Witchcraft Trials where If you use logic and reason you get burned at the stake.
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Post by Feyd_Ruin » 3 years ago

Freedom of Speech means that, assuming you're from a country that respects such, you are allowed to talk about *almost* anything and have the opinions you want without fear of legal repercussion from the government. It means you can say "PoliticianX is bad" without fear of being thrown in jail. You can question the government, or even be in fringe idealist groups without having legal persecution (illegal actions, inciting violence, etc, are still not allowed of course). Jailing, silencing, and executions for political idealogy still happens to this day in some countries.

That said: Freedom of Speech does not now, nor has it ever (and hopefully never will), mean that everyone around you has to listen to your opinion, can't call you out on it, or even tell you to shut up, etc. It doesn't mean you can go into a private area or business, etc, and shout whatever you want whenever you want. It doesn't mean people or private places have to allow you access and convention to say whatever you want or having meetings about whatever you want.

As for this forum, we've made it quite clear that we do not allow political discussion. This is not the place for that. Not only is it an extremely contentious topic that will inevitably lead to discord and fighting, it simply doesn't belong here because that's not what we're here for. Fearmongering and sensitive social topics can also fall into this same area.

I generally try to keep these kinds of discussions private, and you (or anyone else) should feel free to reach out to me directly if you want me to review any warnings/etc, have a general discussion on things, etc. There's also the Staff Inbox if you want to tag the staff as a whole in private. Doing this in public can make someone feel singled out, disrespected, etc, but since it's brought up here I feel I need to respond.

First, you've started several threads and steered other threads in political discussions numerous times, including creating these two threads that I remember off the top of my head:
Chinese Communist Party Engaging in Global Terrorism?
Did Trump Start World War 3?
This is not only highly political, it is also outright hostile to others and divisive. It begs for arguments and fighting. Wherever you post that, you'll find pushback because it invites pushback. As for MTGNexus, specifically, it has no place on a Magic: The Gathering site. These topics will always be shut down. No questions asked, no leeway. If you want to discuss these kinds of topics, sure, but this is not the site for that. Try facebook groups, reddit, or any number of political forums. We're here for MTG and general relaxation. Leave politics and non-magic divisiveness at the door. If you're trying the same kind of conversations on other non-political sites, you'll probably get a similar response. Just like I shouldn't go invade a YuGiOh forum talking about diesel engines; there's a place for everything, just make sure you're in the right one.

Beyond that:
.. ongoing pandemic ... If Wizards of the Coast and Hasbro knows whats good for them then they need to officially discontinue [paper magic] already.
.. Mark Rosewater Should Step Down ..
.. I do think WOTC are a bunch of spineless cockroaches ..
.. I really hate what the MTG community is doing to the game's reputation on social media. ..
You're posting highly contentious opinions on a regular basis, as well as many that are outright fearmongering and attacking the community. You should absolutely expect push back from the part of the community that disagrees with you. These aren't "light" opinions that are easily overlooked by all, they're factious and get a rise out of some. You often even give the impression that you directly want to argue, given how strongly you put your opinions at times, and people here either don't really want arguments (and thus ignore/dismiss you) or feel strongly and take the invitation. Additionally, most of your opinions are negatively aligned and stated ("I hate.." instead of "I like.."), and those will definitely tire a lot of people out after a while. In the end, you're basically inviting those around you into combative arguments. I don't think this is intentional (?), so I'd just suggest trying to be more mindful on how you state things if you want to avoid such things.

As for moderator actions here: We don't regulate general opinions, but we do regulate how they are posted. If you are flaming or trolling, you will be infracted as such. If a topic gets out of hand or delves into the political/divisive areas mentioned above, the topic can get locked. In general, I've pushed for a more relaxed setting than what we've seen before, but flaming and trolling are still not allowed. You seem to be more conscious about what you're saying since your last suspension, and I have noted and appreciate that. In the end, all we ask is to treat others here with respect.

