Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths Tokens

15 Card Token Set
Release Date: Apr 24th 2020
Showing extras 1 - 15 of 15.
Card NameCostTypeStats
CatToken Creature 1/1
Cat BirdToken Creature 1/1
Human SoldierToken Creature 1/1
Human SoldierToken Creature 1/1
Human SoldierToken Creature 1/1
KrakenToken Creature 8/8
SharkToken Creature */*
DinosaurToken Creature 1/1
FeatherToken Artifact
BeastToken Creature 3/3
Dinosaur BeastToken Creature */*
Narset of the Ancient Way EmblemEmblem
Ability PunchcardCard
Ability PunchcardCard
Showing extras 1 - 15 of 15.