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A New Phelddagriff Appears

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2022 12:14 am
by Dunadain
Figured I'd share my own phelddagriff list in a new thread so I can link it in my sig, I'll also talk about some ways my list deviates from the stock list but if you are interested in the deck, you're better off offering suggestions and asking questions in the primer thread by @DirkGently here


Engine Lands (3)

Approximate Total Cost:

Holy Lands Batman!
I know, 42 lands, with Crop Rotation being able to step in as a 43 land and Azorius Chancery counting as ~2 lands in certain situations sounds ridiculous, but I don't run any other ramp and, since the deck is mostly made of reactive spells, missing a land drop often means going to cleanup. All things being considered you really should be mulling any hands that don't have at least 3 lands, and if you want to expect 3 lands in your opening hand, you ought to run 43, phelddagriff lists run a lot of lands, and mine probably runs more than most other lists, but it feels right when I play it so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Only one fog?
It does look kind silly, but I think having one to tutor for, or sandbag in your hand is really good, it's a lot easire to hold back your board wipes when you have an emergency fog should things get out of hand. Having multiple, however, and they really drag you down, the other option is Teferi's Protection, but I've been unipressed by that card, the ability to use Moment's Peace twice, or mill over it with Life from the Loam and still get some use out of it makes it much better in my book, I realize Teferi's Protection saves you from Torment of Hailfire and co., but I have other options against those spells, I just don't think the extra versatility of Teferi's Protection beat the double use you can get out of Moment's Peace
Crop Rotation?
This is the hill I will die on, DirkGently doesn't seem to impressed with this card, but I consider it to be an essential part of the tutor package and a strong source of generic value. It just has so many options.

Early game, don't be afraid to turn this card into a land by grabbing Azorius Chancery, picking up some other land, then replaying that land, seriously, if you desperately need Crop Rotation back later, you have Mystic Sanctuary.

Late Game, you can hold onto this card until you need one of your answers (Arcane Lighthouse or Scavenger Grounds, but if you don't think you will need it, just grab Bonders' Enclave and be done with it.

the card works great with Life from the Loam, not only allowing you to get your lands back, but you can also sacrifice your cycle lands (Desert of the Indomitable and co.) or Boseiju, Who Endures/Otawara, Soaring City and then use them as cyclers/spells after you loam them back up. Seriously, this is a big one, it's a lot easier to play these lands as lands when you know you can get them back later (another reason I like running one of the Karoo lands).

those are all great reasons to run this card but the biggest one is simply being able to tutor chain your way to Scavenger Grounds, Kor Haven, or sometimes, Arcane Lighthouse. these lands don't do anything if there stuck in your deck and they are often the best, or even the only way to handle a situation at the table.

Re: A New Phelddagriff Appears

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2022 9:56 am
by TheAmericanSpirit
Ooh! I like the crop rotation/chancery trick, that is very cool. I may have to try that for myself.

Also, holy smoke! I think you run the most wipes out of any of us. Is your meta really swarmy/bursty? Either way maybe consider March of Otherworldly Light to pitch any excess unused wipes you may have for a handy discount.

How have Silundi Vision // Silundi Isle and FoF been for you? i know FoF is on the block, but is it the card selection or the revealing part that's been lackluster? If it's the latter, I wonder if Silundi has had similar issues.

Also, how has An Offer You Can't Refuse played for you? I really want to find space for it in my build, but giving out treasure seems more than a little dangerous, especially if we're forced to use it in the early game.

Overall, yet another very cool build! It's always fascinating how this deck changes based on who's piloting and in what meta

Re: A New Phelddagriff Appears

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2022 11:27 am
by Dunadain
TheAmericanSpirit wrote:
1 year ago
Ooh! I like the crop rotation/chancery trick, that is very cool. I may have to try that for myself.

Also, holy smoke! I think you run the most wipes out of any of us. Is your meta really swarmy/bursty? Either way maybe consider March of Otherworldly Light to pitch any excess unused wipes you may have for a handy discount.

How have Silundi Vision // Silundi Isle and FoF been for you? i know FoF is on the block, but is it the card selection or the revealing part that's been lackluster? If it's the latter, I wonder if Silundi has had similar issues.

Also, how has An Offer You Can't Refuse played for you? I really want to find space for it in my build, but giving out treasure seems more than a little dangerous, especially if we're forced to use it in the early game.

Overall, yet another very cool build! It's always fascinating how this deck changes based on who's piloting and in what meta
Yeah I'm thinking I should probably cut 1-2 wipes, but yeah, lot of go wide strategies at the moment.

The thing about Silundi Vision // Silundi Isle is that if you don't need the gas, it's just a land. Not an all star, but it's been pretty dece so far.

An Offer You Can't Refuse had been great so far, no complaints.

Re: A New Phelddagriff Appears

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2022 4:01 pm
by TheAmericanSpirit
Oh, I just noticed: no Pulse of the Grid ? That's one of our hallmark value engines. Has your other draw rendered it less appealing? i had considered it a sacred cow.

Re: A New Phelddagriff Appears

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2022 1:28 pm
by Dunadain
TheAmericanSpirit wrote:
1 year ago
Oh, I just noticed: no Pulse of the Grid ? That's one of our hallmark value engines. Has your other draw rendered it less appealing? i had considered it a sacred cow.
It jumps in and out, you only need one draw engine going at any given time, and while pulse is great early and mid game, late game the other draw engines are just so much better at closing the door.

Not bad, probably will come back in if I chop FfF. But idk, I've never been as hot on that card as dirk.

Re: A New Phelddagriff Appears

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2023 6:55 pm
by Dunadain
Approximate Total Cost:

I've been impressed with demolition field in Ebondeath, Dracolich, let's see how it shakes loose here

Re: A New Phelddagriff Appears

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2023 1:01 pm
by TheAmericanSpirit
Now that you have a Hall package, do you think Enlightened Tutor should get a slot?

Re: A New Phelddagriff Appears

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2023 7:30 pm
by Dunadain
TheAmericanSpirit wrote:
7 months ago
Now that you have a Hall package, do you think Enlightened Tutor should get a slot?
Idk how I missed this question, lol, sorry.

Probably worth it, but I really like tutors, so that may be my own biases.