What's Behind Door #3? Kadena Morphs

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Post by yeti1069 » 3 years ago

I was super excited when Kadena got printed! I had an Animar morph deck, but it always felt much more like an Animar list using morphs than a morph deck doing morph things.

I've been playing with this deck for a while, and it has largely been successful, able to deal with some pretty strong decks on occasion, and hold off the ire of a whole table. The game plan pretty standard: get out Kadena ASAP (the deck is setup to get her out on turn 3 with some regularity), then play a morph each turn for value. Eventually get a flash enabler, so it can drop a morph on each players' turn to really get the value engine rolling. Hold up mana and try to have answers for whatever problems everyone else throws down.

Eventually, it can form a psuedo-lock with the Pickles combo of Brine Elemental + Vesuvan Shapeshifter, but that does more to delay the game than end it. To close things out, I have Craterhoof Behemoth and Biomass Mutation. I'm not thrilled with Biomass, since my critturs don't come with any form of evasion or trample, meaning I have to win on number of bodies, which isn't always possible. I would prefer something else in this slot, although it is a flexible spell, and has been used to survive some beefy attacks or damage-based//-X/-X board wipes.

One consideration I've add was to include an extra turn spell to recur with Den Protector, enabling infinite turns if I also have a Vesuvan Shapeshifter. Given the deck doesn't have a ton of tutoring, I don't know how reliable this plan will be, but an extra turn spell is basically never a waste, and the fact that I'm happy to cast it whenever, then recur it later means it doesn't sit dead until I'm ready for it.

In the maybe board, I'm considering replacing Ixidor and Vedalken Orrery. The former, because I never seem to activate him, and have had several games where he sat in my hand as I played other more relevant spells, and the latter, because it feels like it doesn't do enough alongside the other flash enablers. I'd rather have Tidal Barracuda or Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir here (would appreciate feedback on which to go with).

Debating replacing Equilibrium with Crystal Shard. On the one hand, Equilibrium can be used multiple times in a turn, and can be used offensively, but on the other I've often had situations where I want to bounce a creature of mine to recast it, but didn't have a creature to play. Shard removes one of the hoops to jump through for reusing morphed creatures, but it's an overall weaker card. In a similar vein, I'm considering Paradoxical Outcome. It can reset my used morphs, while also drawing cards, and can also protect my board from board wipes. That thinking had me also considering Evacuation, which will tend to hurt my opponents more than it will hurt me, but it doesn't remove problem creatures for long.

The other big debate I'm having is whether to replace Windgrace's Judgment with Assassin's Trophy. Judgment's 5 mana cost has been an issue on occasion, but being able to hit multiple targets has been valuable on others.

Besides those, the rest of the maybe board is a handful of cards I'm weighing to get some more value. Open to any suggestions for adds/cuts here.
Kadena's Slinking Surprises
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Post by yeti1069 » 3 years ago

Approximate Total Cost:

Making some changes. Overall these lower the mana curve a bit. Barracuda is a little easier to tutor for than Orrery, but is more fragile. Trying it out.

Paradoxical Outcome seems like it will be interesting as wrath protection, burst draw, and a way to reset my used morphs.

Time Warp has additional utility here as a possible infinite turn combo. Zendikar Resurgent has been good, but there are times when taking a turn to cast a 7 mana enchantment hurts. Plus, it draws a lot of ire.

Still want to see about getting Cryptolith Rite and/or Burgeoning in here, but not sure what I would cut. Additionally, wondering if I want some sac outlets to better mesh with Yedora.

Anyone have thoughts?

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Post by yeti1069 » 3 years ago

Had a solid game tonight. Played a little disruption after a slow start, but the Ayara, First of Lochthwain player had drained the table for almost 20 over the first several turns, and Jhoira, Weatherlight Captain seemed on the verge of storming off with a cost reducer and a scry enabler in play.

Ayara tried casting Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose, which I countered and stole with Kheru Spellsnatcher.
On my next turn, I cast the newly added Time Warp and dropped as many creatures as I could, putting me at 9 attackers on board for the following turn, including Vito. For turn 2, I swung at Jhoira with all 9, activated Vito for lifelink, then after blockers were declared cast Biomass Mutation for X = 5, dealing lethal to them, gaining 45 life, and sending 45 damage thanks to Vito at Ayara, who was at 42 to finish things off. Over all, felt like a solid game, though without too much interaction from the rest of the table.

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Post by yeti1069 » 2 years ago

So Yedora is ridiculous.

Without any support, it allows for the deck to attack with creatures with morph (face-up is better than face-down) with impunity, and for value. Not only does it reset your unmorphed crew, but it turns them into mana dorks that are safe from most wrath effects. I had a game where I just swung in with my team at blockers that would normally deter a bunch of 1/1s, 1/2s, and 2/2s to take out some planeswalkers, because having them die actually translates to ramp, and creature protection. Then, after the table got wise to how much value I was getting from my attackers dying, they basically all just became unblockable.

