Darigaaz: Old School Cool

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Post by Hawk » 4 years ago

As the "boogey-man" of my casual playgroup, I am always on the lookout to find a self-imposed challenge or restriction. A few weeks ago I decided to build a deck that truly embodied the history and heritage of this great format, with two restrictions.

1) All cards had to be printed (or at least have a printing) in the old pre-8th edition border.
2) That restriction can still lead to lots of degeneracy, misery, anti-social gameplay, and infinite durdling - after all, a lot of the most disgusting combo enablers of all time are pre-Mirrodin. So the deck needed to try to be as Sheldon intended the game to be played - slam fat dudes, whale on opponents.

For added difficulty, I wanted to build at least two colors (my collection isn't vast enough to make a monocolored list that can really swing in a 75% meta) and no more than three. I also was drawn to colors I don't already have a Commander in, although that was less important as this deck would be chewing up less of my dual land supplies. I spent a lot of time debating who to build - Hannah, Ship's Navigator, Ertai the Corrupted, and Rith, the Awakener were all in the mix at some point. But eventually, I decided that I wanted to go full nostalgia and that meant I needed GB. Why?

Well, my first ever "precon" and one of my favorite decks of all time was the Urza's Destiny "Fiendish Nature" deck. This deck was based on a simple, guiding principle:
Uses fast mana sources to power a horde of green uglies with attitude, while a touch of black regrowth keeps the hits coming.
The 90s-nness of that description aside, the deck was a joy. In particular, the line of play that made me fall in love with this game was Yavimaya Elder into Pattern of Rebirth into blocking with damage on the stack and then saccing to draw a card and get Ancient Silverback. So sick. So delicious. So much value. Even dumb 12-year old Hawk couldn't resist the value.

I didn't really want to build Vhati and don't own copies of any legends folks, so that left Darigaaz as my choice. It tickled me to have a true elder Dragon at the helm of my old-school brawler deck and red added a little more oomph and utility to a deck that was going to need it.
Darigaaz, The Spirit of EDH

Commander: 1

Generic Utility, Just Like Grandma Used to Make: 14

1 Void
Approximate Total Cost:

I'm totally open to suggestions as long as they keep those two main factors in mind, but really I'm posting this to document the journey of this deck. I also occasionally play Heroclix, and a poster over there named Thugit will occasionally post "battle logs" where he chronicles the victories and defeats of his favorite squads - he's happy to not win if, say, he can have Bane kill 100 Batmen or use the old-school Invaders to wrack up KOs win or lose. And that's what I'll be doing to - I will of course be thrilled to win with this deck but I don't expect it. A few "achievments" I'll be hoping to live and will document each game are...

- # times there was only one (games won)
- # Elder Dragon Highlander Victories (Players killed by Darigaaz)
- # Fools Ignited (Players dealt 5+ damage by a single trigger of Darigaaz's ability)
- # Dreams Lived (The Yavimaya Elder + Pattern of Rebirth love connection happened and ultimate value was achieved!)
- # Terminators Built (# of times I've had a creature get reanimated/regenerated/looped enough times to elicit a groan or frustrated "WHY WON'T YOU DIE!" from an opponent)

Tonight is the first tryout for the deck since my friend is in town for a conference - so expect the recap tomorrow!

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Post by benjameenbear » 4 years ago

I'm looking forward to your game report, honestly. Love the enthusiasm you've shared!

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Post by Hawk » 4 years ago

First game in the books! This one was a wild mess and I'm sure my memory will already be full of inaccuracies, but here we go.

Game #1 aka Night of the Living Death: Versus Karador, Ghost Chieftain, Varina, Lich Queen, Mirri, Weatherlight Duelist, and Ghave, Guru of Spores

See how much black there is in here, and how much potential for graveyard shenanigans? Yeah, buckle up.

We decided to play with the variant in Sheldon's recent article - The Monarch token starts at the center of the table, and first blood gets it. We did this before drawing, but it definitely made me thrilled with my opener of Carrion Feeder, Harrow, and lands (I also had Elvish Aberration and the currently not super-active Living Death). I was even more thrilled when I won the roll and got to play first, slamming down my feeder. No one else had a Turn 1 creature so I was able to draw first blood off of Karador and start the value train.

