[MH3] The Necrobloom - Field of the Loam

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Post by darrenhabib » 3 weeks ago


The Necrobloom - Field of the Loam


Graveyard lands to battlefield

Graveyard hand

Enchantments (other)

Anti graveyard hate

Additional land

Artifact mana

Lands (additional mana)

Approximate Total Cost:

One part Field of the Dead, one part Life from the Loam (sort of). Two very powerful abilities.

Some of you will read the landfall ability and go the Timmy route and think Omnath, Locus of Rage and flooding the board with Zombies with ramp cards like Harrow.


Others will think of combos that you can do and go the Jonny route. Think The Gitrog Monster.


Others will take this even further and add some Spike elements, think Armageddon.


The first most important part is that his ability to dredge 2 to return a land from graveyard means that you NEVER want to draw another land the entire game. Drawing a land is almost completely wasted once you are setup with The Necrobloom.
If you are never drawing cards and only dredging then how do you do other plays? If you know anything about Magic, it's that your graveyard is a resource and if you've played or seen other constructed formats like Vintage dredge, you'll understand that cards in hand don't really matter.

One of the main goals is to keep dredging to setup an Aftermath Analyst or World Shaper to really get a foothold on bigger plays.
The idea is that you are wanting to mill your deck as there are ways to get them back from graveyard within lands themselves.
With The Necrobloom ability to return lands to your hand from graveyard you are wanting to mill these lands as well.
Mortuary Mire, Takenuma, Abandoned Mire, Volrath's Stronghold, Witch's Cottage, Shifting Woodland are lands which gives you access to creatures in your graveyard.
Note that Witch's Cottage can be searched with any of the black fetch lands, so searching for Swamp types is important during those early searches.
There are also flashback cards (and others) that can bring creatures back, so you will have a lot access to cards that you want and need via your graveyard.
As Aftermath Analyst is a key card, you'll find Sevinne's Reclamation, Dread Return, Dusk // Dawn, Genesis, Unburial Rites and Angel of Indemnity can all be cast from graveyard to get it, or other cards at the time of casting that you want.

Now with any cycling land you can keep discarding it to dredge 2 and because it's now in graveyard you can return it.
This is most likely the way you will be playing each turn unless you already have a good card in hand to cast.
Obviously the cycling 2 cards are more mana intensive for this interaction, but there is Fluctuator or Bone Miser which allows you to actually combo by milling as much of your library as you want. Bone Miser also allows you to use Barren Moor do this and nets an additional b each time.
Once you've milled a decent portion of your library probably the best example is to use Dread Return which is easily casted with your tokens and bringing back Angel of Indemnity which in turn can bring say Aftermath Analyst/World Shaper, Trove Warden.
You will bring all the land into play triggering an army of Zombies and Trove Warden will trigger putting realistically all the other 3 mana or less cards. This is where Phyrexian Tower is good in the deck for sacrificing World Shaper and Trove Warden in a timely manner.

I've stated that you don't want to be drawing cards, but with Sylvan Library you can dredge 3 times rather than take the draws (if you have 3 lands in graveyard) and you won't have any cards drawn so don't have to pay life. You will end up with 3 lands in hand, so not perfect but this card is still great to play on turn 2 to still draw some early game cards and also you can use it to stack the top of library so you can just dredge away lands and draw the nonland card you want.

Bazaar of Baghdad will mill for an additional 4 each turn and discarding the lands is perfect in the long run. It is overall card disadvantage but you are fine being empty handed.

Because you never want to be drawing a land, the deck has most of the top of library tutor effects to find good cards as well as make sure you don't have a wasted land draw.

Hall of Heliod's Generosity is another land that can put an enchantment card you might want or need, so again filling up graveyard is a resource to be plundered.

Landfall creating token creatures
When I first drafted the deck I had quite a few aristocrat cards, which is essentially sacrificing your creatures to draw cards.
I read create 0/1 tokens and I immediately think Skullclamp. However as I said drawing cards is not what you want to be doing at all.
You want cards either in your graveyard or to remain in your library for search to put directly into play.
So I ended up removing most of them. Instead the token creatures are about generating extra mana through mainly Earthcraft, Cryptolith Rite and Gaea's Cradle.