The question I have at this point, is whether to lean into the value here with further support in the form of 1-3 more cards that can tutor for Yedora, and 1-4 sac outlets. Phyrexian Altar or Ashnod's seem like the best inclusions here if I go this route, as the deck is soooo mana hungry, but I don't know that I'd want to be sacrificing my creatures outside of Yedora being on field ever except to avoid exile removal.

Anyone have any thoughts?

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Post by yeti1069 » 1 year ago

New card from The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle Earth:
Elvish Hymn - 3G

Enchantment (Rare)

You may look at the top card of your library at any time.

You may cast creature spells from the top of your library.

Creatures you control have "Tap: Add one mana of any color".
This is 100% going in! Probably replaces Vizier of the Menagerie. May also drop Cryptolith Rite with this added. Not sure if I want 2 copies of the effect.

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Post by yeti1069 » 10 months ago

Another new goody recently, this time from the Eldrazi Commander Legends deck:
This is better than any of the 4 mana: cast/ETB a creature, draw a card. With Kadena out, every morph cast will essentially draw us 3 cards!

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Post by Dragonlover » 10 months ago

Also, I checked elsewhere and Ugins Mastery lets you flip non-creatures face up, which is handy if you've manifested them. It's definitely going in my Glissa deck, along with Otharri.

All my decks are here

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Post by yeti1069 » 9 months ago

Dragonlover wrote:
10 months ago
Also, I checked elsewhere and Ugins Mastery lets you flip non-creatures face up, which is handy if you've manifested them. It's definitely going in my Glissa deck, along with Otharri.

Yeah. Going in for sure.

In other news, I'm at kind of an impasse with the deck. I only realized recently that [card="Leyline of Anticipation]flash[/card] + untappers essentially = Lighthouse Chronologist, which is bonkers. I'm trying to figure out whether I should/need to cut out all of one type of effect, or just go down on them.
Make Your Own Prophet of Kruphix
Approximate Total Cost:

The untappers work especially well with morph, allowing me to play control on each turn, while the flashers (heh) work especially well with Kadena, allowing me to play a free morph each turn for more card draw. The flash-lands I'll keep for certain, but I'm thinking I may have to drop some/all of the other flash enablers. This has the added benefit of making the deck a little more of a morph deck, and a little less of a Kadena value deck, which it has increasingly felt like, and that was my problem with Animar morphs--it felt like an Animar value deck, rather than a morph deck much of the time. For now I think I will also keep Vivien, both because it's additional value, and because it's often the easiest to deal with.

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Post by yeti1069 » 1 month ago

Got a game in and saw a bunch of the new cards.
Printlifter Ooze was the all-star! Came down early, and was making big blockers in the beginning to ward off attacks from dinos and wraiths. Later, it started making HUGE bodies (12/12 up to 18/18), and those ended up closing out the game.

Hide in Plain Sight has felt rather mediocre. I cast it early, and it cloaked 2 lands and drew me 2 cards. I suppose making 4 power across 2 creatures and drawing 2 is decent for 4 mana, but I wasn't thrilled, especially as a sorcery. Willing to try it in another game or two, but it probably gets the axe.

Panoptic Projektor I've seen a couple times already--the last time, I never had a moment where I felt like paying 4 for it was worthwhile. This game, I dropped it after ramping over a couple turns, and it immediately refunded itself by allowing me to drop my second morph for the turn for free. After that, the double triggers were pretty decent--Printlifter was making 2 huge bodies for every morph that turned face up. I had a few other morphs with relevant abilities (megamorph added an additional counter a few times, and Icefeather could have bounced 2 creatures for 3 mana for example), but they didn't come into play, except the next card...

Greenbelt Radical had come in for Craterhoof--a MAJOR downgrade in terms of closing the game, but more fair, and on theme. Well, it being on the field already was relevant, as my opponents were holding counterspells, but couldn't stop it. Could be flipped up at instant speed to mess up blocker math. Its trigger got copied by Panoptic to give everything +2/+2, which was, again, not a Hoof, but decent. Notably, I also had out Shapeshifter, and could copy its ability another 2 times basically for a total of +4/+4 if needed, which would have thrown combat math out the window for my opponents. I think if I were going for highest power here, Hoof would be the call, but it being on theme and a combat trick (albeit a pricey one) is giving it the slot for the time being.

Ultimately ended up attacking for well upwards of 120 damage when all was said and done, and had the ability to remove 2 blockers to push through additional damage if needed.

Again, flash was super-relevant, but being able to untap lands was more important. Should also be noted that one deck was basically playing group hug, and I kept removing/countering their ways to gain an advantage on that (Consecrated Sphinx, Wedding Ring, and something else), so they were just feeding everyone an additional 5 cards/turn cycle, and I was best able to capitalize on the additional cards.

I will say that Equilibrium felt a little underwhelming here--I just wasn't using it to its fullest potential. I reset a morph with another morph cast, then bounced Lord of the Nazgûl so it couldn't swing at me again (and they wouldn't have the mana to get up to 9 wraiths for the big trigger), but otherwise I hadn't used it much. The deck is just too mana-hungry to tax my spells by 1 a lot of the time, especially if I'm becoming archenemy and need to leave open a bunch of mana for interaction. Sometimes in the past it has been game-winning, but it feels bad at others.

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