The game heat up from there - Karador's Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth brought Varina's Cabal Coffers online ahead of schedule and combined with a turn 3 Sol Ring to start powering out uglies - notably, she dropped Embalmer's Tools and started chipping away at everyone except Karador's libraries in equal measure and milled my Nekrataal. Ghave was a total budget deck but was still curving out Sporecrown Thallid into Crocanura. Mirri was a bit manascrewed and had only a Leonin Shikari. Karador used a Fleshbag Marauder and Yavimaya Elder to pull ahead and keep the board pruned back. I drew into Rampant Growth and Wood Elves to assist Harrow in ramping me far ahead. Blows were traded and the monarch popped between me, Varina, and Ghave. Karador got sick of it and fired off a low-value Living Death to get his two dudes back while wiping out the boards of everyone else, our first of the night (cue ominous music. Also, can you predict the winner from here?). I got some good value out of this, however, by saccing my meager board to Carrion Feeder in response and thus getting more ramp with Elves.

I decided to rebuild and reclaim the monarchy by activating the Fires of Yavimaya to light up my own Yavimaya Elder. Everyone else also quickly rebuilt; I followed up Elder with Tsabo Tavoc to start bullying folks and used Exhume to let everyone rebuild some. Varina thought that was so cool that she Vizier of Many Faces'd it. Then, the Karador player laid down Pernicous Deed. Everyone else (they're casuals, what can I say?) kept building up but not attacking him, and I was having none of it. I explained to the table I was going to force the issue and declared combat with my Tsabo and Elder (and something else? I remember saying "swing for 10" so maybe Wood Elves was in this mix?), and of course he fired off deed for 7 to wipe the board. That was fine for me, as I got to follow up with Darigaaz and a discounted Avatar of Woe in the second main.

Everyone else built up a bit more, but the real problem was that Karador slammed Kokusho, the Evening Star and now had a Volrath's Stronghold to reclaim it every turn. I didn't see any great options; I didn't want him to start chaining Kokusho but had no graveyard hate. After a few minutes in the tank I decided if you can't have victory have fun, so I sacced my entire board to Carrion Feeder, then cast my own Living Death. The board went nuts - remember, we'd all had a few things milled by Varina. Tons of triggers flew around, but when the dust settled I had the biggest board and a mess of lands in hand and on the table.

He sure enough brought back Kokusho on his upkeep and recast it :(. Then, Ghave decided to go off. She was frustrated that her board was so small and that every time her Shalai, Voice of Plenty came out it got eaten by Nekrataal or Avatar of Woe (fair enough!), so she went ahead, sacced a few guys to Ghave, and then cast Pyrrhic Revival. I sacced most of my board in response again, and at this point had looped Elder + Wood Elves so much that Wood Elves actually failed to find another basic forest in my deck. "Wow, those two did some work for you this game huh?" - I'll take that as my Terminator moment!

Karador was sort of archenemy at this point despite my and Ghave's large boards so we went out at him - he blocked some attacks with Kokusho but actually got smacked around enough that he couldn't afford to bring it back as he was too busy firing off removal spells to fend us all off. This proved a mistake, as it gave Varina a window to cast Geth, Lord of the Vault and steal his Kokusho. Varina followed this up with a Gray Merchant of Asphodel and suddenly I'm in the teens as is most everyone at the table, while Varina is at a cozy 90 life.

As a full disclosure at this point in the story, Varina is piloted by my wife who will wheel, deal, bargain, and manipulate to no end. So, I start looking at Avatar of Woeing her board and she asks if there's anything that will stop me. I say that if she leaves Kokusho, maybe, but honestly it's a problem no matter what. Still, I mostly give her a turn - she declines to take Kokusho and instead steals my Yavimaya Elder with Geth after slamming an Undead Alchemist (which I decline to kill at this moment more out of politeness than strategic sense). Karador's got nothing in the tank at this point, instead setting up a Spore Frog to try not to die. Ghave decides that she'd rather be second than try for first and spends her turn attacking me with a pumped Shalai to drop me to six - I don't Avatar that either as I've let Varina know I'm going to go all in to attack her or die trying. I help the Mirri player make some smarter moves (she was a friend who hadn't played MtG in a good two years) and then at the end of her turn, fire off Avatar of Woe on Geth.

I follow that up with Void for four, which kills a lot! It nails Varina, Alchemist, Undead Warchief (which kills a few more critters once the pump is gone as a few zombies still had -1/-1 counters from Revival), Karador's Oracle of Mul Daya, Shalai and a pile of dudes for Ghave...or would have, if Ghave didn't respond with Ready // Willing for indestructibility. Oh well, goal was to hammer Varina and Karador anyhow. I still don't have great attacks but Darigaaz swings in, connects, and I get to see a hand of...swamp and Go for the Throat for just one damage. I thought they had more cards, bummer. I also play Withered Wretch (my topdeck for the turn) and exile Kokusho once and for all.

