[Off-Topic] Community Chat Thread

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Post by cryogen » 5 years ago

Welcome to the Community Chat Thread! Kick back, strike up conversation, and get to know your fellow Nexus members. Feel free to chat about almost anything you wish, but keep the following guidelines in mind:

1. Remember that not everyone shares your sense of humor or your opinions so be mindful of how you might sound to an outsider.
2. Tread lightly around hot topics, namely religion and politics. These aren't precicely off-limits, but this isn't a debate forum.
3. Please refrain from excessive spam.
4. M:tG topics that are better suited for a dedicated thread should preferably be posted in that thread (or have a thread made). For example, "wow I'm really hyped for this new set" is fine, but "wow let's talk about all the new cards in this upcoming set" should get its own thread.
5. Keep posts PG-13 (and better yet, PG). Do not discuss things that are graphic or sexual in nature.
6. Have fun!
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Post by Jivanmukta » 5 years ago

What's going on in this thread?

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Post by cryogen » 5 years ago

Well this is going to be a pretty exciting time for me, seeing a startup site in action.

Since I haven't really talked about myself in a long time, introductions are in order. My name is Mike, and I live in Maryland (United States) along with my wife, daughters, cats, and chickens. I've been playing Commander since early 2011, so just long enough to properly know it as EDH. I generally like to build more laid back decks, even if they include broken or powerful cards. I've also got a Commander cube that I don't draft nearly enough.
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Post by Gaea's Regent » 5 years ago

Hola. Your friendly neighborhood Gaea's Regent reporting.

I have a modest Twitter account and a YouTube channel with less views than the amount of new players Legacy gets each year.

I'm also known as ( G_R ) in the deep MTG web. XD

I'm glad to have the opportunity to reconnect with some old friends, I hope many come.

Congrats on the interface, Feyd, looks really nice. 👍🏼

Edit: Did this get moved to Commander or did I wander here by mistake? :thinking:
From Gaea grew the world, and the world was silent. From Gaea grew the world’s elves, and the world was silent no more. —Elvish teaching

:) :) :) :) :halo: :cussing: :cussing: :cussing: :halo: :) :cussing: :) :) :halo: :) :cussing:

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Post by cryogen » 5 years ago

Gaea's Regent wrote:
5 years ago
Hola. Your friendly neighborhood Gaea's Regent reporting.

I have a modest Twitter account and a YouTube channel with less views than the amount of new players Legacy gets each year.

I'm also known as ( G_R ) in the deep MTG web. XD

I'm glad to have the opportunity to reconnect with some old friends, I hope many come.

Congrats on the interface, Feyd, looks really nice. 👍🏼

Edit: Did this get moved to Commander or did I wander here by mistake? :thinking:
Hi GR. Hopefully you guys enjoy the new site and let the past be in the past. (I mean that sincerely, I never had a beef with you.)
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Post by tstorm823 » 5 years ago


I'm Thomas, though I'm certainly tstorm823 to anybody here who has seen me before, and when I'm President of the United States, I will hang a portrait of Zedruu the Greathearted in the Oval Office.

Side note, just playing with the preview as this is my first post on here, and I must say, the rollover card image popup is silky smooth.
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Post by Jivanmukta » 5 years ago

Greetings friends old and new. The Spirit of EDH here. Vorthos Spike and all around swell guy.

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Post by Hermes_ » 5 years ago

hi losers :P
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Post by SocorroTortoise » 5 years ago

New forum, new intros?

I'm Chris. I live San Diego, CA and have been playing EDH since 2009 or 2010. I was Weebo on MTGS but I'm bringing my username in line with what I've been using on other platforms for a while, mostly because "weeb" and variants have picked up some new meanings since I've been active on the internet.

