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[C19] Thieving Amalgam

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2019 5:14 pm
by Rumpy5897

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Re: [C19] Thieving Amalgam

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2019 5:16 pm
by TearsOfTomorrow
Why is the Sultai deck so pushed.


Re: [C19] Thieving Amalgam

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2019 5:18 pm
by Subject16

This reminds me a lot of Verdant Force only you get 2/2s and deny your opponents from using Mystical Tutor et al.

I'm happy that manifest is also pushing in new directions than from just your library. I'd love to see a Manifest/discard variant as well.

Re: [C19] Thieving Amalgam

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2019 5:19 pm
by SyntheticDreamer
There needs to be flavor text on this, and it needs to be "Stop hitting yourself! Stop hitting yourself!"

Re: [C19] Thieving Amalgam

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2019 5:20 pm
by Rumpy5897
Subject16 wrote:
4 years ago
deny your opponents from using Mystical Tutor et al
Eh, deny is a strong word. "Make them pop it in their upkeep, mildly inconveniencing them" is more accurate. This slurps the handful of sorcery speed top of deck tutors though, I'll give you that.

The more of this deck we see, the more excited I get for the set. They're doing some real cute stuff with the morphs.

Re: [C19] Thieving Amalgam

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2019 5:21 pm
by lookingupanddown
I want whatever the Sultai mage who made this is on

Re: [C19] Thieving Amalgam

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2019 5:26 pm
by 5colorsrainbow
A fun twist on how black can steal opponents spells as well as an idea for a future Davriel card design.

I was't sure on the morph deck but this guy making me change my mind and looks like a barrel of.... Pun aside I like the choices for black in this deck.

I wonder if this is a magic thing or if this is rooted in Asian myth.

Re: [C19] Thieving Amalgam

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2019 5:37 pm
by void_nothing
Or Snape, if you will.

The "Amalgam" part of the name makes me think this isn't intended as a mythical beast (I can think of one serposimian but it's not from Southeast Asian mythology) but as one of Lord Tasigur's horrid arcane experiments.

Re: [C19] Thieving Amalgam

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2019 5:57 pm
by Cyberium
lookingupanddown wrote:
4 years ago
I want whatever the Sultai mage who made this is on
Well, there's also cat monkey on Kaladesh Scrounging Bandar and Amonkhet has cat snake Prowling Serpopard. XD

Re: [C19] Thieving Amalgam

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2019 6:04 pm
by Mookie
Looks interesting, if a bit expensive. Can be difficult at times to turn your opponents' creatures face-up due to color considerations (and that is before even considering whether they're worth turning up at all), so I imagine it will be a Verdant Force variant most of the time.... which is still pretty good. Aristocrats-style decks will love this, assuming they can support a 7-drop (and if they don't, there is always reanimation).

Many flicker effects return to owner's control, but not all. Could be interesting alongside stuff like Conjurer's Closet in a Gonti, Lord of Luxury deck.

Re: [C19] Thieving Amalgam

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2019 7:01 pm
by benjameenbear
I see this as an Ophiomancer with upside and a relevant body. That CMC is pretty expensive though, so I'd be leery of straight adding it in to any deck. It's a great Token Generator that can randomly pull some sweet creatures into play. It's the dying trigger that I think is interesting for Yawgmoth and Geth...

Re: [C19] Thieving Amalgam

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2019 7:19 pm
by lyonhaert
...and Chainer. Grim Haruspex and Harvester of Souls trigger on nontoken creatures dying, and this guy just keeps giving nontoken sacrifice fodder.