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Post by Card Slinger J » 3 years ago

I will admit that there is a rational fear of silence as an act of compliance to the powers that be where If we don't speak up on certain things it may make us feel powerless to really do anything when that's not true at all. We all want a sense of certainty, of peace, without being forced to live in fear knowing that If we can choose the kind of reality we want for ourselves then we need to do it without being combative by alienating others which is difficult but possible. Most of the time actions speak louder than words, you can sign an online petition in the hopes that you've accomplished something positive to the world when in the end it doesn't really amount to a hill of beans.

I guess the stress of being in quarantine from the pandemic really got to me, made me feel powerless to really do anything by hopefully inspiring others to do the right thing in their local communities or at least try to. A lot of times geography limits us from wanting to do the things we'd like to accomplish in life when word of mouth is sometimes the only weapon we have left. How can we improve Paper Magic as a Trading Card Game / Collectible Card Game If nobody is willing to convince Wizards of the Coast that they need to do a better job compared to what they're doing right now? I know they don't really frequent forums like these compared to Social Media Platforms but maybe that info might get passed along.
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Post by Feyd_Ruin » 3 years ago

Card Slinger J wrote:
3 years ago
I guess the stress of being in quarantine from the pandemic really got to me
Makes a lot more sense. I've known you for (14? 15?) years now? I've never seen you combative like you've been lately. I mean sure, we haven't always haunted all the same threads, but after that many years you get a feel for someone.

Take a deep breath, and know we're all here just for our love of the game. Regardless of how chaotic and crazy the world gets, you're our brother here and we can ignore the world and just focus on the thing that brings us together: Green is awesome, and Blue is evil (unless it's izzet).
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Post by benjameenbear » 3 years ago

@Card Slinger J
Feyd is very correct in his observations about your general behavior and posts. And I feel for you, comrade. Quarantine is real and the mental effects causes a ton of pent-up energy to accumulate. I feel like, as one of the mods who's reached out to you and infracted you, that I've tried to go about it in a fair and compassionate way. Hang in there. This is the place where you can go to unwind, and if you feel the need to vent please reach out via PM. We want to preserve the integrity of this site and not have it become a morass of divisive issues.

And if I remember correctly, you've recently been born again or had a renewal of your faith in some fashion, correct? As a fellow devout Christian, I support you in your strong commitment to honesty and your integrity to your moral code. And indeed I hope you keep that zeal burning in you so that you can live your live with conviction. It will be an example to others and hopefully give you peace of mind in the future. Remember to temper that zeal and choose the right forum for expressing it; Christ was very purposeful about where he chose to teach and rebuke his detractors and I recommend the same understanding in expressing your own opinions.

Also, @Feyd_Ruin is wrong. Blue is non-evil. Green is for the brutish and simple-minded, who have no understanding of strategery or subtlety. That is all. In fact, without Blue, what would Magic: The Gathering even be? Perhaps just a hollow shell of an inferior game...

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Post by toctheyounger » 3 years ago

benjameenbear wrote:
3 years ago
Green is for the brutish and simple-minded, who have no understanding of strategery or subtlety.
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As above, we are here as a community to share our love of the game. Lockdown is tough on all of us. I've been working through the whole damn thing, and NZ has been in and out of it for the last 6 months. It's a real mixed bag, and I can understand how someone who's extroverted or just likes getting out and about would really struggle with it. Personally I'm very much an introvert, so part of lockdown I've really enjoyed, especially getting to spend a lot more time with my son in the first 4 months of his life - it's literally a gift I would never have received otherwise. But even still, it's been hard. It's taken parts of life I enjoy and stretched them thin, in terms of life/work balance, having absolutely zero spare time except for skiving off in work hours, and having to double, triple and quadruple handle my workload as we drop in and out of alert levels. This has been really, really challenging in many ways. And honestly, it's the weirdest experience of modern life I've ever known.

A lot of what you've posted has been controversial and I think while you've tried hard to make it all thought provoking, there's a time and place for that sort of content. Personally I've enjoyed the back and forth we've had on my Nissa primer, and I hope to hear more about your deck, it's inclusions and how it's performing. Maybe it's good to just keep in perspective that most of us come here to enjoy our mutual hobby and to take a mental break from what's happening outside of our respective four walls. That's definitely the case for me - between booking chemotherapy and changing nappies I'll take all the respite I can get. And it'd probably do you some good mentally to do similarly; just set aside any real life tension, chill out and enjoy your hobby for the light-hearted respite it should be.