However Evolutionary Leap is the perfect way to get value out of sacrificing tokens as it ensures not drawing lands.
Wight of the Reliquary is great to get key lands into play.
Yawgmoth, Thran Physician is the only aristocrat draw card in the deck, but he has the bb ability to discard lands you draw or dredge so this makes him perfect as creature removal and not hindering your plan.

Perilous Forays has a loop with The Necrobloom creating a token, so for each 1 you can keep getting lands with a basic land type. There are 14 of them in the deck, so you should be able to fetch them all out in a couple of turns as you keep putting more mana into play to activate more times. There is Earthcraft, Nissa, Resurgent Animist and Tireless Provisioner that combo to allow you do get them all at once paying for the 1 each time.
I really like this plan because it allows you to get a massive mana base without using your graveyard against graveyard hate.
Of note when you are dredging you'll be putting a large number of these basic land types into your graveyard, so won't be searchable.
The deck has two flashback cards which allow you to shuffle cards back in with Turn the Earth and Krosan Reclamation, so often you'll want to put these lands back in. These cards are a bit of insurance against graveyard removal as well maybe putting some key cards back into deck, so that you can setup again.
Another tech card against graveyard hate is Emerald Dragon // Dissonant Wave which can cancel triggers from cards like Bojuka Bog and Relic of Progenitus.

Even though it's a landfall Commander, I haven't gone into enabling this on a larger scale. There is no land ramp outside of Aftermath Analyst/World Shaper.
For this reason I have more value creatures with landfall, as you still do guarantee double triggers with fetch lands.
Lotus Cobra, Nissa, Resurgent Animist, Tato Farmer, Tireless Provisioner, Trove Warden are the ones that fit best with this deck.
I've stayed away from usual suspects like Scute Swarm and Avenger of Zendikar simply because the 2/2 Zombie tokens are going to be enough to get the job done most games. I mean Field of the Dead is a win condition in a lot of decks and we have that from the Command zone. There is an actual Field of the Dead to double up on this.

For the reason that you are wanting to mill your deck and you have ways of getting creatures from graveyard, the removal comes in the form of creatures. Caustic Caterpillar, Haywire Mite, Selfless Glyphweaver // Deadly Vanity, Magus of the Disk.
Once you are deeper into the game, then you can just keep recurring for example Selfless Glyphweaver // Deadly Vanity to keep wiping the board combined with a Takenuma, Abandoned Mire or Volrath's Stronghold.

Hermit Druid will mill a huge portion of your deck as there are only 3 basics.

The Gitrog Monster has been notoriously combined with Dakmor Salvage and an ongoing discard outlet in cEDH.
In this deck as long as you mill at least one land then you can keep going and the deck almost half lands so you have 50/50 odds at keeping the mill going. You are going to get a bunch of lands in hand realistically. When you go to discard phase you'll probably have more than 7, so you can just discard a land and dredge it back, to then discard it again, which you loop as many times as you want.

As at the heart this is a lands deck. I've mentioned most of the key lands already but there are other that give you options.
For removal there is Blast Zone, Boseiju, Who Endures.

For additional mana there is Cabal Coffers+Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth and Gaea's Cradle which with tokens means you can get large numbers of creatures into play.

Urza's Cave is a nice one to play each turn to get some of these key lands into play.
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Post by TheAmericanSpirit » 3 weeks ago

Phyrexian Altar would probably be insane here with the amount of tokens multiple fields will make.

EDIT: Vesuva is another field and Mox Diamond might be nice too to occasionally fast-track the dredging. Oh, and how about Manabond? It's a little tricky but it could play well with multiple cyclers and Loam.
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Post by Mookie » 3 weeks ago

Perilous Forays may be worth inclusion - it doesn't actually require basic lands, just lands with basic land types. Throw in The Necrobloom and Lotus Cobra / Tireless Provisioner / Nissa, Resurgent Animist and you can immediately grab all the fetchables out of your deck.

Knight of the Reliquary and Wight of the Reliquary also seem worth consideration.

Not sure how I feel about the sac outlets that cost two mana to activate, like Baron Bertram Graywater and Dockside Chef. One or two of them may be okay, but they're pretty poor in multiples.

