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Budget Staples for Newer Players - TEMUR edition.

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2020 11:55 pm
by bobthefunny
A note of explanation for the deck columns: For new players, I recommend a pile building approach, with 10 ramp, 10 draw effects, 10 removals, 10 cmc1-3 cards, 10 cmc4-5 cards, and 10cmc6+. This helps ensure that they get a decent balance of ramp and draw effects, while still holding to a semblence of a curve, and still guaranteeing a few late-game bombs. These aren't hard rules, but is usually a good starting block for seeing how things fit together. Ideally the ramp should be predominantly 3 mana or less (pref 2), and the removal should be about 2-3 single target creature removal, 2-3 ench/art removal, 2-3 "catch all", and 3-4 wrath effects.

With building a deck for newer players, I felt it would be good to build along those lines to showcase it. Note that some of the small/med/large flex slots may additionally contribute to ramp/draw/removal as well.

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Re: Budget Staples for Newer Players - TEMUR edition.

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2020 1:01 am
by bobthefunny
Adapting to a non-mutate deck. I feel that with the Mutate deck just coming out, this deck has too much overlap with currently available precon themes. I also feel it pigeonholes the deck a bit on what's upgradeable, as mutate would always want to remain a core component of the deck.


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