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Dralnu, Lich Lord of Storm

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2019 5:49 pm
by benjameenbear
I figured I might as well post an updated Dralnu storm list if I were to ever revisit Dralnu for a cEDH table.

Updated Dralnu Storm


Approximate Total Cost:

You have 4 different "Combo" lines that should either win the game immediately or give you a massive advantage so that you can easily win.

1) Typical Dramatic Scepter Line + Infinite Mana Outlet
2) Sensei's Citadel Combo
3) Forbidden Tutor Tutor + Thassa's Oracle/nu-Jace
4) Draw 7 + Narset/Notion Thief/Hullbreacher

Re: Dralnu, Lich Lord of Storm

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2019 8:11 am
by pokemonych
Thank you for your decklist.
benjameenbear wrote:
4 years ago
Draw 7
I think I will try to fit Echo of Eons - lools really tasty.
Also I think that Imperial Seal is better than Scheming Symmetry. Or I miss some interaction?

Re: Dralnu, Lich Lord of Storm

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2019 1:16 am
by benjameenbear
Nope, Imperial Seal is definitely better than Symmetry. I've mostly included it for legit budget reasons to make the deck more feasible to acquire/build towards.

Re: Dralnu, Lich Lord of Storm

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2020 6:20 pm
by pokemonych
Any updates for this deck? Will be very grateful.

Re: Dralnu, Lich Lord of Storm

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2020 7:33 pm
by benjameenbear
Yup! I just updated the OP @pokemonych so it should include all new cards and strategies from Commander Legends onwards. I will say that the idea of draw-7's + Hullbreacher sounds delightful and can't wait for that to happen.

Re: Dralnu, Lich Lord of Storm

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2021 6:33 am
by pokemonych
TY for updated list. Could you please comment on few cards:
1- Jeweled Lotus, i rarely cast commander, and I almost never want to cast it on 3. Why you like it?
2- Peer into the Abyss. Cool effect, but 7 mana sorcery, when you cut several ramp cards from previous version.
3- Wishclaw Talisman, 2+1 is better than Cruel Tutor, but Imperial Seal is really mana efficient, and we have bunch of ways to draw a card.

Re: Dralnu, Lich Lord of Storm

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2021 5:05 pm
by benjameenbear
I'll answer your questions in order:
  • I love casting Dralnu because he's such a powerful card given the right opponents (direct damage cards from opponents a la Rolling Earthquake or Lightning Bolt are a problem of course). He's like having a Yawgmoth's Will in the Command Zone directly and I love the power he brings to the core strategy of the deck. He preserves card advantage and helps you to layer threats. Because Dralnu has such a high power level in my estimation, I want to prioritize casting him consistently and reliably within the first few turns of the game OR have the ability to easily recast him in the middle/late game. That's my rationale for including the Lotus, but the Lotus could prove to be unnecessary. It also has a 0 CMC cost, which makes it another spell to raise the Storm count and make Ad Nauseam better.
  • Peer into the Abyss is a second version of Ad Nauseam. It costs more, but you can potentially draw WAY more cards via Peer instead of AdNaus. It's in the deck for redundancy and as another outlet for all the fast mana in the deck.
  • Wishclaw Talisman has surprised me with its power. It's kind of like Mana Vault or Grim Monolith where you save their mana for the Combo turn. The Talisman is a way to "store up" a directly-to-hand tutor effect for when you have the critical mass of mana and card draw for the Combo turn. It also has a nice mini-synergy with Ashiok, Dream Render and Opposition Agent to help mitigate its advantage to my opponents. If you have a copy of Imperial Seal or Grim Tutor, those are both fine cards to include instead. I simply like the static ability to reserve a tutor for when I'm ready for it.
Hope this helps!

Re: Dralnu, Lich Lord of Storm

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2021 7:06 am
by pokemonych
Ty for comments. I also found that you didn't include Clearwater Pathway // Murkwater Pathway. I like this one and I thinking about change it for Cavern of Souls or Minamo.

Re: Dralnu, Lich Lord of Storm

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2021 12:19 pm
by benjameenbear
You're welcome! Clearwater Pathway // Murkwater Pathway is a fine land for the deck, but I think Minamo has a lot of utility for the deck. I've noticed that most people don't counter Dralnu, so that land could probably be replaced.