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Booster Tutor

Booster Tutor
Booster Tutor

Open a sealed Magic booster pack, reveal the cards, and put one of them into your hand. (Remove that card from your deck before beginning a new game.)

Make your judgment wisely: The right pack will let you defeat your nemesis, but a poor choice can only end in torment. And *Homelands*.

Booster Tutor

Booster Tutor
Booster Tutor

Open a sealed Magic booster pack, reveal the cards, and put one of them into your hand. (Remove that card from your deck before beginning a new game.)

Real men use *Arabian Nights* boosters.

Booster Tutor

Booster Tutor
Booster Tutor

Open a sealed Magic booster pack, reveal the cards, and put one of them into your hand. (Remove that card from your deck before beginning a new game.)

"You saved that *Urza's Saga* pack all these years for *this*?"

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Releases Jul 5th