It's going to take a hot minute to get used to the new forum.
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Post by Hermes_ » 5 years ago

I'm Hermes_ and i'm an..wait that isn't right..I'm Hermes_ and I enjoy long...wait no that's not it either...I'm hermes_ but i also go by trappedslider on the mtgcommander site. I've been playing regularly since m10 came out. I plan to keep the play group master list going here starting fresh with it.
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Post by rujasu » 5 years ago

Hi everyone! I'm Rujasu, I play all sorts of MTG. You may remember me as a former Standard/Limited mod at MTGS, back when I was on the PTQ grind. These days I don't have as much time for that, I still hit the big tourneys every now and then for a nice 0-2 drop, but these days I play more EDH with friends. Having decks that don't rotate out or fall out of the meta is kinda nice even if multiplayer games do make my head hurt sometimes. :)

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Post by toctheyounger » 5 years ago

I'm Dale, I have trouble deciding on user names, so I stuck with the Malazan inspired name I went with on Salvation. He's a one eyed archer/assassin that gets tortured to death, reincarnated in a different body, killed and skinned, and ends up as herald to the god of death. We have nothing in common, I just like the dude.

I've been a nerd for MtG since I was 13, and I'm now 35. Missed a few years in between, but my love for the game has only grown since discovering EDH about 5 years ago. It's a beautiful format and I love it.

Very much happy with the formatting here and some of the cool new coding options we have here, so hat thoroughly tipped to Feyd, Jivan, Airi, Cryo and all others working behind the scenes to make this place a beautiful new home, you guys are the best.
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Post by Toshi » 5 years ago

Well, hi!

I'm Luke, 30 and an EDH aficionado ever since 2012. Initially i started playing MTG in 2002, but went on hiatus back in 2008. I went by the same alias on MTGS, but some know me as "Toshi" for a german nerd podcast i'm involved with as well as the small twitter acc that comes with it.
In RL i'm studying to become a bilingual primary teacher (maths, history). In my spare time i'm an avid MTB rider and work with disabled people as a volunteer.
As far as EDH goes, i'd consider myself a Johnny/Melvin. I'm curating 16 EDH decks at the moment and i'll migrate them to Nexus soon-ish.

Glad to see a few familiar faces already!

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Post by plushpenguin » 5 years ago

I hail from San Diego and sometimes I am seen in the Los Angeles region too. I specialize in optimized EDH decks that use cards that are powerful yet sometimes also extremely unconventional to good effect.

My time is limited due to the Ph.D program but that simply forces me to make time for these matters.

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Post by TwentySeven » 5 years ago

Hey all! I've been playing MTG for right around 9 years now, and mostly EDH for the last 4 of those with some drafting mixed in.
I followed MTGSal for a while, but never got around to making an account. A new site seemed like the perfect opportunity to actually be active, so here I am! Looking forward to the journey!
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Post by kraus911 » 5 years ago

My name is David, Portland OR, been playing since 2011 though I'm old enough to remember seeing people playing MTG in my college dorm when the game first came out. Since I started playing older I'm more into the social aspect of the game, enjoy seeing clever plays or novel interactions more than winning myself. My first EDH game ever I threw my cards all over the table while trying to shuffle new sleeves. Second game I got wrathed five times. Third someone cast Armageddon turn five but I stuck it out for the following two hour grind and learned a lot about resource management as I held back and took out the last player after he'd gone through a removal war with another player. Love this damn game.

Super grateful to the crew doing this website because community is everything.

Current favorite format is EDH cube as it takes the money and arms race aspects out of the game.

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Post by cryogen » 5 years ago

TwentySeven wrote:
5 years ago
Hey all! I've been playing MTG for right around 9 years now, and mostly EDH for the last 4 of those with some drafting mixed in.
I followed MTGSal for a while, but never got around to making an account. A new site seemed like the perfect opportunity to actually be active, so here I am! Looking forward to the journey!
That's awesome! Welcome to the family.
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Post by Dragonlover » 5 years ago

I'm Dragonlover, I've been playing Magic since Planeshift and EDH since Scars. I'm mostly a Timmy, but I'll happily play good cards if they fit the deck, I really try and aim for that "build casually play competitively" mentality. I'm also addicted to putting morph cards in decks, I think it might be my favourite mechanic.

