165 Card Supplemental Pack Set
Release Date: Jun 24th 1998
Showing cards 49 - 96 of 165.
Your Portal Second Age
Set Total Haves
Set Total Needs
Set Total Extras
Card NamePrice
Talas Explorer$0.46
H: W: N: 0

Talas Merchant$0.11
H: W: N: 0

Talas Researcher$1.08
H: W: N: 0

Talas Scout$0.32
H: W: N: 0

Talas Warrior$6.36
H: W: N: 0

Temporal Manipulation$35.91
H: W: N: 0

Theft of Dreams$0.41
H: W: N: 0

Tidal Surge$0.45
H: W: N: 0

Time Ebb$0.17
H: W: N: 0

Touch of Brilliance$0.17
H: W: N: 0

H: W: N: 0

Wind Sail$0.19
H: W: N: 0

Abyssal Nightstalker$0.38
H: W: N: 0

Ancient Craving$3.17
H: W: N: 0

Bloodcurdling Scream$0.93
H: W: N: 0

Brutal Nightstalker$0.25
H: W: N: 0

Chorus of Woe$0.20
H: W: N: 0

H: W: N: 0

Cruel Edict$0.30
H: W: N: 0

Dakmor Bat$0.25
H: W: N: 0

Dakmor Plague$0.49
H: W: N: 0

Dakmor Scorpion$0.13
H: W: N: 0

Dakmor Sorceress$8.53
H: W: N: 0

Dark Offering$0.24
H: W: N: 0

Foul Spirit$0.42
H: W: N: 0

Hand of Death$0.10
H: W: N: 0

Hidden Horror$0.96
H: W: N: 0

Kiss of Death$0.37
H: W: N: 0

Lurking Nightstalker$0.21
H: W: N: 0

Mind Rot$0.10
H: W: N: 0

Moaning Spirit$0.19
H: W: N: 0

Muck Rats$0.38
H: W: N: 0

Nightstalker Engine$0.59
H: W: N: 0

Predatory Nightstalker$1.82
H: W: N: 0

Prowling Nightstalker$0.12
H: W: N: 0

Raiding Nightstalker$0.26
H: W: N: 0

Rain of Daggers$8.63
H: W: N: 0

Raise Dead$0.17
H: W: N: 0

Ravenous Rats$0.53
H: W: N: 0

Return of the Nightstalkers$0.51
H: W: N: 0

Swarm of Rats$5.02
H: W: N: 0

Vampiric Spirit$1.34
H: W: N: 0

H: W: N: 0

Brimstone Dragon$5.56
H: W: N: 0

Cunning Giant$1.92
H: W: N: 0

H: W: N: 0

Goblin Cavaliers$0.19
H: W: N: 0

Goblin Firestarter$0.51
H: W: N: 0

Showing cards 49 - 96 of 165.

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