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December MCC Judge signup thread

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2022 6:52 am
by bravelion83
(This month's banner is my own elaboration on the art of One with the Multiverse by Liiga Smilshkalne.)

December MCC

Judge signup thread

If you want to sign up as a judge for this month's MCC, just reply to this thread. If you've already judged before in the MCC, that's enough. Otherwise, if you've never judged before, there is a little extra step required: please try to judge the sample card you can find below with the MCC rubric and post your sample judgment here. I will reply to you as soon as possible with my own thoughts about it and if you did good enough of a job, I will officially welcome you as an MCC judge.


Assume all challenges (Main Challenge and both Subchallenges) are met.

Eternal Blademaster 2UW
Creature — Spirit Soldier (U)
Soldiers you control gain flying.
When a Soldier deals combat damage to an opponent, draw a card.
Every sword has it's soul.
MCC Rubric
(X/3) Appeal - Do the different player psychographics (Timmy/Johhny/Spike) have a use for the card?
(X/3) Elegance - Is the card easily understandable at a glance? Do all the flavor and mechanics combined as a whole make sense?

(X/3) Viability - How well does the card fit into the color wheel? Does it break or bend the rules of the game? Is it the appropriate rarity?
(X/3) Balance - Does the card have a power level appropriate for contemporary constructed/limited environments without breaking them? Does it play well in casual and multiplayer formats? Does it create or fit into a deck/archetype? Does it create an oppressive environment?

(X/3) Uniqueness - Has a card like this ever been printed before? Does it use new mechanics, ideas, or design space? Does it combine old ideas in a new way? Overall, does it feel "fresh"?
(X/3) Flavor - Does the name seem realistic for a card? Does the flavor text sound professional? Do all the flavor elements synch together to please Vorthos players?

(X/3) Quality - Points deducted for incorrect spelling, grammar, and templating.
(X/2) Main Challenge (*) - Was the main challenge satisfied? Was it approached in a unique or interesting way? Does the card fit the intent of the challenge?
(X/2) Subchallenges - One point awarded per satisfied subchallenge condition.

Total: X/25
*An entry with 0 points here is subject to disqualification.

As always, since I am hosting, I am also going to be a judge. We might or might not need another judge depending on how high the player participation will be. If player participation is so high that more judges will be required I will certainly not complain! That's a problem that I actually would like to have! But if the trend that has been going on in the most recent months holds true, I am also ready to judge solo, as void_nothing did twice in the last few months.

And here I will repeat the same thing as last time: @void_nothing, you can wait to see if another judge is actually needed before signing up. If not, I will judge solo and you can just play by posting a card just before the design deadline. That's if you want of course, I'm not forcing anybody to do anything in any way.

Judge signups will stay open until the design deadline for Round 1 or until we get enough judges, whichever comes first. The judge signups will be going on in parallel with Round 1.

Round 1 will be posted tomorrow. As usual for me, I want to try to be on time and actually end the contest at the end of the month or at most a few days into the next month, a thing that I care about a lot as host even if now it almost looks like a dream to me. Last time I failed miserably, but I'll admit that I've contributed myself too by having to fight a much more important battle at the same time. Well, in the end I won that battle. And now I want to try again to win this one too!

Please check out the MCC Guidelines and FAQ if you have the will and time. Link in my signature.

Re: December MCC Judge signup thread

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2022 3:32 am
by void_nothing
I'll probably simply enter in the interim, but it brings me contentment to say that I will be your reserve second judge.

Re: December MCC Judge signup thread

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2022 12:17 am
by bravelion83
@void_nothing With 5 hours left before the deadline we have 8 submissions and you haven't made a submission yet. If the deadline were in this moment, with 8 players I would absolutely do it solo, and that wouldn't change with 9, I'd do the split with 10 submissions excluded yours, so 11 total if you do post. As things stand right now, I'd say I would prefer and appreciate if you could post a submission as a player in the next, let's say, 5 to 6 hours, and I judge 9 cards solo. At worst, if we have a sudden inflow of players (a man can dream), you'll just pivot to judging then.

EDIT: I saw you submitted as a player, thank you. That makes 9, and I'll do it by myself. It feels very nice to me to be able to let you play for once, but that's not the reason I'm choosing to do it. You can find those in the round thread. Thanks again for your availability anyway.

Re: December MCC Judge signup thread

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2022 3:21 pm
by Rithaniel
If you feel the need for help, I could hop in as a judge. Sorry to be volunteering a bit late.

Re: December MCC Judge signup thread

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2022 9:28 pm
by bravelion83
Thank you, but no need for that. As I said, I have a plan for the rest of the month and honestly that would hurt that plan way more than helping it. Thanks anyway for the offer though.