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Worn Powerstone

Worn Powerstone
Worn Powerstone

Worn Powerstone enters the battlefield tapped.

{T}: Add {C}{C}.

Worn Powerstone

Worn Powerstone
Worn Powerstone

Worn Powerstone enters the battlefield tapped.

{T}: Add {C}{C}.

Even a fragment of a powerstone contains within it not just energy, but space—vast dimensions trapped in fragile crystal.

Worn Powerstone

Worn Powerstone
Worn Powerstone

Worn Powerstone enters the battlefield tapped.

{T}: Add {C}{C}.

Even a fragment of a powerstone contains within it not just energy, but space—vast dimensions trapped in fragile crystal.

Worn Powerstone

Worn Powerstone
Worn Powerstone

Worn Powerstone enters the battlefield tapped.

{T}: Add {C}{C}.

Even a fragment of a powerstone contains within it not just energy, but space—vast dimensions trapped in fragile crystal.

Worn Powerstone

Worn Powerstone
Worn Powerstone

Worn Powerstone enters the battlefield tapped.

{T}: Add {C}{C}.

Even a fragment of a powerstone contains within it not just energy, but space —vast dimensions trapped in fragile crystal.

Worn Powerstone

Worn Powerstone
Worn Powerstone

Worn Powerstone enters the battlefield tapped.

{T}: Add {C}{C}.

Even a fragment of a powerstone contains within it not just energy, but space—vast dimensions trapped in fragile crystal.

Worn Powerstone

Worn Powerstone
Worn Powerstone

Worn Powerstone enters the battlefield tapped.

{T}: Add {C}{C}.

Even a fragment of a powerstone contains within it not just energy, but space—vast dimensions trapped in fragile crystal.

Worn Powerstone

Worn Powerstone
Worn Powerstone

Worn Powerstone enters the battlefield tapped.

{T}: Add {C}{C}.

Even a fragment of a powerstone contains within it not just energy, but space—vast dimensions trapped in fragile crystal.

Worn Powerstone

Worn Powerstone
Worn Powerstone

Worn Powerstone enters the battlefield tapped.

{T}: Add {C}{C}.

Even a fragment of a powerstone contains within it not just energy, but space—vast dimensions trapped in fragile crystal.

Worn Powerstone

Worn Powerstone
Worn Powerstone

Worn Powerstone enters the battlefield tapped.

{T}: Add {C}{C}.

Worn Powerstone

Worn Powerstone
Worn Powerstone

Worn Powerstone enters the battlefield tapped.

{T}: Add {C}{C}.

"Power comes in many shapes. But real power does the shaping."

—Abaddon the Despoiler

Worn Powerstone

Worn Powerstone
Worn Powerstone

Worn Powerstone enters the battlefield tapped.

{T}: Add {C}{C}.

Even a fragment of a powerstone contains within it not just energy, but space—vast dimensions trapped in fragile crystal.

Worn Powerstone

Worn Powerstone
Worn Powerstone

Worn Powerstone enters the battlefield tapped.

{T}: Add {C}{C}.

"Power comes in many shapes. But real power does the shaping."

—Abaddon the Despoiler

Worn Powerstone

Worn Powerstone
Worn Powerstone

Worn Powerstone enters the battlefield tapped.

{T}: Add {C}{C}.

"The *palantíri* of the Kings of Old: the name meant 'that which looks far away.' The Orthanc-stone was one, and it is beyond Saruman's art."


Worn Powerstone

Worn Powerstone
Worn Powerstone

Worn Powerstone enters the battlefield tapped.

{T}: Add {C}{C}.

Even a fragment of a powerstone contains within it not just energy, but space—vast dimensions trapped in fragile crystal.

Worn Powerstone

Worn Powerstone
Worn Powerstone

Worn Powerstone enters the battlefield tapped.

{T}: Add {C}{C}.

Worn Powerstone

Worn Powerstone
Worn Powerstone

Worn Powerstone enters the battlefield tapped.

{T}: Add {C}{C}.

"The strange energy source isn't cosmium after all, but some unidentifiable material that has leached cosmium residue from the walls. Could be dangerous. Could change everything."

—Oltec archaeological survey

Worn Powerstone

Worn Powerstone
Worn Powerstone

Worn Powerstone enters the battlefield tapped.

{T}: Add {C}{C}.


Worn Powerstone

Worn Powerstone
Worn Powerstone

Worn Powerstone enters the battlefield tapped.

{T}: Add {C}{C}.

Even a fragment of a powerstone contains within it not just energy, but space—vast dimensions trapped in fragile crystal.

ChecklistCard ImagesOracle Listing
Showing cards 1 - 19 of 19.

Homunculi? No, Homuncul-US!

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Artisan Saloon: Doc's Our Huckleberry

Thunder Junction: The Good, the Bad, the Ugly

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