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Post by darrenhabib » 3 weeks ago

TheAmericanSpirit wrote:
3 weeks ago
Phyrexian Altar would probably be insane here with the amount of tokens multiple fields will make.

EDIT: Vesuva is another field and Mox Diamond might be nice too to occasionally fast-track the dredging. Oh, and how about Manabond? It's a little tricky but it could play well with multiple cyclers and Loam.
At the moment mostly it's going to come down to maybe fetch land getting x2 triggers for two tokens each turn. So it's not like massive tokens to sacrifice to Phyrexian Altar during normal play.
And then a "big" turn would be when using Aftermath Analyst/World Shaper, but then you have a big mana base under you at that stage.
But I probably do have too many sac for draw cards and could easily see replacing one of them for a mana variant in Phyrexian Altar. Definitely keep an eye on how this goes with flooding on aristocrat cards.

I'm not sure about Manabond as getting extra lands into play is going to be done with Aftermath Analyst/World Shaper most of the time. I could see getting some lands stuck in your hand with the one land drop per turn.
There is a thing where you'd prefer to get a cycle land into your graveyard, so a Turn 1 Manabond might work against you.
I should play Burgeoning for sure.

Like most of my decks I start off list with theme cards prioritized and as time goes on I end up adding more staples, so probably what is going to happen is I'll end up playing more early mana fixing.
Mox Diamond, Sol Ring, maybe some mana dorks, and Three Visits, Nature's Lore will probably make their way in eventually.
Mookie wrote:
3 weeks ago
Perilous Forays may be worth inclusion - it doesn't actually require basic lands, just lands with basic land types. Throw in The Necrobloom and Lotus Cobra / Tireless Provisioner / Nissa, Resurgent Animist and you can immediately grab all the fetchables out of your deck.

Knight of the Reliquary and Wight of the Reliquary also seem worth consideration.

Not sure how I feel about the sac outlets that cost two mana to activate, like Baron Bertram Graywater and Dockside Chef. One or two of them may be okay, but they're pretty poor in multiples.
I've played Perilous Forays and literally read it as "basic lands". :?
There are 15 searchable lands for it, and you don't even really need to "combo" with it as you can just naturally tap say 6 mana for the first turn and then the next turn you'll have plenty of extra lands to search out the rest.

I did an Elf and Elemental check for Nissa, Resurgent Animist and there is Aftermath Analyst, Tireless Provisioner, Elvish Reclaimer which are all really good. Elvish Reclaimer helps to 2nd trigger Nissa, Resurgent Animist to find the others on subsequent turns.

Wight of the Reliquary is incredible for this deck!

The inclusion of Perilous Forays does make me question how good some of the utility lands are, I've now got to weigh them up more.
For example I'm thinking Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire just isn't worth the slot consider the deck can defend well with the tokens.

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Post by Artaud » 3 weeks ago

Consider using Ashaya, Soul of the Wild with Quirion Ranger for infinite zombies with Necrobloom. You may add Protean Hulk to find this combo easier.

I don't see any "solid" way to win except for tiresome (for others) grind so throwing in someting like Craterhoof Behemoth would speed things up.

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Post by pokken » 3 weeks ago

I have found The Meathook Massacre to be an exceptional finisher-answer for a Field deck. You can just hook for x=2 and kill everyone after attacking usually.

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Post by yeti1069 » 3 weeks ago

Can't you cycle-dredge-cycle with a single cycling land? I don't think you need 2. Discarding the land is part of the cycling cost, so by the time you get to draw a card, the land is already in the yard to dredge back out.

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Post by yeti1069 » 3 weeks ago

pokken wrote:
3 weeks ago
I have found The Meathook Massacre to be an exceptional finisher-answer for a Field deck. You can just hook for x=2 and kill everyone after attacking usually.
I'll second this. On a few occasions I've played MM to kill my own army of zombie tokens from Field or Scute Swarms in my Smeagol deck.

