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Phelddagrif: Inevitable Control

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2022 5:32 pm
by Hawk
Like many, I was enamored of and built my own copy of the DirkGently Phelddagrif special. This is my build; there are 4 like it but this one is mine.

The deck is a delight and is currently undefeated. My wife typically pilots it, since she A) loves to win, B) hates to be mean or aggressive, and C) is a master politician with a law degree. It's always hysterical to watch folks (even folks like me who "know what's she's up to") get wheel-and-dealed, and then somehow believe they can win the 1v1 shoot-out, not realizing that like Thanos the hippo is inevitable - if you are in a 1v1 with Phelddagrif you are already dead. you just don't know it yet.
Perfectly Balanced Hippos

Commander: 1

Approximate Total Cost:

I made a few updates to the deck as I posted it:
+ Adarkar Wastes , - Bounty of the Luxa: Bounty was pretty underwhelming, and I felt like a 44th land was in order. A copy of the painland had recently been freed up so in it went to help the manabase.
+ Devastating Mastery, + Hour of Revelation, - Devastation Tide - Austere Command: Cutting the two worst boardwipes for two better ones I recently acquired. Normally I will sing the praises of Command all day, but Phelddy rarely cares about breaking the symmetry of it. I know another deck in my collection will be thrilled to have a copy opened up.

As far as a few notes: our take is generally a bit slower than Dirks since our meta is a bit slower. This build also has less boardwipes and a bit more digging/draw including "trinkety" draw like Whispers and Brainstorm. I'm aware the manabase is super sketchy, but we're fairly budget players and have 17 decks between us. Also hard to justify spending even ~50 bucks on Spara's Headquarters + Misty Rainforest for a deck that is 4-0. Finally, there's a greater emphasis on being "Ready for anything" since while our playgroup is smaller with a handful or reliable players, we do occasionally play at shops (or would, pre-COVID) or play with friends when we travel. And everyone in our small playgroup of ~5 folks have 6+ decks they cycle between, so games vary.

For some specific atypical card notes:
- Oblation, Cast Out: My wife really wanted to be able to answer any card type at instant speed. Now that it exists, Endless Detour likely replaces one of these when and if I decide to go buy one.
- Lignify, Nevermore: These are budget/"playing what I own and not putting in random orders" concessions to my wife wanting lots of ways to put the screws on problematic commanders. Would be Song of the Dryads and Out of Time eventually.
- Reliquary Tower: Violates one of Dirk's principles, but our meta doesn't seem to care when she finds this and amasses a 10+ card hand? I think we'd be pushing it with Thought Vessel or Venser's Journal or Wizard Class but this tends to fly under the radar.
- Soothsaying: We only own one Sensei's Divining Top and it has a bit of a reputation. This is a way to rearrange and dig deep without arousing a ton of ire; it's been really good for card selection!

Re: Phelddagrif: Inevitable Control

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2022 6:28 pm
by TheAmericanSpirit
Very cool, my friend! It seems Dirk and I are the primary loam acolytes, while you and goose are more cantrip-heavy... Interesting. I gotta say too, your wife must be one hell of a politician, 4-0 is a stellar record. I'm 6-4 with mine, people in my meta fear the control.

Also, Echoing Truth is a beautiful fit and I have little idea why I never considered it before. The perfect answer to today's artifact token pandemic! I can see it now... "Upkeep, truth your treasures." Oooh, that's gonna be a good feeling.

Re: Phelddagrif: Inevitable Control

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2022 6:29 pm
by TheGildedGoose
A fine list.

Why Brainstorm over Ponder or even Preordain? Without fetches Brainstorm is much worse in the early game and in my opinion only marginally better than the other two in the late game. I think Ponder is the nice middle ground.

I like Mystic Speculation over Soothsaying. A bit more granular, and less of a mana sink over time.

Condemn could be Pongify, of course.

Agree with @TheAmericanSpirit about Echoing Truth.

