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This or That Discussion

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 2:01 pm
by opterown
Similar to old threads of yore!

List cards that you're deciding between to add or cut and briefly explain the context - it's important to know powered status and archetype support!

For example:
Urza, Lord High Artificer vs. Whirler Rogue vs. God-Eternal Kefnet
360 powered
Blue simply has too many good 4-drops!

Re: This or That Discussion

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2019 2:29 am
by KitsuneCurator
If you are in a powered environment I believe the ordering would go

Urza, Lorder High Artificer > God-Eternal Kefnet >= Whirler Rogue

The powered environment let's Urza both get bigger and be able to use his final ability more often. If there were more good powered spells I would put Kefnet higher but the only one that I can remember is time walk and ancestral recall. Those give it Kefnet a slight edge over Whirler Rogue, which while a good card in a controlling deck powered environments tend to be degenerate enough where I don't feel like I'm doing enough with Whirler Rogue.