275 Card Expansion Set
Release Date: Apr 23rd 2021
Showing cards 97 - 144 of 391.
Tenured Inkcaster
Umbral Juke
Unwilling Ingredient
Academic Dispute
Ardent Dustspeaker
Blood Age General
Conspiracy Theorist
Crackle with Power
Draconic Intervention
Dragon's Approach
Efreet Flamepainter
Enthusiastic Study
Explosive Welcome
Fervent Mastery
First Day of Class
Fuming Effigy
Grinning Ignus
Hall Monitor
Heated Debate
Igneous Inspiration
Illuminate History
Illustrious Historian
Mascot Interception
Pigment Storm
Pillardrop Warden
Retriever Phoenix
Start from Scratch
Storm-Kiln Artist
Sudden Breakthrough
Tome Shredder
Twinscroll Shaman
Accomplished Alchemist
Basic Conjuration
Bayou Groff
Big Play
Charge Through
Containment Breach
Devouring Tendrils
Dragonsguard Elite
Ecological Appreciation
Emergent Sequence
Exponential Growth
Field Trip
Fortifying Draught
Gnarled Professor
Honor Troll
Karok Wrangler
Showing cards 97 - 144 of 391.