That's my two cents anyway, I hope it helps.
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Post by Card Slinger J » 3 years ago

Would discussing about the possibility of having to live off the grid or living a more primitive lifestyle be too controversial? What about changing Japanese pop culture to where it reflects changes within Western society more? Or what about a topic like how the Internet ruined creative thinking? I have a few other topic ideas outside of MTG that I did thought about discussing but considering how "restricted" communication is nowadays I figured it'd be better to get the community's approval first before unintentionally lighting the kerosene oil on fire. Better safe than sorry right? If 2020 has proven anything it's that the harshness of reality will always come back to haunt us the more we try to escape from it.
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Post by pokken » 3 years ago

The whole world has moved on, in generally toward a massive increase in compassion and respect for people who didn't used to get any.

The internet you recall where it was OK to be a jerk as long as it was to people who didn't have a voice is gone, and it's a good thing. I'd suggest looking inward and asking why if the world has changed so much you haven't?

I really mean that in a helpful way because maybe 15 years ago I had my reckoning with political correctness. I hated it then and railed against it - I hated people policing my words. Someone I really respect said, basically, "Politically correctness is just people trying to be kinder. What's the problem with that?"

The drive toward calling people what they want to be called and using respectful language is good. The jokes we can't make anymore were always mean, we just laughed and looked the other way because they didn't affect us.

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Post by Card Slinger J » 3 years ago

pokken wrote:
3 years ago
The whole world has moved on, in generally toward a massive increase in compassion and respect for people who didn't used to get any.
If that's really the case then why is there still so much negativity on Twitter that causes Independent Journalists on YouTube to post reaction videos where they're mostly painted as villains by the court of public opinion? It's not that they're trying to fan the flames when they're trying to make actual sense of the situation but aren't given the ability to. It's really just a way for people to place more of their insecurities on others when there's really no point to it at all.
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Post by Feyd_Ruin » 3 years ago

Card Slinger J wrote:
3 years ago
I have a few other topic ideas outside of MTG that I did thought about discussing
The question isn't about whether we can discuss such things, it's about whether we can discuss them here. I wouldn't mind discussing some of the topics you posted, but we're still looking at things that don't really fit on a magic the gathering website. The break room houses the off-topic discussions, but its meant for relaxing and chit chatting with friends and the community. It's not meant for debate and hard hitting topics.

It's a fairly simple thing to weigh. Is it light-hearted? Something interesting many of us can jump in and enjoy? Or will people end up "picking sides", get offended, and/or get overworked about it? We don't have a debate forum, real-world issues forum, etc, because they just don't really belong here. We have a myriad of areas for all the aspects for Magic, a Community forum so we can discuss the site/etc, and the break room. The "break room" is just that — a place for us all to relax and unwind, goofing off and having fun. If the topic can't fit into one of these areas, it probably doesn't belong here?
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Post by pokken » 3 years ago

Card Slinger J wrote:
3 years ago
pokken wrote:
3 years ago
The whole world has moved on, in generally toward a massive increase in compassion and respect for people who didn't used to get any.
If that's really the case then why is there still so much negativity on Twitter that causes Independent Journalists on YouTube to post reaction videos where they're mostly painted as villains by the court of public opinion? It's not that they're trying to fan the flames when they're trying to make actual sense of the situation but aren't given the ability to. It's really just a way for people to place more of their insecurities on others when there's really no point to it at all.
"If the world has gotten better, why is there still so much wrong with it?" is not really a counterargument to "the world has gotten better in these specific ways that are impacting your ability to interact."

I don't think anyone would say we live in a utopia but it has undoubtedly gotten a lot better for marginalized groups. And with that has come a corresponding loss of egregious freedom to offend for the majority which feels to some like they're being singled out.

