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Tymna and Ravos - Cleric Tribal

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2019 1:41 am
by NZB2323

Commanders 2

Approximate Total Cost:

Clerics is a fun, casual tribe, but also can be powerful. There are a lot of evasive creatures to draw with Tymna and creatures with ETB effects that can be cast, scarified and then brought back to the hand with Ramos.

Re: Tymna and Ravos - Cleric Tribal

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2019 9:40 pm
by NZB2323
Evasive creatures for Tymna:
Creatures that are good to recur with Ravos:
Sacrifice Outlets:
Lifegain Synergy:
Cleric Tribal:
Arena Rector and Academy Rector can grab some of the powerful planeswalkers and enchantments, but unfortunately they can't be recurred with Ravos because they get exiled. There are a lot of good cards that I could add to this list that cost 3 mana or 5 mana, but I try and limit those cards because that's how much my commanders cost.