I'm also an almost automatic lurker, but I'm gonna try and make sure I actually post, hopefully I'll even manage it. Got my deck lists up at least, not sure how I feel about the software auto arranging the sections yet.


All my decks are here

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Post by RxPhantom » 5 years ago

Hey all, I'm RxPhantom. Real name is Aaron. I live in Maryland with my wife, daughter, and dog. I've been playing since Ice Age, but I've taken long breaks from the game. I got back into MtG in 2011, just in time for New Phyrexia and M12. I discovered EDH/Commander soon after, and it's largely responsible for my enduring love of the game.

The screen name comes from my being a pharmacist, and a pharmacy technician before that. I used the generic 'Phantom' tag years ago playing the first Halo with friends on the original X-Box. Since that was obviously taken when X-Box Live came around, I put the 'Rx' in front of it, and it's stuck ever since.

Another fun fact: I wouldn't have become a pharmacist without having played Metal Gear Solid.

Anyway, I'm happy to be here.
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Post by TheAmericanSpirit » 5 years ago

Huzzah! Our new home is so clean and fresh. Now then, let's begin the good work! Imma gonna build me a stax primer...
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Post by SocorroTortoise » 5 years ago

TheAmericanSpirit wrote:
5 years ago
Huzzah! Our new home is so clean and fresh. Now then, let's begin the good work! Imma gonna build me a stax primer...
Planning on building off of Phil's old one or starting fresh?
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Post by TheAmericanSpirit » 5 years ago

Obviously I must give credit where due; Phil is the OG stax god. I'll include a link to his work in the intro to mine. However, I'll aim to be slightly more comprehensive and continuously updated than Phil's.

Give me a few months and I'll be happy to throw it unto the forum dogs so that they may feast upon it. I may be a forum heel, but I'm gonna be an informative heel, %$#%$#% it.
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Post by SocorroTortoise » 5 years ago

Good plan. Phil's was a great resource but it hadn't been updated in years (which makes sense because Phil hadn't been online in years as far as I know). We could use a fresh one.

[mention]cryogen[/mention], what's the best way to ask questions about existing and future BBCode functionality (thread in community, other location, etc)? It makes more sense to do it on this forum rather than the thread on MTGS. I'm specifically wondering about either multi-column boxes or multiple boxes side by side. No hurry as the site hasn't really launched yet, just have a block of time to screw with primer formatting right now.
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Post by cryogen » 5 years ago

RxPhantom wrote:
5 years ago
Hey all, I'm RxPhantom. Real name is Aaron. I live in Maryland with my wife, daughter, and dog. I've been playing since Ice Age, but I've taken long breaks from the game. I got back into MtG in 2011, just in time for New Phyrexia and M12. I discovered EDH/Commander soon after, and it's largely responsible for my enduring love of the game.

The screen name comes from my being a pharmacist, and a pharmacy technician before that. I used the generic 'Phantom' tag years ago playing the first Halo with friends on the original X-Box. Since that was obviously taken when X-Box Live came around, I put the 'Rx' in front of it, and it's stuck ever since.

Another fun fact: I wouldn't have become a pharmacist without having played Metal Gear Solid.

Anyway, I'm happy to be here.
I can't remember if we have had this conversation before but where in Maryland are you?
SocorroTortoise wrote:
5 years ago
Good plan. Phil's was a great resource but it hadn't been updated in years (which makes sense because Phil hadn't been online in years as far as I know). We could use a fresh one.

@cryogen, what's the best way to ask questions about existing and future BBCode functionality (thread in community, other location, etc)? It makes more sense to do it on this forum rather than the thread on MTGS. I'm specifically wondering about either multi-column boxes or multiple boxes side by side. No hurry as the site hasn't really launched yet, just have a block of time to screw with primer formatting right now.
I would suggest the Community forum as a place for feature requests and questions. You could probably do multiple boxes next to each other with float tags, or a table might work as well.
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Post by Bookstooge » 5 years ago

Is there any sort of thread dedicated to speculation or rumors like back on Salvation? I'm always hungry for whatever is coming down the pipeline.

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