249 Card Expansion Set
Release Date: Oct 03rd 2008
Showing cards 49 - 96 of 250.
Master of Etherium
Memory Erosion
Mindlock Orb
Outrider of Jhess
Protomatter Powder
Resounding Wave
Sharding Sphinx
Skill Borrower
Spell Snip
Sphinx's Herald
Steelclad Serpent
Tezzeret the Seeker
Tortoise Formation
Vectis Silencers
Ad Nauseam
Archdemon of Unx
Banewasp Affliction
Blister Beetle
Bone Splinters
Corpse Connoisseur
Cunning Lethemancer
Death Baron
Demon's Herald
Dreg Reaver
Dregscape Zombie
Executioner's Capsule
Fleshbag Marauder
Glaze Fiend
Grixis Battlemage
Immortal Coil
Onyx Goblet
Puppet Conjurer
Resounding Scream
Salvage Titan
Scavenger Drake
Shore Snapper
Skeletal Kathari
Tar Fiend
Undead Leotau
Vein Drinker
Viscera Dragger
Bloodpyre Elemental
Bloodthorn Taunter
Caldera Hellion
Crucible of Fire
Showing cards 49 - 96 of 250.