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Post by Artaud » 3 weeks ago

yeti1069 wrote:
3 weeks ago
Can't you cycle-dredge-cycle with a single cycling land? I don't think you need 2. Discarding the land is part of the cycling cost, so by the time you get to draw a card, the land is already in the yard to dredge back out.
Exactly! Add a Bone Miser for large amount of B when cycling Barren Moor

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Post by yeti1069 » 3 weeks ago

Artaud wrote:
3 weeks ago
yeti1069 wrote:
3 weeks ago
Can't you cycle-dredge-cycle with a single cycling land? I don't think you need 2. Discarding the land is part of the cycling cost, so by the time you get to draw a card, the land is already in the yard to dredge back out.
Exactly! Add a Bone Miser for large amount of B when cycling Barren Moor
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Post by pokken » 3 weeks ago

I don't know that I like 5 mana payoffs (Skirge Familiar Bone Miser) - really just not necessary. You can win the game handily by just beating face with swampwalking zombies without having to spend 5 mana, just Entomb Filth, or draining the table out, or more mana efficient resilient combos made up of cards that aren't clunky on their own --

One card I haven't seen that is an absolute slam dunk is Earthcraft. Field of the Dead and Necrobloom tokens come into play untapped, which is...bananas.

Squandered Resources / Seasons Past** // Aftermath Analyst is a pretty compact combo made up of all pretty strong cards (and goes easily infinite with 7+ lands, then presumably dredges more). Although this might be a little swing for the fences :D -- but if we're avoiding instant wins, well, don't do that. but Seasons Past has a lot in its favor as a bomb draw spell I think.

** edit to add Shigeki, Jukai Visionary probably can do this same thing (get cycling land to dredge back takenuma to recover shigeki and also Aftermath Analyst or whatever)
Last edited by pokken 3 weeks ago, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by yeti1069 » 3 weeks ago

pokken wrote:
3 weeks ago

Squandered Resources / Seasons Past // Aftermath Analyst is a pretty compact combo made up of all pretty strong cards (and goes easily infinite with 7+ lands, then presumably dredges more). Although this might be a little swing for the fences :D -- but if we're avoiding instant wins, well, don't do that. but Seasons Past has a lot in its favor as a bomb draw spell I think.
How does this combo run?

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Post by pokken » 3 weeks ago

yeti1069 wrote:
3 weeks ago
How does this combo run?
Requires a moving pieces to get going, but a mix of--

* some number of cycling lands maybe (to help with topdeck tutors)
* Takenuma, Abandoned Mire can play a role in here too (since you can dredge it back with a cycling land or a draw trigger and use it to recur analyst)
* Vampiric Tutor Worldly Tutor Diabolic Intent Demonic Tutor, Shigeki, Jukai Visionary + Entomb , etc. Unmarked Grave
* a mix of Aftermath Analyst World Shaper Splendid Reclamation or Faith's Reward or Second Sunrise
* Squandered Resources
* commander as optional (if you want to cycle/dredge)

So you:
Cast Squandered Resources
Cast Seasons Past getting back <tutor> + <land recursion thing> (and maybe a Tranquil Thicket)
Sacrifice all your lands
Cast <land recursion thing>, making a gajillion tokens
Cast <tutor> for Seasons Past
Re-sacrifice lands
Cast Seasons Past for <tutor> + <land recursion thing>

The interesting part here is that there're so many ways to get it going from an initially non-linear states;

Say you have Aftermath Analyst and Squandered Resources; float all your mana, sac all your lands, float more mana, dredge/cycle Tranquil Thicket 10 times dredging 20 cards then activate Aftermath Analyst. Now you've got 15 lands, and 15 zombies, presumably you can play a cycling land to dredge back, say Takenuma, Abandoned Mire to fish out Aftermath Analyst or Shigeki, Jukai Visionary or Seasons Past and kablooey Bob's your uncle :D

Honestly I am not 100% sure you even need Seasons Past the more I think on it -- Squandered Resources + Shigeki, Jukai Visionary + recursion guy should do the job.

The layers here are...just so many :D

Man making your lands have dredge is frigging insane.

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Post by darrenhabib » 3 weeks ago

Artaud wrote:
3 weeks ago
Consider using Ashaya, Soul of the Wild with Quirion Ranger for infinite zombies with Necrobloom. You may add Protean Hulk to find this combo easier.
Nissa, Resurgent Animist can find them as they are Elemental and Elf respectively.
yeti1069 wrote:
3 weeks ago
Artaud wrote:
3 weeks ago
yeti1069 wrote:
3 weeks ago
Can't you cycle-dredge-cycle with a single cycling land? I don't think you need 2. Discarding the land is part of the cycling cost, so by the time you get to draw a card, the land is already in the yard to dredge back out.
Exactly! Add a Bone Miser for large amount of B when cycling Barren Moor
There's a way to draw your deck!
Oh yeah good call on only needing one cycling land!

