Khans of Tarkir Promos

56 Card Promo Set
Release Date: Sep 26th 2014
Showing cards 49 - 56 of 56.
Your Khans of Tarkir Promos
Set Total Haves
Set Total Needs
Set Total Extras
Card NamePrice
Trap Essence$0.00

H: W: N: 0

Utter End$0.00

H: W: N: 0

Utter End$0.00

H: W: N: 0

Utter End$0.26
H: W: N: 0
H: W: N: 0

Villainous Wealth$0.00

H: W: N: 0

Villainous Wealth$0.96
H: W: N: 0
H: W: N: 0

Zurgo Helmsmasher$0.00

H: W: N: 0

Dragon Throne of Tarkir$0.00

H: W: N: 0

Showing cards 49 - 56 of 56.

Homunculi? No, Homuncul-US!

Artisan Brewery: Jumping the Gun, Are We?

Artisan Saloon: Doc's Our Huckleberry

Thunder Junction: The Good, the Bad, the Ugly

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42 Previews
Releases Jul 5th