Varina is wounded enough that even though I'm at 6 and she's at 80-some, she can't kill me now - I was able to leave Undead Gladiator, Spiritmonger, and the Wretch back for defense. Karador also has nothing, not now that his Kokusho is toast and he's at like 9 or 10.

So Ghave is up. She agonizes over her turn, initially saying she passes (we all riot at that), then saying she's going to just attack Varina for 5. We all point out that it's been like two hours at this point and Varina is at 80, so Karador really ought to either go ham on Varina (she's holding back a few fatties including a Mortician Beetle that has swollen to like 33/33 at this point), or start picking folks off. I worn her that I'm likely to keep pressuring her too since her board is huge (I think somewhere in here I also killed Shalai for the sixth time before she got to untap) but that I'll make her pay if she swings at me. She does so anyhow, and I have no good way to live so I achieve flavor perfection with a Reckless Spite to take her Hundred-Handed One and Sporecrown Thallid (which she needed for her "engine" alongside Ghave and Crocanura) and go to 1, then die.

Fortunately I didn't have to sit long - Mirri takes a half-hearted and easily chump-blocked swing at Karador mostly to keep her Mirri tapped, and then on her turn Varina topdecks Living Death #3, sacs her board to Ashnod's Altar, brings it back, and deals everyone 28 damage with Gray Merchant + Vizier copying Merchant. GGs.

- # times there was only one (games won): 0
- # Elder Dragon Highlander Victories (Players killed by Darigaaz): 0
- # Fools Ignited (Players dealt 5+ damage by a single trigger of Darigaaz's ability): 0
- # Dreams Lived (The Yavimaya Elder + Pattern of Rebirth love connection happened and ultimate value was achieved!): 0
- # Terminators Built (# of times I've had a creature get reanimated/regenerated/looped enough times to elicit a groan or frustrated "WHY WON'T YOU DIE!" from an opponent): 1

Running Tally (approx) of damage dealt with Darigaaz's trigger: 3 (womp womp)
Final Thoughts
- Living Death is preetttty good.

- I and my playgroup clearly aren't playing nearly enough graveyard hate. Suggestions for this deck, seeing as I can't use Bojuka Bog, Scavenging Ooze, Nihil Spellbomb or Relic of Progenitus and would suffer as much as my opponents from Planar Void?

- I was definitely struggling to keep up especially in the endgame and without a few extra cards from the Monarchy probably would have been dead. I did draw Reclamation, but at that point was at like 22 and quickly dropped to 12 after casting it. I am thinking of adding more "value engines" - maybe Tortured Existence?

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Post by benjameenbear » 4 years ago

Carrion Beetles has the old-school art I believe and nukes cards at instant speed. Decompose is another 'yard effect, but is a one-shot effect. Ebony Charm has some utility to its 'yard nuking ability. Mortiphobia is another 'yard hate piece that can be done at instant speed. Night Soil could be good for you as well. Withered Wretch is the last suggestion I can think of.

Excellent game report, btw. I love reading these kind of stories!

Scion of Darkness could be an interesting way to fill a 'yard hate gap while also being a powerful Reanimation target as well.

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Post by OCPunisher » 4 years ago

I also love this idea, and I would take you on with a Dromar deck featuring all the Invasion-block goodies I still have from when I was a little kid and had to sell my soul for Absorbs and Undermines at Gen-Con in Milwaukee. Thanks for the trip down memory lane!
A deck for every color: Rakdos | Lord | Heliod | Yeva | Tetsuko | Scarab | Kykar | Kozz | Athreos | Haldan/Pako

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Post by weltkrieg » 4 years ago

Deck looks solid, but a couple of good old school removal choices in savage twister, decimate, and pernicious deed seem pretty good. Additional card draw in Phyrexian arena also seems a great idea since the deck isn't the fastest. How about hell's caretaker since since recurring nightmare is unfortunately banned.

Also, regrowth?

Other than that, I think that a little bit more explosiveness couldn't hurt. Aggravated assault, gratuitous violence, relentless assault, and seize the day all seem pretty good with your general and /or just your plan.

