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Savra - Eat it, eat it, open up your mouth and feed it.

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2019 8:21 pm
by DrSeaMonster
Alright, so. I've been posting my lists in other people's threads with the same Commander, but I think I should start making my own threads instead.

So this is my Savra, Queen of the Golgari, it's my third-oldest Commander deck, first made it back in like...09? It's been altered a lot over the past decade, but it's in a really good state right now. Savra is my oldest EDH deck that hasn't changed commanders.

Nothing but respect for my Matka.

It's nothing terribly innovative, lots of tokens, lots of recursion, lots of sacrificing, getting the maximum value out of spawning things then eating them, bringing them back and then eating them again.

Approximate Total Cost:

Re: Savra - Eat it, eat it, open up your mouth and feed it.

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2019 8:57 pm
by TheGildedGoose
31 basics seems... excessive. No other duals or utility lands? No Strip Mine or Bojuka Bog? Not even High Market as an additional sac outlet? There's a certain elegance in its simplicity but I feel like you could throw in at least 10 nonbasics and not feel any real adverse effects.

Re: Savra - Eat it, eat it, open up your mouth and feed it.

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2019 9:08 pm
by DrSeaMonster
Honestly, a G/x deck with enough land fetch barely needs duals at all, in my experience...

However, are there any other specific nonbasics you would suggest?

Re: Savra - Eat it, eat it, open up your mouth and feed it.

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2019 3:22 am
by TheGildedGoose
True, with a heavy emphasis on green and mana ramp that also fixes, duals aren't as important, but they still improve consistency. I would add Command Tower, Llanowar Wastes, and Twilight Mire to round out the duals that don't enter tapped. Beyond that, I would also look at Phyrexian Tower, Blast Zone, and Ancient Tomb, budget willing. Maybe some more land destruction like Wasteland/Tectonic Edge if you see a lot of powerful non-basics.

Re: Savra - Eat it, eat it, open up your mouth and feed it.

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2019 5:21 pm
by DrSeaMonster
I do have a phyrexian tower for this deck that I haven't slotted in yet.