297 Card Expansion Set
By Guardman
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is this original art?
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Rogue1_530 wrote:
1 year ago
is this original art?
The art is from several different places on the internet. The nice thing about doing Breath of the Wild is that there are so many people doing fanart that there is almost too many choices.

I tried my best to give credit where I could find it. Almost all pieces needed to be cropped and/or brightened or darkened due to the filter the card creator puts on the art. A few pieces, I did some editing, like color correction or combining two pieces if one of them had no background for example.
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Fun Set. The Beckon Mechanic seems broken though. Maybe add a Finality counter to Beckon cards to balance it out?
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Yeah. I am probably going to do the Finality counter change just to see if it works. Also I am going to change the UB archetype to be more of a Beckon control since the draw two deck just wasn't working out. Anyways, thanks again for your help playtesting.
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Guardman wrote:
6 months ago
Yeah. I am probably going to do the Finality counter change just to see if it works. Also I am going to change the UB archetype to be more of a Beckon control since the draw two deck just wasn't working out. Anyways, thanks again for your help playtesting.
Yeah No problem. You inspired me to make my own set. This set is what im working on so if you have any tips let me know customcards/18784-the-magic-in-gen/
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