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Post by Hawk » 4 years ago

benjameenbear wrote:
4 years ago
Carrion Beetles has the old-school art I believe and nukes cards at instant speed. Decompose is another 'yard effect, but is a one-shot effect. Ebony Charm has some utility to its 'yard nuking ability. Mortiphobia is another 'yard hate piece that can be done at instant speed. Night Soil could be good for you as well. Withered Wretch is the last suggestion I can think of.

Excellent game report, btw. I love reading these kind of stories!

Scion of Darkness could be an interesting way to fill a 'yard hate gap while also being a powerful Reanimation target as well.
Thanks! I think I have a copy of Carrion Beetles and/or Night Soil kicking around so I'm going to see about subbing them in. I'm not super into one-shot effects. I know I have Mortiphobia too but it feels so slooooow.

Hoping to have another few games this week!
weltkrieg wrote:
4 years ago
Deck looks solid, but a couple of good old school removal choices in savage twister, decimate, and pernicious deed seem pretty good. Additional card draw in Phyrexian arena also seems a great idea since the deck isn't the fastest. How about hell's caretaker since since recurring nightmare is unfortunately banned.

Also, regrowth?

Other than that, I think that a little bit more explosiveness couldn't hurt. Aggravated assault, gratuitous violence, relentless assault, and seize the day all seem pretty good with your general and /or just your plan.
All good callouts! To go down the list in order...

Savage Twister: I'm not sold on it - I like Starstorm better and if I was going to add another wipe effect would likely look at Wildfire or Earthquake.

Decimate: On my "acquireboard" but not high on the list; in my meta this can get stranded in hand a little too often I fear.

Pernicious Deed: At the tippy-top of my acquire board. Was the highest thing on my list until you posted, actually. I recognize it's amazing and I need it. Now that it's down to like $3 I might grab one.

Phyrexian Arena: All 3 or 4 of my copies are in use although I may see about stripping one out of my wife's Grusilda deck as we don't really play with it anymore or dropping it out of Doran since the deck has other ways to grind card advantage. I would have to pry the other two from Mirri and Varina with a crowbar, but Doran and Grusilda could probably live without it for a while. Now to remember which of those decks have the original Apocalypse version and which have the 8th edition and Conspiracy ones...

Regrowth: I should add this. I don't have it in the original border is one of the few problems.

Hell's Caretaker: Now THIS is at the top of my acquire-board especially since it's just a buck. I had forgotten it existed and it's like perfect.

The extra violence cards: I am going to add Seize the Day to this deck's huge maybeboard as something to test. I hadn't thought about it but in my first game I did have a ton of mana and this would pave the way for more great attacks.

Thanks for the tips!
OCPunisher wrote:
4 years ago
I also love this idea, and I would take you on with a Dromar deck featuring all the Invasion-block goodies I still have from when I was a little kid and had to sell my soul for Absorbs and Undermines at Gen-Con in Milwaukee. Thanks for the trip down memory lane!
That'd be a blast! It was a fun challenge for sure :)

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Post by weltkrieg » 4 years ago

I understand that you like starstorm, but I do believe that (unless you're trying to burn opponents out) that savage twister is better than either of the cards you said you preferred. Like starstorm, it scales with the game (and you generate a lot of mana). Unlike wildfire, it doesn't make you a table full of enemies (probably....) and it hits fliers too (unlike earthquake).

You might consider a decree of pain as well since you don't have damnation (though mutilate was in torment, so that is an option).

Failing that, I noticed that you do run some interesting beef. However, I worry that a couple of them won't impact the game well enough for the mana cost. For example, sengir vampire is a great card, but a 5 mana 4/4 flier seems weak, even with your restrictions. Why not run vampiric dragon or shivan hellkite if you want that sort of effect? Mainly, I think you need slightly bigger beef to finish off a multitude of opponents with 40 life each, preferably with abilities attached.

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Post by Hawk » 4 years ago

weltkrieg wrote:
4 years ago
I understand that you like starstorm, but I do believe that (unless you're trying to burn opponents out) that savage twister is better than either of the cards you said you preferred. Like starstorm, it scales with the game (and you generate a lot of mana). Unlike wildfire, it doesn't make you a table full of enemies (probably....) and it hits fliers too (unlike earthquake).

You might consider a decree of pain as well since you don't have damnation (though mutilate was in torment, so that is an option).

