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Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 10:09 pm
by Feyd_Ruin
Although we've gone through many different iterations and changes, everything before today should be considered "Pre-Release".

Going forward, I will list any major changes to the Site/Community.

Re: Changelog

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 10:14 pm
by Feyd_Ruin
The [deck] tag has been updated based upon community feedback.

The ordering of the cards is now fixed, by the order in which the poster submitted them. This can, at times, cause the columns of the decks to be uneven, but the feedback was overwhelming that this is more preferred than showing the cards in a random / best-fit order.

There is also a Firefox-specific issue where the column will break in the middle of a card section. This is a result of Firefox not fully supporting some column attributes. I'm still looking for a workaround.

I have also added the optional parameter of "ORDER" to the tag, so that those wishing to show their deck in the "best-fit" method can do so. The "ORDER" parameter is either Order="Fixed" (default, order as entered) or Order="Auto" (re-order sections for "best fit").

Quick Edit:
Fixed a small bug with Chrome not always wanting to use all of the columns. Thanks to lyonhaert and WizardMN for catching this.

Re: Changelog

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 10:25 pm
by Feyd_Ruin
Our logo now links to our home page.
(This was actually just an oversight issue. Thanks to reddit user zellion-fly for pointing it out)

Re: Changelog

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 11:09 pm
by Feyd_Ruin
In-post images have been adjusted and properly contained. They can no longer extend beyond the normal post size. They should automatically scale down (proportionately) to fit inside the post body, instead of forcing it to expand.

Thanks to WizardMN for pointing this out.

Re: Changelog

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2019 3:17 am
by Feyd_Ruin
Added a "Rarity=" cardtext parameter for rarity symbols. This will allow CCC users to show a card's rarity.

Thanks to Cardz5000 for the suggestion.

Re: Changelog

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2019 4:25 am
by Feyd_Ruin
After a lot of overall community feedback, the pages no longer fold into specified widths by the screen size. It instead always flows to your screen size, to a max inner body of 1500 pixels.

Re: Changelog

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2019 4:26 am
by Feyd_Ruin
With the above change, Deck lists now keep the maximum number of columns possible for your screen size, and will only lower their column count when the extra column would cause the need for horizontal scrolling.

Cudos to WizardMN again for good feedback on all this.

Re: Changelog

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2019 5:30 pm
by Feyd_Ruin
By request, [IMAGE] has been updated to allow % and em units.
With this change, however, you will need to add "px" to any exact-pixel size, and update any previous tags.

IE: any [IMAGE] tags with width=700 should be changed to width=700px , and so on.

Re: Changelog

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2019 4:20 am
by Feyd_Ruin
Quick Links now appears on top of everything. It was having some issues appearing behind things on the front page, etc.

Page number links are now usable on mobile devices. The "make topics easily clickable for mobile" was being far too greedy with it's area, and I've made the page numbers bigger as well. Thanks to pokken for pointing this out.

Reworked some of how the front page is generated. Added Vorthos Cast to the Community Hub, and adjusted a couple of back end things there.

Integrated a staff-channel Ping whenever anything is flagged as potential spam so that we can make sure to look at it and approve it asap if it isn't spam.

Tons of minor styling fixes and tweeks.

Quite a few behind the scenes adjustments today, staff-specific changes, etc.

Re: Changelog

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2019 9:55 pm
by Feyd_Ruin
Faithless Brewing Podcast added to community hub.

Reworked some elements of the community hub to better accommodate some of the description elements. Note to self: This still needs a little attention.

Re: Changelog

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2019 3:17 am
by Feyd_Ruin
Lots more back end adjustments today.

Fixed "highlight text→quote" from not disappearing when you click off. Thanks to pokken for pointing it out.

Fixed some mobile usability issues, such as content exceeding the view Port.

Made a curly → lazy quotes replacer. Curly quotes were messing with card and deck tags, etc.

Was tired of seeing "->" not look good, so I also added a "->" = → replacer, as well as ← (This requires a space before & after the "->" so that it won't mess with something else you're trying to do.)

Started "ProjectMAG", which will become our first new area addition. Building the area won't take too long, but filling it with content will, so it'll remain an undescribed "ProjectMAG" for a while.

Re: Changelog

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2019 5:09 pm
by Feyd_Ruin
Added "Donor" group and recognition badge.

Another corner case fix to Quotes/Multiquotes

Autocomplete is now added to Artist and Card Names.

Finally figured out what was going wrong with the posts wrapping things oddly and fixed it.
No more ()s at the start/end of a line by themselves. \o/

More work on "ProjectMAG"
More backend changes and adjustments.

Started reworking the page footer some, will definitely end up changing this up quite a bit.

Re: Changelog

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2019 7:15 pm
by Feyd_Ruin
Fixed a new bug with notifications / js errors.
Thanks to several for pointing this out, and pokken for finding the root cause.

Re: Changelog

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2019 9:27 pm
by Feyd_Ruin
Apologies, I've forgotten to update this the last couple days.

I've redone the Community index, so that sub-categories now appear on the main category listing. I've also adjusted how those are displayed, and how they condense for mobile view.

The Card CP has had several upgrades and bug fixes. Gotta get all that done for the coming sets.

"Primer" tag is now green, as requested.
:xp: smiley was swapped for :P , with :xp: added separately, per request.

I've added the [artcrop] tag that easily allows adding quick, small arts for every card we have. Quick note that planeswalker's crops have a small amount of frame visible, as do some old-frame cards, and oddly-framed cards (split/etc) will probably have a very bad image crop currently.

Let's party!

