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Ebondeath Voltron. Mono Black Control

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2022 6:07 pm
by Dunadain
It looks like a third deck is joining the prestigious ranks of my perm decks. I've been playing this deck a lot and man is it fun! reminds me of why I enjoy voltron strategies so much.

So why Ebondeath, Dracolich for voltron? Many people when making a Voltron deck look for the most aggressive commander possible, Uril, the Miststalker, Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon, Zurgo Helmsmasher, etc. But I've found the most success with slower voltron decks that don't just fold when someone kills your commander. Instead, you play a control game, your commander will kill everyone eventually if you can just hang in there long enough. My original voltron commander of choice was Skullbriar, the Walking Grave, and he's a great option, but he needs a lot of support cards like Titanoth Rex and Unexpected Fangs in order to function.

The thing about Ebondeath, Dracolich is that he's a beast all on his own, he's hard to kill (permanently), he can be flashed in in order to not take a turn off smashing when he gets removed, and his stats are focused where they are important, power, blocking is for chumps. 5 is also a really sweet power, sure it means he can kill someone in 3 hits with a sword, but I've already killed a surpring number of players 5 points at a time.

Also, I just think he's badass (Seriously, I started brewing this deck cause I thought he was cool and it's a lot easier to keep interest in a deck that you find both mechanically and thematically comelling)

So yeah, it's nothing special, just mono black control with some equipment. I will talk for a second about the equipment and creatures I'm running.

So the rule for equipment in this deck is that it has to increase power by at least two and it has to provide some form of card advantage (either directly in the case of Sword of Fire and Ice or, more likely, in a less concrete form, such as Sword of Sinew and Steel or Whispersteel Dagger. The only exception to this rule is Batterskull, I like having a giant equipment to tutor up when I need to bash and Lifelink and Vigilance are both huge in a deck that often doesn't have any blockers up.

I am running Lucille (boooo, hissss) I don't like the UB products very much, but when push comes to shove, I'll play with cool cards, even if I don't like their origin and man is Lucille good in this deck, wish it was MV 4 with equip 2 instead of the other way around, but you can't have everything.

Speaking of which, let's talk about creatures. It's a good idea to run a couple aristocrats like Reassembling Skeleton because otherwise an opponent might try to get smart by not letting you kill any of his creatures, with Reassembling Skeleton you can just sac your own creature and that will allow you to recast Ebondeath, Dracolich.

Originally I ran the usual suspects, Reassembling Skeleton, Bloodghast, etc. however, these creatures are useless most of the game, to be honest, usually your opponents will have plenty of creatures for you to kill (or they'll even die on their own) so you don't really need them.

However, I didn't like the idea of being stone cold to creatureless decks, and I was having a bit of trouble with crackback when playing the deck. That's when I remembered Bladewing's Thrall and Boneyard Scourge were a thing. Sure they are less reliable, but they are big buts to put in front of of enemy creatures. I've only played 2 games with the more beefy aristocrats that you see below, but Bladewing's Thrall put in work both times, so I think they are here to stay (plus they also fulfill the coolness factor). Looking forward to putting Poxwalkers in as well.


Approximate Total Cost:

Re: Ebondeath Voltron. Mono Black Control

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2022 3:34 pm
by Ruiner
I know you want your equipment to provide card advantage but I would seriously consider Nightmare Lash and/or Lashwrithe. I've played a lot of monoblack and they can do some major damage in my experience.

Fleshbag Marauder and similar cards might be useful as guaranteed ways to trigger casting your commander while acting as removal too.

Re: Ebondeath Voltron. Mono Black Control

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2022 4:08 pm
by Dunadain
Ruiner wrote:
1 year ago
I know you want your equipment to provide card advantage but I would seriously consider Nightmare Lash and/or Lashwrithe. I've played a lot of monoblack and they can do some major damage in my experience.

Fleshbag Marauder and similar cards might be useful as guaranteed ways to trigger casting your commander while acting as removal too.
I thought about both those equipment, they're both probably reasonable includes. I don't really see the point of flesh bag Marauder and Co however. What's the difference between them and just an ordinary removal spell? It's not like we need multiple creatures to die in one turn, anyone will do, and I'd prefer targeted removal to edicts. I suppose when we have a ton of mana we can sacrifice our commander and recast him but all we get out of that is a relatively unimpressive body.