It doesn't draw your deck, but is unlimited mill. Bone Miser functions like another Fluctuator.
I will include Bone Miser because its a creature which the deck likes to mill in the first place, where as its harder to get Fluctuator into play as an artifact (you have to naturally draw it).
pokken wrote:
3 weeks ago
One card I haven't seen that is an absolute slam dunk is Earthcraft. Field of the Dead and Necrobloom tokens come into play untapped, which is...bananas.
I've built the deck at the moment that I'm sacrificing the tokens for card advantages earlier in the game. When I'm thinking about a normal turn with Necrobloom its going to be probably dredge a fetchland to miss out on your draw for the turn. This is why I'm so huge on getting draw back on the tokens immediately as missing out on a draw isn't a good plan. Also I'm used to creatures not sticking around for to long.
So going wide isn't so much the plan. But there is a version where instead of aristocrat for card advantage you just look to go wide and use cards like Shamanic Revelation and Collective Unconscious.
In that version cards like Earthcraft and Cryptolith Rite become much better. The downside is that its more risky trying to go wide and potentially slower to get the draw, and its all at once.

I did think about Earthcraft but was reserved about only having 3 basics, and getting stuck with only one color most games.
However thinking about it a bit more, with the cycling 2 lands, if you fetch for a basic, you should be able to sink that mana into whatever basic you have. Just need to be super careful about searching for a basic early if possible.

Tato Farmer is a landfall creature I missed which is great for the deck.

I'm off the whole Bazaar of Baghdad plan, I don't think it would actually be that good and not worth it. You are to reliant on milling the exact cards you want.

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Post by darrenhabib » 3 weeks ago

pokken wrote:
3 weeks ago
Say you have Aftermath Analyst and Squandered Resources; float all your mana, sac all your lands, float more mana, dredge/cycle Tranquil Thicket 10 times dredging 20 cards then activate Aftermath Analyst. Now you've got 15 lands, and 15 zombies, presumably you can play a cycling land to dredge back, say Takenuma, Abandoned Mire to fish out Aftermath Analyst or Shigeki, Jukai Visionary or Seasons Past and kablooey Bob's your uncle :D

Honestly I am not 100% sure you even need Seasons Past the more I think on it -- Squandered Resources + Shigeki, Jukai Visionary + recursion guy should do the job.

The layers here are...just so many :D

Man making your lands have dredge is frigging insane.
Squandered Resources is not a totally wasted card without combo. Maybe you can cast that spell one turn earlier and the sacrificed land does set you back on subsequent turn(s), but you know you should be able to get the value back with the Aftermath Analyst later on.
There is even the example that you sacrifice a land like Gaea's Cradle or Cabal Coffers when you have a draw ability so that you can use it again.
Plus there will be games where you have had to play Boseiju, Who Endures, Takenuma, Abandoned Mire and actually want them in graveyard later on.

I was thinking about Takenuma, Abandoned Mire loops for an earlier game plan, but you want to guarantee a creature (or planeswalker) each time. Something that you can sacrifice for value. Sakura-Tribe Elder being an example. But Steve requires lots of basic lands, which goes counterintuitive with utility lands.
However any cycling creature could guarantee you have something of value.
If you are milling 5 then as long as your deck has enough creatures you shouldn't actually whiff all that often. At the moment I have 24 creatures so that would be 76% to mill at least one creature. Whiffing is bad though, which would happen 1/4 of the time (unless graveyard is already setup pretty good).
I'm just theorizing out loud, but a deck with some cheap legendary creatures to get Takenuma cost down and you could do this each turn, with say a creature count more at 35 (would give around 90% to hit).
With Bone Miser you could potentially net a mana (if you have 3 legendary creatures).