Failing that, I noticed that you do run some interesting beef. However, I worry that a couple of them won't impact the game well enough for the mana cost. For example, sengir vampire is a great card, but a 5 mana 4/4 flier seems weak, even with your restrictions. Why not run vampiric dragon or shivan hellkite if you want that sort of effect? Mainly, I think you need slightly bigger beef to finish off a multitude of opponents with 40 life each, preferably with abilities attached.
Fair point! I will watch my sweeper effects after more testing tonight. I do own Savage Twister and Decree of Pain with new frames as well as Mutilate with the original frame, so they're all options, and you are probably right that if I love Starstorm, Twister is the next best card since it's a slightly easier to cast (for my deck at least), sorcery speed 'storm without the cycling.

You are also almost assuredly right about Sengir Vampire, but I have that sweet foil printing from the Beatdown Box that I'm nostagically attached too. Phyrexian Plaguelord (new printing sadly), Vampiric Dragon, Symbiotic Wurm, Laquatus's Champion, and Rorix Bladewing are all patiently waiting to steal his slot but I want to at least cast him and see how he does.

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Post by Hawk » 4 years ago

Had game #2 last night, but it barely warrants a wrap-up. Still, duty calls.

Game #2 - Advanced Calculus with your host and teacher Count Von Coun...I mean, Varina:
(Versus Varina, Lich Queen, Ghave, Guru of Spores, and Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow)

We agreed to, as best we could, play "no politics" - no wheeling, dealing, begging, pleading, trading, or bullying. Clean, tournament Magic. It was tough to stick too - it's surprising what a reflex it is to say "that card isn't a threat!" or "are you sure you wanna do that? *glares and shuffles hand*", but it was a different pace of game for sure. Darigaaz proved himself twice-blessed and won to play first, too!

We also allowed partial mulligans since we were all lazy, and I partial mulliganed into a very mediocre hand of Fellwar Stone, Worn Powerstone, two swamps, Shivan Wurm, and a pair of reanimation spells that were quickly made three and joined by Exhume. I thought the 'stone would be fine, but Ghave rudely missed her first few forests and I failed to find land. Yuriko was in worse shape, stuck on two swamps to stymie the otherwise deadly Ornithopter opener. That allowed Varina to take over the game, as she opened on Sol Ring, and quickly found a Cabal Coffers and a Rhystic study to gain incredible mana and card advantage.

The deck ended up doing little - I eventually drew into Sol Ring and then Forest and finally Mountain. I cast Darigaaz and tried to swing at Varina but instantly ate a Go for the Throat. I got a Wall of Blossoms and sacced it to Diabolic Intent to go get Wood Elves, which felt bad but I was so constrained on colored sources that I needed too - Ghave literally never found a forest and relied entirely on Golgari Signet + Golgari Keyrune for her green mana all game. I was able to loop elves a few times with the Wurm, and the Wurm got to crack in at Yuriko and Varina once or twice, but mostly I was stuck with a ton of mana but not enough colored sources, and a hand full of reanimator spells (eventually 4) with only Wall of Blossoms as a target. I tried a Void to reset some of the carnage, but it ate a Swan Song.

Eventually we all got low - Yuriko managed to get a Xenograft-assisted attack out and hit us all for 12 after revealing Commit // Memory and a counterspell and I'd been pecked away at by Ghave's Blood Artist triggers and Varina's Plague Belcher triggers. Varina was playing cautiously, waiting until right before her turn to slowly assemble a token army with Crypt Breaker, Lich Lord of Unx, and Varina, but she used that moment as her opportunity. She spent like 25 minutes doing math before assembling a turn of lethal damage on all three opponents thanks to a combination of attacks, Archfiend of Ifnir triggers, Vengeful Dead triggers caused by the flow of dead zombies that Ghave's Dictate of Erebos caused in response to Ifnir, and then a few Lich Lord activations for final measure. I interferred with her math as best I could by allowing Darigaaz to go to the 'yard during the meat grinder and then using Cauldron Dance to bring him back for a surprise block, but it was a futile gesture as the 'lord killed me anyhow.
The Tally wrote: - # times there was only one (games won): 0
- # Elder Dragon Highlander Victories (Players killed by Darigaaz): 0
- # Fools Ignited (Players dealt 5+ damage by a single trigger of Darigaaz's ability): 0
- # Dreams Lived (The Yavimaya Elder + Pattern of Rebirth love connection happened and ultimate value was achieved!): 0
- # Terminators Built (# of times I've had a creature get reanimated/regenerated/looped enough times to elicit a groan or frustrated "WHY WON'T YOU DIE!" from an opponent): 2 (I'm going to count the frustrated "if you're wondering if he's already done that thing with his Elf, the answer is YES" as a moment even though it came from gating it repeatedly and not reanimating it. Take what you can get, kids!)