Re: Ebondeath Voltron. Mono Black Control

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2022 4:36 pm
by Ruiner
Dunadain wrote:
1 year ago
I don't really see the point of flesh bag Marauder and Co however. What's the difference between them and just an ordinary removal spell? It's not like we need multiple creatures to die in one turn, anyone will do, and I'd prefer targeted removal to edicts. I suppose when we have a ton of mana we can sacrifice our commander and recast him but all we get out of that is a relatively unimpressive body.
I was thinking they could be useful due to your concern about low creature count decks (they come in and kill themselves on an empty board), but really Phyrexian Reclamation or just straight up reanimator spells are probably way more useful if that were to be a concern on second thought.

Re: Ebondeath Voltron. Mono Black Control

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2022 5:04 pm
by Dunadain
Ruiner wrote:
1 year ago
Dunadain wrote:
1 year ago
I don't really see the point of flesh bag Marauder and Co however. What's the difference between them and just an ordinary removal spell? It's not like we need multiple creatures to die in one turn, anyone will do, and I'd prefer targeted removal to edicts. I suppose when we have a ton of mana we can sacrifice our commander and recast him but all we get out of that is a relatively unimpressive body.
I was thinking they could be useful due to your concern about low creature count decks (they come in and kill themselves on an empty board), but really Phyrexian Reclamation or just straight up reanimator spells are probably way more useful if that were to be a concern on second thought.
Oh, I see what you're saying and I didn't think about that. That's actually a really good point. And yeah Phyrexian Reclamation or a reanimator spell would be more efficient, but then again so would Bloodghast the problem with all these cards is that they're dead cards most of the time, only when your opponents are refusing to play creatures.

That's why I really like tenacious underdog, he triggers ebondeath, but even when you don't need that he's a source of card advantage.

So yeah actually, I think I might give flashback Marauder or one of the other similar creatures a try. Plaguecrafter is probably the best option.

Re: Ebondeath Voltron. Mono Black Control

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2022 5:43 pm
by Vertierer
Maybe I am biased, cause it's one of my all-time favourite cards, but... Hatred?!

Re: Ebondeath Voltron. Mono Black Control

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2022 5:51 pm
by Dunadain
Alright, I found room for both the "swamps matter" equipment, I really like how they don't cost mana to equip, as you spend a LOT of mana in this deck on reequiping equipment everytime ebondeath dies.

I also threw in Plaguecrafter, we'll see how he performs.

I cut Whispersteel Dagger because it's really cool, but a little underwheming, costs more to equip than a sword, only provides value if a player you want to swing at has anything relevant in their graveyard, requires even more mana when you do actually cast whatever the creature is, and provides no evasion.

Re: Ebondeath Voltron. Mono Black Control

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2022 5:56 pm
by Dunadain
Vertierer wrote:
1 year ago
Maybe I am biased, cause it's one of my all-time favourite cards, but... Hatred?!
Undeniably a cool card, it's great in full-aggro voltron, I'm hesitant to run it in a slower version.

Also, the deck plays really fast and loose with it's life total and just kind of hopes Witch's Clinic or Batterskull will sort everything out later I'm not sure I want to pay that much life in one go, especially when Ebondeath, Dracolich is wide open to removal.

However, I made this deck to play cards that I think are cool (though I still want the deck to run well) so if Hatred was one of MY all-time favorite cards, than it would be in here and there would be nothing you could do to stop me. XD

Re: Ebondeath Voltron. Mono Black Control

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2022 7:10 pm
by Dunadain
So I don't really like brewing budget decks, I mostly play online these days, so there's no real financial incentive to do so, and I think budget restrictions isn't a very good way to police the power level of your play group. You can do some really busted things on a budget. If there's concern about too powerful decks sitting down at the table you need to have better discussions outside of the game rather than setting a budget limit. There's also the problem of people setting the bar just below what they are doing, so if they want to play a game with decks with a budget of $200 then you know there deck costs ~199 and so I if you were brewing with a higher budget, you can't play, and if you were brewing with a lower budget, than your options were more restricted than your opponents.

(I know some people just enjoy the challenge of brewing under a budget, which I respect, but don't really see the appeal of).

Having said all of that, plenty of people disagree with me, and I often can't join games because I don't have any budget decks that I really enjoy.

I'm thinking this might be the ideal budget deck for me to carry around for that specific situation, it's monocolored and none of the cards are irreplaceable, it's just removal spell.dec with a couple equipment. I'm already brewing a budget version but there's still a lot of things to work out. Especially regarding what my budget will actually be, lower the cost the more games I can join, but the less cool stuff I can put in.