It's not a zero sum game where there's only so much respect to go around, but I think some people feel that way.

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Post by toctheyounger » 3 years ago

pokken wrote:
3 years ago
"If the world has gotten better, why is there still so much wrong with it?" is not really a counterargument to "the world has gotten better in these specific ways that are impacting your ability to interact."

I don't think anyone would say we live in a utopia but it has undoubtedly gotten a lot better for marginalized groups. And with that has come a corresponding loss of egregious freedom to offend for the majority which feels to some like they're being singled out.

It's not a zero sum game where there's only so much respect to go around, but I think some people feel that way.
The way I'd put it is that giving the marginalised more freedom of speech and license to have a valid opinion has, in turn, caused somewhat of an alienation of the sort of people who would prefer the former had no voice or place in society. It's a frustrating turn of events, but ultimately unsurprising. There's a lot of people out there who just don't understand the concept of living and letting live.

I think to some degree the latter groups who were previously able to validate their place in society with jokes and hilarity at the expense of the marginalised are really just railing at the feeling that there isn't really a place in modern society for bullies anymore. It's a righteous and completely unjustified indignation, but that doesn't make their feelings any less real to them, and I guess ultimately they see it as fighting to protect their way of life, even if it isn't valid any longer; nor is it productive, if it ever were. The ideal would be these people going 'ok, these people have the rights we have - well and good, it doesn't affect what I can do with my life.' Instead we get 'this offends my morals and I cannot live my life knowing that there's people out there who don't share the same set of morals that I do.' It's probably nothing really new, I mean...the crusades happened.

I see it pretty regularly from my brother in law; he's massively homophobic. Which is fine, he usually keeps his opinions to himself, but his fiancee's brother is gay, and my wife and I are pretty heavily into drag as an art form, so I think he's slowly coming to understand that his way of thinking is disappearing from the world, and the more things go on the more he's going to come into contact with that part of society. He has moments of indignation when you really confront him with the issue, but mostly he's wise enough to just avoid the issue or leave the room if the discussion comes up. It's a shame because he is an otherwise pretty clever guy, I guess it's just something he can't wrap his head and moral compass around.
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Post by Krishnath » 3 years ago

toctheyounger wrote:
3 years ago
The way I'd put it is that giving the marginalised more freedom of speech and license to have a valid opinion has, in turn, caused somewhat of an alienation of the sort of people who would prefer the former had no voice or place in society. It's a frustrating turn of events, but ultimately unsurprising. There's a lot of people out there who just don't understand the concept of living and letting live.
This right here I have an issue with. People calling out racism and bigotry has not at all affected your freedom of speech, at all. People who use that argument and claim "my precious freedom of speech", have no actual idea what freedom of speech actually is.

Freedom of Speech means that you can criticize government and religious organizations and the people who work there (such as politicians and priests) without fear of repercussion. That's it, no more, no less. That is the literal legal definition of freedom of speech. It does not give anyone the right to be a racist bigot and not get called out on their behavior.
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Post by toctheyounger » 3 years ago

Krishnath wrote:
3 years ago
toctheyounger wrote:
3 years ago
The way I'd put it is that giving the marginalised more freedom of speech and license to have a valid opinion has, in turn, caused somewhat of an alienation of the sort of people who would prefer the former had no voice or place in society. It's a frustrating turn of events, but ultimately unsurprising. There's a lot of people out there who just don't understand the concept of living and letting live.
This right here I have an issue with. People calling out racism and bigotry has not at all affected your freedom of speech, at all. People who use that argument and claim "my precious freedom of speech", have no actual idea what freedom of speech actually is.

Freedom of Speech means that you can criticize government and religious organizations and the people who work there (such as politicians and priests) without fear of repercussion. That's it, no more, no less. That is the literal legal definition of freedom of speech. It does not give anyone the right to be a racist bigot and not get called out on their behavior.
100% agree. We both know, though, these people...they do not see it the same way.

The silver lining (I guess) is that generally they are completely willing to make degenerate pigs of themselves to make their point, thus ultimately alienating themselves from mainstream society anyway. The end of that downward slide basically ends with them only having contact with the real dregs of society.