Running Tally (approx) of damage dealt with Darigaaz's trigger: 3 (insert even sadder trombone sounds here)
Final Thoughts:
- My wife the master politician is almost scarier when she decides to duel in silence and go deep in the tank than she is when she is wheeling and dealing.

- I definitely felt like I brought a club to a rocket launcher fight; this ol' thing just couldn't keep up with the infinite value of modern Commander lists (even my sister-in-law's wildly undertuned Ghave list was generating more value). I'm not giving up, but that does mean it is time for our first round of ch-ch-changes! I hate to cut stuff after two games, but in this case I've felt so far off the power curve that I want to act.

- Artifact Mutation, Do or Die, Sengir Vampire: I haven't drawn these, but I have decided that my list can't afford narrow, cutesy answers or fondly remembered but subpar beef, especially if they are also non-creature answers and thus can't be looped by gating cards or reanimator spells.

- Thran Dynamo: Two games in and I've ended the game with access to 15+ mana and very little to do with it. This is the weakest ramp card in the list, and is easily cut.

- Life // Death, Cauldron Dance: I've had several games now with too many reanimation effects and not enough targets. These are the two weakest such effects in my list, and are also easy cuts.

- Phyrexian Reclamation: My deck has many ways to spend life and very few ways to regain it. This was a dead draw in game 1 even with a reasonably stocked 'yard of value creatures. I think I want a different "value engine" enchantment, and after seeing how great Undead Gladiator was in game 1 at slowly grinding a better hand into existence, have looked to Pauper for an answer...

- Savage Twister: I decided that even with as spotty as it can be, Void is good enough that I really wanted a third Wipe. Twister gets the nod here over Mutilate, Decree of Pain, Earthquake/Rolling Earthquake, and Wildfire - for now, at least.

- Phyrexian Plaguelord, Thicket Elemental, Carrion Beetles: A few more creatures of varying sizes that have some additional utility.

- Greater Good, Tortured Existence: More and more powerful value engines seem crucial for this deck's survival.

- Regrowth: because sometimes you just need to rebuy Living Death or Harrow or Startstorm or Void or...

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Post by Hawk » 4 years ago

Game #3: Reflections: versus Nath of the Gilt-Leaf, Xira Arien, and Sevinne, the Chronoclasm

Some new decks from the same players tonight shook things up a bit. I hadn't actually made any of the changes I mentioned above yet - I got annoyed that I couldn't find my copy of Regrowth and apparently no longer own any Carrion Beetles, and just didn't do it. So, this game became a chance for a "last hurrah" on a few of those first cute fun cards. I kept a slow but solid-looking hand of Wall of Blossoms, Shivan Wurm, Explosive Vegetation, and a pile of lands. Nath was first and everyone spent the first few turns playing solitaire and building walls - a Pramikon, the Sky Rampart out of Sevinne curbed early aggression as did my Wall of Blossoms and Xira's Hornet Nest, and Nath (the most aggressive list) was more concerned with slamming value enchantments like Waste Not and Fecundity than slamming an elven horde. I slammed Shivan Wurm eventually, as it became apparent Sevinne and Nath were getting too powerful - Nath developed a Beast Whisperer followed by Lys Alana Huntmaster and Immaculate Magistrate and Sevinne dropped a Scaretiller that got to pick on Nath while starting to loop Myriad Landscape all while fixing his hand with Oona's Grace, meaning they were both pulling far ahead. My own Innocent Blood pruned the board back and killed Pramikon ( at this point Sevinne controlled its commander and wanted to keep it), but Shivan Wurm smacked into Sevinne anyhow even though my targets were wide open. Sengir Vampire joined the party (yay!) and then Darigaaz to threaten even more brutal damage.

Then the game went nuts. Nath cast Mana Reflection and started to chain off, and then Sevinne used Clever Impersonator to copy it. Xira Arien tried to use Pestilence (comboed with Broodhatch Nantuko and Swarmyard) to pick off elves while generating incremental value thanks to Fecundity, but she was color-constrained to just two black and her ability to stop the elf train was curbed by Nath's next turn having Vanquisher's Banner and Heritage Druid. Nath showed restraint, as it was probably possible to infinite here, instead keeping it to "just" getting around a dozen elves on the table. Sevinne joined the infinite fun by dropping Elsha of the Infinite, and tried to close the door with a Ray of Distortion on Nath's mana reflection.

