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The State of Brawl

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 7:19 pm
by RainyDay
When brawl was announced I was excited for a commander-like format that would get shaken up from time to time. Being forced to come up with new decks as cards rotate in and out could be fun, since I've seen a lot of commander decks grow stagnant and stick to the same decks for far too long. Unfortunately it never quite got off the ground in my area. Most players I talked to IRL seemed to think it was a joke on Wizards' part and treated it as such. I couldn't convince anyone else to build a brawl deck, and the only games I ever got to play with mine were against full-fledged EDH decks.

Did brawl catch on in your area, or was it DoA, like in my town? Is it picking up steam, or is it dying? Can Comander's little brother still be saved, or does it even need any help at all?

Re: The State of Brawl

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2019 10:25 pm
by DirkGently
My girlfriend was interested in playing it (she never liked commander, but is pretty good at limited). I tried really hard to get it to catch on - I even had a box of 10 decks, one for each color pair, ready to loan out. I saw a few other people playing it a few times, but without enough players it never really managed to catch on.

In theory I've always liked it. I get all the new cards anyway, and a rotating format means that you don't have to play against the same garbage over and over, and it keeps the power level a bit more balanced - there's usually only a couple infinite combos in standard, and they're usually hard enough to assemble that it feels cool when they actually come together, instead of a bore like in commander. 30 life and no commander damage is a much better system too, imo.

I'm hopeful that it'll have a second life now. If nothing else, I imagine it'll get played on arena. The only downside to that is that I worry the format will become more 1v1 focused. But with precons and store events, I'm crossing my fingers that it'll take off.