But that's all stuff I have to figure out on my own. My question for you has to do with card draw. The budget version will cut the few tutors this version runs and run a lot more card draw (Though I think the OG list could also use some more vanilla card draw). Having exhausted the extremely mana efficient card draw options (Night's Whisper, Sign in Blood, Read the Bones, and Skeletal Scrying. I'm looking at the more expensive options and oh boy does this open the floodgates, did you know there are 9 Painful Lesson look-a-likes that you can play in monoblack EDH? There's also a couple 4MV draw 3 options (three to be precise, Ambition's Cost, Ancient Craving, and Syphon Mind). So what do you guys think is better? Painful Lesson or Ambition's Cost?

Re: Ebondeath Voltron. Mono Black Control

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2022 11:17 pm
by Ruiner
I'll throw out another option. Have you considered Stinging Study? I have really liked it for decks with commanders that cost 4 or more personally. Instants speed and pretty efficient.

I do really like Syphon Mind also, though occasionally it is risky against reanimator decks.

Of the two you asked about though, I'd prefer the draw 3 for 4 options, just because it is more cards in your one shot effect.

Re: Ebondeath Voltron. Mono Black Control

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2022 12:52 am
by Dunadain
Ruiner wrote:
1 year ago
I'll throw out another option. Have you considered Stinging Study? I have really liked it for decks with commanders that cost 4 or more personally. Instants speed and pretty efficient.

I do really like Syphon Mind also, though occasionally it is risky against reanimator decks.

Of the two you asked about though, I'd prefer the draw 3 for 4 options, just because it is more cards in your one shot effect.
Ebondeath, Dracolich seem to uniquely antisynergistic with Stinging Study as Ebondeath, Dracolich might be in the graveyard when you want to cast it, I mean, not too big of a deal, especially since it's an instant, but if I was willing to spend 5 mana on a draw spell, I think I'd choose Promise of Power.

Re: Ebondeath Voltron. Mono Black Control

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2022 5:50 am
by Gamazson
You should include Defile. One of the most mana efficient kill spells in mono black. Can get around indestructible.

If you are going to run pain fetch's, Witch's Cottage is worth having.

Liliana of the Dark Realms is also worth a slot. I have never gotten her ultimate to go off, but you will want her for the -3 buff / kill ability.

Re: Ebondeath Voltron. Mono Black Control

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2022 10:49 pm
by Dunadain
I have been playing this deck a LOT recently. It's kind of amazing how often it wins, it's like a control deck, that also is constantly putting the table on a clock.

I've updated the OG list above with my changes but I'll talk about them here.

I was a bit too piled up on "destroy target non-black creature" effects. There are a lot of situational removal spells in black and that's ok if you keep them spread out, but if you have too many removal effects that can't target the same thing, then they start to drag you down, so I cut Vendetta for Defile, but it might be wise to cut another one.

Havengul Laboratory // Havengul Mystery is really cool, but glacially slow, and Arch of Orazca isn't much better, there is a balancing act going on in this deck, where we have a decent number of "swamps matter" cards (I just counted, we have 6 in all), but some non-basic lands are really strong, I think it's good to include some, but they need to pull there weight, and Havengul Laboratory // Havengul Mystery and Arch of Orazca havn't been doing that. On the flip side, I've been having some trouble with graveyard strategies and Cling to Dust isn't able to keep up, tbh, it's not very good as gravehate, but it's fairly low cost to run as it cantrips and late game can even net you an additional card or two. But I need more so Scavenger Grounds and Bojuka Bog are in.

Pharika's Spawn earns the distinction of the absolute WORST card in the deck, I was never happy to draw it, the fact that it's just a random body the first time it comes around is rough. there was only one ocassion where I had way too much mana, so I was able to cast it, chump block something, then finally escape it, but even then I would have rather drawn a basic removal spell, I was only able to escape it once since a previous Skeletal Scrying had kept my GY fairly empty. I replaced it with Deadly Rollick because, while not enabling Ebondeath, Dracolich is a downside, a little bit of exile-based removal can go a long way, Baleful Mastery has been good, and I think I could use a second one.

I also swapped a swamp for Witch's Cottage as @Gamazson recommended, it'll be fairly low impact here as most of our dudes can recur themselves, but it's also fairly "free" to put in, it does cut our snow count for Dead of Winter and Blood on the Snow, but i think it'll be ok.

Liliana of the Dark Realms seems decent, but not phenomenal, maybe next time I find a cut I'll find a place for her.

Alright, enough about the negatives, let's talk about the posisitives.

