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Graveyard Tresspasser price online

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2022 6:24 pm
by navyrob
Why is this card $40+ online and $4 in paper? Make it make sense.

Re: Graveyard Tresspasser price online

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2023 11:38 pm
by wildfire393
navyrob wrote:
1 year ago
Why is this card $40+ online and $4 in paper? Make it make sense.
Well, a month later and it's sub $2 in paper and around $8 online. That's still a fairly large discrepancy. It seems this is common to several Midnight Hunt cards - Brutal Cathar // Moonrage Brute is <$3 in paper and $13 online, Memory Deluge is <$1 in paper and $9 online, and even Fateful Absence is <$1 in paper but >$3 online.

What's common about all four of these cards? They're popular in Standard and Pioneer. Their Standard popularity is relatively recent, happening mostly after DMU hit and the last year rotated. And Pioneer has taken off a lot in a similar timeframe due to Explorer being introduced on Arena.

So the most likely explanation is that these cards have a fairly low demand in paper, as none of them are too exciting for Commander, the primary paper driver of costs, and were likely mostly-bulk online for the better part of a year, and now they're suddenly in high demand for digital competitive formats and everyone is scrambling to pick them up. Scarcity can form very tight bottlenecks on MTGO.