Re: Changelog

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2019 2:34 am
by Feyd_Ruin
Lots of little things changed.
A few important thing to note:

Everyone now has custom titles.
Go set it in your profile.

Maximum avatar size up'd to 120x120.
I tried a couple of larger sizes, but they seemed too distracting.
Mobile screens still show the same mini version
Upload new avatar here

Donors/Patrons now no longer see any ads

Re: Changelog

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2019 2:46 pm
by Feyd_Ruin
I've been spending a lot of time trying to finish all of the Card/Set administration back end, to prepare for the coming preview seasons.

Front page latest/trending list now links to the first unread post for you.

Brawl legality has been added to the card database.
Frontier legality has been retired from the card database.
Fixed a bug with set legality not updating properly.
Changes flowed outward, such as to the Dual Land Guide.

Re: Changelog

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2019 10:18 pm
by Feyd_Ruin
You can now [card], [cardimg], and [artcrop] the backside of 2-faced cards.

[cardimg]Abolisher of Bloodlines[/cardimg]
[artcrop]Abolisher of Bloodlines[/artcrop]
[card]Abolisher of Bloodlines[/card]

Abolisher of Bloodlines

(Note that there's a good chance you have the old autocard forwards cached if you tried them, so some of the backside cards you've hovered/clicked on recently won't work. You can CTRL+F5 on the page they appear and hover/click again to force it to update. Otherwise just wait a couple days and it'll work.)

Re: Changelog

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2019 3:50 am
by Feyd_Ruin
I've added a download button for decklists.
We currently have three options:
- Plain Text (a .txt file with section headers, etc)
- MTGO (a .txt file that works for MTGO)
- (awesome app that fills out a deck registration sheet for you)

Re: Changelog

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2019 1:20 am
by Feyd_Ruin
haven't been updating this again. Sorry.
So busy changing and fixing things, I forget to post it here. >_<

Footer changed up a bit, still a bit more I want to do there.
More styling/css tweaks.
Deck tag changes.
Fixed the "CAG" group (accidentally added "Rules" in there) (Thanks spacemonaut)
Added a "title" to truncated thread titles (thanks lyonheart)
Reworked the thanks list for readability / etc (thanks spacemonaut)

Completely reworked how the autocard chooses which card to show if no specific set/id is specified. This allows more control, and will let us easier fix "bad"/unreadable versions from showing up.

Deck lists now have a popup (gear icon), where you can standardize the sorting (by type, then cmc ascending), download, get deck registration sheet (from April King's [she rocks]). More features planned here.

External links for "across the web" are added to Card pages for our card database. Scryfall, Gatherer, MTGTop8, etc. Very open to others that people might like (PM me or make a thread in here with ideas).

I've added dual and tri-color header styles. These work for [header] [deck] tags with the STYLE parameter. Example of each (and the "style" to give them) listed below. NOTE: Because these have hard-coded colors, header and deck tags with these styles will ignore and override any BACKGROUND parameter you give it.
List of New Header/Deck Styles
These are header 'styles', used like this:
[header style="azorius"]Header[/header]

"azorius" or "wu"

"dimir" or "ub"

"rakdos" or "br"

"gruul" or "rg"

"selesnya" or "gw"

"orzhov" or "wb"

"izzet" or "ur"

"golgari" or "bg"

"boros" or "rw"

"simic" or "gu"

"bant" or "gwu"

"esper" or "wub"

"grixis" or "ubr"

"jund" or "brg"

"naya" or "rgw"

"abzan" or "wbg"

"jeskai" or "urw"

"sultai" or "bgu"

"mardu" or "rwb"

"temur" or "gur"

By request, I've added "textured" to allow you to use the above texture over any color.
I've also added the following shortcuts to style for you to use the texture and color quickly:
(White, Blue, Black, Red, Green, Gold, Silver, Brown, Colorless)










Re: Changelog

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2019 1:50 am
by Feyd_Ruin
Added some more logic to the deck parser so that extra spaces won't throw off card names.

Fixed a bunch of back end stuff, a couple CMS bugs, etc.

Deck Iteration 2 Released, which was the bulk of the last few day's work.
Planning a couple more things there (iteration 2b?) to add a little more control and styling.

I've also added a max-height to signatures of 250 pixels, with a "click to expand" button to see anything clipped off. (More options here is on the to-do list, but we needed some kind of quick fix for super long signatures that didn't just cut everything off/etc)

Re: Changelog

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2019 12:50 am
by Feyd_Ruin
Fixed several bugs in the deck iteration 2.
Enabled a forced-cache for a lot of the information, so things like CMC should load almost instantly after your first view.

Re: Changelog

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2019 10:51 pm
by Feyd_Ruin
Rolled out the [mana] button for the posting toolbar.
Moreso, it has an easy usable popup for choosing your mana:

Re: Changelog

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2019 6:29 pm
by Feyd_Ruin
Comments for nonforum pages (ie: cards, articles) are now live.
This was a fairly complex extension, so please do report any problems or bugs.

Note, the card details page has grown quite a bit and is too "vertical" for wide screen displays.
Restyling and adjusting the layout is on the agenda.

Re: Changelog

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2019 8:53 pm
by Feyd_Ruin
Feyd_Ruin wrote:
4 years ago
Note, the card details page has grown quite a bit and is too "vertical" for wide screen displays.
Restyling and adjusting the layout is on the agenda.

Re: Changelog

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2019 6:14 pm
by Feyd_Ruin
The deck's "Draw7" got a minor upgrade: You can now click/tap a card in the hand to "examine" it. It will pull itself out of the hand and expand to full size so that you can read the card. Tap it again to send it back.

(Main focus lately is on yet-unannounced areas that I'm building)