Tenacious Underdog is even better than I had hoped he would be, he draws cards he enables Ebondeath, Dracolich and something I had overlooked earlier but has proved to be extremely relevant: his haste means he can pick up a sward and bash every turn. I remember one game I cast him from my gy with blitz, equipped Sword of Fire and Ice + Sword of Hearth and Home, got my sword triggers, then sacced him to Phyrexian Tower and recast him, to draw 3 cards and ramp a land into play everyturn, for 4 turns in a row (I had cabal coffers, but someone else was also going nutty, so we were wiping the board pretty much everyturn, eventually though, I out ground him thanks to Tenacious Underdog). So yeah, probably the best card in the deck, even as his worst at least he cycles himself to find a different cards.

Speaking of equipping things other than the commander, the extra bodies in the deck have proved to be EXTREMELY relevant, the ability to continue applying pressure + get our equipment triggers on turns where Ebondeath, Dracolich is MIA is fantastic, Bladewing's Thrall, Poxwalkers, and Boneyard Scourge have all been great, recurring ways to put our equipment to use (keeping Ebondeath, Dracolich down is extremely difficult, but still somewhat feasible, keeping him + another recursive threat down? nigh impossible) but even the non-recurring bodies have been ok, the germ tokens from both Batterskull and Lashwrithe have carried a number of swords. The most recent game I played, I killed all three players with a Murderous Rider // Swift End equipped with Lashwrithe, Batterskull, Sword of Fire and Ice, Sword of Hearth and Home AND Sword of Sinew and Steel (it was a very long game, I had over 30 mana each turn by the end of it.) The iceing on the cake was that I cast the Hero's Downfall side of the card first, so it was a functionally free body that carried me to victory.

As @Ruiner suggested, Ive been giving Plaguecrafter a try and he's been pretty decent, not AMAZING, but he's never been a dead draw, and while I've had to be patient and scope out some multiturn lines, I've managed to find a good spot for him everytime I've drawn him so far. I think the more of them you run, the harder it will be to find good spots for them, so I'm not quite ready to add any additional Fleshbag Marauders to the list, but as a one-of, he's earned his keep and I've got my eyes on Vona's Hunger.

Thoughts for the future: Phyrexian Tower is VERY good and High Market has also been great, they dodge things like Imprisoned in the Moon and exile based removal, and they provide a death trigger on demand. They are so handy that I'm actually considering Hostile Hostel // Creeping Inn as a third sac outlet, though it is pretty clearly worse than the other two options.

Finally, I'm shelving the budget version for now, I can put one together for someone else if they want, but this deck has earned a place in my heart and now I don't want to hobble it XD.

Re: Ebondeath Voltron. Mono Black Control

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2022 6:40 pm
by Dunadain
Nothing exciting to talk about this set.

Razorlash Transmogrant is just a worse Reassembling Skeleton most of the time, and we don't run skeleton.

Hostile Negotiation is interesting, but I'm pretty sure it's slightly worse then straight up Ambition's Cost assuming you and your opponent are on the same level. Mind games are fun tho and instant speed is nice.

Re: Ebondeath Voltron. Mono Black Control

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2022 7:59 pm
by pokken
I feel like the main reason to play Ebondeath, Dracolich is because he combos with Grave Pact. Which is a little oppressive, but 2BB everyone sac a creature is pretty damn good. Even better with an altar where you get to pay 2 or b less.

Voltron seems like a cool strat though, might have to give it a go :)

Re: Ebondeath Voltron. Mono Black Control

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2022 7:19 pm
by Dunadain
pokken wrote:
1 year ago
I feel like the main reason to play Ebondeath, Dracolich is because he combos with Grave Pact. Which is a little oppressive, but 2BB everyone sac a creature is pretty damn good. Even better with an altar where you get to pay 2 or b less.

Voltron seems like a cool strat though, might have to give it a go :)
Yeah, that's a pretty strong interaction, feels like I'd need to focus harder on the aristocrats angle in order to make it worth including though, and at that point. I should just play Narfi, Betrayer King.

Re: Ebondeath Voltron. Mono Black Control

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2023 5:52 pm
by Dunadain
Set review 2: The electric Boogaloo (writing these is part of the reason I'll never have more than 3-4 permanent decks in rotation, lol)

Black Sun's Twilight looks like a flexible piece of removal and some good value stapled together. Having said that, I really like the current removal suite, so finding cuts is difficult. Couple that with the fact that I'm already running several toughness limited removal spell and I'm uncertain it makes the cut.