Sadly, my country has a recent case in point with the Christchurch mosque massacre. Guy was a massive white supremacist who basically only communicated with 4chan extremists and decided it was time to let the world know how he felt. It's not enough in return but at least he's never getting out of prison.
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Post by WizardMN » 3 years ago

Krishnath wrote:
3 years ago
toctheyounger wrote:
3 years ago
The way I'd put it is that giving the marginalised more freedom of speech and license to have a valid opinion has, in turn, caused somewhat of an alienation of the sort of people who would prefer the former had no voice or place in society. It's a frustrating turn of events, but ultimately unsurprising. There's a lot of people out there who just don't understand the concept of living and letting live.
This right here I have an issue with. People calling out racism and bigotry has not at all affected your freedom of speech, at all. People who use that argument and claim "my precious freedom of speech", have no actual idea what freedom of speech actually is.
Feyd_Ruin had a good, lengthy explanation for this but I think that is the point. It is the perception of those people who think they are losing something. Pokken and Toc make the argument that the people who rail against the way things are going are the same people who never thought twice about the way they impacted others either with their words or actions.

As you rightly point out, nothing is being taken away from them but they *think* it is because they no longer have free reign to be assholes. In my experience, with friends, family, and acquaintances, trans rights and issues seem to be the ones that are scoffed at. I have heard uncles and older friends comment on the "ridiculousness" of people identifying a certain way or wanting to fight for rights as simple as which bathroom to use.

These people are still free to express these ideas. And, they still do in certain company. Because I tend to be the youngest in these small groups, there is a safe haven for people to express these ideas among peers and I am the odd one out who refuses to agree. But when they go out into the wider world and get chastised for these ideas, their first thoughts are to push back and claim oppression (more or less).

I do think that, as it pertains to some of Card Slinger's points, if the majority disagree with you, perhaps it should be a wake up call for some introspection as to why they do. I think too many see their rights to free speech "taken away" and immediately start blaming people without trying to recognize why they experience opposition to their viewpoint.

This isn't to say the mob is always right of course. But no one wants to admit that they may be on the wrong side of any issue.

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Post by Card Slinger J » 3 years ago

With the way freedom of speech works nowadays, the U.S. Government can't punish somebody for being a vile person (right now it qualifies you for a Cabinet position) but private entities and citizens are 100% within their rights to call out someone for their garbage. If the U.S. Government were able to punish citizens for saying whatever they wanted without consequence then that could land them in court or in jail with serious charges against them. If that isn't the equivalent of George Orwell's interpretation of a 1984 "thought police" I don't know what is.

The problem I see is that these private entities are trying to profit off of chasing clout on Twitter which leads to the kind of negativity we see on YouTube where content creators are having to play defense attorney. These private entities are so thin skinned to the point where they've allowed too much of their emotions to cloud their judgment on things that normally wouldn't be as offensive. Perhaps If they weren't doing this for money then it'd be a whole other story though I find it rather disturbing that anyone would want to intentionally profit off of making other people angry 24/7.
Last edited by Card Slinger J 3 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Rumpy5897 » 3 years ago

2020 has been a rough year for all of us. I depend on trips back home every three months to see my parents and recharge my batteries, and lockdown kicked in and stranded me in exile for half a year. I had never been away from home for that long, and on top of that all of my existing social network ties (my weekly gaming group, lunch in town with a friend) got nuked from orbit. I'm introverted, yet apparently not introverted enough to not start going crazy when not seeing a human being for over a week. Living alone is sure fun in times like these! I limped through on a diet of occasional walks with friends, but even though I've been back with my family for two months now I'm still kind of messed up, and massively dreading needing to return overseas later in the month. It eats into my sleep and makes me react disproportionately to unworthy things. You're not alone. This is not a great time for anyone.