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Post by darrenhabib » 3 weeks ago

I've thinking about it more I've down a major U-Turn on card draw effects and come to realize that they deck doesn't actually want any.
With The Necrobloom you NEVER want to draw any lands EVER. A single fetch land is all you want, and because you are milling you should be putting other lands in graveyard anyway, so even a fetch land isn't necessary other than to get the first dredge going.
With almost half the deck lands, half of your draws are going to be completely wasted. You could dredge additional lands instead of drawing, but you don't actually want more than a single land returned to hand unless you specifically have Burgeoning or Exploration.
A single cycle land is good enough for the milling plan and so you do this first and then just return a land you want to play.
The problem if you put more lands into your hand then that is less for Aftermath Analyst/World Shaper.

So I've cut all the draw, with the exception of Yawgmoth, Thran Physician and adding Sylvan Library and Bazaar of Baghdad (its back). It was hard to get my head around because I just immediately see 0/1 tokens and think sacrifice for draw, but its actually detrimental to the overall plan.
You want your lands in either graveyard or still in library for search directly into play tutors.
Anyway I've change the original thread to reflect the ideas more if you want to understand better the reasoning.

Cutting the draw effects has opened up a lot of slots for "staples" mainly more early mana and top of library tutors.
Top of library tutors reduce the risk of drawing a land problem.

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Post by TheAmericanSpirit » 3 weeks ago

I hesitate to question your methods, but is cutting Scapeshift really the right answer? It's 4 mana army with fields or the commander and imho you'll get a lot more action out of it than BoP. Early you can sit on it or use it to mass crop rotate and late it's total bananas.
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Post by darrenhabib » 3 weeks ago

TheAmericanSpirit wrote:
3 weeks ago
I hesitate to question your methods, but is cutting Scapeshift really the right answer? It's 4 mana army with fields or the commander and imho you'll get a lot more action out of it than BoP. Early you can sit on it or use it to mass crop rotate and late it's total bananas.
It all comes down to access to card types. If you don't have this card before you start your engine, then you'll never really get the chance to draw and cast it.
Creatures are different, you have many ways to get access to them. Even enchantments are now more valuable because of Hall of Heliod's Generosity.
Don't get me wrong Scapeshift is incredible, but yeah it just comes down to access to it. Plus I feel really comfortable with getting the key lands into play with the other tutors or actually just milling them.
At the moment the only way to get it once you are doing the dredge plan would be via Shigeki, Jukai Visionary.

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Post by Artemis132 » 1 week ago

Great Deck ! Cant wait to try out The Necrobloom.

What do you think about some new additions from the Treacherous Terrain PreCon?
Another Sac Outlet plus creature reanimation on a land in Lazotep Quarry, ramp and instant speed landdrop (surprise ETB lands?) from Horizon of Progress and removal/blank in Talon Gates of Madara.

Also Rampant Frogantua and Six seem playable as well in my opinion.

For additional recursion Timeless Witness could also be an option to regain excess to instants/ sorceries after starting the dredge-engine

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Post by Artaud » 1 week ago

New precon lands are bonkers but not for The Necrobloom as it can have other options in w and b and needs colored mana. Only Horizon of Progress seems valid unless someone wants to focus on Typed land package.

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Post by darrenhabib » 1 week ago

Artemis132 wrote:
1 week ago
What do you think about some new additions from the Treacherous Terrain PreCon?
Another Sac Outlet plus creature reanimation on a land in Lazotep Quarry, ramp and instant speed landdrop (surprise ETB lands?) from Horizon of Progress and removal/blank in Talon Gates of Madara.
Yeah the lands are bonkers! Definitely adding Lazotep Quarry and Horizon of Progress.
Lazotep Quarry is another sac outlet for World Shaper as well as a way to copy creatures.
Horizon of Progress I just want to try, as I've mentioned you never want to be drawing lands in this deck, but this land does allow you to make use of additional lands in hand.
Also Rampant Frogantua and Six seem playable as well in my opinion.
There are quite a few creatures that allow for playing lands from graveyard, so at this stage I feel conformable I have enough. But they both would serve a roll if included.
For additional recursion Timeless Witness could also be an option to regain excess to instants/ sorceries after starting the dredge-engine
If you leaned harder into other spells like sorcery and instants, then your Eternal Witness type cards would be the way to go. You can sacrifice them (Lazotep Quarry/Phyrexian Tower) and then use Volrath's Stronghold each turn to get any card.
At this stage I'm all creatures with some enchantments, and the sorcery and instants are just tutors.

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