Sheoldred's Edict Is also very exciting, but edicts can be hit or miss. Much better than any other edict I've seen, but tbh, I should probably add Vona's Hunger first.

Don't get me wrong, both of these are some high quality removal spells, but I already have a critical mass, so now it's mostly just personal preference. Feel free to try these ones out.

Sword of Forge and Frontier Heck yeah! Another sword! This one is actually really good, should provide a lot of card advantage. I think I'll cut Prismatic Lens as I think my ramp suite is a little heavy atm.

Tablet of Compleation I really wanted to like this card. A two MV mana rock that turns into a draw engine later sounds like Mind Stone on steroids. But, Ultimately, the main reason to run 2 MV ramp is to enable a turn 3 Ebondeath, Dracolich, which the tablet does not, and that's, ultimately a deal breaker.

So not a lot of new cards for this deck, but that happens when you have a monocolored deck, plus, I think that new sword is going to prove VERY good, so I'm satisfied.

Re: Ebondeath Voltron. Mono Black Control

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2023 9:22 pm
by Dunadain
Got two games in today and won both in spite of some really sloppy play. I haven't actually played a game of magic in a month or so and it shows.

I forgot about the buff on an opposing Urza, Prince of Kroog and swung in to a bad combat trade-off.

I swung ebondeath directly into a Kor Haven.

I swung with just my commander in the 1v1 when I could have outright killed my opponent with regular combat damage if I also attacked with my army of walker tokens that Lucille had generated. Fortunately, he wasn't able to do anything with the extra turn that bought him, and he still went down next turn.

I forgot to activate a Tome of Legends twice.

I cast a board wipe not noticing that an opponent had a Rhonas the Indomitable with several counters on it. This mistake would have killed me had not the player with the Kor Haven stepped in and saved me (which was the right play at the time, we needed to ally together to take out the player with Rhonas the Indomitable, but I managed to find a Batterskull and slowly pull my lifetotal back to a safe enough level, and then win).

and a bunch of other plays like these. I was legitimately getting frustrated with myself by the end of the game (which, of course, only led to me making more mistakes).

So yeah, magic is a hard game and EDH is probably the hardest format.

Anyways, about the actual games.

Game 1 was against Liberator, Urza's Battlethopter and Ramses, Assassin Lord. Ramses, Assassin Lord was playing a couple initiative cards and I was able to steal it back everytime he played one. I didn't really find any draw engines, and neither did my opponents, so that slowly ground them out. They were both hellbent by the end of the game.

Game 2 I kept a sketchy hand, 2 lands and an Arcane Signet that didn't pan out, so I was playing catch up the first half of the game, fortunately, a big green ramp player was kinda running away with the game, so I was able to team up against him he finally got knocked out. Then the pillowfort player was starting to go crazy (he had Divine Visitation and Elspeth, Knight-Errant pooping out 12 power a turn and was hiding behind 3 copies of Propaganda + Sphere of Safety ) A timely Murderous Rider // Swift End allowed me to stop the tokens, and then recasting Ebondeath, Dracolich and equipping Lucille every turn to sweep up the token army while blowing up the pillow fort cards with Karn Liberated slowly. Once it was down to the 1v1, we both had pretty sizeable armies (this deck can struggle against go-wide strategies as we mostly rely on spot removal, but between Lucille, and Bladewing's Thrall my opponent didn't really have any good attacks), but Karn Liberated becomes a must answer threat in the 1v1 and my opponent couldn't answer it, so I just slowly exiled everything important and kept swinging in until he was out of resources. I also had Tome of Legends and Phyrexian Arena, so it was only a matter of time before he couldn't keep up.

Both games really highlighted what makes Ebondeath, Dracolich such a great voltron commander, I cast him too many times to count in both games, and the ease with which he comes back allowed me to send him into lethal blockers and cast board wipes with impunity, confident that he'd be back when I needed him.

So yeah, hopefully I can work out the rusty bits in my play, but this deck is still be a menace, nobody expects the voltron deck to outgrind them =).

Edit: Oh yeah, the Kor Haven didn't end up being a big deal, as I just blew it up with Karn Liberated, but I should probably run at least one land destruction land. The new Demolition Field has my pick as I can "trade" it in for a normal swamp if I want one for Cabal Coffers/Nightmare Lash/Mutilate etc.

Re: Ebondeath Voltron. Mono Black Control

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2023 3:38 pm
by Chromaticus
Heads up - I copy-pasted your list and ordered it, so you'll have a fellow play tester!