Think the first time I encountered your crazy side was "RIP MTG 1993-2020". When you fly off the handle, you present very conspiratorial theories in an extremely inflammatory fashion. It seems quite likely that you're trying to direct the general unease of 2020 at something in particular, as having a thing to point a finger at can help explain the nondescript anxiety for a while. Given the fact the internet managed to birth incels, I'm pretty sure you can find an online community somewhere where you can feed off each other, but I don't think this is particularly healthy for you. It would be good to continue working on controlling your fear-mongering side, not letting it pull you away from reality. As a fellow anxiety sufferer, I acknowledge staying grounded can be rough. Something that works for me is establishing some absolutely unshakeable truths, facts so fundamental that even anxiety you can't rebuke them.
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Post by Legend » 3 years ago

Feyd_Ruin wrote:
3 years ago
As for this forum, we've made it quite clear that we do not allow political discussion.
With all due respect, this statement is the embodiment of why this thread exists: Nexus is gaslighting members like Card Slinger J and I, if not others because political discussion is indeed allowed when it's progressive, anti-Trump, politically correct, anti-Bible, etc. People only get in trouble here when they wander from the overarching opinions of the moderators - i.e. progressive. And then they're marked forever as an ignorant if not unintelligent bigot, homophobe, conservative, racist, hetero-normative-cis-gender-white-male-supremacist-trumptard-expialadocious, in summary "toxic". And everything they say from then on is interpreted through that lens. There are people reading these words right now that are doing just that. Hi! :) I actually have a board warning for replying to a post in the exact way the poster requested. Then they trolled me for doing it and got nothing. I was also shadow banned for awhile for disagreeing about a piece of Magic art. I feel like this very post puts me at risk of being cancelled.

That being said, there is admittedly more tolerance here at Nexus than there had been at Sally for a long time, which I appreciate. It would be better if political discussion really wasn't allowed. Or if people were allowed to soberly share their views without concern of being cancelled. Or if Nexus stated plainly that it leans one way or the other and doesn't tolerate opposing opinions. Thanks for listening.
Last edited by Legend 3 years ago, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by The Fluff » 3 years ago

"RIP MTG 1993-2020".
it was a rather toxic thread indeed.
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Post by duducrash » 3 years ago

Card Slinger J wrote:
3 years ago
The problem I see is that these private entities are trying to profit off of chasing clout on Twitter which leads to the kind of negativity we see on YouTube where content creators are having to play defense attorney. These private entities are so thin skinned to the point where they've allowed too much of their emotions to cloud their judgment on things that normally wouldn't be as offensive.
They aren't really thin skinned. It's the market deciding what is and what isnt allowed. Companies don't have feelings, a company will post about pride the whole month and literally fire employees for being gay (A large bank did this EXACT scenario in 2017. ... fobia.html link in PT.) They will post about social justice and explore employees. Companies aren't thin skinned or sentimental, they just love money more than anything else and will do whatever it takes for proffit.

There is a discussion to be had on how capitalism created this problem, like many else before. but this aint the place.

Other than that, yeah. Quarentine has been rough. I miss warm sunlight I miss hanging out with friends, I miss making friends playing silly card games on the store and I feel like whenever I see something on the internet I'm much more prone to lashing out than before. I think this hard times are taking its tool on our patience/understanding too

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Post by Card Slinger J » 3 years ago

benjameenbear wrote:
3 years ago
And if I remember correctly, you've recently been born again or had a renewal of your faith in some fashion, correct? As a fellow devout Christian, I support you in your strong commitment to honesty and your integrity to your moral code. And indeed I hope you keep that zeal burning in you so that you can live your live with conviction. It will be an example to others and hopefully give you peace of mind in the future. Remember to temper that zeal and choose the right forum for expressing it; Christ was very purposeful about where he chose to teach and rebuke his detractors and I recommend the same understanding in expressing your own opinions.
I would explain my reasons for doing so, most of it having to do with the Rapture arriving soon though this isn't the place to discuss it. I just gotta make sure that I'm not lukewarm in order to ensure my eternal life is secured through salvation. Better to be a full-time disciple than a part-time saint. I have been praying once everyday so that seems like a step in the right direction for me. It's hard cause humans are creatures of habit and it isn't easy to break habits. The motto I really should be living by is, "Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured."