Re: Phelddagrif: Inevitable Control

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2022 10:17 pm
by Hawk
TheAmericanSpirit wrote:
2 years ago
Very cool, my friend! It seems Dirk and I are the primary loam acolytes, while you and goose are more cantrip-heavy... Interesting. I gotta say too, your wife must be one hell of a politician, 4-0 is a stellar record. I'm 6-4 with mine, people in my meta fear the control.

Also, Echoing Truth is a beautiful fit and I have little idea why I never considered it before. The perfect answer to today's artifact token pandemic! I can see it now... "Upkeep, truth your treasures." Oooh, that's gonna be a good feeling.
My wife reminded me it's 4-1 - she lost her first game with it, foolishly waiting too long to boardwipe an opponent who had a Dovin's Veto to stop it and kill her. We'll see if she can keep it up, but she usually waits to play it until we're in a 5 player game or she has a few losses under her belt rather than playing it non-stop (which is why it's only got 5 games over eighteen months).

So far Echoing Truth has just been a bounce spell but yeah, as treasures and copies and nonsense keep growing I suspect it's only a matter of time until it truly earns its place.
TheGildedGoose wrote:
2 years ago
A fine list.

Why Brainstorm over Ponder or even Preordain? Without fetches Brainstorm is much worse in the early game and in my opinion only marginally better than the other two in the late game. I think Ponder is the nice middle ground.

I like Mystic Speculation over Soothsaying. A bit more granular, and less of a mana sink over time.

Condemn could be Pongify, of course.

Agree with @TheAmericanSpirit about Echoing Truth.
We're poor but there are two fetches in the list + soothsaying :). Brainstorm mostly won out for being an instant and digging deep when she needs to dig deeper to find the answer in a shoot-out. Honestly it's sixes and it could be dropped especially with all the miracle spells out of the deck now so I'll think about it.

I'm not sure I own a Mystic Speculation but if I do, I concur - while it can't be used to go 5+ cards deep Soothsaying rarely does that either and the shuffle effect is pretty medium, plus with two more "all permanents" boardwipes in the deck it's a little less resilient. Although I should say - Soothsaying can come down T1 and clear hand space, AND Soothsaying can be activated at instant speed, so it isn't a clear-cut "strictly better than".

Condemn should be Pongify or Fateful Absence for sure, but somehow I own 4 Hybridizations (all in use) and 0 Pongifys. Also 0 Absences. Someday maybe it'll be reprinted in a set I draft...

Re: Phelddagrif: Inevitable Control

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2022 10:56 pm
by DirkGently
How is echoing truth going to be effective versus treasures? They just sac the one targeted in response, right? I guess there's things that make tapped treasures or let you tap them for value so then you could successfully resolve the spell, or maybe if one person has 20 treasures and someone else has 1 and is willing to sacrifice it for the greater good? Still seems very conditional though.

how has Soothsaying been?

Re: Phelddagrif: Inevitable Control

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2022 3:39 pm
by Hawk
DirkGently wrote:
2 years ago
How is echoing truth going to be effective versus treasures? They just sac the one targeted in response, right? I guess there's things that make tapped treasures or let you tap them for value so then you could successfully resolve the spell, or maybe if one person has 20 treasures and someone else has 1 and is willing to sacrifice it for the greater good? Still seems very conditional though.

how has Soothsaying been?
Oh good catch. Yeah like I said, it's mostly a bounce spell so far and it isn't very good at nailing treasures without collusion (although "Collusion" is sorta Phelddagrif's thing).

I asked my wife about Soothsaying, since from an outsider looking in it has seemed fine and only fine. Like I alluded to, I think it has real upshot versus Mystic Speculation by clearing your hand early and activating at instant speed, but I've noticed it tends to get activated once or twice for X=3 or 4 and then just sit. Even when she has more mana, she's not activating it for more (probably for fear of having shields down at any point) and she is not activating it every round to dig 1 or 2 deeper either; she fires it off once or twice to set her next round of draws and then forgets it, which I guess is actually smart to underplay her power and confidence and to draw less attention to the card. She said it's "nice because it's flexible, but the deck is so sneaky it's hard to contribute a win to any one card. It's fine, but [she'd] also never cut it for Speculation - really needs this stuff at instant speed".