Mangara Mono White Control

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Post by onering » 2 months ago

Mono White Control Featuring Mangara the Diplomat

Planeswalkers (1)

Enchantment (3)

Approximate Total Cost:

I built this deck as a proof of concept for Mono White Control. I've had it for a few years and have been upgrading it as new cards release, and it quickly became one of my favorite decks. A few years ago I wondered if mono white's card draw had finally improved enough to unlock the strength of white's breadth of answers and enable a solid control deck. The goal is to keep the cards coming to maintain a full or close to full hand while controlling the board state. I build my own board with weenies that either set rules that keep other strategies in check, draw cards or otherwise build my resources, or serve as direct answers. Then I maintain a relatively low profile, swinging in for chip damage whenever possible and answering only what I absolutely need to answer until I can either switch over to closing the table out with damage (using things like Elesh Norn), combo with Heliod/Walker, or cast Approach of the Second Sun twice (which is surprisingly easy to do on back to back turns). Ample wipes let me reset the board as needed, and the ability to keep a full grip lets me rebuild quickly. There's also a good deal of recursion in the deck, and all of it boils down to inevitability. Its never the most threatening deck until the end game, but its always putting some pressure on and getting life totals down while rarely running out of steam due to its many ways to restock.

I tried several commanders for this deck but settled on Mangara because he is easy to cast and draws a solid number of cards, which is what really drives this deck. You need the constant card draw to maintain a large hand, which is necessary to bounce back from wipes (including your own) more easily than your opponents. You also need that draw to see enough of the deck to ensure you have a good shot of drawing a steady stream of answers, either the top tier spot removal, the various wipes, or the many hosers that shut down or at least slow down powerful strategies. Hitting those hosers can be make or break. Being able to essentially ignore an opponent for a few turns because they have no answer for an etb or gy hoser lets you focus down a different player that's otherwise a bigger threat or for whose deck you lack plentiful answers. Mangara being such a reliable source of draw lets me cut the weaker card draw spells in white and add more answers instead while still maintaining the same rate of draw. Mangara also tends to send attackers elsewhere while he's out, because its not worth sending multiple attackers at me for chip damage if it draw me a card. Finally, he interacts with a number of cards in the deck, as surprising amount of the best creatures for this sort of deck are either humans or clerics, enabling the use of some light tribal cards, particularly Path of Ancestry, and there's also a good amount of power 2 or less matters in the deck.


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Post by pokken » 2 months ago

Thanks for sharing this very cool deck! :)

One thing I would consider adding is the fetchland + Cosmic Intervention / Brought Back / Sevinne's Reclamation package. I've found in general that white's most powerful play in commander tends to be sweeper + anti-sweeper tech and I think that is even more the case on such a control heavy build.

I really like doing the full monte of Loyal Warhound / Knight of the White Orchid / Scholar of New Horizons // Keeper of the Accord with Scorched Ruins Lotus Field and Lotus Vale as well.

Goes pretty well with Serra Paragon // Field of the Dead as well.


the Monastery Mentor // Sensei's Divining Top angle is hilariously cool to me for some reason :D


Maybe this is a Search for Glory deck?


Do you think this is a Terminus deck with the scroll rack/top?


Is your typical win by beats, heliod/ballista combo, or approach? or elesh norn beats?

I have found in this kinda deck I win a lot more with Elspeth, Sun's Champion ultimates than I would expect

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Post by onering » 2 months ago

Nice suggestions on cards. I actually used to run the Knight of the White Orchid style cards but cut them over time. I have Keeper in there because he can repeatedly find lands if one of my opponents is ramping a lot, but the other ones surprisingly didn't pull their weight. The curve of this deck is low, and the repeated land grabbers are plentiful enough to ensure I catch up on lands if I'm behind. The steady stream of cards also helps ensure I'm hitting land drops consistently. I feel like White has actually gotten spoiled for options now. Search for Glory I have to find a way to include it, and Cosmic Intervention is good I just don't own it. I realized putting up the deck list that Sun Titan isn't in it, and I can't remember why I cut it, so I have to figure out how to put it back in.

The deck doesn't really have a typical win. I'd say actually beating face is the most common. I always approach it as plan A since even Norn isn't particularly explosive unless my board is huge, so I'm aggressive with seeking chip damage. Mangara tends to rattlesnake people into going after each other to prevent drawing me extra cards, adding to the chip damage totals through the game, and when opponents do take each other out I'm suddenly in prime position to pop off a wipe and quickly redeploy and target down the survivor. Heliod-Walker is Plan B, and a reasonably close second, because it can be tutored for with a number of cards. I don't rush it because I have few ways to protect it, and I need those tutors for answers and other important pieces, but if I happen to draw one half and can tutor for the other half (or drew tutors for both) I'll hold that until I have enough mana and the coast looks clear to go for it. Its very out of the blue, but that's also usually like turn 10 or later and its getting grindy so I never get complaints. Approach is plan C because I have no ways to tutor for it, I just have to happen to draw it, but when I do its really consistent. It doesn't take much to set it up where I'll draw it again next turn (or even the same turn if I have Scroll Rack out, but that's a lot of mana so I've never actually cast it twice in one turn). Its a fun challenge to the table when I cast it, basically saying kill me or counter this, and I'll make sure I have mana for answers to hold off the alpha strikes or I cast it when either of those options are very unlikely.

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Post by pokken » 2 months ago

onering wrote:
2 months ago
Mangara tends to rattlesnake people into going after each other to prevent drawing me extra cards, adding to the chip damage totals through the game, and when opponents do take each other out I'm suddenly in prime position to pop off a wipe and quickly redeploy and target down the survivor
I think this is a really important point that playing mangara long term might achieve that I like. Get people to do some of the dirty work.

My Breena deck largely works that way; at least some of the people want the cards, and they're trained to know I will Settle the Wreckage or Comeuppance them if they go after me.

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