165 Card Expansion Set
Release Date: Feb 04th 2005
Showing cards 97 - 144 of 165.
Clash of Realities
Crack the Earth
Cunning Bandit // Azamuki, Treachery Incarnate
First Volley
Flames of the Blood Hand
Frost Ogre
Fumiko the Lowblood
Genju of the Spires
Goblin Cohort
Heartless Hidetsugu
In the Web of War
Ire of Kaminari
Ishi-Ishi, Akki Crackshot
Kumano's Blessing
Mannichi, the Fevered Dream
Ogre Recluse
Patron of the Akki
Ronin Cliffrider
Shinka Gatekeeper
Sowing Salt
Torrent of Stone
Twist Allegiance
Body of Jukai
Budoka Pupil // Ichiga, Who Topples Oaks
Child of Thorns
Enshrined Memories
Forked-Branch Garami
Genju of the Cedars
Gnarled Mass
Harbinger of Spring
Isao, Enlightened Bushi
Iwamori of the Open Fist
Kodama of the Center Tree
Loam Dweller
Mark of Sakiko
Matsu-Tribe Sniper
Nourishing Shoal
Patron of the Orochi
Petalmane Baku
Roar of Jukai
Sakiko, Mother of Summer
Sakura-Tribe Springcaller
Scaled Hulk
Shizuko, Caller of Autumn
Showing cards 97 - 144 of 165.