210 Card Supplemental Pack Set
Release Date: Jun 06th 2014
Showing cards 49 - 96 of 210.
Marchesa, the Black Rose
Marchesa's Smuggler
Selvala, Explorer Returned
Woodvine Elemental
Aether Searcher
Agent of Acquisitions
Canal Dredger
Coercive Portal
Cogwork Grinder
Cogwork Librarian
Cogwork Spy
Cogwork Tracker
Deal Broker
Lore Seeker
Lurking Automaton
Whispergear Sneak
Paliano, the High City
Ajani's Sunstriker
Apex Hawks
Courier Hawk
Doomed Traveler
Glimmerpoint Stag
Guardian Zendikon
Intangible Virtue
Kor Chant
Moment of Heroism
Noble Templar
Pillarfield Ox
Pride Guardian
Pristine Angel
Reya Dawnbringer
Silverchase Fox
Stave Off
Swords to Plowshares
Unquestioned Authority
Valor Made Real
Vow of Duty
Wakestone Gargoyle
Aether Tradewinds
Air Servant
Compulsive Research
Crookclaw Transmuter
Dream Fracture
Enclave Elite
Showing cards 49 - 96 of 210.