The Tarrasque

The List (AFR-207/3318)

The Tarrasque
The Tarrasque
Legendary Creature — Dinosaur

The Tarrasque has haste and ward {10} as long as it was cast.

Whenever The Tarrasque attacks, it fights target creature defending player controls.

When it rises, nations fall.

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Flavor Fail, should be indestructible. The Tarrasque literally cannot die unless you get it to -30hp and use a major wish, and even then it'll return to life within a couple of years.

In an old campaign I ran about a decade ago, one of the highlights of the end of it was a fight against this bastard. How did the player's defeat it? They lured it into a planar portal to the first level of Hell.
Krishnath wrote:
3 years ago
Flavor Fail, should be indestructible. The Tarrasque literally cannot die unless you get it to -30hp and use a major wish, and even then it'll return to life within a couple of years.

In an old campaign I ran about a decade ago, one of the highlights of the end of it was a fight against this bastard. How did the player's defeat it? They lured it into a planar portal to the first level of Hell.
Sadly, this is no longer the case. In 5e, they removed the Tarrasque's immortality traits, as you can see here: I have no idea why they did that, since it was the best part about the Tarrasque. Now it's just like any other monster, only bigger and stronger. Being so insanely hard to kill is what made the Tarrasque so special and memorable.
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Valron1337 wrote:
3 years ago
Krishnath wrote:
3 years ago
Flavor Fail, should be indestructible. The Tarrasque literally cannot die unless you get it to -30hp and use a major wish, and even then it'll return to life within a couple of years.

In an old campaign I ran about a decade ago, one of the highlights of the end of it was a fight against this bastard. How did the player's defeat it? They lured it into a planar portal to the first level of Hell.
Sadly, this is no longer the case. In 5e, they removed the Tarrasque's immortality traits, as you can see here: I have no idea why they did that, since it was the best part about the Tarrasque. Now it's just like any other monster, only bigger and stronger. Being so insanely hard to kill is what made the Tarrasque so special and memorable.
As far as I am concerned, that is not a Tarrasque, it may look like a Tarrasque, but it is not a true Tarrasque.
Krishnath wrote:
3 years ago
Valron1337 wrote:
3 years ago
Krishnath wrote:
3 years ago
Flavor Fail, should be indestructible. The Tarrasque literally cannot die unless you get it to -30hp and use a major wish, and even then it'll return to life within a couple of years.

In an old campaign I ran about a decade ago, one of the highlights of the end of it was a fight against this bastard. How did the player's defeat it? They lured it into a planar portal to the first level of Hell.
Sadly, this is no longer the case. In 5e, they removed the Tarrasque's immortality traits, as you can see here: I have no idea why they did that, since it was the best part about the Tarrasque. Now it's just like any other monster, only bigger and stronger. Being so insanely hard to kill is what made the Tarrasque so special and memorable.
As far as I am concerned, that is not a Tarrasque, it may look like a Tarrasque, but it is not a true Tarrasque.
In this, we agree.
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