I've been lurking in here for a while, and I had neither a mono black list nor a voltron deck. Excited to give it a whirl.

Re: Ebondeath Voltron. Mono Black Control

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2023 5:50 pm
by pokken
I was thinking this deck could really use a Shadowspear

Re: Ebondeath Voltron. Mono Black Control

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2023 2:02 am
by Dunadain
Chromaticus wrote:
1 year ago
Heads up - I copy-pasted your list and ordered it, so you'll have a fellow play tester!

I've been lurking in here for a while, and I had neither a mono black list nor a voltron deck. Excited to give it a whirl.
Oh hell yeah! more play testers = more data and more niche card testing!

I've decided to actually make a primer for this list, so look forward to that.
pokken wrote:
1 year ago
I was thinking this deck could really use a Shadowspear
Maybe? I know that Shadowspear is ridiculously pushed but, and I know this sounds crazy, trample isn't all that good in this deck. between flash, flying, the protection the swords give, two utility lands that grant evasion, and a ridiculously stacked collection of board wipes and spot removal, you can usually make sure ebondeath connects without too much difficulty. Not only that, the deck is designed to deal exactly 7 damage each turn, obviously late game multiple equipments might be present, but often times, shaving 1 damage of a swing with a random thopter token or something is as good as chump blocking: it'll buy you 1 more turn (obviously if they have several chump blockers trample becomes a lot more appealing, but that's what the board wipes and swords and Rogue's Passage is for). Also, Ebondeath has such a flat booty that lot's of blockers can kill him anyways.

Lifelink, however, is fantastic, no doubt about it. This deck spends a lot of life, and it also doesn't have any blockers a lot of the time, putting Life link on Ebondeath, Dracolich makes it a heck of a lot harder to race you.

the +1/+1 is honestly the biggest reservation for me. I realize I probably sound obsessive about how I want every equipment to give at least +2 power, but the game plan of the deck is to look for a hand that goes t3 ebondeath, t4 slap an equipment on him. Oftentimes, that equipment id the only equipment you will see in a long time.

Finally, while the activated ability is mostly flavor text in modern and legacy, Arcane Lighthouse has actually put in work for me in other commander decks, so I actually see the activated ability as one of the most attractive features of this card.

Ultimately, it's main competition are Batterskull and Loxodon Warhammer. I'd only run 1 MAYBE 2 of these three options, but all three of them are decent and they all have their own merits (it's actually really frustrating to me that their isn't an equipment that gives +2/+X, trample, vigilance, and lifelink, but it makes deck building interesting so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ).

So yeah, definitely a reasonable include, nothing amazing, but despite my reservations, it's probably still good enough to at least be tested.

Speaking of which: More changes!
Approximate Total Cost:

Increasing Ambition is cool af, but realistically, it's not that good. Dark petition is significantly better but still a bit clunky, I've swapped them for the 1 mana top of library tutors, they are actually great here cause they can grab the ramp if you already have a sword, or a sword if you already have the ramp.

Mana Crypt is just a strict upgrade, I hate running it because I always forget my crypt triggers, but it's so strong that I should just learn to play tighter. If you don't have a mana crypt you should still probably swap the Jet Medallion for some other 2 MV ramp. As cool as it is to get some additional "ramp" whenever you double spell, the fact the it doesn't enable a t4 sword cast and equip mean it's worse then even a plain old Fractured Powerstone.

Clattering Augur is another one of those cards that is cool af, but just too slow.

Strength-Testing Hammer looks a bit goofy, but it actually plays way better than it reads, it hits like a truck (remember, the average die roll of a d6 is 3.5, not 3, because you can't roll a 0, which also means there is only a 1/6 chance of getting less than +2/+X and if you do roll a 1, the equipment can always make up for it next turn by rolling a 3 or higher) and almost always draws you a card.

Finally, Attrition is kind of clunky, and, if I'm being honest, a bit unfun, it's more of a lateral move to cut Attrition then a strict downgrade and it should avoid at least some unfun game states, so I don't mind making the change in the casual spirit.

I actually tested cutting Batterskull, because that card is SO clunky early game, but late game, Batterskull is just so good at telling your opponents "No, you can't outrace me." I felt the heat when I was archenemy so much more without Batterskull. Lifelink + Vigilance is a hell of a combo.

Re: Ebondeath Voltron. Mono Black Control

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2023 1:54 am
by Dunadain
I did it! I wrote a primer and I never want to do it again :P.

For anyone reading this in the future: the new primer is here. Please carry any discussion over to that thread to keep everything simple for future readers.