I was drawing dead at this point - my hand had a Life // Death with only Wall of Blossoms and Carrion Feeder as targets, and cycling lands only drew more lands. I tried to swing in for a huge 17 at Sevinne, but Darigaaz ate a Leadership Vacuum to keep the damage to 9. At this point I'd man-handled Sevinne pretty well and at least he was at 16. Nath took the opportunity to pounce as vengeance for killing her mana reflection, using some Wirewood Lodge trickery to ensure lethal damage alongside Immaculate Magistrate and a few token attackers. She developed an even larger board, but still kept it back. I tried once more to swing in with Darigaaz but now he got nailed by Go for the Throat. Xira was so tight on mana that she effectively wasn't playing, and Nath took her next turn to do the same Immaculate Lodge trickery and lethal me down form 26 to 0. A Reclamation Sage from her took out Pestilence, and it turned out her restraint payed off. Xira untapped, showed the Rakdos Charm for 20 while Nath was still on 32, and scooped it up.
The Tally wrote:- # times there was only one (games won): 0
- # Elder Dragon Highlander Victories (Players killed by Darigaaz): 0
- # Fools Ignited (Players dealt 5+ damage by a single trigger of Darigaaz's ability): 0
- # Dreams Lived (The Yavimaya Elder + Pattern of Rebirth love connection happened and ultimate value was achieved!): 0
- # Terminators Built (# of times I've had a creature get reanimated/regenerated/looped enough times to elicit a groan or frustrated "WHY WON'T YOU DIE!" from an opponent): 2 (picking up Wall of Blossoms once wasn't much of a #valuetrain)

Running Tally (approx) of damage dealt with Darigaaz's trigger: 3 (insert laugh track here. )
Final Thoughts:
- I am glad Sengir got one last ride before retirement!

- I "did" more in this game than in any other, smacking Sevinne for 24 damage over the course of the game and avoiding being first one out, but was never really "in it" with the vast resource generation I was up against.

- It's really hard to help Darigaaz do anything in a world without Boots :(.

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Post by Hawk » 4 years ago

Final? Update: Life POWERCREEP Has Killed The Dream I Dreamed

I've logged a few games since my last post, and have forgotten too much to full recap, even with two of them being in the last week or so of heavy Holiday play. One game was a bust, with an early Anowon, the Ruin Sage getting powered out by Sol Ring and oppressing the table into oblivion (I was also flooded). I did land Penumbra Wurm to fight the abyss and protect Tsabo Tavoc, but the Jenara player's Blind Obedience made it impossible to mount a real defense against the vampiric hordes and I died shortly thereafter with my final defense being too little, too late.

The other two games had a similar shape, in that I was able to play a relatively early Living Death that brought back Krosan Tusker, Boneshredder, and some other fatty while effectively Wrathing the table. This early power play got a big fat target painted on me, and then I ran out of gas and ended up getting overwhelmed because my fairly linear deck was fighting against exponential, quadratic resource generation. Even the additions mentioned a few updates ago weren't enough.

I can say that in those games the Tally would get no updates - three more games, and we've had zero wins, zero Darigaaz kills, zero fools ignited, zero dreams lived, and no more terminators built.
The Tally wrote: - # times there was only one (games won): 0
- # Elder Dragon Highlander Victories (Players killed by Darigaaz): 0
- # Fools Ignited (Players dealt 5+ damage by a single trigger of Darigaaz's ability): 0
- # Dreams Lived (The Yavimaya Elder + Pattern of Rebirth love connection happened and ultimate value was achieved!): 0
- # Terminators Built (# of times I've had a creature get reanimated/regenerated/looped enough times to elicit a groan or frustrated "WHY WON'T YOU DIE!" from an opponent): 2 (picking up Wall of Blossoms once wasn't much of a #valuetrain)

Running Tally (approx) of damage dealt with Darigaaz's trigger: 3 (insert laugh track here. )
And so, I think Darigaaz comes to an end. I am sure there is a way to make an all old-school deck compete with the infinite value of today, but it requires either a budget I can't afford (Survival of the Fittest and a boatload of tutors) or tactics I can't engage in in my playgroup (mass LD, Stax). I'll keep the list around a bit longer, but ultimately, the dream is dead :(.

