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Necessary cards for Scion of the Ur-Dragon

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2019 12:47 am
by boliver5463
I recently rebuilt my Scion of the Ur-Dragon deck. I took it apart over 6 months ago. Before I took it apart, I had been playing it for over 3 years, fine tuning it for my meta.

I have other powerful decks which have a lot more low cost curves and I'm finding it a bit hard trying to win purely with dragon effects. My usual combos are Wheel + Notion Thief, Worldgorger Dragon + Animate Dead package, Niv-mizzet, Dracogenius / Paron + Curiosity / Keen Sense and Mass reanimation + Scourge of Valkas.

I feel like I've wedged to many large pieces into the deck and don't know if I should be changing the deck to focus mostly on Wheels + Worldgorger combo. But I don't want to win using the usual Hermit Druid combo, using the angel and labman route. I want the deck to win through dragons and their effects.

Am I packing too many different combos? Should I be focusing in on 1-2 combos? Or multiple combos wanted?

Re: Necessary cards for Scion of the Ur-Dragon

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2019 5:27 am
by Kemev
Yeah, it sounds like there's too much different stuff going on. If you want to win with a dragon effect, I'd recommend focusing on the Dracogenius route:

1. Animate Dead (or whatever) on Worldgorger Dragon, starting the loop and floating some amount of WUBRG and infinite UR
2. Interrupt your Animate Dead loop (if you have Comet Storm, Aurelia's Fury, or Expansion // Explosion in hand, you win)
3. If you didn't win in 2, cast Scion of the Ur-Dragon. Activate its ability, finding Niv-Mizzet, Dracogenius. Shoot everyone.

And honestly, assembling the Worldgorger loop isn't the easiest combo to pull off. It needs Worldgorger in the graveyard, an Animate in hand, ways to protect the loop, and a card (either another creature in the graveyard, or an instant shenanigan in hand) to break the loop. Once the deck has all the tutors, instants, and removal (Grafdigger's Cage and Pithing Needle are real things) it needs there's not much space for other combo pieces, especially if you don't want one of the combos that ends with Lab Maniac.

One option might be to run some of the infinite mana artifact combos, like Isochron Scepter + Dramatic Reversal + some assorted mana dorks, or Rings of Brighthearth + a monolith. These are reasonably convenient since it already makes sense to have some X-spells to dump your Worldgorger mana into.

Another option would be to slip in some enters-play damage effect like Impact Tremors, and supplement with Leonin Relic-Warder. Impact Tremors makes the Worldgorger loop lethal, and the Leonin is another option for creating a loop with an Animate Dead. Leonin also has the upside of rarely being a dead draw; there's always something to crap on with it. And maybe there's a world where you could Replenish both tremors and an animate effect into play at the same time?

I would leave in some combination of Dragon Tyrant, Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon, and Moltensteel Dragon, in case you get stuck under a Grafdigger's Cage or other effect and need to attack someone to death.

Re: Necessary cards for Scion of the Ur-Dragon

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2019 2:54 pm
by benjameenbear
I've become a HUGE fan of the Shuffle Hulk combo line. It's stupidly resilient, powerful, dodges most instant speed 'yard hate, and super cheap from a CMC standpoint. Have you considered a Flash Hulk style of build?