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Goro-Goro and Satoru, Sengoku Clan

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2023 9:54 pm
by Cyberium
Goro-Goro and Satoru

The flavor of this pair just screams Sengoku era to me. Samurai, ninja, and dragon... I can't help but wanting to make a deck with them.

Aside from the obvious ninjutsu synergy, haste creature(ish) like Dragonwing Glider can also trigger it while providing an evasive equipment for others (Tetsuo, Imperial Champion/Goro-Goro, Disciple of Ryusei/Heiko Yamazaki, the General rejoice). The added red provides direct damage like Warstorm Surge which also synergizes with the dragon generation.

I'm very tempted to go full-arcane here also, but let's start with creatures. What do people think about Goro-Goro and Satoru?

Re: Goro-Goro and Satoru, Sengoku Clan

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2023 10:10 pm
by Dragonlover
First thing that comes to mind is stuff with raid from Khans block, also there might be some decent blitz stuff?


Re: Goro-Goro and Satoru, Sengoku Clan

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2023 11:16 pm
by Cyberium
Dragonlover wrote:
1 year ago
First thing that comes to mind is stuff with raid from Khans block, also there might be some decent blitz stuff?

Most certainly, and those haste-elementals generate by cards such as Elemental Mastery.

And by the wording, you can create multiple dragons if you manage to damage more than one opponent.

Re: Goro-Goro and Satoru, Sengoku Clan

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2023 2:25 pm
by PrimevalCommander
Any good creatures with Myriad in these colors? Or Blade of Selves

Re: Goro-Goro and Satoru, Sengoku Clan

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2023 2:56 pm
by Dunadain
Squee, Dubious Monarch, Goblin Rabblemaster, Legion Warboss.

Why run a bunch of creatures that can trigger the commander once when you can run cards that will trigger the commander every turn?

Re: Goro-Goro and Satoru, Sengoku Clan

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2023 4:47 pm
by Cyberium
The Locust God is also another good choice, providing evasive haste tokens and allows easier ninjas.

Re: Goro-Goro and Satoru, Sengoku Clan

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2023 9:41 pm
by darrenhabib
Ninjutsu is a great way to get continuous triggers, because you can keep bouncing each other in order to enter the battlefield once again and you don't need to worry about the haste portion.
Cavern Harpy is another good one to keep bouncing creatures back to hand for additional triggers.

Re: Goro-Goro and Satoru, Sengoku Clan

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2023 8:47 pm
by Cyberium
Goblin Assault is another. All goblins are ninja in disguise.

If we get multiple combats going as with Aggravated Assault/Hexplate Wallbreaker, even the recently created dragon tokens could attack again, therefore generate more dragons. Savage Beating allows the ability to trigger twice per combat.

If we have additional modify theme in the deck, Valduk, Keeper of the Flame with an Elemental Mastery is one way to provide lots of tokens all at once.

Re: Goro-Goro and Satoru, Sengoku Clan

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2023 5:28 pm
by 3drinks
Cyberium wrote:
1 year ago
Goblin Assault is another. All goblins are ninja in disguise.

If we get multiple combats going as with Aggravated Assault/Hexplate Wallbreaker, even the recently created dragon tokens could attack again, therefore generate more dragons. Savage Beating allows the ability to trigger twice per combat.

If we have additional modify theme in the deck, Valduk, Keeper of the Flame with an Elemental Mastery is one way to provide lots of tokens all at once.
Man Hexplate Wallbreaker is such a goofy looking card. And for $2, a four equip AggAss is pretty reasonable.

Re: Goro-Goro and Satoru, Sengoku Clan

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2023 1:52 pm
by Treamayne
You could also consider the Sneak Attack route to lower the cost of the initial attacker that will be bounced by the ninja. Sneak attack an ETB trigger value and/or evasive critter, Ninja swap on the attack. Repeat as necessary.

For going wide, you could also consider leveraging Reflections of Littjara/Mirror March/Flameshadow Conjuring and use the tokens as the bounce targets (or just to trigger the General's attack trigger themselves if they get through).

Consider also Dolmen Gate, since your trigger will incentivize heavy blocking - you want to survive the blocks.
Cyberium wrote:
1 year ago
All goblins are ninja in disguise.
Sounds like a Dresden Files quote (Changes, Ch 35)
Susan whispered. "What are those things?"
"I . . ." I swallowed. "I think they're goblins."
"You think?"
"I've never seen one before," I replied. "But . . . they match the descriptions I've heard."
"Shouldn't we be able to handle, like, a million of them?"
I snorted. "You liked those movies, too, huh?"
Her reply was a smile, one touched with sadness.
"Yeah," I said. "I was thinking of you when I saw them, too." I shook my head. "And no. This is a case of folklore getting it wrong. These guys are killers. They're sneaky and they're smart and they're ruthless. Like ninjas. From Krypton. Look what they did."

Re: Goro-Goro and Satoru, Sengoku Clan

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2023 6:05 pm
by Ertai Planeswalker
They will also be good with Myriad, given that this gives a hasty attacker for each opponent.

Re: Goro-Goro and Satoru, Sengoku Clan

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2023 11:33 pm
by Cyberium
Ertai Planeswalker wrote:
1 year ago
They will also be good with Myriad, given that this gives a hasty attacker for each opponent.
Which also makes Helm of the Host a funny include here. I'm very much decided to go for an equipment-control route, taking ideas/cards from the Rebel precon.