397 Card Expansion Set
Release Date: Aug 02nd 2024
Showing cards 1 - 48 of 400.
Banishing Light
Beza, the Bounding Spring
Brave-Kin Duo
Brightblade Stoat
Builder's Talent
Caregiver's Talent
Carrot Cake
Crumb and Get it
Dawn's Truce
Dewdrop Cure
Driftgloom Coyote
Essence Channeler
Feather of Flight
Flowerfoot Swordmaster
Harvestrite Host
Hop to It
Intrepid Rabbit
Jackdaw Savior
Jolly Gerbils
Lifecreed Duo
Mabel's Mettle
Mouse Trapper
Nettle Guard
Parting Gust
Pileated Provisioner
Rabbit Response
Repel Calamity
Salvation Swan
Season of the Burrow
Seasoned Warrenguard
Shrike Force
Sonar Strike
Star Charter
Starfall Invocation
Thistledown Players
Valley Questcaller
Warren Elder
Warren Warleader
Wax-Wane Witness
Whiskervale Forerunner
Azure Beastbinder
Bellowing Crier
Calamitous Tide
Daring Waverider
Dazzling Denial
Dire Downdraft
Dour Port-Mage
Eddymurk Crab
Showing cards 1 - 48 of 400.