If I do keep playing, a few things on my radar:

- MORE INTERACTION. I feel I'm running the best of it, but my slow lumbering brute deck definitely needs more ways to kill stuff. Sweepers in particular would be helpful. Suggestions?

- Void has been dead a lot, and is not the kind of sweeper this deck wants. At least in one game it was threatening enough to eat a counterspell? But in general, it isn't saving me especially since in my meta I'd much rather hit enchantments - I honestly suspect Tranquility would be more powerful for my current environment.

- Chainer is also up for cuts; BBB is surprisingly hard to muster for my list, and the 3 life is a real cost in a deck that tends to take early blows and has no lifegain.

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Post by weltkrieg » 4 years ago

Hello Hawk. I hope this isn't considered a thread necro, but I finally came up with a list I will be playing in my playgroup. Ever since you came up with your own list, I have been itching to try it myself.

My own rules:
1. Every card in here this deck is in a pre-8th edition card border. Preferably, it is all black bordered, but this is not completely realistic.
2. For the most part, I don't run the "usual good stuff." No demonic tutors, survival of the fittest, cabal coffers, etc. I do run sol ring and some powerful mana rocks, but they aren't particularly expensive and I don't run mox diamond, et al even though I do have them all.
3. I tried to keep to your theme a little bit, but am angling on removal even over what you did. I cannot match the raw card draw power of more modern decks even though necropotence was a thing, but card recursion will often bring home games where card draw won't.

Darigaaz, Old School Cool, round 2
Approximate Total Cost:

Some cards may be sub-optimal. I mean, of course they are. This is an old school decklist. However, I have lots of removal (emphasis on *LOTS*) and I want to see how these play out. Primitive Etchings would probably prefer to be Phyrexian Arena or Elfhame Sanctuary since I don't have a huge creature density (only 22 vs. 40+), but I would like to see how it plays. Preferred selection promises to be pretty good, though. Masticore has a huge upkeep cost, but should allow me to very quickly machine gun down a lot of utility guys midgame, preferably the cheap fliers that could block my 2 hit general.

I am trying glasses of urza and revelation as information is king in this kind of deck. There is also a little bit of synergy with the general, allowing me to get extra damage in.

I will let you know how it plays!

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Post by Inkeyes22 » 3 years ago

First off thank you for typing up the game report. It was a lot of fun to read and remember.

I have really been missing playing EDH in person. I have thought of rebuilding my Chromium deck using only cards printed prior to 2007. It was a different world back then. I do have a Dakkon Blackblade again, but it is more "perfect weapon"/blacksmith themed rather than old school deck. My Dromar, the Banisher deck was awesome way back when too. Next time I am in town we should try and get in some themed games.

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Post by weltkrieg » 3 years ago

Time for a quick report. I took Darigaaz out the other night for a quick spin. I was facing off against

Kelsien, the Plague (deathtouch pinger as a commander)
Niv-Mizzet, Parun (spellslinger)
Heliod, God of the Sun (mono white cycling/astral slide)

I opened with 5 lands, spirit monger, and diligent farmhand. I then proceeded to draw in order: 5 lands, starstorm, 4 lands, elven cache, savage twister, glasses of urza, revelation, and my final draw of note was decree of pain.

To be fair, the most significant play of the game was by heliod dropping an Opalescence . Thanks to that, I blew up creatures and global enchantments repeatedly.

Long story short, I didn't miss a land drop, blew up the board 4 times by myself, took out the mono white player (far more difficult than you think), made kelsien's life absolutely miserable (turns out regenerate is obnoxious for modern removal to deal with that isn't exile), and then proceeded to lose in spectacular fashion to niv mizzet going off.

Things I learned:

1. Shuffling well is my friend. I don't need to have 15+ mana naturally....
2. Regeneration isn't a bad tactic in this day and age. I have 3 creatures in the deck that do it as a side note and it was beautiful to watchthe kelsien
player cussing at me because of the difficulty of killing spirit monger.
3. Haste is a must. If I had haste, I would have finished off all 3 players, but my general could never survive the turn cycle (due to kelsien mostly).

Cuts: Thunderscape battlemage (love the card, but not enough utility)
primitive etchings (not enough creatures to trigger it reliably)
elvish pioneer (not a bad card, but a bad topdeck late game)

Fervor (when I locate a Weatherlight version)
Phyrexian Arena (possibly. My necropotence is likewise an option).

I need to playtest a lot more, but my impression for a first time out was that the deck can hang well in modern meta even with just the older "weaker" cards.

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