I'm kinda at a point now where I feel like I'm ready for whatever life is about to throw at me because I've come to realize just how fragile this world really is. I was even tempted to live off the grid away from civilization knowing that it's a death sentence since public education never taught us how to survive out in the wild. If there was a year to start being a doomsday prepper, 2020 would be it. I know DesolatorMagic on YouTube is kind of a doomsday prepper when he says that people should be spending money to prepare for the next crisis whatever it may be instead of Paper Magic.
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Post by Krishnath » 3 years ago

Card Slinger J wrote:
3 years ago
I'm kinda at a point now where I feel like I'm ready for whatever life is about to throw at me because I've come to realize just how fragile this world really is. I was even tempted to live off the grid away from civilization knowing that it's a death sentence since public education never taught us how to survive out in the wild. If there was a year to start being a doomsday prepper, 2020 would be it.
You know, that could actually be a valid discussion thread, sharing knowledge on how to survive in the wilderness/without electricity in the case of a natural disaster or what not. No politics, just stuff about how to grow your own food (useful also when living in the city), how to find water sources/filtrating it, etc.
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Post by robertleva » 3 years ago

@Card Slinger J I will probably get banned / warned / censored / moderated for posting in here. Nearly all conservative posts and threads are locked or deleted on this forum. I've lost track of how many of my threads have been locked or deleted. We are not guaranteed free speech in these private settings, and brother we DO NOT have it here! Whatever little snips I can manage to get through the thought police that are constantly watching I will consider a victory.

The truth is, we need to become completely practical from now until the election, there is no room for sentiment anymore. Right now, conservatives need to quietly reinforce each other at a local level. And by reinforce I mean that in every aspect of the term. Give each other support and love of course, but also get unified of purpose. Voting is obviously a huge priority, but supporting local law and order and personal safety is also at the top of the list.

We need to pick our battles, and getting our voices heard in hard left forums like this is just spinning our wheels.
Robert Leva
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Post by Krishnath » 3 years ago

robertleva wrote:
3 years ago
I will probably get banned / warned / censored / moderated for posting in here. Nearly all conservative posts and threads are locked or deleted on this forum. I've lost track of how many of my threads have been locked or deleted. We are not guaranteed free speech in these private settings, and brother we DO NOT have it here! Whatever little snips I can manage to get through the thought police that are constantly watching I will consider a victory.
What you are describing has absolutely zero to do with what free speech is and entails, I have quoted the relevant post for you as you so conveniently ignored it, as you usually do.
Krishnath wrote:
3 years ago
toctheyounger wrote:
3 years ago
The way I'd put it is that giving the marginalised more freedom of speech and license to have a valid opinion has, in turn, caused somewhat of an alienation of the sort of people who would prefer the former had no voice or place in society. It's a frustrating turn of events, but ultimately unsurprising. There's a lot of people out there who just don't understand the concept of living and letting live.
This right here I have an issue with. People calling out racism and bigotry has not at all affected your freedom of speech, at all. People who use that argument and claim "my precious freedom of speech", have no actual idea what freedom of speech actually is.

Freedom of Speech means that you can criticize government and religious organizations and the people who work there (such as politicians and priests) without fear of repercussion. That's it, no more, no less. That is the literal legal definition of freedom of speech. It does not give anyone the right to be a racist bigot and not get called out on their behavior.
You are not being censored by the government or a religious institution for criticizing them, therefore your precious free speech has not been impeded in any way, shape, or form.

Have a nice day, and a pleasant tomorrow.
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Post by robertleva » 3 years ago

@Card Slinger J Another reason MTG forum might be even worse for conservative viewpoints than your average gaming type of demographic is the high volume of European / Canadian interest in the game. Even the conservative parties in these countries are typically far left from our own. America is quite literally the last bastion of these conservative ideals. We will decide in Nov whether we abandon them for good, or have a renaissance of these values. I pray right now for the healing in our country and for the love and peace of Jesus Christ to come into every heart on the face of this earth.
Robert Leva
Creator of Modern's 8Rack Deck

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