Ashnod's Altar

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Post by BaronCappuccino » 4 months ago

Blue wasn't my color, and a deck full of counterspells wasn't my thing. Au revoire, Azami. As Card Kingdom prepares to draw 40 or so cards worth selling to fund a new adventure, I put together a few of my favorite things in this mono black deck. I love themes and style - way more form than function. I also love aristocrats and value-grinding boards. For whatever reason, I didn't realise Ashnod was given a card. It's been a long time since I built black. I was on a green kick for a while, and as you can surmise, just ditched blue. Black and red are my colors, and I get black better in Commander. When I saw Ashnod in EDHRec's mono black commanders, she called to me. I answered.

I love that she's a one drop. One of my goals here is to be doing something every turn. Readers here probably already do that, but I tend not to comprehend the idea. Many of my decks have dead turns on one and two more often than not, and many of my regular opponents don't. So, from what electronic goldfishing has revealed thus far, Ashnod does things.

After a deck that does things, the next most important thing to me was that those things were heavily on theme. While you can't see it here, I opted for old brown artifact prints whenever possible, and the card print selection does as best it can to reenforce the aesthetic. There were cards that would clearly lend Ashnod a helping hand, but they were too pretty and out of character. While there's no shortage of goodstuff (Skullclamp), cards were selected for character. Character and nostalgia - I took the opportunity to include as many other legends of old Magic as I could.

Ashnod rewards you for playing creatures, sacrificing them for powerstones, exiling them for mecha zombies, and powering out more artifacts and creatures. It's a pretty snowbally aristocrats gameplan. I don't want to dissuade people from offering advice, but it'll be a high bar to include it, because so many includes are borderline pet card status here, but any discussion is welcome.
Ashnod's Altar

Commander (1)

Background (1)

Planeswalker (1)

Sagas (1)

Land (33)

33 Swamp

Vehicles (1)

Approximate Total Cost:


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